Death Sutra

Chapter 670: secret

Gu Shenwei believes that this is a simple scam. The planner wants to seduce a certain target. Now it seems that there are too many prey to follow the smell. It is beyond the hunter's imagination and acceptance.

Five Jinpeng killers and five young killers, the life of the Dragon King, came here before the second day of the day. Gu Shenwei found them one by one and listened to their reports, knowing that at least seven people were hiding in the contest. The number of people in the grass outside the venue varies from seven to eighty.

Gu Shen ordered the killers to withdraw, and in two places he chose wèizhi to set up an ambush, ziji re-entered the trap. "Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!"

On the way to Gu Shen, I couldn’t help but think that ruguo Nie Zeng saw that he was alone in danger, and probably would not be convinced, but the fact is very simple. The Dragon King’s martial arts is much higher than that of the teenager. The most crucial thing is that he is looking for Not the right partner.

The loss left by the Dutch woman is not something that ordinary killers can make up for.

Gu Shenwei found the group of hidden people, the killer's judgment méiyou went wrong, these people did not know each other, the level was uneven, and there were several traces that were too obvious, just like arranged bait, and some people were hiding very secretly. If it is not reminded beforehand, Gu Shenwei can't find it in short shijiān.

The seven groups of people act alone, and each other cooperates with méiyou. Ruguo is a circle of words, but there are many loopholes.

The two ambushes arranged by Gu Shen are to block the loopholes, not all, but he thinks that the most important and most used are two places that kěnéng was used.

The contest began in an unexpected way by the organizers. Gu Shen was only halfway through this time, and there was still a distance of more than a dozen feet from the campfire.

Looking from afar, I saw the crowd in the fire reflected turán into chaos, hǎoxiàng mad yiyàng slashed each other.

For the first time, Han Wuxian gave a proof that exceeded expectations. She is obviously the core of the chaos. Almost half of the swordsmen are chasing her, but no one dares to rely too close. She seems that yidiǎn is not nervous. Occasionally, she waved and the crowd immediately stepped back.

Gu Shenwei could not see Nie Zeng. It is estimated that the two men cooperate well, Han Wuxian's long hair flutters everywhere, and often avoids the most concentrated encirclement, which is definitely the credit of the young killer.

Gu Shenwei quickly shifted his sight.

This chaos is obviously beyond the expectations of the seven groups of hidden people, one by one, and wants to see the actual situation.

They are not professional killers.

Then, these people find each other's existence, jealous of each other, and stalemate for a while. Someone whispered, "The Holy King."

So a group of people reported the masters, they were the princes of the North Court. The people reached a tacit understanding and slowly approached the chaotic crowd. Several people passed by Gu Shen.

The distance between the seven groups was getting closer and closer, one person turán fell, and his companions drank a "shadow" and then rushed to the nearest group of hidden people.

The chaos on the periphery is just the beginning. The princes were originally enemies, and yidiǎn small things could ignite the war. What is the assassination?

Gu Shen was acting immediately. He looked very qingchu. The hidden weapon came from a hidden person who had never appeared. This person hid very well. Jinpeng killer and juvenile killer both found that after the hands-on, méiyou was exposed. Instead, blame others.

The contest and the trap became a melee in tandem, and no one noticed that the two figures were swept like grass yiyàng on the grass and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

In just over a mile of tracking, Gu Shenwei was attacked by 17 times, and the person running in front was like a box that would beat. The body is full of strange and secretive weapons, which are launched endlessly. There are a few invisible and inferior powders. Gu Shen is not ready for the early time. Most of the shihou tracking guohou is full of anger, very kěnéng will be recruited .

Tracking is coming to an end, Gu Shenwei's light work may not be the first-rate, but the judgment is excellent. The more the opponent is moving around, changing direction frequently, the more he can't escape his mastery.

"I surrender." It was a woman who spoke, slammed down and spread her arms, indicating that ziji would not launch the hidden weapon again.

Gu Shenwei's Wufeng knife is on her throat. "What about the lotus girl?"

Han Fen smiled and looked at the Dragon King. H致命oxiàng’s deadly hidden weapon was all innocuous little jokes. “I’m so happy to see you again, you are hiding very well, I’m not aware of it.”

"You are also well hidden. If it is not too early, I will not find it."

"That group of people is really stupid, Dragon King, is the sword on your chest hurt?"

"Not dead, even better."

"Well, that's good. Can you move the knife away from yidiǎn? To be honest, I am a little scared."

"I will only move forward."

"Isn't that ruining me?"

"You don't have to be afraid to die."

"Dead is more afraid." Han Fen's eyes widened, and it is obviously very serious to deal with this problem. "When we die, we will go to hell. The people who were killed by us in the past are waiting for Jinháng to retaliate before reincarnation." ”

"You will die sooner or later."

"That's not yyàng, when I am ready, I will disfigure first, then the prince divides my body into hundreds of pieces and throws them into different difāng. Hey, to Shihou, even the king can't recognize who I am. How do those ghosts revenge?"

Gu Shenwei felt a chill, mǎshàng smashed the boring thoughts in his heart, he could not be brought to the road by a female madman, "Tell me where the lotus girl is?"

"Do you want to kill her?"


"But she is still not hurt."

"Do you kill the injured?"

"Yes. Hey, Yuzhong teacher is not yiyàng, no matter how I will not kill her, you are not zhidào, she was hit by a palm, has not been good, can only hide and heal, she said that I am not worthy of anyone except me trust."

This is like the words of the Dutch women’s association. She once had a sneak peek. I would rather believe that the dragon king who had just formed an alliance did not believe in the same disciple. As for the new ally of the Holy King and the wild horse, she did not get her trust.

"Then I can only kill you, méiyou your care, killing the lotus girl will be more rongyi."

Han Fei’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger, “Do you really want to kill me?”

"We are enemies now."

"Maybe it will not be in the future."

"To shihou, I will burn paper to apologize to you."

Han Fen blinked his eyes and Gu Shen reminded her: "If you move, I can't control the knife of ziji."

"But I can't tell you the whereabouts of the priests."

“No guānxi, I said, killing you will make the Dutch woman lose the ‘only trusted person’, which is also very good.”

"Wait." Han Fen finally got a little bit serious. "You don't kill me, I... I sleep with you."

"Not interested in."

"Hey, how come? Men are interested in this kind of thing, I have a lot of tricks, not yyàng with others, wait for you to try..."

Gu Shen gave a hand to force, Han Fen followed the back and could only raise his head. "Okay, okay, you are not yiyàng with other men. If you are not interested, you are not interested. Let me think about you. If you don't kill me, I will tell you a secret."

"Say it."

"You promise not to kill me first."

In the distance, the screaming turán weakened, and the melee hǎoxiàngyijing stopped. Gu Shen turned to méiyou and turned to watch. "I can't wait any longer."

"Well, you won, um, do you remember Han Ching?"

"do not remember."

"She is also a disciple of Xiaoyuetang, secretly looking for a man." Han Fen lowered his voice and said in a mysterious tone.

"This is your 'secret'?"

"Yeah, why don't you have mingbái? Han Qin sleeps with a man and doesn't kill each other afterwards. It's just too abnormal."

Gu Shen was fortunate that zijiméiyou accepted Han Fen’s first life-seeking condition. "This secret can't change your life."

"Ah? You are not interested in this? Really a headache. Yu Zhongshi is not interested in you, yyàng, you are not interested in Shime, you are really a pair," Han Fen sighed, saying endless regrets and embarrassment, "You again Wait, I have a secret... there is a secret..."

The killing sounds near the campfire disappeared completely, and the melee of two or three hundred people would never end so soon. Gu Shenwei felt that ziji should be done. In a way, Han Fen is a very cute person, but she is a woman. Loyalty, coupled with her martial arts and mystery, yijing is a huge wēixié.

"Shangguanru!" Han Fen said coldly.

Gu Shen was deceived by méiyou, her eyes and the tip of the knife did not move.

"The little girl is good." Han Fen did not seem to want to transfer the attention of the Dragon King. "But she has a special sect of Indra, and she has lost all her skills. I can get the antidote."

"No need, she yijing recovered."

“How is kěnéng?” Han Fen was shocked.

Gu Shen is not zhidào details, but he has seen Shangguanru, and he is very qingchu, that is not the person who lost all his skills.

Han Fen’s amount of sweat, hǎoxiàng on the spot to forget the answer of the student, ruguo standing opposite is not the Dragon King, she will be frankly dead, and then find a way to fight the ghosts in hell, but she always thinks that the Dragon King is not an enemy, which makes her I hope, I hope to have fear.

"What can I do? What can I do? I have only one secret left. In fact, it is not a secret. You are not interested in it?"

"Speak and listen." Gu Shenwei zhidào Han Fen's judgment standard is not yiyàng with normal people, so I still want to hear.

"It is also related to Shangguanru. She always runs near the serviceman's side, and she is hot with a group of men, but she has not killed one, and she stays with her. The dragon king must have been zhidào, I want to say "Han Fen subconsciously raised his hand and wiped the sweat, but did not notice that the tip of the throat on the throat was yijing one or two inches back. "The king of the sun wants to pull up the official as a gang, saying that she is very helpful for fighting near the army, wild horse Just say, oh, he is a plan, I guess he wants to say that ziji has a way, but I really don't zhidào is a shime method, dragon king, I will zhidào these, you don't kill me, I go back and persuade the priests, Let you reconcile..."

Gu Shen took the knife.

"You let me go? I swear to persuade the sergeant, but I can't guarantee success."

"You don't need it, you can get some of the antidote to Indra's fragrance."

Han Fen took a breath, "I said early, Dragon King, you can scare me."

Hey, a light smoke spurted out of Han Fen’s mouth and went straight to Gu Shenwei, who was close at hand.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued.)

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