Death Sutra

Chapter 697: meet

Luo Ning, the pear flower with rain, was when the big head died, and the crying was not so sad.

Gu Shenwei didn't want to see this woman. She asked for a letter with her ring. If she couldn't see the dragon king in her tent, she would go through the campsite and ask for it.

Gu Shen is coming, with the military division, Long Chaoyun and Nie Zeng.

The screen in the tent had been moved to the side. Luo Ning tea cried and cried. Several visitors stood for a while, and she just raised her head slightly. "Tell me how he died?"

Fang Wen is a heart slamming, thinking that this is the legendary fox fairy snake? The "the woman" in Saitama City was well-deserved and coughed up. She replied to the Dragon King: "The Japanese King was shot by a native soldier and shot dead..."

Luo Ning tea stopped crying and was surprised to find that Dragon King also took three followers. "Who are you?"

"I? Under the Dragon King, the surname..."

"I don't care if you surname or surname, who will let you in?"

Fang Wen is a bit flustered. The temper of "the woman" is also well-deserved. "I... Dragon King..."

"Go out."

"He is my military division, this is my **** captain, can stay." Gu Shen made a break, and he still had some experience in dealing with Luoning tea.

The eyes of Luo Ning tea are already big. At this time, the eyes are bigger. Even if it is slightly red and swollen, it will not affect the charm of the spirits. Fang Wen is not afraid to take a look at it, and his heart constantly warns that he must hold it.

Luo Ning tea suddenly smiled. It seems that just crying to death is another person. "Well, the person who Longwang believes will also get my trust, Dragon King, remember? That night..."

Fang Wen is a coughing number. "Dragon King, Sun Shadow King Shuli Tu is coming soon, I should go and prepare."

Gu Shenwei just nodded, the military division slammed back and quit, and the dragon turned over and said nothing. Nie Zeng was hesitant. All go out.

"Why, don't you dare to get along with me alone?" Luo Ning tea proudly said that this small victory always erased the sadness caused by the death of Tossai.

"Your back is dead, and having a word is the best strategy at the moment."

"Hey, you taught me the mess, I am now in this tragic situation, it is your responsibility." Luo Ning tea stared at Gu Shenwei, "Follow me, do you know that Tosai has long known It won't last long?"

"I think you know. Otherwise, you won't deliberately keep a distance from him."

Luo Ning tea squinted and looked at it for a while, giggling. "Or you can talk, I can't say that I know, I can only say that it is a hunch and intuition. Fortunately, I have nothing to pay. Not to be bloody. No return."

"You have always been very smart."

"Oh, I thought I couldn't hear your irony?" Ronin tea obviously didn't care about irony. Suddenly easing the tone, with a rare gentleness: "I know your heart, you don't want to let other men touch me, so send someone to assassinate Tosai, don't hide, because I won't blame you."

Gu Shenwei admired Luo Ning tea. She can always imagine herself as the focus and core of everyone's attention and enjoy herself.

"I did arrange the killers, but it wasn't them who shot the Toss in the camp near the camp. Others might be just a guard who was dissatisfied with the prince."

Luo Ning tea does not believe it. But I didn't ask for it. "As you can do it, Tosai is dead. What about his army? That's more than 10,000 people."

"That is the matter of the Nikko Wang family. Several brothers in Tosai are qualified to inherit, you and I can't get in."

Luo Ning tea has an eager gaze. "There is always a way. You know, as long as you need it, as long as you say a word, I will do anything."

Gu Shen believes that Luo Ning Tea is such a person, so she hopes to exclude her from important matters. "I don't have it for a while. If I need it, I will definitely speak."

Luo Ning tea stood up and took a few steps. "You don't believe me?"

"I believe you."

"Don't yell at me, I'm not a fool, it's true and false. Are you afraid that after I strengthen my strength, I will abandon you and even become your enemy?"

"I don't think I need to be afraid of this." Gu Shen is really not afraid, because this woman can not get strong strength.

Once Luo Ning tea forms a certain point of view, it becomes very stubborn. Every word of Dragon King is regarded as perfunctory, so she decides to throw a killer. "Let me tell you a secret, you will know that I will not Betray you."

"Oh?" Gu Shen is a bit interested in the secret.

Luo Ning tea took two more steps, wanted to laugh, stopped immediately, and put on a serious expression, "My child is yours."

Gu Shenwei felt that all this was a waste of time, even too lazy to argue, turned and walked out.

Luo Ning tea did not expect Dragon King to be such a reaction. He hurriedly said: "I am deceiving you in Saitama City. Cheng Er is actually your son. You don't care about me, you should think about him."

"You really want to do anything." Gu Shen said at the door.

"Go to the Shangguan, the gimmick can tell you the truth." Luo Ning tea knows that he must firmly grasp the Dragon King, this is her only dependence on the grassland, at least not for a while.

Gu Shen stepped out of the tent, and Fang Wen was outside with the dragon and the clouds. It was not far from the horse. Gu Shen said: "I have to find a way to send these women away."

Fang Wen is shooting a thigh. "The Dragon King thought of going with me, but the grassland is now in a chaotic situation, too dangerous. This can only be said later."

"How is the army of the Japanese Yaowang?" This is the most concerned issue of Gu Shenwei. The cavalry of Tosai has all withdrawn from the ruins of Longting, and more than 13,000 people gathered near the Longjun and Xiaolong’s camps. The enemy and friends are unknown.

"The new king has not yet been elected. The brothers of Tossai have been very competitive. The opinions of the generals are also inconsistent. The chaos of the nearest servicemen is only going to be repeated."

"This must be avoided."

"Well, the good news is that they agreed to the Dragon King camp. I tried to test out several important generals. They seem to be willing to accept the outsiders as new kings, as long as this person is a true Khan king."

Gu Shenwei is not surprised by this. The army of Tossai itself is a mixed coalition, from the Laoyao Yaowang and the Kwages, and the integration of the third lord will not encounter too many obstacles.

The situation of Long Ting has finally developed in the direction of Gu Shen's expectations. He is no longer a pure observer.

In the temporary tent provided by Xiao Yu, Azhaba brought more news. "It is very smooth. The officers of the Japanese Yaowang are willing to accept Shulitu as the new king and willing to listen to the command of the Dragon King, but they hope that the Dragon King will do it. Guarantee: This army belongs to the North Court. Once the newly recognized King of Khan is born, it can be returned as it is."

This is also the wish of Azhiba and Liman.

It is very useful for the more than 100 officers of the Dragon Warrior. They come from different tribes and families. They have relatives and acquaintances in almost all the army. It is through their introduction that Azhba can directly compete with the generals of the Japanese Yaojun. The officers met and conveyed the meaning of the Dragon King.

"I can guarantee this." Gu Shen knows that he can't be the master of the grassland. His roots are in the Western Region. The North Court is just a strong backing.

"The soldiers in the Japanese Yaojun army are very stable, and the Dragon King does not have to worry." Azhba learned the lessons of the nearby army and investigated the idea of ​​the cavalry at the bottom. "They will support the choice of the generals."

The army of the Japanese Yaowang is different from the nearest army. From the soldiers to the commanders, there are a number of fixed tribes. The family and friendship are the link, and there is no obvious division.

Azhiba had just retired. From the time when Man came to report the ruins of Long Ting, the melee of the nearby army had been going on for a whole day. The situation inside was still unknown. "The camp was blocked, and even the 30,000 nearby troops stationed at the periphery were not. Quasi-entry, it is said that several princes and generals are dead, but the king of the sun has escaped. Tulsa seems to be alive too. In short, the east side is very chaotic, and several troops are unable to survive. No more fighting has taken place. ""

"Is there a clue to the cause of the riots of the soldiers nearby?"

"Not too much. It seems that some people are spreading a saying that the old king of Khan is not peaceful in the spirit of heaven. He wants to find his own head and want more heads of nobles to accompany him."

Gu Shenwei faintly discovered the trace of Xiaoyuetang, but recalling the reaction of the Holy King at that time, he apparently knew nothing about it. Is it so fast that the female girl broke with the shackles? But Saint-June also fled the camp.

Fang Wen was rushing in, and said that the new day shadow king relics arrived, Gu Shen put aside some doubts in her heart.

Another group of princes was martyrdom, and Shulitu’s succession was the smoothest. It’s not that he has no other brothers. In fact, he has a big three-year-old brother, but his mother is a female slave, and his birth is lower. Arriving in time, showing the relics of the former Shadow King, also played an important role, in the eyes of a large number of generals and officers, Shu Litu's king is unquestionable.

Shulitu proves that he is qualified and obedient. This is the education he has received in the past two years. He led all the troops from the east of Longting to the west, camped for 30 miles from the Dragon Camp, and then only carried a small amount. The guard came to meet the Dragon King.

The meeting place was chosen at the camp of Xiao Xiao's camp. Shulitu saw the great-grandmother as the new king and reduced the suspicion and accusation of the dragon king. This is very hypocritical, but very effective.

Gu Shen’s first impression of Shulitu was unremarkable. Apart from feeling that the other’s eyes were more mature, there was no special feeling.

Xiao Yu’s long-standing knowledge of the existence of Shulitu was also the first time he saw him. He was very polite and fully showed the kindness and harmony of his elders, and then left first on the grounds of physical discomfort.

"You are not just the shadow king, but you will soon be able to win the name of the king of the day and the king of the king." Fang Wen is the general plan for the dragon king, this is his duty as a military division.

Sulliant rarely speaks, just nods frequently, and looks like he is satisfied with his current status.

There are not many things that Shulitu needs to know. Fang Wen is very quick to finish. Gu Shenwei feels that he should also say something, so he walked over and just wanted to speak. The 12-year-old child actually launched an assassination.

Gu Shenwei understands one thing from this time: this child is not simple.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued.)

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