Death Sutra

Chapter 6: Killer

Gu Shen recognized the banner.

Two years ago, Gu’s family left dozens of people to leave the Central Plains. They were crossing the desert and heading to the unknown Western Region. Many workers were employed on the road. One of them was carrying Jinpengqi. He was not a guide, but he always walked. At the forefront of the team, he is not a servant, and he does not do anything. He is always close to the employer, and the grooms are a little afraid of him.

The journey to the Western Region was boring, but there was one thing that Gu Shen remembered clearly. During the recent month of the trip, they had not encountered any robbery attacks, which seemed to confirm the judgment of the old Gu Lun on the situation in the Western Region. In fact, it is because of the protection of Jinpengbao.

Jinpengbao used to be the protector of Gujia, which added Gu Shenwei's doubts: Why would the protector become a slaughterer after two years? He even began to wonder if the robber flying eagle was wrong.

The two men holding the flag stopped in the same place, the black knight approached alone, stopped when the dragon flew more than ten steps, turned over and laid down the long bow in the hand, not sick, as if preparing to meet the old encounter The friend greeted him.

"Snow Mountain Swordsman visits the site of Jinpeng Fort. It is really a rare guest."

"Hey, it’s rare for the Jinpengbao killer to dare to play alone."

"I have no choice but to learn a few days of fighting in the next few days."

"Playing a multi-front dragon in the snowy mountains."

Long Fei degree holding the sword in both hands, the tip of the sword is still skewed to the ground.

"Long-awaited for a long time, no name in the next Jinpeng Fort, not worth mentioning."

The black-handed killer pulled out the knife, which is different from the common scimitar used by the robbers. The knife in his hand is straight and narrow, and the blade is only two feet long. It is like an embroidery needle compared with the long sword of Longfei.

The two men got closer and closer, and the crowd watched and breathed, waiting for a blow to life and death.

Gu Shen is even more embarrassed in the heart, looking forward to the victory of the Snow Mountain Swordsman, he has made up his mind, no matter how Long Fei will treat the two teenagers around him, he will not intervene.

The killer and the swordsman approached three steps, and no one did it. Within one step, they still didn't do it. The two men stared at each other, as if they were going to pass by, they just nodded.

Gu Shenwei’s heart is hanging in the eyes of the blind man. He has seen many times of competitions. He has participated in several times. The two sides always put their postures far apart, and they have to keep changing when they are close to each other. Recruitment, no one has been like these two, no matter how murderous.

The killer and the swordsman are shoulder-to-shoulder, only a step away from each other, only half a step will be staggered, they still turn their heads and stare at each other, the murderous gas suddenly bursts out, from nothing to arrogance, just a moment, short knife and long sword At the same time, the move.

Even if I was prepared, even if I watched it all the time, the crowd watching was still amazed, and I couldn’t help but lean back and forth, as if the sword in the distance greeted me.

The knife and the sword attacked as fast as lightning, but did not intersect. The black killer retreated faster than the knife. In the blink of an eye, he had retreated to five steps, just on the edge of the sword's attack range.

Long Fei degree does not wait for the sword to become old, but also recovers the sword in time.

The first move seems to be no match. Gu Shenwei feels that the Snow Mountain Swordsman is stronger, but he is not very sure, because he thinks of a sentence that his father Gu Lun once said.

Gu Lun has always been very indulgent to the younger son, but he has never been forced to practice hard, but when there is a review of the martial arts and other people’s martial arts, Gu Lun is seriously serious, pointing to his own eyes and pointing to his fingers. My own hand, said:

"It’s much harder to have a good eye than a good hand."

Gu Shenwei did not agree with this sentence at the time, but now he believes.

The dragon killed a few strokes and killed six desperados. The Jinpengbao killer quietly slaughtered dozens of people from the top of the family. The black-handed killer in front of him was not the only one, and his skill was not much better. Both of them are masters of fake resignation, but when they are at the same time, the moves are simple and simple, but they are exactly the same as the old servant Yang Lan’s long-lasting pistol.

On the contrary, Gu Shen has learned several sets for her own boxing and knives. When talking about the martial arts genre of the Central Plains, she is even more vocal. When she encounters the most common robbers, she does not have the power to fight back.

It’s a flashy, this is the comment that his father Gu Lun smiled and shook his head.

The killer and the swordsman once again confronted each other. This time, the two did not approach slowly, but like a leash that was full of strength, a leopard that tightened the muscles, and jumped up and forth, the sword collided and made a harsh rub.

Or the black-handed killer first retreated, and retreated further, until ten steps, the look was tense, as if every hair was standing upright.

Longfei once again swung a long sword and took a big step forward.

Gu Shen made a move in his heart, thinking that Xueshan swordsman would pursue a fatal blow by the enemy, but he was wrong. Longfei took a step and stopped, and both sides fell into a stalemate.

The statues of the two men confronted each other for a long time, which made the surrounding audience confused. No one dared to scream, but if they stood in the wrong team, they would provoke the murder.

"Compassionate, I should have thought of it." Long Fei suddenly knees down on one leg, his hands still clasping the hilt, but it is no longer a weapon to kill, just a support.

Gu Shenwei does not know what is "compassionate". There is more than one person who knows nothing about it, but everyone knows one thing: Snow Mountain Swordsman has a secret calculation.

"You are always like this swordsman, ‘I should have thought of it’, it’s not prepared.” Hey. The black killer’s tone is full of disdain, and the opponent’s defeat will not be merciful.

"Compassion is colorless and tasteless. The Chinese are weak and weak. When fifteen years ago, the one-step king vowed to destroy all the eternal world. Now it is re-emerging. It seems that Jinpengbao is still the same as before. It is not worthy of believing."

"Oh, it seems that you know a lot, but you are wrong. This is not a compassion. Therefore, the vow of the king has not broken, and Jinpengbao is still credible. In particular, Jinpengbao never stays alive. You must believe."

The black-handed killer said that he walked behind Longfei, and the sharp blade pointed to the swordsman's shoulder.

That's it? Gu Shenwei can't believe it, and I am looking forward to Longfei's struggle to fight back, but this is only the teenager's hope. The good guys should defeat the bad guys. The Guangming Zhengda should be overwhelmed by the intrigues. The Xueshan swordsman also "should have thought of", too many "should" always become Nothing can be realized.

The black knife of the black killer slowly inserted, until the handle, the dragon did not resist, and the death was not shocked. Only the body kept holding the sword and stood still. Not far away, he lay down and died under his sword. Robber.

The black killer held a narrow knife that was still bleeding, and turned to look at dozens of robbers.

He killed a real swordsman, but he was still a winner, so everyone knows that it is very likely to kill him, but all the robbers, no matter how they rob the population and livestock. Horizontal, at this time, like the little sheep facing the bad dog, they are scared and scared.

The killer's eyes were contemptuous, and the blood on the knife was wiped on the dragon's body, and the knife was taken into the sheath. He walked slowly back to his horse, turned over the horse, thought for a while, and said coldly:

"If you finish the business, you will not be allowed to stay."

The robbers, like Meng Da, have nodded and said yes.

Snow Mountain Swordsman is disappointing, the robbers are even more disdainful, and the dawn of revenge has just emerged and dimmed.

Gu Shenwei couldn't think of how he could defeat the enemies of Jinpengbao. He thought that he would become a Hehe fast-acting method, and he would be able to come to the door to challenge the killing of enemies. Now it is far from easy to wake up.

But he understood one thing. Father, master Yang Lan and two older brothers did not have the power to fight back. They also had the same calculations as Longfei.

The black-handed killer urged the horse to move forward, turned to the east at the intersection, and entered the site of Jinpengbao. Behind him, two qiqi people followed closely, like two lionesses behind the lion who had just defeated the invaders, west of the intersection. The waiters are just a group of wild dogs that shrink their necks.

"When you finish the business, go immediately." Gu Shenwei quickly understood the meaning of this sentence, and found that he also became a commodity.

Shortly after the Jinpengbao killer, a group of business travellers came from the mountain pass in the north, and they grew up in a long queue. Some horseback riding, some driving vehicles, and different costumes, there are hundreds of people.

Merchants and bandits, clearly defined, often opposing pairs of people, have reached a peaceful understanding on this road, both sides are waiting for each other, the robbers have come up with the stolen goods and population, like the newcomer to the line In the same way, sell their own things to the merchants who walked by, and most of them can't name themselves.

Businessmen like this kind of business very much. Not only is the price cheap, but if they are lucky, they can buy a rare treasure of unknown origin from the robbers who do not know the goods. The most important thing is that the T-junction is safe, and the most ferocious gangsters also have to To suppress the impulse of the heart, do not dare to carry a finger of gold and silver merchants.

Merchants have already paid the price for this. They have paid protection fees to Jinpengbao, the largest "robbery" in the Western Region, in exchange for privilege, and are not harassed by small-band bandits.

The transaction was in full swing, and the **** gas of the seven bodies was instantly smashed away. When people came and went, Gu Shen saw the snow mountain swordsman not far away through the crowd, the body had fallen, and the sword Without a trace, several bodies were obviously searched.

Gu Shen’s feelings and ignorance of a stomach, the two teenagers in front of him did not have much thought. The two had just escaped. The “savior” was actually the killer of Jinpengbao, and now they have to save themselves.

The two opened their mouths to bite the rope on their hands, and the captives on the left and right stunned. All of them understood that this group of people was free. Their "masters" - the six robbers of the Flying Eagles - have become dead. .

However, at the intersection of the robber and the merchant-led Dingke, the "master" is obviously not a rare thing. The ropes of the captives have not yet bitten open, and several businessmen have come over, and they have told the servants of their hands to break the ropes. , ready to receive the "goods" of the team.

Some people obediently follow the new "master", and some people explain to the business people.

"I am not a slave!"

Gu Shen is screaming at the big beard who rushes to himself. The two teenagers in front of him are also screaming in another language. No matter what language, they are all laughing.

The bearded man put away the short knife that cut the rope, grabbed an arm of Gu Shenwei, and took him to the car. Gu Shen was nowhere to vent for a anger, so he took his strength and squatted on the beard.

Although Gu Shenwei was not very old, martial arts did not come home, but the strength of this foot was not small. The big beard screamed and became angry, and returned to the fist to beat Gu Shenwei's lower abdomen.

This punch is bigger than Gu Shenwei's strength. Gu Shen is trying to cope with the original plan, but she has been beaten before she can show her. She has a big beard and can be more than a family. .

The bearded man has to fight again. A businessman screamed a few words, probably meant to let him not kill the slave, but the goods that had just been "buy".

The bearded man with a foot was very hateful. When he opened the cage door, he deliberately hit the boy's head on the wooden fence. Gu Shenwei only felt a dizzy brain, and the whole person was thrown in.

There was a living person in the place where he was in the body. The man screamed and kicked Gu Shenwei. Gu Shen rolled to the side. After a while, he recovered consciousness and found that the caravan had returned to the road and followed Jinpengqi to the east. Footprint.

The cage car is not a car, there is a string at the back, the cart is full of big-horned big cattle, and many faces of the Hu people knights are on both sides of the team.

Gu Shen looked back at the cage car, and there were more than a dozen children curled up in the weeds. They stared at him with a horrified look like a little beast. I don't know which one was the person who was just pressed by him.

The hope of going to Daxueshan was shattered. Gu Shenwei could only return to the original hope. He reached out and touched the whiteness in his arms to see if there was any text he wanted to see.

The day is gone.

Gu Shenwei’s brain slammed, and the whole body touched it all over again. The white pheasant was indeed gone, and there was no trace of it in the grass in the front and rear.

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