Death Sutra

Chapter 62: victory

Shangguan broke free from the big brother's arm, and grabbed Moyu's palm and wooden knife from Shangguanfei's hand. He looked at Shangguanhang with a sigh of relief. She did not speak a word. She temporarily won, although this victory was not won by her.

I wandered around the table and chairs, and first took Shangguanfei in my arms. "Well, how is the bleeding on the neck? Who made it?"

Her gaze casts her head.

"It’s the sister’s stab."

Shangguan Fei said with a sad face, he could suffer a lot this night.

I thought that Xiaogongzi was scared.

Shangguan is so sullen: "I am stabbing. My older brother thinks that I am not worthy of being a man of Shangguan. I prove it to him."

Shangguan snorted and disdain to argue with the children.

I don’t know what to say, I took out my handkerchief and carefully wrapped up Shangguanfei.

Gu Shenwei got up from the ground and wanted to go to the Shangguan. He looked at him and looked at him. His look was not very friendly. He had to retreat to the wall and stand.

When Shangguan Yu also climbed up, secretly tidy up the hair for the Shangguan, such as finishing clothes, carefully not letting you notice yourself.

No one spoke in the whole room.

After waiting for a while, the king did not show up. Shangguanhang always held the narrow knife under his waist. His expression was blocked by the huge eye bags on his face. He suddenly said, "I killed these two provocations first. The dog slave who made the trouble of the owner."

In the eyes of the young masters, there is no difference between the cousin and the minions in the rain.

When Shangguan reached out and blocked the Shangguan rain around him, "I said, no."

Shangguan did not scream, but pulled out the narrow knife. Even if there were a hundred Shangguan in the house, when he was surrounded by Shangguan Yu, he could stab the target accurately and hit it.

Mr. Guo has no knife, but his hand is shrunk into his sleeves, and he can kill people with empty hands, especially the children who kill martial arts.

Gu Shen knows that the dwarf's goal is to be self-protected, but not to protect himself, but to rush to death and go to Shangguan, he just regrets that he has not picked up the knife on the ground.

"If you dare to kill me, it is to avenge me. I don't accept an apology, and I will never reconcile. I don't want you to be a big brother. Not to be the eldest son of the one-step king. I will entangle you forever, until I personally put it. You kill."

Shangguan knows that he has no ability to protect his favorite people, so she threatens her voice to be as cool as a 12-year-old child.

Shangguan’s heart was slightly shocked. There seems to be something worthy of attention in the words of this half-sister, but he can’t show weakness. He is the killer. He is the eldest son of Shangguan, the most likely candidate for the next generation.

The light candlelight slides on the knife.

"If you can't kill her, you should respect what she said."

A voice at the door said.

The one-step king arrived, and no one noticed.

All the people in the house were kneeling down. Only Shangguan, like the rushing past, put the palm of the hand and the wooden knife into the father's hand. "Father, this is the first time I have done the thief, I will give it to you."

On the grim face of Shangguan, I couldn’t help but smile. "This is my thing."

"But I stole it, it belongs to me for the time being, I will give it to you, they will be returned to you."

Shangguan fell heavily and glanced at the body on the ground. "What is going on?"

"He betrayed me, so I killed him."

"You are not 13 years old, you are killing."

Thirteen years old is a symbol of the Shangguan male. At this age, even if he is an adult, he is qualified to be called a "less master". He can start to form his own team. The sentence of Shangguan is actually treating the young daughter as a man.

Shangguan Guan, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at each other with Mr. Guo and thought: Broken.

"No matter whether it is one year old or one hundred years old, Shangguan’s people are not allowed to betray."

"well said."

The one-step king rarely praised a person. Shangguan can no longer sit back and watch the situation reverse. He said: "Father, the six-killing temple is the ancestral temple, the yin and evil are forbidden, the seventeen sister..."

"Don't call it a 17-year-old girl in the future." Shangguan fell coldly and said that the change in attitude made the Shangguan tremble and horrified. Not long ago, his father was still furious about his daughter's hustle and bustle. How suddenly he turned to the eldest son?

"Mr. Guo, pick a ecliptic auspicious day, I want to personally bring the children into the six-killing hall, and declare to the ancestors. From then on, the tenth son of my one-step king, you must call her ten sons. Next year, she will be Ten less masters."

Mr. Guo squatted on the ground, trembled and claimed that he could not think of his own defeat. It was originally intended to humiliate Mrs. Meng, but the result was self-deprecating.

Gu Shenwei was in the corner, and the second time I saw the One-Step King, the timidity was much less than the first time. He was able to think normally, and then he was full of admiration for the twin mother, the lady who had only seen one side. Feelings.

He had thought that Ms. Meng was just an ordinary mother who loved her children. The masculinity of Shangguanru was the result of her father's promotion. Now I know that it is a big mistake. It is Mrs. Meng who uses her daughter as a boy. She must have been in the past few years. Constantly instilling the idea to the One Step King: As long as the personality is right, the daughter can be a son.

Finally, through an unexpected crisis, she managed to successfully convince her husband that she would publicly recognize Shangguanru’s “Ten Son” status.

Gu Shenwei admired the five-body cast, and was very curious about what kind of means Mrs. Meng used to control the behavior of the king of the Western Regions.

The daughter of Datoushen is really stupid at home, and with her identity and wisdom, it is absolutely impossible to win this battle.

The sky is white, and this long night is finally over.

Shangguan was so excited that the crisis was more real than all the games she had played. She once thought she was defeated, but in the end she was a big winner.

Even the whistleblower was forced to ask her from Mr. Guo.

It turned out to be Shangguanfei. He had bragging the same day with several children of the same family. He accidentally leaked the secret. The White House still attached great importance to the gossip in the fort. He immediately prepared for it, not to prevent them from entering, but to prepare for the people. .

The family grievances will always be part of Jinpengbao. The one-step king chooses to stay in the past, and no one asks any more. Even the arrogant Shangguan knows this truth and does not ask the big brother for sin.

Gu Shenwei's small conspiracy was temporarily submerged in the internal contradictions of Shangguan's family. The real six-killing wooden knife was hidden in a place where only one person knew it.

How long this secret can last, he has no grasp at all, and sooner or later someone will find that the wooden knife that is still going back is still fake. At that time, Shangguan could not protect him, and he would also regard him as a "betrayal."

Time is tight, Gu Shenwei must find a way out for himself, but first of all, he must first find out from the Snow Maiden that there is a secret in the wood knife.

Jinpengbao is like a sturdy King Kong. If you want to pull it down, you must patiently look for every visible and invisible crack. Gu Shenwei has discovered a few, but now he is too weak to face the enemy's flaws. Still helpless, so he only observes and collects. One day, one day, these cracks will come together in front of him and become a deadly gully.

The internal contradictions of the Shangguan family, the ambitions of Mrs. Meng, the secrets of the wooden knives... are all cracks in Jinpengbao, and there are some smaller and more subtle cracks, such as the fuzzy position of the Shangguan rain, and the anger of the eight lords. Gu Shen is all in his eyes in his eyes.

There are many wooden knives near Shangguanru’s residence. Gu Shen randomly picked up a room when she returned to her room. She slept for an hour, and immediately climbed up and took the wooden knife out of the house to see Xue Niang.

If there is a guard to stop, he will say that he is going to clean the outside of the Suihuayuan under the order of "Ten Gongzi". When Shangguan is probably sleeping at this time, no one will dare to disturb.

In fact, he thought too much, and met many people along the way, but no one stopped, and even a few people who did not know smiled at him.

Gossip is always spread at an unexpected speed. Shangguan has become a ten son, and even her personal servants are immediately superior.

Gu Shen was holding a wooden knife, but she was not very happy. She heard about what happened inside the house in the morning and put the wooden knife on the table and said, "You have made things very big."

"The little slave didn't think so."

"What is going on with this wooden knife? I heard that the knife has returned."

"I brought two wooden knives, one changed the six knives, and the other gave it back. The real wooden knives are this one. I was hiding under the wall of the wall of the Sixth Hall. No one knows, I am afterwards. Go and get it back."

Most of Gu Shenwei’s words are true, and the only lie is that he did not return to the knife.

Xue Niang showed a smile, picked up the wooden knife on the table and glanced at it. Then her face changed greatly and she broke the wooden knife. "You are courageous and dare to make a ghost in front of me."

Iron pointed to the poke, Gu Shen was planted down, the heat in the acupoints rushed to Dantian, the whole body was like being grilled by flames. "Snow, Snow Maiden, this, this is true, I have not... lied to you."

Xue Niang kicked a foot on Huannu, slightly alleviating his pain. "Do you think I don't know the wooden knife of the Sixth Hall?"

Gu Shenwei’s breathing was smoother, but she still couldn’t stand up. “The wooden knife in the temple may be more than one.”

"More than one?"

"It was too late to see all the places. This wooden knife was set on the wall and merged with the people in the painting. I was the closest. I thought it was. Now I want to come. Other places are probably also equipped with wooden knives."

Xue Niang sat down again, and the details of the wall inlaid with a wooden knife seemed to move her. Her source of information was accurate, and some places were ambiguous. She had never been to the six-killing hall. Naturally, there was no way to know the details.

"Can you still enter the six halls?"

"I can go in with the ten sons."

Xue Niang believed in a few points, but she was still suspicious. "Don't play tricks with me, remember, your secret is in my hands, and my life is in my hands."

"The little slaves don't dare to forget."

Gu Shen left the room of Xue Niang with a heavy body. Contrary to the command of Xue Niang, he was about to play a trick, and he also knew where the secret of the wooden knife was hidden. Xue Niang’s eyes leaked a lot of things.

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