Death Sutra

Chapter 685: Paper strip

Less than half an hour after the selection of the midnight, the kings who entered the camp were busy cheering their own forces, and the twelve generals returned to their tents to take a break. They had done everything they could to wait for the final result.

Shangguan looked at the tent for a while and retreated to the darkness. He said very quietly: "You see, there is no trap."

The observation time is too short, and there are traps that can't be found. Gu Shenwei has no snoring and quickly moves to another hidden position to continue observation.

The military camp is full of silent soldiers, adding a lot of trouble to the night line. The good side is that their mourning is very focused, occasionally whispering, most of the time even not looking up, and the lights are still very few, leaving a lot of night walkers. shadow.

Even when she was a child, Shangguan was not a good-killing killer. It was more obvious that she had been interrupted for many years. She did not have automatic protection behind her, but she observed it with the Dragon King.

"I am very loyal to you from Man, and it is time to save people in his face."

Gu Shenwei retired to a relatively secluded place. "Going to the meeting first will be the bones."

In the darkness, Gu Shenwei can still feel the smile of Shangguan as happy, "Wait, there is a condition."

"The Dragon King never suffers." Shangguan’s voice is low and full of smiles.

"And still very stubborn."

If Shangguan knows what the conditions of the Dragon King are, the smile will disappear immediately. "Do you have to know everything?"

“This is one of the main reasons why I can live to the present.”

Shangguan was silent for a moment, and he was very angry when he spoke. "Well, I tell you what the promises of the Mustangs are."

"Yeah." Gu Shen decided to step by step, he really does not like to be in the dark, even if the other party is in good faith, he also wants to master all the information.

Shangguan was silent for a while, then whispered very quickly: "The wild horse promised you to me?"


"The wild horse said that he will soon show the strength that will kill you, but he will spare you once, after that I can make a decision, but I don't believe he has this ability, so..."

Shangguan Ruoyue said that the more annoyed, she did not like to be forced to confide, but did not want to admit that she had seriously considered the promise of the wild horse.

There was a gentle voice in the darkness, and Shangguan almost mistakenly thought that it was a slave but not a dragon king. "I know, the wild horse does not have this ability."

Gu Shenwei did not ask again, turned and prepared to get close to the bones of the tent, Shangguan still angered and said: "I want to be bought, you better live well."

Gu Shen is slightly stance, "OK." Let's move on.

Shangguan was stunned, but she suddenly wanted to stop the Dragon King, because the help of the bones may indeed be a trap.

The bones were sitting in danger, holding the handle, and there was no entourage left. I found two more people in the tent. He looked up and looked as if he was going to pull the knife immediately.

"Can you feel the disappointment and anger of the soldiers?"

"There is one point." Shangguan said in a whisper, secretly relieved, there is no trap here.

"Because they only show this now, more emotions are hidden in the heart. How much power does it have when it finally reveals all the truth?"

"Loyalty will let them control their emotions." Gu Shenwei said.

"The people who have been dedicated to the loyalty of the ranks are no longer there. In the eyes of the soldiers, the old king of the gods became a god, and the so-called assassination is just a lie made by the princes to fight against their opponents. Most of them are the ones that 100,000 soldiers really care about. People, the people who assassinated him are stupid, thinking that it would be logical to get the loyalty of the whole army by changing the obedient majority."

"Isn't that the case?" Gu Shenwei said that he had revealed important information in his words, and he agreed with some of his ideas. He is willing to continue listening, even if time is running out.

"In the entire grassland, the nearby army is a special army. The soldiers here are not loyal to a certain prince from the beginning of their birth. Most of them can get the loyalty of the soldiers. It is not the status of status, but the accumulation of years. The outsiders don’t understand this, because most of them are the younger brothers of the old Khan, and everyone assumes that this explains everything. Most of the officers do not understand this. They only serve for ten years, from the day they step into the barracks. Calculating the time to go home, energy is used to make friends, build small circles, and never care about the true thoughts of soldiers."

"The soldiers want to avenge the cosmopolitan?" Shangguan asked cautiously.

"Listen, listen to the silence of this camp." Bone's thin face showed a hint of excitement and fanaticism. "This is the first step of revenge. The prince and the generals regard this as obedience, and they don't know the danger. ""

"Turshan, he is a regular soldier, definitely knows everyone's true emotions..."

"The birth doesn't mean everything. Most of them come from the royal family, but they can get together with the soldiers. Some people just took one foot and they forgot their former origins."

Bonelor seems to be less optimistic about the election of Tulsan by the officers, which makes Shangguan very confused.

Bone Lun extracted a piece of paper that was folded into a strip from the wrist. "This is the last order that was handed over to me before the birth of the capital. Please accept the Dragon King."

Gu Shenwei stepped forward and did not pick up the paper immediately. Instead, he asked, "Why is it me?"

"The big capital trusts the shadow king, and the shadow king trusts you, it's that simple."

Gu Shen took the paper and knew very well what it meant.

Bone Lun picked up a piece of paper that was rolled into a cylinder from the side. "This is the order I gave in the name of Vice Dusit. I hold it. The Dragon King can kill any non-professional soldiers in the camp, as long as this The position of the person is lower than me."

This was an unusual transaction. The two sides did not have any promises. Gu Shenwei felt that it was worth observing more than any time. He took a piece of paper and turned and walked outside the account.

If Shangguan did not move, "Why don't you tell Azhaba about the truth?"

"They are also officers. There are only Princes in the heart, there are no ordinary soldiers. Even so, they are still the best young people in the North Court. They should live and leave some hope for the grasslands."

Shangguan, if he heard the dying taste, could not help but be shocked.

The bones showed a smile. "The decline and chaos are temporary. The prairie people know how to get through this."

Shangguan, if he catches up with the Dragon King, feels the sturdy sword in a few steps.

"You go back."

"Do not."

"You have to prove that the two of us are still trying to do better."


"If you decide to stay away from the blood, don't get close to it with any excuse."

The Dragon King disappeared into the darkness on the first floor. The Shangguan suddenly felt fearful, but she immediately adjusted her mind and applied lightly to the Dragon King’s tent.

Bone Lun gave Dragon King an unexpected task. Gu Shen accepted it not only because of Shangguanru, but in fact, she only played a driving role at the beginning. When he decided to take the note, he thought all five. Name guard.

The five guards silently suppressed more than 30 officers. Gu Shenwei felt that this was a threat to himself. He also decided to solve the problem quietly. The bones of the order did not have to be used now.

The captured officer was locked in the vicinity of the main account. Gu Shenwei did not go directly to save people, but circled a big circle in the camp.

The old man is right, the camp of 100,000 people is very large, almost equivalent to a small city. Gu Shen is taking a selective route, so he quickly found the helper he really needs.

Just after entering the night, five young killers sneaked into the military camp and waited for the call of the Dragon King.

The solemn drum sounded, both in the sorrow of the assassination of the capital, and also announced the beginning of the election. More than a hundred commanders and twelve major generals could vote for each, the kings supervised the scene, and personally counted the votes. At the moment of dawn, the results were announced.

The old man stood at the door of the tent and shouted at the third passing figure: "The dragon king admits defeat, the sword is the first enough, and the light work is left to the good girl, each has its own strengths, such as I am smarter, Shangguan Flying is stupid, this is doomed..."

Gu Shenwei stopped in front of Mu Laotou. "It seems that I need to learn a lot."

Shangguan retired quickly. "If I run for a while, I will have no strength."

The three of them just entered the tent. Fang Wen was running all the way. He was not qualified to enter the main account. He could only wait for the news with the Dragon King. "Some people say that the Dragon King jumped up and down the camp. I said this is impossible..."

"It is true. I went to the official head and tried to lose my strength and lost."

Fang Wen is stunned. "This... This is a camp near the camp, a bit... blatant?"

"Nobody cares, there are people who yell at us." Shangguan said with a smile.

Fang Wen is shaking his head again and again. The relationship between Long Wang and this woman will never be understood.

A group of people rushed to run, it seems to be more urgent than the military division, but he did not breathe so much, the leader is the lord of the Sun Yat-sen Wang Tosai, "Dragon King is not ... Oh, you are."

When I saw the Dragon King standing in the tent, King Kong Tautou looked very surprised and embarrassed, coughing twice. "Where did Dragon King leave the tent?"

Shangguanfei grabbed the front of the old man in the wood. "Bald children, you don't dare to be so rude to the Dragon King."

Jin Gangtou’s face was red, and he took a look at Shangguanfei, but his tone eased. “The dragon king forgives sin, I am in a hurry, but this matter is very important. Does the Dragon King leave the tent?”

"Well, I have been away for a while."

"It’s a coincidence that the Dragon King left this meeting and five people died in the camp."

"It's a good thing, no matter who is dead, please dear to their owners."

"These five people are not killed by you?" King Kong Tautou is a little angry.

Shangguan Ruan said: "The Dragon King has tried harder than me. Many people have seen it. How can it be done to kill people?"

King Kong’s head was in a hurry. With a wave of hand, several followers carried out five bodies and put them on the ground. “Is this not the Dragon King’s knife?”

The old man glanced at him and laughed. "You are really blind, but you don't know that the dragon king has a fate. It will be in the throat. These bodies are scarred and have been cut at least dozens of knives. You actually said that this is the dragon king. Knife method."

King Kong's head is in the fire, just want to say that these scars are after the death of the knife, a messenger came from afar, shouted: "Not good, the prisoner ran all!"

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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