Death Sutra

Chapter 546: Wang Ye

Fang Wen is a group of people who are late to the day and go to the king. It is a servant. Before they have time to rest, they receive a lot of tasks from the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei’s passive observation of Long Ting is over, he has to take the initiative to do something.

Fang Wen was the first to be used. He represented the Dragon King and the North Court. Although the arrival of the Dragon King is well known, it is only officially recognized at this time.

The North Court has already designated a special camp for the guests. It is located in the eastern part of the aristocratic area, close to the artisan area in the periphery, and there is a large tent from the palace of the old Khan.

I don't know if it is coincidence or intention. The camps of Dragon King and Jinpengbao occupy the north and south sides of a road. The members of the two sides can wave each other's greetings through a low wooden fence. Of course, no one will ever make such a move.

As early as accepting the invitation of Beiting Xiaoyan, Shangguan Ruo made a request, and the country of Xiangji should be given a separate hospitality and could not be confused with the Longjun. Therefore, her camp was placed on the west side of Longting, with Longwang and Jinpengbao. All keep a distance.

Gu Shenwei thinks this is very good.

After getting the camp, he immediately said goodbye to King Kwai, no matter how the other party retained, insisted on rejection.

Fang Wen is the next task is to continue to contact with the North Court, to ask when the old Khan Wang met with the Dragon King and the details of the Long Ting Conference, Gu Shen has a hunch, the latter will be his first encounter in the North Court A difficult time.

Shangguanfei was sent to the artisan district and the Minmin District to inquire about the past of the king. Gu Shenwei did not completely believe in who he said. He needed to establish his own intelligence system. Shangguanfei was a smart person, as long as he did not involve his own interests. Less lying.

However, he was very afraid of acting alone. In particular, he heard that the customs of the Shumin District were a bit like the Yucheng Nancheng. He even dared not go. In the period of Ai Ai, he wanted a bodyguard to the Dragon King. "Little Chu? There is a task, the old man? Can't show up, Lotus girl? Forget it, let her protect the Dragon King, no way, Dragon King still sent me a few Snow Mountain Swordsman, is that the dragon over the cloud is not an accident? Last time we cooperated very well."

Shangguanfei’s small abacus did not succeed. Gu Shen’s bodyguard assigned to him was Xiaofen’s disciple Han Fen, and there was a gift without a command – Han Wei.

"This... this... I heard that the North Court is a patriarch, I am wearing a female bodyguard, is it a bit..." Shangguanfei did not like this arrangement.

"It doesn't matter, you can dress up as a woman and let them both men." Gu Shen can be whatever he likes or doesn't like.

"Ah, Dragon King, don't make a joke..." In the presence of an outsider, Shangguanfei is also a little embarrassed.

Han Fen was very happy. The Dragon King was squinting and said that the game was very fun. Han Han frowned. "I haven’t done this for men, and I don’t know if I can."

Han Fen is proficient in Yi Rong, and he is very confident in this. "Simple, just give it to me. Hey, your frown looks like a man."

I heard that I didn't have to go to Shangguanfei to perform a task. The dragon turned a sigh of relief and waited for the Dragon King to arrange a task for him.

On this road, the dragon turned over the cloud to show the temperament character that is very similar to the Beiting people, and the amount of alcohol is good, so his task is to continue to interact with the soldiers of the North Court, try to contact the nobility, and understand their views on the dispute over the sweat. In particular, the tendency of the day to go to the king's position, the dragon turned clouds are not good at words, so Gu Shen reminded him, just listen, do not ask.

Taking the character of the North Court people after drinking, Gu Shen believes that Long Tengyun can hear a lot of information.

As for the beginning of the South Screen, this time is hiding with the flames in the depths of the grassland, once a day to the agreed location to view the situation, unless the order of the Dragon King, he will not enter the Long Ting.

Gu Shen’s actions ended here, and he did not plan to see any North Court dignitaries until he had collected enough intelligence.

Fang Wen is the easiest task, and he will get the exact news very quickly. The old Khan Wang can’t see the Dragon King now. The excuse is that the illness suddenly increases. Fang Wen’s is that after spending a little money, he learned from the officials of the North Court. There are big people who are stalking from it.

"Who still doesn't know, the most likely is the big day king, the reason I know, he accused the Dragon King will be stabbed when he meets."

Gu Shen snorted, and even if he wanted to kill the old Khan, he would never be stupid to publicly stab.

"This accusation is incredible, but some people believe, and still a lot." Fang Wen sighed. "The reputation of the Dragon King is fearful in the Western Regions, but they are alert to the North Court."

Relying on the reputation of terror, Gu Shen has received many benefits, and now I have begun to taste its bitterness. But when it comes to killing, no matter how impossible it is, it is reasonable to put it on the Dragon King.

Regarding the Long Ting Conference, Fang Wen also heard a lot of information, which is roughly the same as that said by Kwai Wang. "All kinds of competitions are the three most concerned: horse racing, training and competition, winners press The practice will be publicly received by the old Khan Wang. Among these three, the Dragon King has an advantage in the Warriors competition. He does not know who Jinpengbao will send, and they also participate."

The military division will not martial arts. Gu Shenwei has no way to explain to him that murder and competition are two different things. The Dragon King is the same as the Jinpeng killer. He is good at sneak attack and sneak peek. Standing on the platform, the killer is not dominant, but will be exposed. weakness.

He has participated in formal competitions, but his opponents are not strong and the value of victory is not great.

"Horse racing, training and competition." Gu Shen thought about these three competitions and found a problem. "There is a flame in the day, and the first horse is almost certain. There are masters such as Mustang and Yushi. Warriors. The game is also very stable. It is obvious that they indulge their soldiers with alcohol and meat. They seem to be desperate at the crucial moment. It seems that he wants the three firsts. Can he not see the old king?"

Fang Wen was awakened by the dragon king's words, and even a little blush, because he did not think of this as a military division. "Yes, the king of the day seems to be the winner of this year's squad, so the dragon king steals the flames, he only It will be so angry."

Fang Wen is pacing back and forth in the account. He feels that he is only one step away from the truth, but he always cannot see clearly. He mentioned the relationship between the North Court and the Central Plains. He can say three days and three nights and go to a specific dignitary. The eyes are similar to ordinary people.

Gu Shenwei had an idea. "Maybe the purpose of the king is not to be the first, but to prevent others from getting the first. In this way, he can wait for the price, between the king of the big day and the king of Kwazhe. For your own benefit."

It sounds like a reasonable explanation. Fang Wen is still dissatisfied. "It is too unwise to want to marry the Khan of the future. If the king is smart, he will never do this. Is he wanting to be King of Khan himself?" More unlikely, he does not have the king of Khan, what is it?"

Gu Shenwei wants to say his true identity. Considering it for a while and giving up, the plan of the king of the king is very ambitious, and probably has nothing to do with the son of the enemy.

Fang Wen thought for a long time and had no eyebrows. He had to say something else first. "The people under the king of Korzhe seem to have a little word about the Dragon King. They said..."

Fang Wen is a slogan, Gu Shen is going to say for him. "They said that the Dragon King didn't know what to do, and he pushed the advice of the King of Koraku."

"Almost." Fang Wen is more straightforward to hear, he does not want to say it.

"What kind of person do you think is the king of the king?"

"The king of the exaggerated king is strict and strict, and his intelligence and intelligence are top-notch. He has a kingly style, but he is arbitrarily and arbitrarily. He can't listen to other people's opinions and advice, and he has many enemies for him."

"But you still think he will be the king of the future."

"Because the opponent of Kwasung is too weak, the time of the big king has been too long, and the competitors of his peers have passed away or quit. His energy is not as good as it used to be, but he is not only a senior in his prime, it is not just In my opinion, most of the North Court dignitaries tend to praise the king."

Gu Shen thought for a while and suddenly asked: "What do you think of the Holy King?"

"The second ranked Saint John?" Fang Wen was very surprised. I didn't expect Dragon King to be interested in this prince. "Pure alcoholic, raising more birds than soldiers, has given up sweat many years ago. The battle."

Gu Shenwei has a feeling that the ambition of the Holy King may not have completely disappeared, but he can't find evidence, so he didn't ask any more. The topic turned back to the king of Kwazhi. "You think the Dragon Army should be with the praise. Wang Zhimeng?"

"I said that if you want to form an alliance with the North Court, Kwah is the only choice. If the Dragon King has another idea, it is not necessarily."

"But he wants the Dragon Army to reconcile with Jinpengbao."

"The old Khan King is very good." Fang Wen is amazed. "On the surface, it is the reconciliation between the Dragon King and the One Step King. In fact, it is to let the King of Korzh and the King of the Day compromise. I want to say that the Dragon King must not agree. ""

"Why?" Gu Shen was a little surprised. He thought that the military division had been completely convinced by the Japanese king.

"This is only good for the king of the boast. For the dragon king, it is the bottom of the salary. The dragon army is not a small team of one or two thousand people. It is now tens of thousands of soldiers. A large part of it is the descendant of Jinpengbao. Once reconciled, You and I know that this is temporary. Do the soldiers know? When the army is broken, if you want to retain the soldiers, you can only fight for more money. I think, Dragon King has not dug the treasure recently?"

When Fang Wen was going to meet the Dragon King, he still didn't know the plan of the old Khan, otherwise he would not recommend the Dragon King to accept the praise of the King of the Khan.

"What to do next? If you don't accept the reconciliation, you won't get the support of the king of praise. He has already treated me as a **** in his hand."

There were only two people in the tent. Fang Wen was still not at ease. He went to the door and looked out. He said, "Dragon King, can you tell me the truth, what is the price that Zhongyuan is willing to pay?"

The military division was not completely convinced by the North Court prince. Gu Shen decided to reveal the truth to him. "An army, the Central Plains hides a traitor in the North Court. It is said to have a high degree of weight. As long as I kill the old Khan, the North Court is torn apart. This powerful army will be owned by me. I don't know whether it is credible or credible, and I don't know who the traitor is."

Fang Wen suddenly stretched his brow. "I think I know who the traitor is."

"Really, I have a guess."

Fang Wen suddenly found the feeling of a counselor, took the pen paper, and smiled: "Let's write it down and see if it is the same."

After a while, two sheets of paper were discharged on the table, the names on them were completely different, and both of them felt that the other's guess was wrong.

(Seeking for advice)

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