Death Sutra

Chapter 521: manpower

At the time of Saitama City, the defending champion did not doubt the true identity of the slaves. When Gu Shen made a rebellion against Jinpengbao, he publicly declared that he was the son of Gu’s servant Yang Lan, and he immediately understood the truth.

The relationship between defending and Gu Lun is closer than Gu Shen’s imagination. He was only a child, and he rarely participated in the affairs of adults. He did not see frequent exchanges and mutual support between the two in the court.

The defending priest knew Yang Lan and was very familiar with him. He knew that the old servant had never married his wife and had no children, and he also knew that Gu Shenwei’s nickname was Huan Er.

After guessing the truth, there has been no representation, and the defending has found an excuse for this.

"I am very scared. At that time, you were full of hatred, murder, and never compromise. I think you have treated me as a revenge. And... and I hate you, hate you for killing my son."

Gu Shen calmly listened to the story of Wei Wei, and felt that this is also good. Since the other party recognizes himself, he can avoid many tricks around the corner. "Now you have not got rid of the suspicion, and still hate me."

The defending lips squinted and barely squeezed a smile. "It’s so fascinating to make such a horrible thing. No wonder you will doubt me. But I swear to God, I don’t know, Jinpengbao may be looking at my face. In order to let the spirit participate in the action, no one has ever told me."

The defending champion also said a lot of words, the general idea is that they have been unannounced visits in the past few years, confirming that the sale of Jinpengbao to kill Gu Shiman is the North Court royal family.

Gu Shenwei can't believe it or believe it. He is concerned about the change of defending himself. This is the old fritter that has been immersed in the Central Plains for many years. Compared with the conspirators in the Western Region, they are just like performing. Literacy students.

There was a fatal flaw in the story of defending, which was not explained. Gu Shenwei saw it at a glance. When the defending began to have nothing to say, he threw it out. "It seems that in the eyes of Wei Da, Wei Gu The relationship between the two has never broken down and is still as close as a family."

"If this is not the case, we will not get married with each other, oh, I didn't think of the wonderful..."

"I was very curious. When my father decided to send me and my sister, I didn't think of the imperial city governor, but let Yang Lan protect us to go to Shule City and go to Yang Yuanshuai."

The defending squad is like a singer who is not self-sufficient. He slashes his sword in front of the stone. He is so tired and sweaty, but the stone is not moving. He has tried his best and he has not been able to knock on the dragon king even if it is a gap. "Gu Daren did not let you come to Saitama City to find me? He knows that I want to be the governor of the city."

"Hey, my father never mentioned you. In the first two years of Saitama City, I didn't even know that the Governor of the City was actually an old acquaintance of my family."

The defending face was pale and looked down. She avoided the eyes of Gu Shenwei. It seemed like she was a teenager. "It seems that Gu Daren has never forgiven me."

I have to talk about old things, Gu Shen thinks.

But this time, there seems to be something more real in the story of defending.

"Gu Daren and I are both ministers who have been promoted by the first emperor. It is very serious against the other veteran. The emperor suddenly died. Gu Daren would rather stay away from the Central Plains and refuse to collide with the former enemies. But I... the defender is in the Central Plains. A big family, I can't give up, I surrendered, yes, I surrendered, loyal to the Empress Dowager, and bowed to the political enemy. Gu Daren was worried about it. Before leaving the Central Plains, we had a fight... ..."

Gu Lun still wants to marry his daughter to the Wei family. Gu Shen couldn't help but pull out the Wufeng knife and dig out the heart of the defending. When it is still beating, look at what is inside.

"Wei has never doubted that it is the Jinpeng killer hired by the Central Plains?"

"Shi Yan, please allow me to call you this. If you have some understanding of the Central Plains Hall, you will understand that the hiring of the killer to kill the entire family of the political opponents, the ministers can not even think of it, especially Gu Daren has left the Central Plains, There is no longer a half-influence on the power struggle. No, no one will take this risk. The battle for the church is politically inconsistent. There are very few personal grievances. Otherwise, I will not be reused after changing my position."

"But after returning to the Central Plains from Saitama City, I also carefully investigated that the murder of Gu Daren actually caused great repercussions in the Central Plains. Many ministers, including former political opponents, all tried to punish Jinpengbao, at least to teach the one-step king a lesson. Later, another group thought that the Central Plains’ current strength in the Western Region was insufficient, and the rush to start the war would lead to interference from the North Court. This matter is gone. Anyway, I have not found any minister who has contact with Jinpengbao. Now Jinpengbao is almost It is open to the enemy of the Central Plains, and there is no need to cover up the Minister of the DPRK."

"Wu Wei people look for the North Court is Gu's enemy?"

The defending champion has been avoiding the gaze of the Dragon King. At this time, he suddenly looked up and even the voice became louder. "There are wonderful things that make God and man angry. The world does not believe that I should also. I only provide clues. Investigation and evidence collection, if I have a lie, it will be destroyed."

He paused for a while and eased his tone and continued: "The North Court is going to the king. The Dragon King knows that he fully supports Jinpengbao, and this kind of support happens just after Gu’s death. He and Gu The Dragon King can also ask the cause and effect of the enemy's enmity. There are still many people who know this in the North Court."

The defending champion renamed the "Shiyi" as the "Dragon King", and then closed his mouth, indicating that he had finished speaking, and believe it or not.

Gu Shenwei still does not believe that his father may have had a hatred with the nobles of the North Court. The king of the day may also be the mastermind behind the door, but Gu Shen does not believe that defending has nothing to do with this.

A assassination directed by the North Court, why do you have to take the son of a senior official of the Central Plains to participate?

But he still forbears, defending is not Wei Ling, want to dig the truth from the mouth of this old fox, just a sword is not enough.

"I will investigate, but it is Wei Da, a thousand miles to come to the sea, on the way to go through the enemy's occupied area, dangerous, not just to tell me these things?"

Wei Wei had to admit that he wanted to use the world to deal with the secrets of the Dragon King. He completely defeated the Dragon King. He thought that this was a youth who was full of hatred and enjoying great victories. As a result, he saw that he was more than an emperor. To be deeper and more calm than the generals.

Gu Shenwei is still a killer, and will not easily make a move until he finds the best attack position.

The Northern Court people learned the warfare through frequent hunting, and Gu Shen sought the hegemony in the principle of killing.

"I am still saying that the court is shouldering the heavy responsibility. I can't put the affair in front."

"Then let's talk about the imperial court first."

The defending champion finally accepted the lesson and no longer wanted to talk about the rest of the circle. "The Central Plains hopes to realign itself with the Dragon King."

"What benefits does the Central Plains want to get? What benefits can it give me?" Gu Shenwei is also outspoken, as if the emotional offensive just did not happen.

"The Central Plains hopes that the Western Region will be stable and will not pose a threat on the flank, so that it can free up its hands and go all out to fight in the Northern Line. As for the Dragon King, except for the people, everything is everything, money, grain, armor, etc., even open Recognize the title of Dragon King."

Speaking of the last sentence, the defending champion slightly suppressed the voice.

He is worried that he mentioned sensitive topics.

Gu Shenwei’s “Dragon King” name, and the full name of “The Dragon of the Dragons and the King of the Five Peaks” are all self-styled by the Da Xueshan swordsmen. Strictly speaking, like the Jinpeng Fort, the real king. In the eyes of big countries, it is just a river and lake nickname.

In the Western Regions, there are only two ways to become a real king, a pure bloodline or a recognition of a big country. There are only two great powers, the North Court and the Central Plains. Even before the demise, Shule did not have this power.

Shangguan Yun smashed the Princess of Xiaowanguo and used the shell to call the king. He only took a half step and eventually won the approval of the North Court.

Gu Shen was married to Princess Shi Guo, but did not **** the throne. At most, it was lifted and not yet landed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the last promise of defending is worth the price, more than the support of thousands of troops, Gu Shenwei is scornful, he does not need the approval of the North Court or the Central Plains, he has already sealed five in the distant sea The king will seal more kings in the future.

The people of Daxueshan believed that the Dragon King was given by Heaven. Gu Shenwei also believed that his power originated from "God" and had nothing to do with the emperors in the world.

"Grass armor is needed by the Dragon Army, but I want soldiers more."

Gu Shenwei will be the right general Shang Liaozhi to the Shule country because he is temporarily unable to bear too many soldiers. If the food is sufficient, he has the same idea as Du Guzheng, and the strength is always as good as possible.

It was discovered that Gu Shenwei was not interested in the Wang. The defending was slightly surprised. He immediately turned around the topic. "The Central Plains does not have many soldiers in the Western Region. I am afraid that I can't help the Dragon King in this matter, but I can point out a road to expansion. The soldiers waiting to be there, it is necessary to see the Dragon King willing to go."

Gu Shenwei felt that after a night of circles, the defending champion finally had to say the topic.

"Speaking, maybe I will be interested."

"There are not many soldiers in the Western Region. The people are mostly weak and fearful. Even if they are forced into the army, they will spend a lot of time training to be sent to the battlefield."

The soldiers of the Longjun Army are all Westerners. More than half of them are recruits who have been enlisted in the past year. Gu Shenwei thinks that they are excellent, but he has no rebuttal. In the final analysis, the Western Region is still underpopulated and cannot provide too many soldiers.

"The North Court has hundreds of thousands of cavalry, and the people are also good at riding and shooting. It is the best source of military service regardless of gender."

This is even more ridiculous than the allegation that the North Court is the enemy of Gu’s death. The defending is as excited as the tricks, nodded and began to explain. “The old Khan’s life is not long, he will die, the North Court will It’s divided, those who are in the army, whoever gets started will get a share.”

"How can we divide the things of the Northern Court, how can foreigners intervene?"

"If this 'outsider' can make a little effort on the death of the old king of sweat..."

Gu Shenwei finally understood why the defending champion should risk his life to see himself.

(Seeking for advice)

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