Death Sutra

Chapter 542: Four kings

In Long Ting, everyone said that King Kwa is the favorite grandson of the old Khan. One of the strong evidences is that his father was shortly killed, and he was named King of the Khan, ranking fourth in the succession. .

Indeed, those who have seen the king of the Koryo have spared no effort to praise the young prince, and Fang Wen is almost completely conquered. "The future of the North Court must be in the hands of King Kwa, he is too important, or trust him. Or kill him, there is no third option."

Gu Shenwei discovered that the king of Kwazhe was different from one detail.

He entered the aristocratic area with the Han Guanjia and six guards. No one left the road without permission. But when he first walked into the camp, he saw a man of about 30 years old welcoming guests with open arms, as if he had the ability to have an unknown prophet. .

"I finally saw the Dragon King. I thought I had missed the opportunity."

The king of Kwazhe looks handsome, unlike the Beiting people who lived on horseback all the year round. It is like the Zhongyuan noble son who read poetry. Gu Shen understands why Fang Wen is attracted.

“Good wine is always left at the end, and the time will never be missed.”

The king of Kwa Ri heard a big laugh. This time it is a typical Bei Ting style. The laughter is sent out from the chest, and it is hearty and sincere.

Han Guanjia walked up a few steps and leaned over and said: "Wang Ye forgives sin, I did not ask you to bring the Dragon King back."

"Hey, bring back a guest like Dragon King, and any sin can be waived."

The Humble House was greatly relieved, his face was smiling, and he stepped back and stepped back.

King Kwa's tent is not too big, no luxury of the big king, not as simple as the king, with a set of armor, bows and swords, and a brass incense burner of the Central Plains in the corner. Gives a subtle taste.

The strange combination, Gu Shen thought, decided to observe for a while before making a judgment on King Kwa.

"The Dragon King must be very strange, why is the King and the Big King rushing to see you."

When King Kwahi opened the door, Gu Shenwei had to admit that he immediately made a good impression on him. "Yes, I am very surprised, especially when the two princes are vague."

King Kwai laughed again. During the whole conversation, he often laughed. It always coincided with the moment. He didn’t seem casual and awkward at all. He seemed to recognize that the Dragon King was already his ally and even saved him from being drawn. The process goes directly to the stage of mutual deliberation.

Of course, his self-confidence has a reason. In the past six months, Fang Wen has already paved the way for the alliance, and the Dragon King can take it.

"Can make the prince of the North Court change his attitude. There is only one person in the whole world." King Kwai was the first Beiting person to treat the Dragon King with frankness. "A few days ago, the old Khan King summoned the Ten Kings and issued an order. Say who can let the Dragon King and the One Step King to abandon their former suspicions and synthesize a force to fight against the Central Plains, who is the territory of the Western Region."

Gu Shenwei admire the King of the King. He just came out of the camp of the King of Dae, and he should be suspected. The prince did not make any unhappy expressions, nor did he ask for details. Instead, he hid others. The secret is fully presented.

Admire admire, the command of the old Khan Wang makes Gu Shen unacceptable, "North Court wants to turn the Western Region into a territories?"

This is the reason why the king and the big king refused to explain the truth. They worried that they would anger the dragon king too early.

King Kwazhi is not worried. "This is just a word from the old King of Khan. The real purpose of the test is to determine the heir to the Khan." After a pause, he continued: "The old Khan Wang likes this, let you do this, What I thought was another thing, huh, he was a bit confused."

King Kwazhe was also the first person to dare to disrespect the old King of Khan. Gu Shen saw it all the way. Even in the most secret places, there was no North Ting who jokes with the old Khan.

In the North Court, the King of Khan is God, and the Old Khan is even more supreme.

"No matter what the old Khan Wang really wants to do, the superficial things have to be realized?"

"The Dragon King does not have to worry about it." King Kwah is looking forward to his own thoughts. "The Western Region is the Western Region, and the North Court is the North Court. There is a boundary between them that cannot be crossed. This line is not a scorpio and a sacred line. It’s not a strong soldier, but a lifestyle.”

"The North Court people ride horses, the Westerners ride in the car, the North Court people eat meat and drink horse milk, the Western Regions make people a cake, the North Court people go to the Western Regions, there is no place to release horses, the Western Regions people go to the North Court, nowhere to open up wasteland, since ancient times, The peace of mind between the two sides is because of this simple truth."

"At this moment, tens of thousands of North Cavalry cavalry are galloping in the Western Region."

"This is only a temporary phenomenon, like the Dragon King is a Westerner, and occasionally will come to the North Court, staying for a month or two, or even a year or two, but you will eventually return to the Western Region, because you can’t be a Dragon King if you stay here. If you want to stay, you will gradually become a North Court, obey the rules of the North Court, and be loyal to the King of Khan. You may get the title of a little king. Is this what you want?"

King Kwai is an eloquent, and Fang Wen is comparable to it, but it is a rhetoric.

Gu Shenwei is only interested in actual interests. "So, the North Cavalry who stayed in the Western Region will finally withdraw?"

"In the morning and evening, if I make a decision, I will immediately transfer them back to the North Court. I am afraid that for a long time, the soldiers of the North Court will become accustomed to the lifestyle of the Western Region and become a citizen of the Western Region."

"The Central Plains? The people there are like the Western Regions, and they are also farming."

"So the Central Plains is the biggest threat to the Western Region. In fact, the Western Region has always been sheltered by the North Court. However, too many people have turned a blind eye to it. There is no North Court to compete with the Central Plains on the grasslands. It will take less than a year for the entire Western Region to Become a prefecture in the Central Plains."

King Kwazh paused again, giving the guests time to think, and then said: "The North Court and the Central Plains have a battle, but the victory of either side is temporary, you are, in the tent within the scope of the Longting, lived Tens of thousands of Central Plains people came to the North Court for various reasons. After a long time, they became Beiting people. I never doubted their loyalty to the old Khan. Similarly, many Beiting people left their livestock and ran to In the Central Plains, it is hard to find someone who is willing to be a spoiler. It is in this never-ending war that the Western Region can maintain its **."

Gu Shenwei felt that she was almost convinced. He had seen many people who could talk, Zhang Wei, Shangguan Yun, Fang Wen, etc., but no one can let him relax in a few words.

He still hasn't believed each other. Even so, he has to admit that most of the words of King Kwai are justified.

"In this way, there is no need for the Western Region to please the big country."

"Oh, ** is a long-term trend, but survival is the problem at hand. The North Court and the Central Plains may not be able to occupy the Western Region forever. Sometimes they can rush into the rampage, destroying several countries and depriving several crowns. It is still easy. I believe that the Dragon King came to the North Court to seek allies for his own survival and not for the future of the Western Region."

Gu Shen looked down for a while. In his plan, he did not plan to make a decision so quickly. He could face the heart of the king. He must give a little reward. "Do you want me to reconcile with Jinpengbao?"

"The compromise of the people is weak. The compromise of the king is power. The Dragon King once reconciled with Jinpengbao once. It may be another time. Only this time, both sides must be more sincere. As for who the Western Region ultimately belongs to, the Dragon King can come from me. Here is the guarantee that King Kwai will stand on the side of the Dragon King."

"Would the King of Korzha intend to serve Jinpeng Fort?" Gu Shen kept the bottom line and tried to postpone the time to give a clear answer.

"I heard that Jinpengbao's three young masters Shangguan Yun, and his teacher Zhang Wei, are all reasonable people, I think I can convince them. Oh, in fact, the most powerful guarantee in my hand is the Dragon King, as long as you do not accept In addition to the tying of other princes, Jinpengbao had no choice but to negotiate with me. The Dragon King played very well, and there is not much left for Jinpengbao to negotiate now."

King Kwazhe forced himself to make a clear statement. Gu Shen was suddenly alert, and the deep-rooted and suspicious character began to play a role, allowing him to see a trace of suspicious signs in the frankness of King Kwai.

In the same way, will King Kwai have already said it to the messenger of Jinpengbao? Especially the promise of which side will be on which side?

Gu Shen knows that there are many weapons in this world that are sharper than swords. One of them is to kill people invisible, beautiful and without actual protection.

He found out where the problem was. King Kwah described the situation of the Dragon King as having no choice. Usually, this meant that the speaker was unwilling to pay too much.

Compared with the promise of ambiguity, Gu Shenwei prefers the reality of “buying”.

"I think I came too early." Gu Shen shrugged her shoulders, revealing a faint look, and then concealed the past. "Many things that King Kwah said are beyond my understanding. You know, I am used to The sword, the thoughts are also the things in front of you, and have never thought about such a grand pattern."

There was a trace of anger in the eyebrows of Kwai Wang. "I thought that Fang Junshi..." immediately concealed the past. "Giggle me, talk a little bit, no matter what, please let the Dragon King stay with me, wait for the military division to rush back and discuss the big things." ”

"Respect is not as good as death. I have to think about the words of the king. When I wake up, I might think more clearly."

The praise of King Kua is still hearty. "I really have no eyes on the host. The guests come from afar. I am pulling people to talk, and the Dragon King forgives."

When Gu Shen was out of the tent, the sky was almost bright, and the two followers of the King of the Kings waited outside and led the Dragon King to the residence.

The tents have two tops, one big and one small, and they are close to each other and can enter and exit each other.

A follower said: "This big tent is the dragon king, the little guard left for you."

The followers stepped back and showed no hint of curiosity about the invisible guard.

The Dutch woman came out of the shadow. "You should know something."


"The steward who brought you was killed because he was not guilty of his own affairs and brought back a dragon king of unknown origin."

Under the opponent, King Kwazhe showed the rigorous opposite to the appearance of conversation. If he wanted to be his ally and his subordinates, he would have to act according to his orders. Any small mistake could lead to murder.

Gu Shen was glad that she had not been convinced.

(Seeking for advice)

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