Death Sutra

Chapter 655: Deep shadow

Lang Lai was not able to come in handy, just reminding the camp leader to burn the body faster, the old monk's death can be a bit abnormal.

Indeed, Fa Yan really is the end of the oil, the skinny body is like a shackle, and the people who are suffering are so scared by this scene, escape from the tent and stop chanting, and regret that méiyou is obedient. .

These monks did not gǎnjiào to ziji's fainting, only felt that the blink of an eye was changed.

Xu Yanwei was also frightened, and squatting on Shangguan, he ran.."".

As night falls, a low-spirited singer is heard from the big tent. If Shangguan likes this voice, but can't stop the confusion in her heart, she begins to doubt whether ziji's suggestion before Fa Yan's death is correct.

Fa Yan always opposed all killings. Why did he end the dead with killing? Shangguan feels that zijikěnéng thinks too much, and the algorithm extends the meaning of this, and does not need to implement it. She and the old monk yiyàng, with some intuition, believe that the Dragon King and the Dutch woman are not incorrigible devils.

The most important thing is that Shangguan is not the opponent of the two at all.

Fa Yan's skill is profound, and it is only a ten-eighth in the body of Shangguan. Although it is far superior to Shangguan's original insignificant power, it has not yet reached the top level, and it can't be used. Shangguan can clearly gǎnjiào to Dantian. There is a hard core, every hard work for a big Sunday, the **** will melt yidiǎn, become infuriating, according to her estimation, at least a few months of shijiān can be completed, she can only make one or two success.

Even if the final skill is complete, Shangguan is not the opponent of the dead, a méiyou killing person, facing two murderous people all over the pores, simply méiyou any chance of winning.

Fa Yan gave her internal strength and gave her an unfinished task.

Shangguan shook his head. Temporarily throw away the burden in my heart, bitter in my mouth, and miss the wine.

The night is deep, and the other three women are sleeping, and the queen is turning over and over. It seems that in the dream, the conditions are also bad.

Shangguan sneaked out of the tent. She couldn't find a good wine and had to use another way to ease her depression.

The ability to regain the ability to fly away is the most gratifying thing for Shangguan, so that he is somewhat embarrassed about the law that has just died.

One or two successes, enough for her to perform 40% or 50% of the light work, she is very cautious, méiyou alarmed the guards in the camp, jumped out of the perimeter cusp, and left the defensive prison.

Although not very reconciled. Shangguan still has to admit that the old man said that martial arts can really make a person free.

She took a big circle around the prison area, looked at the terrain, and then prepared to return to the original road. She had to keep her promise and escape with the three women.

In the camp, sneaking out of a person, Shangguanru’s first reaction was not to take care of her business, but the bald head of the man changed her mind.

By the faint moonlight. Shangguan recognized that the man was a bitter monk in the big tent.

It is also a prisoner, how can nénggou walk out of the camp?

He did not expect to have surveillance nearby. The pace is hurried, apparently familiar with the path, and the seven twists and turns to the smallest camp in the prison area, is also the only free camp.

The longevity mage yijing waited for a while, although the face was expressionless, silence itself has expressed impatience.

"French... The law is dead." The bitterness seemed a bit timid.

"I zhidào." Changsheng Master is obviously not interested in this news.

"Shime...has not left." The voice of suffering is shaking.

"It's your idea. Keeping the monks together, you promise me that you can persuade you to hand over the must-have."

"Fana is very embarrassing..."

"I thought you would be even more embarrassed."

"Yes... this... I am zhidào, and Fayan secretly gave the power to the woman of the country of Xiangji."


"Women are good to deal with, just make a point of means... not afraid that she will not hand it out."

"Do you think that I have done nothing in the past few days because of my heart?"

"There is no means of tèbié." The bitterness raised his hand and rubbed the sweat on his forehead. "Like the first day, with a little aphrodisiac... Fa Yan died, no one can stop the effect."

"Looking for another way, this trick can't be used."

"For shime?" The bitterness was shocked.

"It has nothing to do with you. Go close to the few women, pretend to help them escape, lie to them to hand over Mustard and the Book of Nothing, you can't do it, you will stay here forever."

The bitterness of a wild dog, like a fight, bent over and ran away.

The longevity mage wrapped in a thick coat and did not move for a long time.

"Woman." He seemed to mutter, "unpredictable."

A figure came out of the tent behind him. "Would we always be under the control of that woman?"

"She likes to hide in the shadows, let us hide in her shadow. She wants to make the world messy, and this is also an opportunity for us."

"How does she treat the dragon king's woman in the end? Grab them, but they don't allow punishment."

"Less guessing, no matter what choices she makes, they are all in the same place. I don't have much guānxi with you."

"The Dragon King killed six more family members."

"Oh, there are only six left, and the proud building is almost gone." The Master of Changsheng turned around and there was a rare excitement in his voice. "The last kěnéng will only leave you alone. Are you prepared?" ”


"Your martial arts will become stronger and stronger. When you kill the dragon king's shihou, you must tell him that Peng Xianren will never die. When you kill the woman's shihou, tell her that the Italian building is split, no matter how it splits."

"I will."

The figure supported the longevity mage and walked into the tent.

Shangguan Rusheng gave birth to a chill.

She recognized that the people who came out later were wild horses, and they also zhidào the women they talked about were Dutch women.

Six of the six dead, the original wild horse yijing joined the proud building, became the master of the longevity mage, they voted for Xiaoyuetang, but decided to kill the lotus girl.

Shangguan sneaked back to Ziji’s tent and woke up the other three.

"I have a plan to escape from prison and will be executed the next night."

The Queen is immediately awake, "Can you guarantee safety?"

Xiao Fengqi firmly believes in "the ten sons", "I will follow you, no matter what others are."

Xu Yanwei yawned. "The next night, let me sleep first."

Shangguanru’s plan is to pretend that the nun is leaving the prison.

The next morning, the Queen of the Queen took Xu Yanwei and Shang Guanhong to visit the nuns in the other tent and listened to them and made a wish.

After this meeting, the nun’s respect for the queen reached a level of flattery.

Xiao Fengwei slightly applied his wrist. Let the head of the camp show off the waist card and show off. "With this, you can walk in the dragon court, even if you enter the palace."

Remove the water from the words, Xiao Fengzhen can guarantee that this waist card will work.

Theft of the waist card was finally done by Shangguan, such as Jinháng. She did not tell the three women that zijiyijing had regained her skill. She only said that she had received relevant training and it was definitely no problem.

At the same time as the Queen of the Queen and Xiao Fengqi were busy, Shangguan was not idle.

This morning. The body of Fayan was cremated in the camp. The number of people who participated was méiyou, and Shangguan was the only woman.

Lotus green screamed and cried, bitterly shook his head and sighed.

Shangguan Ruo thought that the bitterness would take the opportunity to show ziji and perform the task given to him by the longevity mage. As a result, he even looked at her with méiyou.

At the end of the cremation, Shangguan Rucai mingbái suffered a complete plan.

Several monks quit, and Lian Qing stood up. I hope to find Master's relic in Yu Yu, and only a few pieces of black bones are turned out. Collected in the arms, and then go up to the official, such as the ceremony, "seeking female donors compassion."

"What is the meaning of Gaochun?"

"I am not a sorghum, I don't break my grievances. I ask the female donor to tell me who is hurting Master. I want revenge."

Shangguan shook his head. "Faryan doesn't want revenge. He didn't tell me about him."

In fact, her heart is yijing who guessed who is the starter, Fa Yan martial arts high strength, normal competition, very few people can make him injured. Only the unscrupulous killer kěnéng sneak attack success, among the people who are proud of the floor, only the wild horse can take this responsibility.

Shangguan, such as méiyou, said ziji's guess, because this does not meet the wishes of the law.

Lian Qing looked down for a moment. "I can always find out. I still have a ruthless request. Before Master dying... Is it handed over to you, or telling you some secrets?"

Shangguan such as mǎshàngmingbái, lotus green is asking for help.

Lian Qing betrayed Master? Shangguan suddenly realized that Li Qingqing méiyou had to betrayed him. He was only used.

The bitterness is very qingchuziji not kěnéng quickly gain the trust of four women, so use the idea of ​​revenge to persuade the lotus, and wait for the lotus to get the magic, he will find a way to grab the hand.

"Hey, your master did give me yidiǎn things." Shangguan, if he deliberately made a hesitant tone, she méiyou lie, just something that was extended to her, no way to pass it on to anyone.

"My zhidào Master does not want me to enhance martial arts, but if I want to take revenge, I have to rely on force. Those who can hurt Master will be masters, so..." Lin Qing slammed down and bowed his head. He was ashamed of ziji’s request. But I believe this is no way.

Shangguan showed a very embarrassing look, and finally said: "I can't just surrender the relics of the law, but... ruguo, you can find ways to save some of us, I can tell you an important secret."

Li Qing’s eyes lit up and stood up. “Master is dead, I don’t have to stay here again, you wait for me to find a way to save you all.”

The person who "finds the way" is suffering. He will set up a trap and wait for the four women to think that they are safe. After handing over the secret, they will be taken back to prison.

Shangguan only wants to use the first half of the trap, and she will execute the ziji plan in the second half.

Everything is step by step, Shangguan such as turán think of the Dragon King, not zhidào he will have a better idea in this case.

In the evening, Lin Qing’s "method" has not yet come up, and several things happened in succession, disrupting Shangguan’s plan.

Two more women were sent to the camp, and there was no small movement. Azhba, who did not show up for a few days, also came out in this shihou, claiming that ziji had a way to save people, but he could only save one.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued.)

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