Death Sutra

Chapter 560: treasure

When I returned to Long Ting, the sky was already dark. The Shangguan Fei was uneasy. It was like asking, and it was like talking to himself. He said: "The Yuqing faction does not have to be a big sword. They didn't know it. With this set of swordsmanship, the old man is instilled in them, right?"

The old man’s scheme was exposed, and the image in the girl’s heart was greatly regressed. The heart was very upset, so he said with no anger: “Yes, the Yuqing faction does not want to feel the sword, they only need me, but what does this have to do with you? You want to If they want to treat you, they have to find their own way."

Shangguan Fei's face was white, and he is now under the fence. There is no exchangeable value. Even his life is precarious. He looks at the Dragon King and knows that there is no hope there. He has to cast a look for help from his sister.

Shangguan sighed. "Don't worry, the Dragon King has been in the fire for so many years, isn't it all right?"

Shangguan Fei now knows why the face of the Dragon King is always pale and bloodless. I think this is not okay. He can bear it, but he can’t say it, just dare to say: “If the mother is...”

Shangguan is as annoyed as he is, and sternly said: "I don't think the Yuqing faction is a good person. The exchange of martial arts is also to kill people. We don't want to trade with them, especially the old man. You better not think about restoring your skills. It’s good now, otherwise...”

Otherwise, Shangguan does not know himself.

The old man wants to tell the good girl. This is the trouble of being a good person. It makes others unhappy, and they are uncomfortable. The export is, "I don’t think it is useful. Since I joined the Dragon Army, I can only listen to the Dragon King. Everything is in his hands."

"I will find a way." Gu Shenwei only said this sentence, he has endured the fire for many years, do not care to wait a few more days, the secret of the negotiations is not to linger at the last moment, still hanging in the North Court In the negotiation, Gu Shenwei’s attitude is the same.

"Oh, the encirclement is lifted." Han Yu said loudly, she did not understand what these people were saying, so she first noticed the changes in Long Ting.

Sure enough, most of the soldiers outside the Yumin District have already withdrawn, leaving only a few people, set up a number of checkpoints, and strictly control the entry and exit. It seems that the old Khan Wang does not intend to punish all the mobs in the Dalit area.

Fang Wen is anxiously waiting for the Dragon King. "The Long Ting Conference needs people to kill the people. Who will supply them with food and wine and clean up the garbage? It is inevitable to lift the encirclement. The things there are not related to us. Now, please ask Dragon King to meet tomorrow."

"He can't wait." Gu Shen made a discount on the evaluation of King Kwa, and lost patience at this critical moment, indicating that the youngest prince still lacks a boost, and he may be able to say it. The means were so severe that even the servants who were sweeping the ground did not dare to speak indiscriminately, but there were still major flaws.

"It’s harder to deal with Wang Ye, who can’t wait. This is Long Ting. We don’t have much room for flashing.”

"Well, how do you answer?"

"I am good at making claims and agreeing for the Dragon King."

"Good." Gu Shenwei stopped at the door of the tent. "I will go to the appointment tomorrow. Would you go to work first?"

Fang Wen is a glimpse, facing such a big thing, the Dragon King is not in a hurry, but also to take away himself, "to obey." The military division turned and left, before looking away, looked at the wooden old man behind the dragon king and Shangguan Ru, do not understand this What do two people follow.

Wood old man smiled and said: "The military division is slow, I have to discuss with the Dragon King, you are not convenient to listen, it is best to go a little further."

Soon, the old man couldn’t smile.

Gu Shen is dismissing other people and only allows Shangguan to enter the account with the old man.

Wood old man knows why these two people left themselves alone, so they took the initiative to preemptively open the door. "You have the grace of the Dragon King, allowing me to join the Dragon Army. The old man has no thoughts, and he wants to go. Only one treasure may be the Dragon King. Interested, this treasure has been treasured for a long time, never revealed to outsiders, even the good girl does not know."

The old man in the wood is very clear. To please Shangguanru, the Dragon King may not be satisfied, please the Dragon King, but like the two people.

"You are here for this treasure to the North Court?" Shangguan asked as a cold face, although it is not a ten son, although she knows that the old man is scheming, she still does not like to be used.

"It's only part of the reason. I really think about the girl. Come to Long Ting... Even if you do both, you can't lose it."

The old man was met by the elders of the Central Plains Yuqing in Qianqianguan. It was an accidental surprise. It was not in his original plan. Gu Shenwei and Shangguan were so sure that he still had secrets. This is a long time. I guessed that there was no way to force the old man to tell the truth.

"Talk about your treasures." Nothing in Gu Shen’s mind can be called a "treasure." He is more concerned about whether the old man is colluding with the enemy and intends to undermine the dragon army.

Once the road was found to be unreasonable, the old man changed his hand very quickly. He immediately told the truth, without adding a little bit of back and cover up. "The three medicinal herbs that Xiaoyuetang refines, they gave a strange name - the bones, the strange scary I called it to continue life, it was when I ran away from Xiaoyuetang when I ran away... Han Wuxian sent me 09, a total of seven, ate four, and left these three. It is very effective for internal injuries, may be Can cure the Dragon King's fire."

The old man planned to eat it himself, but now he can only bear it with pain. Without the protection of the Dragon King, he will die in the hands of countless enemies.

"Handed over." Gu Shenwei can not be modest with the old man.

"I haven't got it yet?" Wood old man was afraid that the Dragon King would not believe it. He swears, "Really, I just wanted to go to Longting and I wanted to go to Dan. I haven't found a suitable opportunity. Later, Dragon King won't let me go, good. The girl is watching tightly, and the old man has no chance."

"Where is it hidden?"

Speaking of this secret, the old man will have nothing. "Hey, good people can be selfish. Where can I not hide? The Dragon King can take it with me. It is certainly easier for us to cooperate with each other. It is good tonight. Say it is done."

"Can you guarantee that the Mustang will not start first?"

"Can, this is my biggest secret, even if I say that my dreams will not leak out."

"And, what is the internal strength of the Mustang?"

The wild horse took the martial arts atlas of the old man, but this still cannot explain why his internal strength has advanced by leaps and bounds.

"I really don't know." Under a series of persuasion, the old man is also a bit sloppy. "The wild horse must have another adventure. His moves are mine, and the internal skills and my work are definitely not all the way."

Gu Shenwei was about to ask again. The guards informed that someone was asking for it. He went out for a trip. After returning, he changed his mind and said to Shangguan: "Look at him and say tomorrow."

Shangguan, such as taking the old man back to the camp of the country of Xiangji, Gu Shen immediately called the lotus girl and asked her if she knew "bone bones."

"The old man in the wood still has a bone-killing pill?" The lotus girl was very surprised. It was equal to admitting that Xiaoyuetang did have this thing. "The dead bone pill is the holy moon medicine of Xiaoyuetang. It is said that it has the effect of returning to life. The refining process is extremely long and complicated, two or three generations. The man can complete, the meaning of the bones is dry, the Xiaoyuetang has only seven, and all the old man was stolen, I thought he had eaten early."

"There are three left."

"This is a good thing, it may be effective for your escape from the fire, but be careful, I don't know much about the Kusu Pill, it is difficult to say whether it has hidden dangers."

For the things of Xiaoyuetang, Gu Shen will be very careful about nature, but the biggest concern he has tonight is not to "go with me."

The lotus girl nodded and did not ask a single sentence.

The person who had come to see the Dragon King was Shou Lao. He was also trapped in the Yumin District. He just got free and returned the deposit to the Dragon King. "The business is not made. I can't collect the money of the Dragon King. This is what you left behind. The original is returned."

Still the little leather bag, there is not much gold inside.

Shou Lao said that he apologized. "I changed my line and bought some beef and sheep. It is in the animal market in the east of the Yumin District, the third in the North Street. If you want to find someone, please don't ask me. I want to have a banquet. I can help, definitely the cheapest price."

Shou Lao said goodbye, Gu Shen pulled out a piece of paper from a small purse with the words twisted and twisted: there is intelligence, Bosang.

Bosang used to be the bodyguard of Shou Lao. After resigning, he took the Dragon King. The first task he accepted was to go back to the area to inquire about the intelligence and see which masters of the Central Plains and the Western Regions came to participate in the Warriors.

Poisang did not come, but entrusted the former employer to pass on the news. This is not a cautious act. Gu Shen did not even believe in this sturdy knife, let alone the old man who had deceived him.

But he still decided to go there. The riots in the squatter area are not simple, and some things must be clarified.

Chu Nan is also called by Gu Shen, the young swordsman showed unexpected martial arts, and can once again serve as a personal guard.

Niu Niu is one of the most important goods in Beiting. The status of the livestock market is important, accounting for almost one-third of the Dalit area. It is also one of the important reasons why the soldiers have to be lifted.

Shou Lao seems to really want to change his career, bought thousands of cattle and sheep, the vast circle, there are more than a dozen light guards, through the Long Ting Conference, he wants to do a big business.

Chu Nanping was responsible for monitoring several tents outside the circle. Gu Shenwei and the Dutch woman took two laps in the entire livestock market. After confirming that there was no ambush, they went to find Posang.

Posang’s tent was very easy to find, and he was alone, and only he would put a knife and a sword on the threshold.

Gu Shen went in for one person, and the lotus girl and the south screen were on the alert.

There was a small candle in the account, and the lights were dim. Poisang was walking with thick legs and anxiously pacing back and forth. When he saw the Dragon King, his eyes lit up and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

There is still a person in the corner, the big flowers are tied, the mouth is stuffed with things, and when I sit there, I struggle from time to time, obviously very angry.

Gu Shen did not know him.

Bosang was so excited that he was red, and whispered, "Dragon King, I am holding you a ‘baby’, he knows the Warriors better.”

"Who is he?"

"He is called Kuozhen, the grandson of the old king of Khan, the younger brother of Khan, and everyone says that he is dead, actually in my hands."

Gu Shen was shocked and thought that it would be interesting to meet with Kwasung tomorrow.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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