Death Sutra

Chapter 680: external force

The long-awaited floods broke through the levees and devastated forces devour everything on the road.

Gu Shenwei felt that she was a flood, and she was the victim of the flood. The body in her arms was struggling, but it was insignificant compared with this force, and soon merged with him and fell up and down in the flood.

The sturdy defense line that has been built for many years is so ruined. He doesn’t think about it, he doesn’t dare to think about it, because he knows what the result of thinking is. At this moment, the instinct has the absolute advantage. He intends to make his mind blank. Do not give reason to the point.

Gu Shenwei is not a ruthless ascetic, a woman who can give a man a joy. He has always experienced it. In all short-lived relationships, he is the dominant person. Not once, like this, he is completely lost in the ** There is no such thing as a leader, not even a feeling of joy, everything is natural, and everything is natural.

This is a wonderful journey to the bottomless abyss, death accompanied by carnival, and the end of the gaze begins.

The two have lost their self-sustaining power, and only external forces can separate them.

Only a small external force is needed, but the faint sound of the curtain is opened, and the rationality is finally defeated.

Gu Shen took two steps back. He thought that everything that had been destroyed was rebuilt in an instant, and even a piece of dust was not reduced.

Shangguan still stood in the same place, the blazing flame was still burning on his lips, and the rest of the temperature spread throughout the body. Her reason was never so strong. At this time, she did not quickly regain her master's thoughts.

Azharba stood in the doorway, and his heart was full of mischief. He knew that this would be the case. He still didn’t want to see this scene. At least the people he saw were not themselves. "I will come again later."

"No. This is just... What do you have?" In the world of reason, Gu Shen was fortunate to have such an excrambler.

"Nothing... actually..." Azhar was incoherent. His eyes were like a hot charcoal. He was thrown around by him, and he couldn't get rid of it. Finally he looked at the Dragon King. Finally stabilized. "Yes, all the captains can launch an alternative. Everyone is competing for this. I don't know what the Dragon King has?"

Before Gu Shenwei walked into the tent, Shangguanru had a heated discussion with the officers. This was the question. At that time, he asked him to take his idea and said that he would forget it.

"The generals who are more than a million years old will launch four candidates, will they be there?"

"Everyone is waiting for this news. It should be, he is a deputy cousin and one of the most qualified successors."

"Then you push a supporter with the fewest supporters, and it's easy to reach a compromise without threatening your bones."

"Probably only this way, thank you, Dragon King, and. Hey, Shangguan teaches."

Shangguan looked at Azheba with a blank look. Uncharacteristically silent.

Azheba walked out in a panic, holding a curtain at the door, hesitating for a while, just about to let go, Gu Shenwei said: "Please help me hang it up."

Azhaba was red-faced and hurriedly hung the curtain. Suddenly nodded to the inside, turned and strode away, causing the red bat to be puzzled, could not help but twisted and looked into the tent.

This time it was Gu Shenwei who felt embarrassed, and the left hand held the handle and let go. If it is three times, I have not found the right words.

Shangguan’s smile is like a smile. “It’s useless. The rumors will be faster than the election of the big capital. You can’t deny it.”

Gu Shenwei regretted letting Azheba hang up the curtain, because he did not expect that Shangguan would mention the matter just now. "Azhba seems to be a strict person..." It’s not the key to the problem. I’m escaping. “Let’s forget about it.”

"Why?" Shangguanru's cheeks reveal a layer of pink, which has nothing to do with shame, but a manifestation of stubborn personality.

"Why?" Gu Shenwei did not want to answer this question, but he had to answer. He lowered his voice. "Because I have a queen, because you are the daughter of the One Step King, because you... killed the pair of Dapeng birds, The second time killing my loved ones."

At that moment, the long-standing anger and hatred violently rose, and the power was almost equal to the ** that had just ended.

Shangguan stepped back in horror. She knew every word that Dragon King said, but he always controlled so much that she gradually ignored the true face of hatred. When it reveals the truth, she is more horrible than she imagined. hundred times.

"Drinking and drinking! Eating meat and eating meat!" The voice of the old man was far from coming. Once again, the external force broke the predicament that could not end on its own.

The old man with his hands held two large jars of wine, like three wooden old men walking side by side. Shangguanfei held several large pieces of barbecue that were still inserted in the rafters. He walked into the tent happily, and the old man greeted the guards outside. Eat a piece, hungry all day, if it’s not my hand, I have to go hungry.”

The red bat looked at the head in a worried way. When Shangguan was beckoning, she came in with five guards.

Shangguan Fei stared at the grease that was dripping on the barbecue. "It’s really miserable. Even the servants in the camp don’t work. I want to say that most of them are dying. Others have to live and starve the soldiers. Who is going to fight?"

The left leg and knees were kicked, and Shangguanfei almost fell, barely standing, but his body was stained with several pieces of grease. He looked at the old man with amazement and did not dare to be angry. "What? Just now you still Say that most of you are a fool..."

Under the suggestion of the old man, Shangguanfei finally noticed that his sister’s look was not quite right, and the eyes seemed to be wet. “Hey, how are you...”

"No matter what other people, let's drink and eat meat." Shangguan, if he interrupted his brother loudly, "take a bowl and have a big bowl."

This is a lively small banquet, just to not interfere with the soldiers who are still mourning nearby. The talents are not loud, only the old man does not care, and the good girl is compiling wine, forcing the official to fly and toasting. The beauty of the bat, "I really don't understand, what is the man in the North Court? If I am a young teenager, hey, you will see a good girl chasing me to avenge you."

The red bat obviously didn't care much about the old man's teasing. When she was in the country of Xiangji, she was the beauty of the noble family. It was one of her jobs to receive the man according to the arrangement of the master. It was only after joining the army that she got rid of her former low-lying status. She is very willing to cooperate with the old man in the tent to adjust the atmosphere in the tent. "How do you know that no Beiting man likes me?"

Gu Shenwei ate a few pieces of meat, drunk wine did not touch, quickly came out of the mixed emotional disturbance, seriously thinking about the current situation, he made several assassination plans, most of the deaths of the shackles disrupted the deployment, if The candidate announced tomorrow morning is not satisfactory. Even if he plans to make more assassination plans, it will be useless.

Near the evening, I ran away from Man and ate a little leftover meat. Everyone knows that he has something to say. The old man is pulling Shangguanfei and going to hang out. The red bats and others continue to be on duty.

"Azhba, they set a candidate?" Shangguan asked, she drank a lot of wine, but the meat did not eat a few pieces, just a little drunk, but the mind was more sober and rational.

"Not yet, but the main account has already finalized four people. The bones are both squatting and Wanfu Changwucuo are inside. The commander of the commander is fierce, and many centurions feel that they have merit and should also I would like to express my opinion, and there is always a mess. I don’t think there will be any results before the two princes enter the camp."

Gu Shenwei knew that the purpose of running away from Man was not just to report the result, so he paid attention to his look. Azheba’s mouth seemed to be very strict. It was not like knowing from Man, so he asked: “Investigate the investigation of traitors. How is it?"

Lean raised his head in surprise, because the Dragon King guessed his mind at once. "It is the most troublesome thing."

"What's wrong?" Shangguan is also very concerned about this matter.

Looking away from Man’s account, Shangguan shouted: “Red bat, help us to light the lamp.”

The red bat came in with a fuel light and put down the curtain when he went out.

From the previous day, the voice was low. "From the morning before yesterday until yesterday, most of the time I met with fifteen people. I and the two officers have investigated every person. They are basically negotiating military affairs. Some parties have confirmed Nothing to doubt, only once, was yesterday afternoon, the four will meet with the Metropolis, and said no one knows, we can't prove it."

"So you think that the people who are motivated to leave the camp and who are leaking news are likely to be the four generals?" Shangguan asked.

"Yeah." It seems that there is something unspeakable from Mann, and he didn't talk for a long time.

"Bone Lun Tuo is also among the four generals." Gu Shen guessed.

Nod from Man’s difficult position, “In fact, we should have thought of it. One of the duties of Bone Lun was to lead the guards. Azhba asked him. He said that he was also a deceiver. He carefully planned the protective measures and defended it. Empty tent."

“Is there a misunderstanding in the middle?” Shangguan’s thought that it’s too rushed to find that the bones are a traitor.

A long sigh from Man, "I and Azheba both hope that this is a misunderstanding. We have found every guard in these two days to ensure that there will be no omissions. The fifteen people will never be wrong. There are at least two witnesses, only bones..."

"Who are the three generals?"

"To tell the truth, I am completely confused now. The other three are Wanfu, one of them is Wucuo, and it is too clever. These four people are the four candidates that the generals have just decided."

This time, even Shangguan can't doubt it. "But how can it be... Wutuo is the person of the Japanese Yaowang. The bones have always been inclined to the Duoton Prince. They are more like enemies..."

Gu Shen is already in the heart, but it is so bright. "That's the way, Tossa is still not knowing when he is on the road to death. It is Wucuo who will send him a ride."

"They have all been bought by King St.?" Although he found out the facts, he could not believe it.

"Buy, threat, the two kings of the Holy Day are very good at." Gu Shenwei did not hesitate.

"What should we do now?"

"It depends on whether a thousand captains can launch a powerful candidate." Gu Shen looked at Shangguanru, and for the first time since dinner, she looked at her. "Is the wild horse looking for you?"

Han Fen is very loyal to the Dutch woman, but she will not lie. She said that the wild horse has to pull up the Shangguan as the king of the holy day. This matter has happened. If the Shangguan did not mention it, Gu Shenwei can only directly Ask questions.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued.)

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