Death Sutra

Chapter 55: 怂恿

This is a dark night with high winds. The atmosphere of conspiracy is mixed with the fragrance of summer flowers, which makes people unconsciously nervous.

From night to night, Gu Shen quietly left the small house where she lived, avoiding the path and walking to the small courtyard seen during the day.

Lingu reminded him not to go away, not to provoke the rain son, the first night of entering the house, he intended to violate these two advices.

The sky and the moon were dim, and Gu Shen took care of her breath to move forward carefully. There were two night watchmen who almost slammed into the patrol. Finally, they passed the customs and went outside the small courtyard wall.

He turned over the low wall and patiently waited for a while, sure that no one was hiding in the dark, crept up to the sea hall tree in the middle of the yard, picked up a small stone and threw it into the window of the middle room.

Although the architectural style of Jinpengbao is not the same as that of the Central Plains, it is easy to judge which house is the residence of the owner. The only thing that Gu Shen is unsure is that the person who lives in it is one of the twins.

no respond.

Gu Shen picked up the second stone and threw it. This time, the strength was increased and the sound was loud.

There was still no response in the room, as if there was no one living at all, but there was a reaction outside the house.

Gu Shen suddenly squirmed and felt the same as when he was assassinated by Shangguan Yu, so he threw himself forward and turned quickly. He saw the boy in the day holding the knife and preparing for the second attack.

The teenager's look is serious and murderous, this is not a game.

Gu Shen is in an unfavorable position, there is not much to be moved, and this knife-handling boy is much better than the Shangguan rain.

The narrow knife pointed at the front of the intruder, and the young boy made up his mind to end the battle. This is his duty and his glory.

A window twitched and pushed upwards. The boy holding the knife seemed to hear the ghost of the spell, jumping backwards and disappearing into the black air.

Gu Shen numbs the scalp and can't understand how this mysterious teenager is going.

"who is it?"

"It's me, hey, the disciple was ordered to come to see Master."

"Who is ordered? Whose life is it?"

"Master, you."


"Don't you stick out three fingers at the day during the day, suggesting that I am coming to see me?"

"Nonsense, I didn't reach three fingers, you are a traitor, I will punish you tomorrow."

"Master, my disciples are guilty, so I have been in advance."

Gu Shenwei went to the window and kneel down. Shangguan only showed a small head and yawned.

Someone in the room on both sides lit a light, and Shangguan said, "I am sleeping, not allowed to get up," and the lights are gone.

"You came too early, I haven't thought about how to punish you?" Shangguan said with a bit of annoyance.

"The ready-made method, ‘Exit the stone fort, the blade is added,’, our old rules here.” The head of Shangguan Yu was also revealed.

Gu Shenwei really wants to say that Shangguan Yu did not accompany Jiuzi to flee the night before, but he is even more betrayal, but he said: "Master, we don't seem to be the rule of the 'holding the moon.'"

"Well, I didn't think about the rules."

"It must be different from other sects."

"Of course."

When Shangguan rained, he came in again. "It is the most troublesome to throw directly down the cliff."

"Yu Shibo, you have to swear me down."

When Shangguan rained, her eyebrows were erected. The assassination was unsuccessful, which made her extremely angry. Although she was forced to do so under the pressure of Shangguanru, she still wanted to attack when she heard this slave.

"No quarrels."

"Yes, the disciples listened to Master." Gu Shen said immediately.

When Shangguan rained, he snorted and turned away, leaving it to the head of the slave.

"If you want to return to the teacher's door, you will find a way to take me out and go to the rivers and lakes."

"There is no need to get a stone fortune in the rivers and lakes. We are a master in the fort. It may not be so much in the past ten years."

"Fartball." whispered when Shangguan rained.

"How can this be the same? The people in the fort are not taking it seriously, and I am playing as a child."

"Oh, in fact, the disciples have an idea and can play as much as they really are."

"You said." Shangguan is as bright as his eyes.

"The liar." Shangguan rain did not say back.

"I will tell a story before I say it."

"It's best to be interesting. I can be a little sleepy." Shangguan is bustted on the elbow. She likes to listen to stories, especially the story of the middle of the night.

The surrounding area was dark, only the insects frog called, and no one with a knife and a boy came out to interfere. Gu Shenwei sat on the ground and whispered the story he suddenly remembered.

"I told you a lot of rules and regulations that night. In fact, not all people on the rivers and lakes are disciplined. There is a kind of person who specializes in breaking the rules."

"The killer, the killer is not without rules, we have our own rules, and it is different from the outsiders." Shangguan rain said disdainfully, still do not look back.

"No, not a killer. I am talking about the Central Plains, where there is no such thing as Jinpengbao."

"What kind of person is that?" Shangguan is a bit curious.

"Jiang Yang Thief."

"Ah, the kind of person, you heard from your grandmother." Shangguan Yu said in a rainy way, just don't want this story to go on.

"No, the big-headed **** is a hero, openly robbed. I am talking about thieves, flying squatting, walking alone, staying up late, drifting away, everyone knows him, no one has seen him, um, this It's a bit like a top killer, but he's not interested in people, it's a treasure of value."

When Shangguan Yu couldn’t think of any famous thieves in the Western Region, he just snorted.

"The person I want to say is the first thief of the Central Plains. It is famous. It is called "Miaoshen Shenlong". This person has a good slogan. After stealing things, he likes to preach everywhere, making the owner very embarrassed and courageous. The object of theft is not a big name. The faction is that it will be expensive, and finally it will steal into the sky."

"Bragging." Shangguan rain could not help but approve.

"It’s not bragging. The dragon has done more than a dozen big sensational cases. I still feel that I am not addicted. Later I went to the palace. The Emperor of the Central Plains, also known as the emperor, is stealing the heavenly things. Already?"

"There is nothing remarkable about the palace. The guards are no more strict than Jinpeng Fort."

"Hey, let him say, what the magic dragon has stolen."

Shangguan is very interested. Although she is a Westerner, she knows that the Emperor of the Central Plains is not the same thing as the kings of the Western Regions. Jinpengbao is still incomparable.

"The magical hand dragon has stolen millions of gold and silver from the Da Zang government. You think that these gold and silver have to take a lot of time to use the car. The result has not been discovered for several days until the gold and silver flowed to the people. It was rumored that the inner guards knew that many people lost their official hats and lives."

"This thief loves money." Shangguan said.

"Well, the dragons love to steal money, but they spend too fast. Millions of dollars of gold and silver are used up in less than a month. In fact, it is nothing to steal money. The most imperceptible to the court is that the jade is gone."

"Jade? What do he want this thing?" Shangguan laughed.

"It took a few days for Yuxi to lose it. The Emperor of the Central Plains was too lazy." Shangguan Yu was also a bit interested.

"Yu Yu lost the next morning and knew it, but everyone thought it was a thief. I didn't expect it to be the means of Jiang Yang's thief. After the smugglers robbed the jade, they used it to issue hundreds of sacred sacred decrees and let go of a large number of felons. He also sent a sin to the emperor, saying that '朕躬' virtue is shallow and not worthy of being an emperor."

Shangguan, like a big laugh, began to like the profession of thieves.

"It can be imagined that the court is in chaos. No one knows which sacred decree is credible, dare not pick it up, and dare not pick it up. So the sacred dragon has a nickname - 'Tianzimensheng', folks even have people Call it 'Tai Shang Huang.'"

"He will play too much, but it is really unruly. Later, he stole something." Shangguanru’s eyes are sparkling, revealing the fullness of Yan Yan.

"Then the dragon is dead."

"Hey?" The two girls screamed in confusion, and finally turned their heads when they were raining. When there was such a story, they heard that on the head, the protagonist died.

"The inner guards were so bad in those days that they smashed the sky and netted it. It took five months to catch tens of thousands of people before and after. They finally found the foot of the dragon, and three hundred masters went round the round and 10,000 soldiers stood by."

Gu Shenwei said that this silence was a while.

"He was killed?" Shangguan asked.

"No, the dragon is self-killing, leaving no confession, so many people feel that the real thief is not dead, just hiding, and sent a nickname - ‘red bat girl’.”

"Hah, deceive people, who doesn't know that the red niece is in the "Feng Sanxia", it is not a thief at all." Shangguan rain caught the loophole and immediately smashed up.

"Not the same person, I am talking about the bat's bat. The tyrannosaurus is wearing a red dress when committing suicide, and likes to crouch in the night, like a bat, so it is called a red bat woman."

"The dragon is a woman?" Shangguan said with astonishment.

"Well, it's a woman."

"You edit it, rotten story." Shangguan said when he was raining, she always believed 10,000 slaves.

"There is no vain, and people who don't believe you have asked the Central Plains who have been there must know that I have heard people who have seen the body of a red bat girl."

The theft of the palace was the last and largest case before Gu Lu’s resignation. Yu Yu was hand-picked by him. Gu Shen was of course impressed, but in order to attract two listeners, he added a lot of leaves.

The story was not twisted and twisted, and the ending was not perfect. The two girls all listened in and squatted on the window sill.

"You said at the outset that there is a way to play in the fort as true. It means this." Shangguan suddenly remembered the promise of the slave.


"We can't really kill people, but we can really steal things." Shangguan Yu also realized.

"And you can steal something special and make everyone shocked." Gu Shen snarled, thinking that it would be best to steal the six temples.

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