Death Sutra

Chapter 67: apprentice

Everyone has a heart disease. When someone else mentions it, it often makes him suspicious. If you catch a leaf, you can imagine the whole tree.

This is the case with the daughter of the Big Head God.

Gu Shenwei replied to her worries with only one sentence, and she got rid of the worries of life, at least for the time being.

"The secret of the lady, only in front of the big-headed god, the little slave can dare to say it."

Gu Shenwei only mentioned the words "big head", and it caused a storm. The lady behind the screen was silent for a while, suddenly rushed out and grabbed every little thing around him, like crazy. Throwing to the slaves, a series of curses spouted in his mouth.

Miss's head is not very good, Gu Shen is kneeling on the ground, easily escaped most of the attacks, and occasionally there are a few things on the body, there is no lethality, in fact, his mind is more placed In the language of the lady, I hope to hear the clues.

This is the first time that the two people "meet". Gu Shenwei only saw a violent woman wearing a black veil. Even in extreme anger, she did not forget to protect her face that only the husband could appreciate.

In the most vicious curse, Huannu was driven out and the Dutch woman was not summoned. The two therefore concluded that the lady would not be able to start with them for a while.

After experiencing the tension of yesterday, Gu Shenwei felt that this episode is more like a comedy today. If he gives his lady an idea, he will create an opportunity to let the slaves know the true meaning of the lady. As an excuse to kill, although the rules of Luo Ning tea not showing up are not understood, Jinpengbao still respects her habits.

As for the Dutch woman, it is enough to smear her to talk to the outsider about the appearance of the special lady. The witness is always easy to find.

Gu Shenwei only thought about it, he would not make a plan for the young lady. The woman only showed her wisdom and wisdom in front of her husband’s hidden resentment. In the rest of the time, she was a stupid vicious woman. The only reason that can survive in the Fortress Fortress is the support of the great name behind the big head.

In fact, it is the lotus girl who makes Gu Shen a headache. She seems to think that the slaves have set a secret from the lady, but they are not willing to say it, so the attitude is cold.

They will probably never become friends who are heart-to-heart, and even ordinary friends can't do it. Some people defend each other from the first time they meet, but those who are guarded do not know why.

The two were shut down for three days. Gu Shenwei couldn’t help it. She fell asleep on the shackles. The lotus girl didn’t even close her eyes, except that her face became paler and she could hardly see any difficulty.

She only used the potty sneakingly when she was sleeping in a snarl, and Gu Shen often made her scream louder.

When Shangguan’s anger finally thought about how to deal with these two slaves, they couldn’t help but see that they never thought about closing the boys and girls together.

"follow me."

Shangguan’s anger ordered that he would not have the slightest feelings as he usually did.

Two tired and arrogant followers, obediently followed the master, went out of the main courtyard, and went all the way to the courtyard of a burger in West Fort.

There are six or seven black men in the courtyard, the killer with a red belt, and the chores of the yellow belt. They saw eight masters, and all of them were all present.

There was a pillar in the west of the yard, and a big man with a shackled coat was **** with a chain. The eyes were round and round, and the tight muscles seemed to be unable to restrain the chain. Not far from him, there was a handle on the ground. A huge sword.

Shangguan’s angry man sent two Jinpengbao knives and said to the two incomprehensible slaves: “Kill him.”

The lotus woman did not hesitate to grab a narrow knife, Gu Shen took another handle.

A black-handed killer ran over to tie the big man loose and quickly returned to his place.

The first thing that 虬髯大汉 got rid of the chain was to grab the giant sword on the ground with both hands, screaming and rushing to the opposite enemy, and the footsteps were vain, obviously smashing one leg.

This is Gu Shen for the first time officially holding the Jinpengbao narrow knife, feeling its weight that is not commensurate with the slim figure, killing suddenly rises.

The boys and girls started at the same time, and at the same time they met the big man. The moves were completely different. The slaves held the knife straight to the enemy’s chest and abdomen. The lotus girl jumped lightly from the enemy and stabbed back to the heart. The distance, but with the slaves at the same time hit the target.

The power of the great man seems to be consumed in the snoring. Facing two youngsters who are much smaller than themselves, there is no power to fight, and the hands are still stumbling, and the hands are still holding the sword.

Another big snow mountain swordsman, Gu Shen did not care about his name even this time. Compared with the Jinpengbao killer, they are like clumsy big bears, and the bees carrying the tail thorns have no way to escape.

Two future killers hit the whole body and retreated. The strong expression on the face seemed to say that they had been killed for a long time, and they had become accustomed to death and blood.

This is a test. It is not the level of martial arts, but the most basic quality of the killer - cold blood.

There are many people, martial arts are strong, can easily be an enemy, but they always hesitate when they finally start, and some people go to the other extreme, reaching the level of obsessiveness with the gushing blood, killing people just for fun, completely disregarding Possible negative consequences.

The black-handed killers nodded together and were very satisfied with the two teenagers. Only the Shangguan anger still had no indication.

However, the confinement of Huannu and the Dutch women was lifted. In the afternoon, they were sent to the Dongbao Carving House. The Dutch girl recovered the identity of the killer apprentice. Gu Shenwei took a big circle and spent nearly one The time of the year finally realized the dream.

The Shangguan angered the two slaves who had been swindled for a reason. "Someone told me that you are a good killer seedling. So, I will spare you not to die. Go to be a killer and come out to see me from Dongbao."

Who is talking to these two teenagers, the eight young masters are not clear, Gu Shen is the first to exclude the young lady, the woman does not kill people to kill the mouth is good, and will not do good things again.

This time, Shangguan Fury no longer allowed the two to return to the main house every night, but let them stay in Dongbao like other killer apprentices.

On the occasion of parting, Gu Shen said that she wanted to go to the "Ten Gongzi" as a resignation. He had just heard that Shangguan had officially entered the Sixth Hall and was recognized as the tenth son of the One Step King.

Shangguan’s anger did not agree, “No.” This is his only answer.

When accompanied by Shangguan as a game, Gu Shen entered Dongbao for countless times. This time it was like the first time I came to this mysterious place. My heart was mixed with excitement and tension. It was not like a killer. Emotions, he wants to be the top killer here, but also a glimpse of the core secret of Jinpengbao. The blue-faced assassin has become his most important opponent. Only when he is stronger than the assassin who is good at cutting his head, can he talk about assassination. The enemy of Shangguan.

The Dutch woman returned directly to the carved wood house, but the slave slave had to register again. It was still the registered gentleman who was not happy to write down his information. Only when he became a killer could he restore the name "Yang Huan". During the apprenticeship, he was still called " Happy slaves."

On the left side of his name, the words "practice outside the door" were added to the circle. Gu Shen was not able to think that these words would bring him a lot of trouble, and even worse ruin his killer again. dream.

Gu Shen’s time to enter Dongbao is very unfortunate. The ten-month training of the Carved Wood Institute is about to end. All the apprentices will enter the higher level of the fire-fighting institute, where the teenagers will worship the real killer. With him to eat and live together, to learn higher and deeper skills, the most important thing is to participate in the combat test once a month, the real sword, there are rumors that more than six hundred apprentices will die at this stage.

Most people just feel excited about it.

Gu Shenwei soon discovered that young apprentices are not slaves in the fort. People like him and the lotus girl are rare examples. Most of the others are lame in the Central Plains, from different countries in the Western Region. Going on the path of the killer, I would rather die.

Hu Shining, a faculty teacher at the Carving House, had a relationship with Huanu, and the impression seemed to be very good. He asked him to talk to him on the second day of Huannu’s admission. He suggested that he stay in the carving house and the next call. The apprentices jointly received ten months of initial training. "You have some fatal flaws. Correcting here is more effective and safer than in a fire-fighting yard."

Gu Shen’s coldness refused Hu Shining’s kindness. He didn’t have ten months to learn the killer skills step by step. He didn’t feel that he had “fatal defects”. His harmony has reached the third level of yin and yang. All the teenagers in the hospital are much taller enough to make up for the lack of skill.

Hu Shining left in disappointment. Gu Shen will regret his attitude afterwards. He has been in Jinpengbao for too long, and he has instinctively been wary of all people, so that the sudden appearance of "good intentions" has become a long-planned " Malicious."

Hu Shining is right. Compared with a strictly trained killer apprentice, the martial arts of Huannu is a serious flaw even if it is not fatal, especially his "outside door", which is an advantage in Huanu. In the eyes of the killer masters of the Fireworks, it is an irreparable mistake.

A few days later, the apprentices came to the refining firehouse in the south of Dongpu. It was much smaller than the carved wood. Nearly 100 killer masters had been waiting there. After the apprentices were selected, they would return to themselves with the newly recruited disciples. The place where you live, and then come to the fire-fighting institute once a month to receive the life and death test.

Gu Shenwei soon understood that the teacher Chu Shining had been vocal, and the killer masters had already had a general understanding of the more than 600 teenagers, so the whole process of the apprenticeship was very fast, and one morning was over.

In the end, there are more than 30 apprentices left unselected for various reasons. Gu Shenwei is one of them.

Destiny made a joke with him, and then opened a bigger joke. A black and yellow belt in the Fireworks was responsible for managing these killer apprentices on the verge of elimination.

"Don't worry, there are still a few killer masters who haven't come today. They will come and pick you up in a few days."

He comforted one sentence first, and then said: "Nothing is wrong anyway, you will stay here to work, lift up the body or something."

Gu Shen found that her circle was too big, and she went back to the situation when she first entered the fort.

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