Death Sutra

Chapter 539: Drawing knife

Long Ting is a moving city. People who first arrive here will be confused by countless tents and chaotic paths. They think that this place is a place of dirt and dirt, and they can freely enter, hide, and kill.

Those who have this idea will soon pay a heavy price for it.

Gu Shenwei got a lot of necessary information from the military division Fang Wen, so he would not chaos.

Although it only lasted for half a year, Fang Wen has already figured out the transfer law of Long Ting. "In general, it migrates north and south with the season, east is east, and summer is some west. If you encounter special circumstances, such as the Central Plains. If you go to war, you can adjust your position at any time."

In order to improve efficiency and make everything orderly, Long Ting's rules are very many. For example, the north is always the palace of the old Khan, so to the north, the horses are running within one day and one night, and no one is allowed to live or Grazing, the same is true of the upper reaches of the river.

Those aristocrats who followed Long Ting’s voyages throughout the year have their own land in the east, west and south, setting up their own camps, guarding the old Khan, and then the surrounding areas are merchants, artisans, and low-level bureaucrats. Everyone has a license to record their name, identity and status.

After more than a decade of expansion, the mobile city showed signs of getting out of control. The caravans, the strangers looking for opportunities, the servants of short-term workers, and the mysters who held secret business were randomly mixed together. The gap between the tent and the tent can often only accommodate one horse.

This chaotic area has thus become the first line of defense for Long Ting, often referred to as the Tuyu District. People living here are like worms on the grasslands, dirty and ugly, but essential.

Gu Shenwei’s first stop in Longting is here.

They arrived in the evening, and it was impossible to enter the aristocratic area with rashness. Gu Shen first went to find a contact person called Shou Lao, and Fang Wen was very reliable.

Zhu Shouben is a native of the Central Plains. Since he was a teenager, he has been following the migration of Long Ting. He won the title of “Shou Lao” at the age of forty. He started to be called only by people in the small circle. Five years later, even the nobles in the north It is also called him, and now he is in his fifties. If someone calls his original name, he will not respond for a long time.

"If you want to succeed, all you need is time." This is the famous saying of Shou Lao. Starting from the first news for people, he has been doing business for decades, only as a middleman in various colors, introducing them. Know each other, but never ask the reason and result.

This business is not as easy and easy as it seems. In case of accidentally introducing an assassin or a disgusting adviser to a noble person, the middleman will not only receive no remuneration, but may also lose his life.

Zhu Shouneng became an old man because he never looked at the wrong person. He could stare at the young man in front of him for a long time, and he could not make a judgment.

The young man looks pale and sick, and the first impression he seems to be a timid, lonely man, but with a sword on his waist, his eyes are firm and never back down.

Shou Lao took back his gaze and secretly concluded that this person is very dangerous, but knows how to control himself.

"Well, Fang Wen is." Shou Lao pretended to recall this very familiar name. After a while, he continued: "I remember this person, who do you want to see?"

"Korean king."

Shou Laotou bowed his head and did not be scared. He had met the person who wanted to see the old Khan, but he was thinking about the price.

The greater the difference in the status of the two sides, the higher the price will usually be. Shou Lao is not allowed to be the young person. After thinking for a while, he said, "You have to tell me the real name."

Like all strangers who have just arrived, Fang Wen has lived in the Minhang District for a while, looking for ways to see the dignitaries, and spent a lot of money until he met Shou Lao.

Shou Lao gave a good impression to Fang Wen. Although the agency costs are high, but ultimately the value for money, Fang Wen is the stewards of the King of Kwas, and laid his first step in Long Ting, not long after. He moved into the artisan area and was invited to live in the aristocratic area after the battle of the sea slope.

Shou Lao is still a very strict person. He never asks Dong to ask the West. After confirming that Fang Wen is not martial arts, people are not so swearing and hateful. They have never mentioned any problems. Long Wangjun is famous in the Western Region. No one knows in the North Court.

If everything is normal, Fang Wen is the middleman who should have acted as the Dragon King, but he stayed behind, so he recommended Shou Lao. "The Dragon King will first see the steward of the King of Kwai, a short and fat eunuch, on the chin. There is a cockroach, very recognizable, it may stick a fake beard, but the cockroach never hides. The Dragon King can reveal his identity to him, and then he can see the King of the Khan."

Now, Shou Lao wants to know the name of this young guest, because the other party is not only equipped with a sword, but also the murderous murder of the old man. The murderousness is not the manifestation of the will that only happens when people fight, but the murder is so numerous that The unique temperament of people who are numb to life is like a natural aristocrat and nouveau riche. From their attitude towards servants, they can be easily distinguished. The former is natural, and the latter is emphasized everywhere.

Gu Shen used another way to report his "name". He untied a small purse from his waist and placed it on the counter and pushed it to Shou Lao.

Shou Lao opened a small grocery store in the Minmin District. There is no license. All the goods have been stored for at least ten years. They have never been sold. The area is covered with dust and migrated once a month. The dust also moved.

The old man opened the bag and took a look. He held the weight in his hand and solved all the problems. This young man may be dangerous. He can prevent himself from being implicated by taking necessary precautions.

"Let me come to the day after tomorrow."

"I want to meet people tonight."

"This is impossible."

"I haven't tried it yet, how can I know that it is impossible?"

This person is used to giving orders, and Shou old stares at the guests again, until they can't stand the coldness in the other's eyes. "Well, I will try, you are waiting for me here, if there is no news after an hour, you will not have to wait." Come on the day after tomorrow."

Shou Lao went out, passing by the young man, his arm was caught, the guest who looked not strong, the palm of his hand was as powerful as the iron hoop, "is tonight."

"I..." Shou Lao was a little angry. When he reprimanded his words, he softened. "As far as possible, maybe it won't succeed, but I will never lie, and I won't go out and make a fool of the guests. Said this."

"Yeah." Gu Shen opened the Shou Lao, and when he got to the door, he said, "Thank you for leaving someone to chat with me."

Shou Lao’s face was stiff, he stumbled, and said nothing. The curtain was out, the young man was different, he thought.

Gu Shen turned around and looked at the pile of parcels at the door. After a while, a knifeman came out of the shadow behind the parcel.

The knife is younger than Gu Shenwei. It looks like a ten-year-old, round face, slightly square, gaze, and a sparse moustache on his lips. It shows that the neck is thicker than the skull. The body is as strong as an estrus bull, and it is easy to turn the entire tent over.

"What is your name?" Gu Shen asked.

The knifeman hesitated for a while. He should not speak in front of strangers, but there is an irresistible force in his words that prevents him from sticking to his position, "Bosang."

"With a knife or a sword?"

The swordsman's face is a bit red, and now it is a fashion with a knife and a sword, especially after the battle into the sea slope, the dragon king's imitators are increasing, "I use a knife."

Bosang's sword is about a foot longer than a common weapon. It is very threatening to look at. In fact, he has never used the sword and he does not know how to use it.

"Put out your knife."

"What?" Poisang began to be alert.

"It may be useful later, and temporary drawing is probably not your strength."

Posang was irritated. He was in a period of extreme sensitivity to dignity. He couldn’t stand even a little public humiliation. He pulled the knife, his left hand pressed on the scabbard, his body twisted to the left, his head sagged, his right hand Holding the handle, the high up, the long knife out of the sheath, the posture is clean, apparently practiced many times.

"Put your knife out too." Posang's tone was harsh. Before Shou Lao returned, he wanted to give the guest a little color and let the other party understand that it would take some strength to imitate the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei shook her head. "My knife is not pulled out for people to see."

Poisang’s face is getting redder and more, “Maybe you won’t use a knife at all.”

"Maybe, why don't you throw the scabbard away?"


"Your knife is very long. Throwing the scabbard while pulling the knife will make the speed faster."

Bosang is inexplicable, why should you throw away the scabbard? The posture is neither beautiful, so quick and so useless. After the knife is pulled, the two sides must fight for a while, and they will not start the sheath.

"Don't pretend that you know how to use a knife, it will make you blame." Poisang said disdainfully, he took the long knife back into the sheath.

The next two did not speak.

Gu Shenwei leaned on the counter and kept still for a long time, as if he would never be bored with this position.

Poisang walked back and forth impatiently. The guest’s suggestion has taken root in his heart. How can he not remove it? He wants to give it a try now. When you pull the knife, throw away the scabbard, is it really faster? a little.

The opportunity is coming.

Two assassins cut through the tent and rushed in from different directions, rushing to the unsuspecting guests.

Poisang felt obligated to protect anyone in the tent.

The right hand pulls the knife, the left hand throws the scabbard out of the belt, the speed is a little faster, and the whole process is smoother and easier. The front right hand is always raised too high, and the long knife can not be changed immediately after the sheath is squirted. Now he can cut it off right away.

Posang looked up and found that he had no need to shoot.

A knife and a sword were placed on the neck of the assassin. At the moment when Bosang pulled the knife, the guest had already completed the counterattack.

Posang finally understood the importance of a quick knife extraction.

Gu Shenwei did not die because he knew it was a temptation.

Walking in from outside the account, wearing a robes, carrying both hands, looking at the scene inside the account, said: "Sure enough, the Dragon King, the name is not false."

Bosang was shocked. I didn't expect this young man to be really a dragon king. What he didn't expect was that Long Wang Mingming said that he wanted to see the king of the Koraku. The robes who came in were the big kings.

In Long Ting, everyone knows that the King of Dae and the King of Korzha are the opposite of your life and death.

(Seeking for advice)

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