Death Sutra

Chapter 577: clean

The wild horse smelled the obvious slavery style in the assassination plan formulated by the Dutch woman. Although she had hatred of invincibility, he still admitted that the guy on the arm was sometimes very clever and not as smart as the Jinpeng killer.

The perfect Jinpeng killer is a pure knife. How to use it and where to stab it is decided by the person who masters it. This is the pattern created by successive single-step kings. Although there will be losses in efficiency, the safety will be greatly improved. .

Huannu is a typical negative example. He is too clever, so he has to control the knife in his hand. The result is to betray Jinpengbao and stand on his own.

The wild horse can't talk. He always thinks in his heart that Huannu is like a wise man in this world. He is born with a pair of anti-bone, Shibao, Dubuwang, Ba Shaozhu, Xue Niang, and Shi Gongzi, all on the betrayal list of Huanu. The Mustang himself is also among them.

At that time, they discussed how to use an accident to kill Shangguanru and re-find the owner for himself. But at the moment of the hands-on, Huannu sold his partner, causing several people to be killed and the wild horse being expelled.

This expulsion completely changed the fate of the wild horse. He should have stayed in the fort in the fort, rather than drifting on the grassland.

For that betrayal, the Mustang will never forgive, even if he is later cut off by an slave, the hatred is far from being comparable.

Today, the Mustang was forced to accept the command of the Dragon King. He took a 12-point spirit and prevented himself from being betrayed again.

Shangguan Shaomin will not martial arts, but it is not easy to assassinate her. The people who protect her are dozens of Jinpeng killers. Many of them are experienced and the loopholes that Longwang can think of. They can also think of it and block it in advance. Strict and solid.

Therefore, the Dutch women intend to let the target go out of the camp and enter the trap they set.

The wild horse guessed that this idea must have been thought of by the slaves.

At noon the next day, only one day away from the Long Ting Conference, I came to Longting’s eight-year-old grandmother, Luo Ningcha, and suddenly sent the most trusted 丫 ring to the Jinpengbao camp, inviting Miss Min to gather.

The wild horse can see clearly, the little meaning is faked by a woman under the lotus woman.

Han Fen was ordered to monitor Luo Ning tea and her three rings. Sure enough, Gu Shen did not expect it. The small intention was to ventilate the people to Jinpeng Fort. The eight-grandmother’s every move will soon be passed to Shangguan Yun and Zhang Hao’s ears.

Xiaoyi has never entered the Jinpengbao camp before. Every time she goes to the artisan area, she talks to a shopkeeper by the opportunity to buy sundries, and then the information that the treasurer will hear is transferred to a Jinpeng killer, the killer returned to the camp to report to the owner.

Therefore, Shangguan Yun and Zhang Wei knew that Xiaoyi was his own traitor, but she was not familiar with her. She was surprised to see "She" to see.

Han Fen is good at camouflage, and even the sound is very similar. Of course, she only has one day of observation time. She is still far away and has a lot of loopholes. But apart from the shopkeeper, no one in the Jinpengbao camp can distinguish between true and false. .

Yan Huan’s “small idea” conveyed the invitation of Miss, suggesting that Shangguan Yun is the best to accept.

The invitation was a bit awkward, and it was normal to put it on the eight-grandmother. Therefore, in the afternoon, Shangguan Shaomin left the camp and went to the temporary residence of Luoning tea in the noble area. "Xiaoyi" was with her, taking the same one. carriage.

Luo Ning tea is the sister of Shangguan Yun. He is not convenient to go in person. So he sent a knife master, ten killers and 20 knife escorts. This prostitute is very important. He must not make a mistake in the last few days.

The Jinpeng camp is in the east, the residence of Luoning tea is southwest, and there is a section in the middle to pass through the artisan area. The wild horse and the man are ready to start on the most lively street.

This is not the time and place that Mustang likes. Although he has re-learned the martial arts of Yuqing School, which is very different from Jinpengbao style, he still maintains the habit of killing in his consciousness. When he mentions assassination, the first thing he thinks of is night and hiding. However, he also admits that occasional changes in habits are beneficial and can have an unexpected effect.

The two arrived at the pointing position one quarter ahead of time, hiding in the carriage, the driver caught in the crowd, disappeared quickly, the passers-by rushed, no one cares about the carriage stopped temporarily on the side of the road.

The two carriages are about to be side by side, the Mustang and the hands of Man.

Near dusk, two black-faced assassins suddenly rushed out, not to mention the unprepared pedestrians, and even the Jinpeng killer who was always vigilant, was also shocked.

The impact of the riots in the Tuyu District has not been completely eliminated. Everyone has a string in their hearts. When there is a wind and grass, they immediately think of self-protection.

The wild horse and the movement from the man is not as simple as the wind and the grass. The two men hold each other with their hands, and at the same time, they cast four arrows at the same time, and then throw away the weapons and pull the knife to kill.

The chaos spread to the surrounding area at an extremely fast speed. The shops along the street were busy closing the door. The pedestrians were running around. The people in the North Court were still armed. Nearly half of the pedestrians in the whole street were equipped with weapons, while running and watching.

Although the Jinpeng killers were unexpected, they were not confused at all. The two blocked the sneak attack arrows, and the four men rushed to the assassin. The other four guarded the whole place. The knife master observed the whole situation. After a little meeting, he could make a judgment. Ordered in time for twenty knives.

If you want to conceal the goal under the protection of Jinpeng's killer, you have to be as self-sufficient as the North Court army to shoot and shoot. The knife master has already quickly prepared a solution.

However, the two assassins ran faster, and the knife was rushed to kill. It was only a lure for the enemy. The wild horse knew the routine of the Jinpeng killer. He did not turn and fled. Instead, he took the move away from Man, and in the moment the knife owner hesitated, they It has crossed the heads of several people and it will be mixed into the crowd.

Let the assassin escape, it will be the shame of Jinpengbao, the knife master signaled half of the men to go after the chase, the rest of the people surrounded the carriage, if the enemy wants to play the East strokes of the West, he will not be fooled.

Jinpengbao is destined to bear this shame. The pedestrians on the street made a mess. A group of cavalrymen came over and added chaos. They were indiscriminate and swept away from the crowd. They were not soft on Jinpeng’s killers. In fact, they could not recognize them. The identity of these people, on the contrary, feels that the black is very doubtful.

The killers did not dare to resist. They received strict orders and were not allowed to make troubles in the Long Ting. Even if they were provocative, they should be as forbearing as possible.

This is not a jade city, the killer is not only not respected, but also subject to suspicion.

The riots happened quickly and faded quickly. Soon everyone discovered that this was just an individual incident. The assassin’s assassination failed and the people had already ran.

The shop opened again and the street returned to normal. After discovering that Jinpengbao was assassinated, the Beiting soldiers felt surprised, but immediately released.

Until I walked out of this street, the pedestrians were no longer intensive, the knife master remembered that the lady in the carriage must be frightened, so she rode to the side of the car and stooped to call three "Miss Min", did not get a response, only had to be courageous. Drive the curtain.

The people are gone, Miss Min and the ring "small idea" are gone, and the bottom of the compartment reveals a conspicuous big hole.

After the knife master took a while to react, I felt that I would have a big disaster, but I still have to do it, so the soldiers were divided into three ways: two knifemen returned to the camp to report the situation to the three young masters, five killers and Five knives returned to Shunyuan Road to check the clues of the missing person. The knives led the others and went straight to the eight-grandmother's residence.

Luo Ningcha was both surprised and angry at the unexpected visit. She did not know the entire assassination plan. She regarded the door-to-door question as a shame to herself. She ordered three monks to stand in the front row and stand behind the screen. The knife master, determined that the three young masters are looking for an excuse to bully themselves.

Shangguan Yun quickly arrived, reprimanded the knife and apologized to the brother-in-law. After seeing the real shackles, he understood that he was deceived.

The killers who visited the scene on the original road brought back the truth: After the riot ended, the North Court soldiers asked the identity of the people and asked them to lean on the carriage to the side, just to pick up the stealth vehicle of the assassin. Miss Min is the person at this time. Take away, she either ** or voluntarily flee.

Shangguan Shaomin voluntarily left, Han Fen persuaded her with only one sentence. "Shangguan wants me to take you away."

This is a lie. Shangguan Shaomin is very convinced that she has been waiting for the little aunt to save herself from the bitter sea.

A few streets away, the Mustang and Man were replaced in a tent, about two quarters later, waiting for Han Fen and Shangguan Shaomin.

During this time, the suspicion of the Mustang reached its peak. The Dragon King could completely let Han Fen sneak away the granddaughter of the One-Step King and then push the charges to the king of the day. Therefore, he secretly assigned a lot of men to monitor the movement of Han Fen. .

In Longting, the Mustang has established a certain foundation, even more than Jinpengbao, not to mention the completely isolated Dragon King.

Shangguan Shaomin was sent, and the wild horse's suspicion was weakened. The Dragon King is the Dragon King. He will not take risks for an insignificant gimmick. He will only betray his allies at the most critical moments.

Han Fen completed the task, did not say anything, and left on his own.

Shangguan Shaomin felt that things were not right. She didn't know the two men. Shangguan was even missing. "Who are you? Little aunt?"

From Man, the girl who was famous in Longting’s name, she admitted that she was beautiful, but she was not as amazing as she imagined, but it was a pity to kill it, so she turned her head and hoped to stay out of it.

The wild horse couldn't answer the question of the girl. He pulled out the usual narrow knife and planned to solve it on the spot. The grass at the foot was suitable for the burial of the dead afterwards.

Killing a person, the killer can be regardless of whether the other person is a man or a woman, is always young, strong or weak.

Shangguan Shaomin’s expression of doubts seems to be wondering what the knife is for, and inexplicably comes up with a sentence, “Don’t flow too much blood.”

The wild horse stunned and didn't understand what the last words meant. Should she keep it clean when she died?

The narrow knife stabbed the weak neck. He could satisfy the girl's wish. As long as the angle and strength were right, she would have little blood and clean, and could not feel the pain of death.

The girl fell down and her eyes were round and round, as if the moment before her death, the horror of death was discovered.

Her heart is unwilling.

The wild horse took up the narrow knife and lost it in his heart. He didn't know how to pity. He just thought that the whole plan was not normal enough, so he bent down and rubbed his face on the body with his cuffs.

This is a promising person. Although young, he is not a 16-year-old girl.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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