Death Sutra

Chapter 631: be quiet

Fang Wen was puzzled enough to fill his thriving belly and then spilled over his face.

However, he was a military strategist. He answered questions and speculated that he was his own. He then resisted curiosity. According to the story of the Dragon King and the information he had heard, he analyzed it one by one. "I heard about the assassination in the palace. The king and the day went to the king for a night trial. Before the dawn, the prisoner was confessed to the post-cursor. The ambassador was a disciple. The young man of the warrior claimed that the old king had been occupied by the demon. Only by killing him can he save the soul of the old king and The future of the North Court."

Fang Wen is thinking about his chin for a moment, "but listening to the Dragon King, it seems that the old Khan King knew the assassination beforehand, strange, very strange. If I guess, the real situation may be like this, the old Khan himself arranged the assassination, The purpose is to let the Dragon King rescue and publicly show his loyalty. The King of Kwa and the King of Heaven are both smart people, and they know what is going on in the first instance, so they use this opportunity to attack the opponent. Who is the common opponent of these two people? Nature is the holy king who is enchanted by the proud building."

"The old Khan Wang probably also intends to eradicate the 'Mage' around him." Gu Shenwei just returned to the Longjun camp and immediately found a military officer to discuss the latest situation. He has many ideas that he could not reveal in front of the old Khan.

"The old man finally realized that he knew that the so-called immortality is deceiving?" Fang Wen is a satirical but full of understanding. The "longevity" career was developed almost by the support of the emperors of the past. This kind of thing, in the book, There are many records.

"Or, he found a more powerful 'Mage', the old man is superfluous." Gu Shenwei has another guess.

Fang Wen is shaking his head, and he doesn't care much about it. "The old Khan's heart is really hard to guess. While busy with longevity, he fosters two unknown children and grandchildren, ready to destroy the reconstruction of the North Court after his death. He wants to Let the current Longting be buried with him?"

"That's it." Gu Shenwei felt that the military division had said the key point. "According to my observation, the old Khan is the kind of person who is firmly grasped after the arrest. He is still afraid of death. If he can't live forever, he certainly hopes to In another world, I continue to control the familiar people and things. This is also the reason why the old Khan Wang wants to find helpers outside the North Court. It is not that I am Jinpeng Fort. The real Beiting people have a feeling of affection and interest for Long Ting. I am reluctant to destroy it completely, but an outsider can get benefits from destruction."

"And the Dragon King and the One Step King are never qualified to rule the grassland, only to concentrate on the new Khan." Fang Wen is proposing another reason, the head shakes more frequently, "Mad, the old Khan is a madman."

"He is a sober madman, showing his ugliest side first. From then on, your impression of him will only get better and better. Then he arranges everything logically so that you can't refuse."

Fang Wen is seriously watching the Dragon King. This is not like the master of his impression. The Dragon King’s pursuit of “control” is paranoid. “Unable to refuse” is usually the reason for rejection. “If you can compete on the grassland, Power, defeating Jinpengbao to dominate the Western Region will be a breeze."

This is a huge temptation. The future is clearly visible. The future cannot be said to be smooth. At least it is no longer a fog. Dothan and Luo Luo are in a period of urgent need for help. With the will, the Dragon King will definitely be reused.

The old Khan knows its value, so he no longer gives the Dragon King any promise. He will lead the people who have no way to a ready-made road. I believe this is the greatest bounty.

"I need more reasons."

Fang Wen is a rare nod. "In any case, the two wills are good things. I have to get a hand this evening. I will inquire about the news as soon as possible. Duo Dun, Luo Luo, Hey, Lao Han Wang hid them. But deep enough, there are not a few nobles in the entire Longting to take these two people seriously."

Some things, Gu Shenwei did not say to the military division, such as the old Khan Wang let him only pick a woman, and the false story about his life, especially the former, in fact, is the premise of receiving a will.

The emotions in the heart of the old Khan Wang have long been exhausted in the long power life, but let him see more thoroughly about the world. The Dragon King wants to walk on the road he has arranged, and must pay a price to give up. Only in this way, The Dragon King can cherish this road and will not give up easily.

"Get started." Gu Shenwei still hopes to be on her own path.

This is another busy day. Although invited, Gu Shenwei did not go to the suburbs to watch the ten kings training. He walked out of the tent and felt the sun was bright and dazzling. All the scenery was complete, and it was not easy to look at it carefully.

In addition to the two tents, Shangguanfei is pulling five or six guards, telling the story of his own courage to save the old Khan, and generously distributing the gold and silver jewelry he has given to the audience, leaving only a string of beads. "This is Used by the old Khan, it contains the power of God."

The old man stood on the side of Shangguanfei, very disdainful, but rarely opened his mouth.

Only five or six guards were on the whistle. Most of them were allowed by the Dragon King. They went to the suburbs to participate in the Long Ting Conference. There are many small-scale contests that can make them distracted and perhaps win some money.

Chu Nan screen stood beside the Dragon King, bowed his head and thought about his mind, not as alert as usual.

Fang Wen was holding the horse and led two guards to walk outside the camp.

Along the way, the much larger Jinpengbao camp is quieter. Except for a few bored knives, everyone seems to go out to watch the fun.

I don't know why, Gu Shenwei was impressed by the scenes that were ordinary in this scene. I haven't forgotten it for a long time. When I think about it, I feel that it is not true.

It is like the tranquility before the storm, and it is unforgettable.

Gu Shen rushed to Shangfei to wave.

"What is the command of the Dragon King?" Shangguan Fei asked happily.

"Well, go to the opposite side."

Shangguan Fei turned his head and looked at it. "Ah? Go there and do it? People are not there."

"Give Zhang Hao a good wine, and give it to him personally. You can't let others collect it."

"Yes, I guess Zhang Wei is also at the Long Ting Conference."

"Then wait for him to come back, and in the end give the wine to him."

"Okay." Shangguan Fei hesitated and hesitated to understand the intention of the Dragon King.

The old man was uninvited, and couldn’t help but say: "Stupid, Dragon King suspects that this is what has been ran away, let you confirm by giving the opportunity to drink."

Shangguan Fei suddenly realized that he was smacking his head. "I was confused. I had too much drinking last night. I haven’t been awake yet."

It’s not a risk to inquire about the news. Shangguanfei has a big breath. It is not easy to get such a relaxed task from the Dragon King. So he solemnly said: “Do not worry, Dragon King, I have not asked Zhang’s whereabouts.”

Shangguan Fei turned to pick up the wine, and the old man pouted. "I don't know. What is the great old king? A old guy who is going to die. He is a virtue, and he has to go to the Jinpengbao camp. He must brag. I forgot the Dragon King’s business, I will supervise him."

Not waiting for the Dragon King to agree, the old man has been chasing the official flying, this is the tool he first saw, can not let another old man steal.

Gu Shenwei looked at the two women's officials in Xiangxiang and Fang Wen met at the gate of the camp. They said a few words and hurriedly walked toward themselves. Suddenly they asked, "Is it iron?"

Chu Nan screen raised his head stunnedly, "go away."

"Where are you going?"

"do not know."

"Get her back. If she doesn't obey, she will bring her up and bring it to me."

Chu Nanping was a glimpse first, and then he was grateful. It was a rare emotional expression for him. "Well." He promised and immediately left.

Two female officials came to the Dragon King. "Dragon King, something is very strange... The red bat is also missing."

"what happened?"

"The red bat often ran back and forth between the two camps. But after I left the camp yesterday, I never went back. We started thinking that she stayed here for the night, but when she thought about something wrong, Long Wang Mingming went to the palace, she stayed. What are you doing?"

This is a bit embarrassing, Gu Shen did not care about it, thought about it, said: "I know where she is, rest assured, she is not dangerous."

The calm and comfort of the Dragon King dispelled most of the two female officials' worries, and the brows stretched at the same time, but they still couldn't rest assured. One of them said: "Dragon King, you said that the red bat is missing, is it related to the coach? Is she finding any clues? ”

"It is possible that I will get them back as soon as possible."

The two female officials still have many questions, but they believe that the Dragon King has not said much.

"Shangguan cloud is still there?"

Shangguanyun volunteered as a hostage and remained in the camp of the country of Xiangji.

"Yes, he is very honest."

"I will go see him."

Shangguan Yun seems to be very satisfied with the living environment. Although the tent is not big and the decoration is also a bit feminine, he accepts it frankly. "If the sister trains these female soldiers very well, I really don't think she has this ability."

"I want to talk about the future of Jinpengbao." Gu Shen opened the door.

"The future of Jinpengbao?" The smile on Shangguanyun's face has not changed at all. "The one-step king will be dead, I will inherit the king. When the time comes, the king is likely to have been recognized by the North Court and the Central Plains. Bigger ambition, let my children and grandchildren think about it."

"It’s a coincidence that my future is almost the same as that of Jinpengbao, that is, there is no such thing as the 'independence king'."

"Oh, it seems that only one of these two futures can be realized."

"Is the illegitimate son of the big day king satisfied with you?"

Shangguan Yun’s face suddenly changed and immediately returned to normal. “The Dragon King is really smart. I haven’t seen him yet.”

"Zhang Wei will help you to please him."

"Maybe." Shangguan Yun showed a lazy look, leaning on the quilt that was rolled into a roll, and his hands were resting behind his head. "I like to enjoy it."

"I also like to use the protection of others, tell me, who are you hiding?"

"Dragon King don't know?" Shangguan Yun was surprised. "I told you when I was in Tongtianguan."

At the banquet, Zhang Wei asked Zhang Niu to stop monitoring Shangguan Yun.

Gu Shen’s guess in his heart was finally confirmed.

"The Dutch woman is a woman who must report. I really regret that she would offend her. I regret not killing her. Only the Dragon King, huh, she will open the Dragon King. So I have to hide in your territory for the time being." For a while."

Gu Shenwei’s question was over, and he thought that it’s not necessarily who is open to the net.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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