Death Sutra

Chapter 689: Surrounded

The silver sculpture was sent to the heart.

The duel was carried out exactly according to the rhythm he expected. He continued to make more than a hundred strokes. However, the number of dragon kings was unexpected. He did not use the killer-style knife, but he was as stable as he was.

This is a thrilling more than one hundred tricks. There is no opportunistic tricks. There is no means to see people. Every attempt is made to end the duel. In the end, it is a close collision, like two rams competing for a spouse. Desperately rushing to each other.

The simpler the two people's moves, the more simple they are, the silver carvings are no longer unfathomable, the dragon king is no longer strange and changeable, and the complicated tricks can't fool the other party, only wasting the urgent time.

Afterwards, the silver eagle felt that he had four or five chances to win, but he did not grasp it at the time, but he did not feel sorry. In the process of the duel, Dragon King also missed several flaws, but seized the last time.

The silver eagle is still lost in the cold ice of the evil door. The two men have entered the stalemate stage, and the dragon's left-handed new master's method forced him to have a tit-for-tat.

The two men have a total of seventeen palms. The Dragon King is more and more sophisticated in his control of the strength. Every time he seems to have progressed after the palm of his hand, it used to be like a thief, and the target is not ready to start, starting from the sixth palm. It became like a thief, and he was able to break into the heavily guarded house. He went to the eleventh palm and re-sublimated it. He was like a confident soldier. He broke into the house and entered the room.

Before and after, the silver eagle accumulates nine chills, and his coping style is more and more natural. It is a simple two words - letting go, the first six chills disappear so unintentionally, although the silver eagle feels not good. It’s too good, but he can still hold back.

The silver eagle dares to accept the cold, because every time the dragon king is out of the palm, I will be damaged.

Compared to endurance, silver carving is very confident.

But the last three colds killed him, three consecutive palms, almost no interval, the dragon's right hand knife forced him to only hard.

The silver eagle involuntarily shuddered and then lost.

Gu Shen was exhausted, gave up the killer's move, and hard-hitting with a master like Silver Eagle, let him see his limits.

At most, there are two or three palms. If you can't beat the enemy, you will make a big noise in the host, causing a serious escape.

The same is true for the knife method, or faster if the strength is not weak, or if you are heavier at the same speed, you can beat the silver sculpture faster, but he can't do it. Gu Shen is still the first. Once I felt that my internal strength was insufficient, the method of carrying strength was not skillful enough.

Few outsiders discovered that the Dragon King was exhausted, and the onlookers only saw the dragon's narrow knife against the silver eagle's chest.

The king of Khan lost, and the most demanding spectators also could not find a reason for justification.

Thousands of officers and soldiers have disappeared silently.

"This is the second time." Gu Shenwei said that the Wufeng knife was withdrawn.

A wonderful feeling in Gu Shen's heart suddenly came, bringing a stun and a small panic.

He inadvertently violated one of the most basic principles of the killer, and even put down the weapon in front of the enemy who did not lose his combat power.

But he believes that the silver carving will not take the opportunity to counterattack. The shallow understanding of this wing guard is only one aspect. After he has made Gu's knife, this kind of trust naturally arises as if it were part of the knife method.

The time has passed, Gu Shenwei still withdraws three steps backwards, the killer principle has become his instinct, Gu's knife can only bring instantaneous changes.

The silver eagle has a chance to turn defeat into victory. Although it will be ugly now, the limited career of the rivers and lakes tells him that a few words and a couple of days can make everyone remember the final victory. The honor will not be reduced because of despicableness. .

When this thought turned around, it was abandoned by the silver eagle, and he came forward to challenge with great brilliance, and he accepted the failure with fairness.

"Xiao En Xiaohui can't change the facts."

"I didn't want to change any facts." Gu Shenwei said that he wanted to lie down and rest, but the situation in front of him required him to stand and stand straight. "Competing with you has benefited me a lot, nothing more."

A silver eagle, if this sentence is said by others, he will dismiss him and immediately judge that it is meaningless rivers and lakes, but in the Dragon King's mouth, it seems to have some real meaning.

He turned around and walked toward the crowd of black people. He began to think about ways to deal with the cold. He didn't do anything. He thought that the Dragon King had a lot of benefits and he didn't have nothing to gain.

He will not ask the soldiers for help, because these people will never believe that the old Khan is killed by mortals, and he is not a passer-by, but it will not stop their actions, because it has nothing to do with him.

Nearly the soldiers of the ranks silently let go, silently closed, and then took three or five steps forward in unison, narrowing the encirclement.

The torches on the ground were extinguished one by one, the irregular physical boundaries slowly disappeared, and the soldiers took another few steps. The defeat of the wing guards disappointed them, and at the same time made them feel their own strength.

Gu Shenwei stood in the same place. He has had a hostile experience many times, but he has never encountered such a situation. The enemies are working together. No one is ahead or behind. Everyone feels that they are not Dragon King. The opponents, everyone believes that the Dragon King can not fight against everyone.

Appropriate fear and a little skill will cause the crowd to split and flee. Gu Shen is waiting for it, praying that the fire will not come too early, praying that thousands of soldiers will only target themselves and will not blame several people in the tent behind him.

Shangguanfei hid behind his sister early and sneaked out, hoping to find a few familiar faces in the crowd. He could only express his admiration and incomprehension to the dragon king. If he was replaced, he would defeat the silver sculpture. For a moment, you will escape the horror of everyone, that is the best time to save your life.

The red bat has no internal force, still pulls out the knife and keeps at the door of the tent. She doesn't know what is fearless. She only knows that some things must be done.

The five guards are all from the North Court. Strictly speaking, their owners are Xiao Yu, not the Dragon King or Shangguan Ru, but they also pulled out their swords and even stood in front of the red bats.

In any case, everyone has a little fear in their hearts. This is an inevitable emotion when faced with a much stronger enemy.

Only the old man is an exception. The twinkling eyes are like the sorrows in front of Jinshan Yinshan, looking forward to Shangguanru.

Shangguan shook his head, revealing an unquestionable look, then took a step, and took off his unexpected brother. He took a soothing shot on her shoulder as she passed by the red bat, then passed through the two guards and faced slowly. The narrow encirclement, said loudly: "I am the Shangguan of the country of Xiangji, you are fooled, it is not the Dragon King who killed the capital, I have evidence."

The soldiers stopped and soon they shouted: "They are a group, and of course there will be demon girls around the devil."

The old man took out the tent. "Who? I really have the courage to stand up and talk, let everyone see if you are near the ranks."

There was a small commotion in the crowd. A soldier squeezed to the front and said: "I am talking. You said there is evidence. I will show it to everyone now."

The old man didn't recognize him, but from the reaction of the surrounding soldiers, this person must be a near-servant. "Are you talking very much? Everyone has a mouth, so what is your turn to talk..."

Shangguan, such as holding the hand to stop the old man of the wood, and looking at the dragon king a few steps away, Bone Lun once gave him a piece of evidence, can point out the real murderer.

Gu Shen slowly shook his head, and the piece of paper was placed in his arms, but now he can't take it out, especially if he can't show it in front of a group of soldiers. "I will show evidence when it is dawn."

The soldier laughed angrily. "You want to delay the time, let the princes in the main account save you, I am not fooled, we are not fooled!"

The people took another two steps.

"Stupid, the Japanese Yao Wang's men just provoked the separation, how can the Dragon King count on Wang Ye to rescue? He said that there is evidence, there is evidence, what are you worried?" Wood old man is impetuous, but unfortunately not much convincing, a few Everyone in the intrigue of Wang’s lord is in his eyes. It’s not that no one wants to save him.

Shangguan Ruo also took a few steps and held his own wooden knife. "You think about it carefully. The Dragon King has no reason to assassinate the Metropolis."

Gu Shen is grateful to Shangguanru for coming forward, but I really don't think it will be useful.

Sure enough, another soldier yelled out loudly: "He is a killer, and the killer takes money to do things, no matter what reason."

"He is a demon, wanting to split the nearest army and the north court!"

"He kills people like hemp, feed the magic bird!"


The strange reasons are one by one, and even the old man can't insert words.

The crowd was passionate. The red bat and the five guards ran to Shangguan and the Dragon King. Shangguanfei hesitated and hesitated. He went to the tent door and planned to wait until he made a decision.

When the melee is on the verge, the enemies are confused first.

"It's over." The old man was both lamented and excited. "A lot of people are coming, good girl, but I am listening to you, just standing here and waiting to die."

The old man is right, at least a few hundred people have joined the encirclement, and struggling to squeeze into the innermost circle, first looking at the dragon king, then turning around and pulling out the knife.

They are to protect the Dragon King.

The encirclement is involuntarily retreating, and the two circles inside and outside are separated by more than ten steps.

"Are you crazy?" a soldier outside asked angrily and asked, "Is it really protecting the devil who killed the capital?"

In order to mourn the big capital, most of the bows in the military camps are not used. Azheba once again misses the feeling of bending the bow, but he still raises the scimitar in his hand and says loudly: "The dragon king is not the murderer, we can Guarantee!"

"Hey, aren't they the officers who were caught and fled?"

The people who protect the Dragon King include those officers who have been captured in 30 steps, and more centurions and ten commanders, and less than half are ordinary soldiers.

"The officer is a traitor!"

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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