Death Sutra

Chapter 710: cunning

It’s not a bad thing to slaughter a dog. He’s not a person who is good at getting ideas. It’s a headache when it comes to the fact that it’s against the principle.

On the one hand, Deng Yuanlei and Liu Fangsheng, who are injured, are among the nine major factions in the Central Plains. Although they are fighting for the death of the old King of Khan, the friendship between the two factions can not be erased for decades. On the other hand, the Dragon King, he has just announced his surrender allegiance, several Ten people listened to their ears, and his orders must be heard.

"Fan is big!" The dog screamed, and it was quite majestic. When the disciples sang a glimpse, they gathered at the same time. Fan used to be more respectful than ever before. "What is the second division?"

"What to do?" The dog whispered for help, and the sweat on the forehead was leaking out.

Fan used the big to find himself in a more difficult situation, look at Shi Bo, and look at the Dragon King, "ah? The meaning of the second division is..."

"There is less confusion, the Dragon King wants to kill Lao Deng and Xiaoliu, are we saving or not?"

"This... the second division is still to give the two kings of the Dragon King a solution." Fan used to try to delay.

The dog slaughtered the cane and swept it over Shangguanru and Sun Shenji, and untied the two acupuncture points.

Liu Fangsheng barely got up under the help of several fellow disciples, pushed them away, and said: "There is no death, the duel is not over, and the division is not difficult, even if you do it, this is a fair duel, and the Qingcheng faction also complains. Not on your head. The disciples listened well, exited the venue, and were not allowed to intervene. Don't let the young people smash the Qingcheng faction!"

These few words are righteous and revered. Originally, Qingcheng disciples have pulled out their weapons and hanged down, but they refused to leave the head and love their son.

Deng Yuanlei was very wounded and he climbed up. "Haha, Liu Shidi said it well, I didn't die, I continued to fight, and I surrendered allegiance. We will never do it."

The butcher dog did not hear the other person's irony, but he let out a sigh of relief and said to Fan Yongda: "The Qingcheng faction said that I don't have to take care of it. Should I not care?"

"Ah?" Fan used to continue to be confused, and the Qingcheng School was obviously inspiring the fighting spirit of the sect, but how can this kind of statement be straightforward, especially if it is done, it will offend the Dragon King.

"There is nothing." The dog blamed a word and turned to the Dragon King. "I have surrendered and will not change my mind. The rest is the matter of you and the Qingcheng School. I hope that you can put them two horses, so that everyone will be hurt. I am angry, but if you don't want it, I can't help it."

More than a dozen disciples of the Qingcheng School looked at the slaughter dog with grievances, raised their swords again, and guarded them in front of Deng Liu.

Gu Shenwei waved the Wufeng knife. "The unrelated person will retreat."

The Qingcheng disciple stepped back half a step but did not leave.

Deng Yuanlei reluctantly went forward and stepped forward. "The Qingcheng disciples listened to the orders and set up a sword array to protect Liu Shidi."

"No..." Liu Yuanfang just said a word, and the fourteen disciples have already said the same thing. They stand in their own positions and surround their heads.

Gu Shen snorted and rushed to the nearest Qingcheng disciple. The other party had just raised his knife and prepared to fight. He had turned his direction and attacked another disciple behind him.

With an enemy and more, Gu Shen’s own experience, lure the enemy to pursue, and wait for the opportunity to counterattack the singles, rarely failing, but this time I have trouble, the Qingcheng disciple’s swordsmanship has obviously been trained for a long time, everyone Jobs, mutual care, although a single person can not stop the Dragon King's offense, but no one is chasing.

Gu Shen has changed five goals in a row, and did not disturb the sword array. She simply jumped out and went straight to Deng Yuanlei outside the sword array.

Deng Yuanlei's body is shaking and he is unarmed. He seems to be welcoming the enemy with the palm of his hand.

"Flocking!" Liu Fangsheng no longer insisted that the disciples withdraw, but they could not enjoy the protection alone.

The seven disciples heard the news immediately, and Gu Shenwei waited for this opportunity. Deng Yuanlei was injured and was no match. The sword array was the biggest obstacle.

The Qingcheng School of Swords has its own set of rules. Even if the transfer is well organized, it is better to be strict after the placement. The seven people have just taken two steps. Gu Shenwei has already made an exception and rushed into the ranks. They forced them back and forth, and the battle was loose.

Deng Yuanlei is also waiting for this opportunity. He is really afraid that the younger brother will be selfish and will not let the Qingcheng disciples save. In that case, he will only be able to smack the dragon to kill the dragon. Now, he has a chance to escape.

When Deng Yuanlei jumped out of the first step, everyone thought that he would join the battle group and blink of an eye. He had changed direction and escaped a dozen steps. He was not seriously injured.

The dragon king’s palm did hurt him, but he did not hurt the meridians. Deng Yuanlei’s old man was re-applied and pretended to be seriously injured. He once again deceived everyone.

This is the first time that Gu Shen has been watching the same person twice in a row. His suspicion is very heavy, but he has not yet reached the point of suspicion of everything. He has encountered countless intrigues and convictions, and he firmly believes in the interests. There are more shameless people than good people, but they have never met such a deceitful person like Deng Yuanlei. As a master of the big school, they are very bold in their appearance, but they will make the lowest level of tricks.

Low level does not mean that it is not good.

Gu Shen was hesitant, and put aside the sword that had just broken half and chased Deng Yuanlei.

Deng Yuanlei gnawed his teeth and found that someone was chasing after him. He changed direction again. He jumped into the group of disciples and caused a chaos. Then he flew a person and came to the Dragon King.

"Bastard!" The dog shouted and threw himself in front of the Dragon King, picking up his arm.

The person who Deng Yuanlei kicked off was a stunned slaughter.

The slaughter dog saved his sister, but blocked the road of the Dragon King. Although it was only a moment of work, Deng Yuanlei had already ran a dozen more steps, and it was harder to catch up with him.

"Teacher, wait for me to avenge you." Deng Yuanlei's voice came from far away. The lethality of this sentence exceeded the top ten masters. The Qingcheng disciple immediately fell into a panic. Five or six people turned and ran, although there was still ** People, each with their own suspicions, have not formed a battle.

"Flame 驹." Shangguan reminded that she has never despised a person like this, and took the initiative to let the Dragon King go to kill.

The horse stopped at the side, and the dragon turned the cloud to untie the reins and prepared to hand it over to the Dragon King.

With Deng Yuanlei lucky, Gu Shen has not taken the reins, and a hoof has interrupted the pursuit plan.

The sky is already bright, and a scout arrives and sends important news.

"The King of the Holy Day led the army!" The scout looked at the Dragon King from afar, shouting loudly, and when he came down, he said, "The Holy King gathered the army of the king and claimed to kill the thief." The guardian, starting last night, may have reached the big camp now."

Gu Shen was shocked in the heart. This morning, the Yaoyao army wanted to elect a new king. He and Fang Wen are trying to win the position of the son of the Shadow King, Shu Litu, and the Holy King is calling for this reason.

The great event of the King of the Holy Day sent no information in advance. Gu Shen was very surprised, but he could only trace it afterwards. Now he must return to the camp as soon as possible.

The scout is what he saw yesterday and should be credible.

Gu Shen made a slam on the flame and glanced at Shangguanru, saying that he wanted to borrow the horse and said: "The things here are handed over to you."

The two disciples of Qiong and Qingcheng did not understand the true intention of this sentence. Long Fengyun and Shangguanfei understood that Liu Fangsheng and others had saved their lives.

Gu Shenwei can only make such a choice. Just relying on Shangguanfei and others, it is impossible to beat the Qingcheng faction, and the Tudog and the Yipai will probably not help.

Gu Shen ran to Han Fen as a horse, "Follow me."

"I want to stay." Han Fen pointed to Shangguan Ru, apparently the interest in this little girl has not weakened.

Gu Shenwei stretched her arm, and pulled it hard, and smashed it behind her, and galloped away. No one knew why the Dragon King had to take this crazy woman.

Gu Shenwei encountered obstacles on the edge of the camp. A group of old people and children were on the road, holding some things in their hands, staring at the Dragon King, and there were both fear and pleading in his eyes.

Gu Shenwei wants to go around and only slow down. Han Fen said happily behind him: "They also like the Dragon King." After that, he bent over and grabbed a piece of grass wrapped in an old woman's hand.

The actions of these people are very strange. Gu Shen has no time to ask questions, and it is speeding around, hoping to catch up with the battle.

Han Fen is not in a hurry, no matter how fast the flames run, he can sit firmly behind the dragon king, even throwing away the blades of grass, cheering, "horse meat!", biting a big mouth, spit on the ground I even threw away the rest of my hand and spit my tongue and said, "It’s hard to eat."

Shangguan first said to the dog, "The seniors will go back to the Dragon Camp with me."

The dog slept again and glanced at the sister who was supported by Fan. "Who can... give me an idea?"

Shangguan Fei said, "The old man is at the Dragon Camp."

"Well, I am going, my disciples are going with me." The slaughter dog came to Longting for a long time, and it was one aspect for the court. The more important reason was that the old man had reappeared in the grassland.

Fan Yongda is a cautious person. He is not willing to follow the Dragon King in a blatant manner. He whispered: "The second division, Master Bo is awakened, I am afraid that I have to make another one. It’s better to go to the Dragon Camp alone..."

"Right, you take Master Bo to go a little farther." I thought that I wouldn’t have to see my sister for a while, and the dog was relieved, and Chong Fan nodded with a big frequency.

Shangguanfei screamed coldly and guessed Fan’s intentions, but the Dragon King was not there. There is no need to say to his sister.

Shangguan Ruyi went to Qingcheng disciples.

Qingcheng disciples have long lost their fighting spirit, and several people want to run, but they dare not move.

Liu Fangsheng walked out of the unformed sword array. "Qingcheng sent a counter-attack like Deng Yuanlei, which is shameful and difficult. Please ask the Shangguan girl to kill me."

Shangguan shook his head. "I won't kill, you can go, but make sure you don't fight against the Dragon King in the future."

Liu released a glimpse, I can't think of it so easily to get rid of the crisis. "The Qingcheng faction was defeated. How can the face face the Dragon King again? Only after hearing the name of the Dragon King, Qingcheng disciples retreat."

Shangguan also hopes to rush back to the military camp, but she is also confused about the people blocking the road. Turn around and ask the scout to ask for the situation.

The two disciples went in different directions, one life and death duel, but did not leave half a body.

The scouts soon returned, followed by six or seven old people. "They offered gifts to the Dragon King, and they hoped that the Dragon King would be envious."

"What are you doing?" Shangguan Fei asked first.

The scouts were also very puzzled. They looked up and looked at Lang Lang's clear sky. "They said that the magic bird flew along the grassland with the Dragon King, killing the livestock and carrying the natural disasters, and hoped that the Dragon King would take it away."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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