Death Sutra

Chapter 551: Surrounded

The news came like snow flakes and then suddenly stopped in the early hours of the morning.

Fang Wen spent a lot of money on the officials of the North Court. At this time, he played a role. He and the Dragon King were able to understand the situation in the Mindanao area at the first time.

At first, it was a bit like a rebellion. The rumors even claimed that a large number of soldiers were involved. In response to the unexpected situation, Fang Wen began to formulate a contingency plan. No action was taken yet. There was news, no rebellion, just a riot, and the slum area. Several forces have a fire, and the soldiers are going to suppress.

The riots are not small, half of the slums have been affected, and even spread to the artisan area, raging fires and chaotic hooves, so that most people in the nobility area have not slept all night, and the number of casualties estimated by officials in the North Court is increasing. In the end, it reached tens of thousands of people. Even the people who delivered the news felt unbelievable. It is suggested that the party news is the latest news after the dawn.

The timing of the riots was unfortunate. In order to participate in the Long Ting Conference and prepare for the war with the Central Plains, the officials of the North Court gathered almost together and brought a large number of soldiers. Therefore, the reaction was rapid, and the riots were suppressed in only two or three hours. And the entire civic area is completely closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

The news was suddenly suspended at this time. Officials who benefited from Fang Wen seemed to feel that they had paid off their debts, unilaterally quit, and did not even say hello.

It was not just the Dragon King who was left out of the cold. The Jinpengbao camp opposite the road was originally a visitor, and he was cold at the same time.

"What happened?" Fang Wen was puzzled. "I am going to inquire, can't collect money and don't do anything."

"No, they will find the door soon." Gu Shenwei is still not sure what happened, but he knows that although the riots in the Mindan District have ended, Yu Bo is swaying into the nobility.

He immediately called Shangguanfei with Han Fen and Han Wei.

Soon after the three people returned to the camp, the blood on Shangguanfei had not been cleaned up. He was frightened. He was stunned by Han Fen and trembled. He saw that the Dragon King was just a smirk, and he said no in a half sentence. When I came out, I was told by two bodyguards that I briefly talked about the temporary rush to go to the Mindanao area and witness the riots.

"A lot of people." At the end of the day, Han Yu was very excited. "You cut me, I cut you, I want to start, Han Fenfei pulled me away."

"We are protecting Shangguanfei, and we are not fighting. If we have to fight, we should secretly start, right?" Han Fen has an advantage. He is extremely serious about the task of giving himself to himself. "I saw a Jinpeng killer and ran. Just as fast as Guan Fei, this is the reaction of the killer."

Usually, Han Yu taught Han Fen. This time she was counted down, knowing the loss, and still the boss is not convinced. "I know that I know, but the Shangguan flew and was blocked again, if not, the rush arrived in time. It has been cut into meat."

Gu Shenwei looked at Shangguanfei, who was covered in blood. "Have you started?"

Shangguanfei smirked a few times. "Ah? Yes, I hit two punches, he forced me."

Han Wei doesn't quite believe, "You punched? Why didn't I see it?"

What Han Fen remembered, pointing to Shangguan Fei, said: "Is that person killed? The body is divided, the intestines are for a period of time, and they are all over the floor. Wow, you are... very powerful, hey, you seem to have a section. Intestines."

Shangguanfei trembled, then it was like being burned by fire, and it was twisted and beaten. He wanted to get rid of the "intestines". Han Fen came over and helped pick up a piece from his back. "I read it wrong. It's not the intestines."

Shangguanfei breathed a sigh of relief, and Han Fen handed the piece to his eyes and said, "It seems to be human liver."

Shangguanfei licked his stomach and spit, and Han Han took a few steps back in disgust, and also patted himself a few times, for fear of getting dirty things.

Han Fen is inexplicable. "What are you afraid of? It's all about people. You are jealous, Dragon King is not afraid."

Gu Shen is not afraid, the military division can be frightened, and the table is almost spit out, secretly swearing, killing and not going to bed with the woman of Xiaoyuetang, even if it is threatened and tempted, never give in.

"Replace the clothes immediately, wash the blood stains, leave no traces, hide in the tent, without my order, one step is not allowed to come out." Gu Shen gave orders quickly.

Shangguanfei heard that the situation was serious, stopped vomiting, and looked up and said: "We just passed by accident, will not be implicated?"

"It's hard to say." Gu Shenwei felt that the Beiguan bureaucrats suddenly stopped sending news, I am afraid it is not just as simple as getting a ban.

Shangguanfei’s face is paler than the Dragon King. “Dragon King, I am doing things for you, you have to...”

"Clean yourself first."

Shangguanfei ran to his tent, and the two Hans also walked out. At the door, Han Fen remembered an important question. "I don't want to leave the tent in one step. Can you look down?"

"No, I have to cut off anything that shows the tent."

This time, the order was clear enough. Han Fen spit out his tongue and threw away the thing in his hand. He planned to perform his task meticulously. Han Han planned to ask how Xiaoyuetang trained his disciples.

"This riot is very embarrassing." Fang Wen is far from the beach, trying to catch up with the Dragon King's ideas, and to surpass him.

"Yeah." Gu Shenwei watched the two guards shoveling the stolen goods and waited for them to leave. "There are a lot of martial arts figures in the Central Plains and the Western Regions, which are likely to be related to the riots."

"And the reaction of the officers and men of the North Court is too quick. Do you remember that at the beginning there was news that there were soldiers at the scene of the riots. This could not be accidental. It was like... a deliberately arranged trap." Open the train of thought, and more and more think that the incident is suspicious. "And what is the Jinpeng killer doing there? Is it accidental?"

There are more and more problems, and the two have not waited for the results to be analyzed. The camp has ushered in a bigger problem.

The two-wheeled cavalry surrounded the camp of the Dragon King and Jinpeng Fort.

Fang Wen was at the gate of the camp to negotiate with a thousand commanders and questioned the other party's intentions.

"We are here to protect the Dragon King." The commander greeted the guests with enthusiasm, and at the same time, looked at the soldiers around him and ordered them to enter the camp.

The Jinpengbao camp seems to have received the same treatment. There was a quarrel. Fang Weng opened his arms and cried: "Protect the Dragon King to stay outside and not come in."

The soldiers only listened to the command of the commander, and dozens of people sneaked in and stared at the tent in the camp. It seemed that they had to search for it.

Fang Wen was protesting indignantly, but did not achieve results. Finally, the soldiers who stopped the North Court were still the Dragon King guards.

Gu Shen only brought dozens of people to this trip. Almost all of them are Daxueshan swordsmen. At this moment, they are led by the dragon and they are lined up to show the epee in their hands.

"Dragon King camp, outsiders are not allowed to enter." Long Tengyun holds the long knife in his hands. He doesn't care if there are many people, and he doesn't care who the site is. As long as there is no order from the Dragon King, he will not let anyone go further.

The North Court soldiers also pulled out the machete. They have never been threatened by this kind on the grassland. They are also very unconvinced to the Da Xueshan swordsman.

Fang Wen is a pair of hands, "I am not responsible for playing. Here is the Dragon King camp. You are provocative. I have to ask, is the promise of the old Khan King useful? The North Court is the guest of the Dragon King, or a prisoner. ?"

Fang Wen has long discovered that the three words of the old Khan have magical power in the North Court. As long as they are exported, no matter what the other side looks, they will become solemn immediately.

The commander is obviously hesitating. "No, we are not provocative, um... since Dragon King feels that he can protect himself, we will stay outside."

Fang Wen is sneer, "If you can't protect yourself, what kind of dragon king?"

The captain pretended not to hear, ordered the soldiers to withdraw from the camp, but the surrounding encirclement was not lifted, but it was more rigorous.

Fang Wen looked at the opposite Jinpengbao camp and saw that the North Court soldiers holding the torches had entered and were searching for the top tents.

Not much, the horizon brightened, a civilian officer in the North Court pleaded to see the Dragon King. This person received a bribe from Fang Wen. He had secretly passed the message before an hour. Now he looks serious and seems to be doing business.

When he entered the tent and talked with the Dragon King and the military division, he immediately put on a smile. "It is offensive to offend, no wonder, the boss is poor, I have no way."

Fang Wen is a little impatient. In front of the Dragon King, I feel that my money is worthless. "What is going on? Is the outside riot not suppressed? Why surround us?"

"Yes, the riots are suppressed, but...but..."

The bureaucrats swallowed and vomited, and the party smells more and more unpleasant. "But what? Is it because the North Court suspects that the Dragon King planned the riots? We have only a total of fifty people here, can we still occupy the Dragon Court in one fell swoop?"

"Nothing." The bureaucrats waved their hands again and again. "The Dragon King will not do this kind of thing, and no one doubts the Dragon King. Hey, I want to ask, did the Dragon King send someone into the Minhang District last night?"

The other party is only a low-level bureaucrat. Gu Shenwei did not speak. He allowed the military division to do the work. The bureaucrat also knew his identity. Although he asked the dragon king, his eyes turned to the side.

"No." Fang Wen is optimistic.

The bureaucrats seemed puzzled, suddenly awakened, and changed the way to ask, "Is there a Dragon King's hand entering the Minhang District last night?"

If you remove a "pai" word, the meaning is different. Fang Wen is no longer able to deny it. The other party is obviously prepared. "Yes, someone went out to drink, because they didn't know the road and accidentally entered the Dalit area. What happened?"

The bureaucrats took a shot and they were relieved. "This is right."

"You don't make it clear, I shake all the money you have collected." Fang Wen is a threat to evil.

The bureaucrats enthusiastically got together and heard that it was around. "Don't, I have to hand over half of the silver, and it doesn't really fall into my hands."

Fang Wen quickly glanced at the Dragon King and made a reluctant look. "I will make up this half for you. If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you with money."

The bureaucrats smiled, and as long as they had silver, it would be pleasant to hear them. "We have prepared for the riots and sent many people to lurk in the Mindan District. A prince is the mother of the Kwasung king. To participate, the result was killed, oh, it’s really terrible, and it’s broken. Some people say that the Dragon King’s men and Jinpeng’s killers have appeared nearby, so I’ll ask, just ask. It doesn't matter to the dragon king's men."

Fang Wen did not know how to answer, and once again turned to the Dragon King for help.

In addition to a few tents, Shangguan Fei, who was put on a new dress, was still shaking and looked down at his fist, as if it was not his own. At the same time, the blood in his body rushed, and the internal interest was running faster than ever before, which made him feel scared. .

What kind of effort does the Dragon King and the Dutch girl do for themselves?

(Seeking for advice)

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