Death Sutra

Chapter 582: Peace

In the face of the enemy's sneak attack, the Dragon King reacted so fast with the Mustang, and he felt like a clumsy child.

This must have been a trap that has been arranged for a long time. The ancient wind and the other person smashed the south screen. At about the same time, the three masked assassins hiding in the shadow suddenly shot, the target is the Dragon King.

Between revenge and escort, the wild horse chooses the latter. He is still a killer in his bones. He is wholehearted when performing a certain task. Since he acts as a bodyguard of the Dragon King, he will never lose his job.

From Man, after the scene was chaotic, he reacted with other people, pulled out the scimitar, and prepared to join the battle group.

The cooperation between the Dragon King and the Mustang was extremely smooth. Between the three and five strokes, they had killed an assassin and forced the other two to get into trouble.

Gu Shenwei passed by from the side of Man and ordered: "Go help him."

There was no doubt from Man to Dragon King, and he immediately took action and ran to the south screen of not far away.

Chunan Screen does not seem to regard the two people as a sneak attack, still treated with a competitive attitude, calmly out of the sword, and turn a blind eye to the chaotic situation around.

The ancient style danced nakedly and slid back, like a grasshopper dancing in the dark.

It was the time when Man arrived, and among the onlookers who stepped back, they jumped out of five or six people, all of them rushing to the south screen.

The martial arts from Man was obtained from the Master, and he was famous in the Long Ting Aristocratic Circle. At the moment, he screamed and slashed a passage and kept behind the screen.

After the five strokes, the problem was discovered by Man. These people did not care about themselves, but they did not rush. Their purpose was not to kill, but to catch them. The object was the South Screen. The ancient style was clearly looking for opportunities to plan acupuncture.

Not only that, the siege seems to open the side of the general's son, leaving Manchester a few moves, the other party either to avoid the grid, no one to counterattack.

The heart of Man’s heart suddenly jumped, fearing that he was making a big mistake.

Gu Shen has not been out for a long time, so he is not in a hurry to kill, but carefully cares about it, slowly looking for feelings, then suddenly jumped out of the battle group and rushed to the side of the south screen, he knows what the real goal of this group is. .

Chu Nanping has gained a lot in the process of being an enemy. He has not fallen into the wind now, but it will not be long before it will be surrounded by encirclement.

Chu Nan Screen is a swordsman. The short-term killer training has not changed this. I still want to defeat the strongest opponents first, instead of breaking the chaos and breaking the encirclement.

Gu Shenwei's choice is just the opposite. No matter how dangerous the person to be saved, his first knife will definitely be the weakest of the sieges, and he will never take the initiative to enter the inner circle.

He jumped more agilely and without rules than the ancient style, so that his opponent could not defend. After three knives, the three fell, and the tight encirclement became loose. Everyone wanted to protect themselves and chased the dragon king nervously. I forgot the main task of this trip.

Soon, only the ancient style was alone with the South Screen, but the offensive was even more fierce, and the purpose of the left hand was no longer concealed. By the cover of the right hand knife, pointing to the finger.

This is the first time that Mann has experienced a real assassination scene. He learned a lot from high school, and soon he will get another experience: a fierce offensive is often a prelude to escape.

The ancient wind has actually acknowledged the failure of the mission. He is laying the foundation for a safe escape. As an experienced river and lake person, he knows best, but how dangerous it is to be followed by people in the process of fleeing.

He passed through the flustered accomplices and hesitant to leave Man, even including the South Screen, but could not deceive the more experienced Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei is still jumping on the periphery, and it is easy to not get a knife. The knife must be killed. It is like rehearsing beforehand. The ancient wind turned and fled, and the first jump landed, just hit it. Dragon King.

Gu Shen will not acupoint, the only means of licking the enemy is to use the shank to smash the midbrain.

The ancient wind fell heavily. With his martial arts, he was not defeated between the two moves. However, he thought that he had successfully retreated. In the face of an unexpected blow, the sneak attacker became a sneak attacker.

The surviving several sieges no longer hesitated, fled and fled, and mixed into the crowds who were watching.

Gu Shenwei did not catch up, and the vitality he wanted had already arrived, which is enough.

The ancient winds are clear, the pain behind the brain is still very obvious, but the narrow knife on the throat is even more shocking.

He is a famous figure in the Central Plains, and it is shameful to play for the rights of the North Court. He is ordered to perform assassinations and kidnappings, but he still has the bottom line. "I can't say anything..."

The ancient wind did not say anything. When he spit out his last breath, he did not even realize that death was coming.

The wild horse stabbed the heart of the ancient wind, turned to look at the dragon king, turned and left.

From the heart of Man’s efforts to control the jump, the Mustang is still more responsive than him. If he is good, he must be said, “This person seems to be the master hired by the Sun Yat-Sen. If the person dies, the appearance will not change. The Dragon King can sue. The last one, and Jinpengbao, just those people are Jinpeng killers."

Gu Shenwei did not have time to stop the wild horses. This is a small mistake, but it does not affect the overall situation. "Those people are not Jinpeng killers, and the ancient style is probably not the master of the Japanese Yao."

"Not a Jinpeng killer?" The surprise from Mann is true. In his opinion, those who hold a narrow knife have an obvious style of Jinpengbao.

"They are not killers, just ordinary swordsmen." The person who spoke was the first screen, and he did not kill alone. "The killer will not be so easy to mess up."

I am ashamed of Man, but no one can see his expression in the dark. "In any case, this matter must be related to the King of Koryo and the King of Japan. The Dragon King should fight back. They openly defy the promise of the old Khan. It’s a big act.”

Gu Shenwei has no snoring. These people are clearly trying to catch the South Screen. They are not for the swordsmanship, but for the flames, and they are completely disguised by Man. It seems that the suspicion of the king is greater.

The struggle within the Long Ting is a hundred times more complicated than that of Jinpeng Fort. No one can determine the position of the time.

The onlookers are mostly martial arts people. Although they are panicked, they will not be lost. See the end of the battle and slowly approach.

"The Dragon King has a good knife method." Someone shouted abruptly. The juvenile swordsmanship was certainly superb, but it was a bit dull and esoteric. It was not as good as the Dragon King's murder.

The crowd was silent for a moment, as if the sound of the echo at this time would offend anyone, and then screamed at the same time.

"Dragon King, do you accept an apprentice? I practiced a knife from five years old..."

"Dragon King, do you need people? I don't care about compensation..."

This is not the effect that Gu Shen wants to achieve tonight. She put up the Wufeng knife and indicated that the South Screen was over and ready to leave.

A stunned horseshoe came from a few days ago. Only a few days ago, people who had experienced riots and encirclement in the Minhang District immediately changed their faces. People who just wanted to work for the Dragon King ran in the blink of an eye.

Panic from Man, "Dragon King, I can't be seen..."

When he was fighting, he and the wild horse did not report his name. At most, he was suspected, but he had to open his identity in the face of the regular North Cavalry.

Gu Shen nodded and expressed understanding, and Man immediately merged with the wild horse into the crowd.

Not long after, there were only two people left in the open space.

A large number of North Cavalry rushed to the scene, but did not directly rush to the front of the two, but separated from the two sides in a dozen steps, forming a dense encirclement, circle and circle, like the wall of the long legs.

Hundreds of arrows are aimed at the Dragon King and the South Screen. With just one order, even a **** is hard to escape.

The cavalry automatically opened a narrow passage, and more than a dozen generals entered the fish. They were lined up in front of Gu Shen for seven or eight steps. Among them was a short old general.

"Dragon King, you really will cause me trouble."

Gu Shenwei recognized him. This is the second-ranked Saint-Day of the North Court. The two had had a relationship at the banquet of King Boast. At that time, the King of the Holy King was a typical alcoholic, only to the Dragon King. The Dapeng bird was interested. When he heard that the bird had not come, he never looked at him again.

Today, he put on his armor, and his head feathers stand tall, showing the majesty and even the sense of standing out.

"I thought that King of the Holy Day was here to help me solve the problem."

"Haha." The Holy King sent out the unique laughter of the North Court, and then frowned. "Who are these bodies?"

"I am also waiting for the answer."

"Is it all killed?"


"Oh, I remember that the Dragon King promised that he would not murder in the North Court."

"Yes, the premise is that I will not be attacked. I can find many people who have witnessed it and prove that these people are the first to do it."

"No need." The King of the Holy Day suddenly became angry. "I don't understand. Dragon King is a guest of the North Court. Why are you coming to this place? You need to practice with a knife. I will look for you; I feel that women are not enough. I can help as well, why bother to fight with a group of people?"

"The Holy Day is not here, but also with a group of cavalry."

"That's not the same. I was ordered to rectify the order in the Mindanao area to ensure that there will be no more riots. Just now the Dragon King almost provoked a riot."

Gu Shenwei turned around and looked at the heavily armed cavalry. "It’s weird. Last night we went to the Minhang District and didn’t even meet with the Holy King. The fate of life is really difficult to predict.”

The king of the holy day sank, "Speak less useless nonsense, you two, all walk with me, I don't care what you are, no matter what the stupid bureaucrats promised you, on my site. If you make trouble, you have to accept my disposal."

"I can accept the invitation of the Holy King, my followers can't."

King of the Holy Day snorted coldly. "Invitation? My 'invitation' No one can refuse. You don't want to leave like this flowery follower. Our Beiting people don't like this tone, but occasionally try it, also Nothing can't."

The cavalry all laughed, and many people saw the beautiful young man for the first time, looking unscrupulously, suspecting that he might be a woman dressed as a man.

They should not laugh, this not only destroys the serious atmosphere, but also makes the strength of the arm involuntarily weaken, and the bowstring is slack.

The two people surrounded by the two trapped at the same time, the first south screen waved double swords, blocking all possible rescues, Gu Shen was sitting behind the king of the Holy Day, and opened the inadequacy of the feathers, whispered: "Old and honest I am going to see the people in the building, let's save trouble."

Chu Nan screen can make two sets of swords by one person. Gu Shen believes that the whole person who is most interested in this matter is the eleven disciples.

He wants to show hidden enemies.

(Seeking for collection and subscription. Congratulations to the "Drunken Dreams and Dead Man" as the first lord of this book. May is over, thank you all the readers for their attention, I hope that the June text will get your support.) (To be continued. Please Search floating astronomy, the novel is better to update faster!)

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