Death Sutra

Chapter 718: High opinion

Nearly the army had eliminated an army. When the news came, Gu Shen had just called the people and had not said a few words.

From Man Mantou sweating, hurriedly rushed in and nodded to the Dragon King. "Three thousand people in the remnant of Zoe want to return to the fiefdom. Nearly 20,000 soldiers in the early morning launched an attack. The battle has ended and 3,000 people have been wiped out." The Great Saman sent a decree that before the emergence of the New Khan, more than one hundred troops could not leave the Long Ting.

"A big shaman is better than my old man... I used to be tyrannical."

There is still something to say from Man, "The King of the Holy Day sent a messenger to congratulate His Royal Highness, and he won two new kings."

"With the messenger to see the military division, the military division has full power."

The impact of retreating from Man has continued.

The old man vowed to claim that as long as the good girl refused, she would kill the big shaman tonight. "A small thing, a good killer can get an army."

Moline sneered and shook his head. Although he had already heard of the old name of the old man, he was not afraid of him. "It is useless to kill the big shaman. He will immediately take over his position and retaliate against our army. The name 'good killer' can't reach an army."

"Then then assassination, until the waiters are afraid of it." Wood old man stared at Moline with a sigh of relief, feeling very wrong with this sudden "master".

Shangguan was interjected. "The assassination is not the solution. It is not a bad thing for the nearest army to choose the new king of sweat as soon as possible."

"The old Khan's head is so good, but where is the magic bird?" The old man was in a bad mood, but he retorted the Shangguan as if he still tried to ease his tone. "The magic birds are so big that they say so, how can we not see anyone?" Is it invisible? I guess this is the stuff that the shaman has compiled, deliberately making it impossible for everyone to do it. He is so good to kill."

This is more like the idea that the old man would come up with. No one is serious. Shangguanfei whispered: "The Dragon King has a big bird, and many people have seen it."

"Hey, Dragon King is the best at virtual and real tricks, right?" Wood old man blinked at Longwang, saying that he had never seen Dapeng, and he couldn't believe it.

Gu Shenwei ignored him and asked Shangguan Fei: "There is a recent provocation by the ranks of the army. What is your response?"

Shangguanfei didn't think that the Dragon King would ask himself such a big thing. He was quite confused. He was careful to answer the urging of the old man: "I want to say that the Dragon King took these tens of thousands of soldiers back to the Western Regions and stayed here to fight for the King of Khan. Ah, there is nothing to do with us at the end. The threat of the near-service army does not have to be taken seriously. Three thousand people will dare to die. If they encounter 30,000 people, they may not be courageous. And the Western Region is definitely more chaotic now. The Dragon King will go back one day. use."

Shangguan Yun has been sitting on the side, suddenly burst into a sentence, "Nine brothers see you."

Shangguanfei no longer dares to speak. If the Dragon King can bring back the 30,000 army, the first thing is to destroy Jinpengbao.

"This is an idea." Gu Shenwei did not despise Shangguanfei's opinion. He eventually had to return to the Western Regions. But the 30,000 cavalry is still too small to change the situation. "What do you think of the dog?"

"Ah, I want to say something too?" The slaughter dog didn't even expect the Dragon King to point his name. "Do you have to say something about this..."

"What can a dog's head think of?" Wood man disdainfully ridiculed, he still wants to stimulate the dog to fight, but failed.

Han Wuxian unexpectedly spoke, although the voice was gentle, but the words were hurtful. "The dog's head is not high, and the dwarf is even worse."

Wood old man took a few steps back and looked at Han Wuxian with surprise. "You, you, you... help a dog?"

"Does the dog can't just bully, you just have too many words, why don't you shut up and quiet for a while?" Han Wuxian's voice is more gentle, not like quarreling, it seems like a pleading.

The old man is hard to obey, but his eyes are no longer a moment.

The dog slaughtered the dog as a dog, and turned a blind eye to the old man. He nervously rubbed his hands and was still thinking about the dragon king. "I opinion, no, I have a view, but this view. Someone told me, er, that is - sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight, you are the Westerners, I am the Central Plains, let the North Court people kill each other, isn't it good?"

This is obviously an order that the Central Plains court confessed. Others listened to nothing, and even felt that there was some truth. Moline narrowed his eyes. "If the Dragon King has such an idea, I am afraid that it will come to the grassland and nothing will go." ""

Gu Shenwei shook his head and showed his position. However, he thought that the plan of the Central Plains was actually the same as that of Xiaoyuetang.

Nie Zeng is only a killer and his age is small. Gu Shenwei did not ask him, but turned to Shangguan Yun, who rarely talked. "What is the high opinion of Yun Wang?"

Shangguan Yun shrugged and his face still had a cynical smile. "High opinion is in the heart of the Dragon King. I still don't want to ugly."

"It's no problem to talk about it. Although we are temporarily allied, we don't want to show it to others."

Shangguan Yun glanced at his younger brother and sister and looked down for a while. "Then I will casually say that the advice of the nine brothers is correct. The dragon king will eventually return to the Western Region, but the North Court is unstable, and the military of the 30,000 cavalry will not be stable." Even if he went to the Western Regions, he would not be a trustworthy army; the words of the dog-dogs were somewhat reasonable, but the North Court would not be chaotic forever. The Dragon King was sitting on the hill, and the final result was told to the winged adult. It’s the same, nothing can be taken.”

Han Wuxian’s head looked at Shangguan Yun. “You said the words of others.”

"Everyone is high-profile, it's my turn to say nothing." Shangguan Yun also looked back at the Xiaoyuetang Master with great interest.

"But you missed me." This is what Han Wuxian cares about.

The old man’s eyes lit up. “And my high opinion has been missed by you. Why, can you look down on us both?”

Since the dog slaughtered to the military camp, the old man changed his strategy and no longer managed to cut off the long hair of Han Wuxian and became deliberately pleased.

The two people’s arguments are tit-for-tat. It’s really hard to reconcile them together. Shangguan Yun can’t help but scratch his head. “The highest high opinion always stays behind, the old man...”

"Predecessors? Do you want me to spit on the ground?" Wood old man did not like this title very much.

"The old man wants to assassinate the big shaman. It is indeed a high opinion. If I didn't guess wrong, this is the idea of ​​the Dragon King?"

Gu Shenwei did not put a word, but the old man was very proud. "This is what the hero sees."

Han Wuxian put down his long hair. "I said that the dwarf has no high opinion. Does Yunwang think I am wrong?"

"It's also true that assassination is a high-profile move. It is not necessary to assassinate a big shaman. It is only by a few **** sticks that you can't control 100,000 troops nearby. There must be a messenger behind you. Finding this talent is a matter of urgency. I think Han Tangzhu. I already have an idea about this."

Shangguan Yun will properly answer all the people, or say nothing.

Gu Shenwei secretly admired, but he couldn't learn. The two people's acting styles are far from each other, and there is no place to learn from.

"Does the cloud king say that the Dutch girl and the traitor?" Han Wuxian’s blame disappeared. "I don’t think they have this ability. I want to say that the main messenger behind the shaman is definitely someone you can’t think of."

"High opinion." Shangguan Yun praised.

The old man became the only person who was not pleasing, and the gaze of hatred was transferred from the dog to Shangguanyun.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Gu Shen adjusted her plan slightly and said: "I can't just leave Longting, I must defeat the near-service and the Holy King, and be quick."

"Dragon King ordered, we all listen to you." Shang Guanfei's suggestion was rejected, he did not care.

"I need a person to make rumors in our military camp. Everyone knows it, everyone talks, Shangguanfei, you are the most suitable."

Shangguan Fei took a deep breath, and the Dragon King finally handed over to himself a less dangerous task. He immediately stood up and said to everyone who was arrogant: "Give it to me, even if it is a blind man, I want him to care. This rumor, hey, what rumors?"

"The black horse will die."

"Black horse? What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything, just think of ways to let everyone talk about these four words."

Shangguanfei has already understood it. He whispered: "Black horse, isn't that the near-service army handsome flag? Well, you have to find a way..."

"You have four days." Gu Shen set a deadline for Shangguanfei. "I need two people to create panic in other army, especially the Holy Army, the old man, the dog, and this task is handed over to you."

The old man jumped a few feet high. "I don't cooperate with my men."

The dragon king’s gaze just turned to Han Wuxian, and the old man hurriedly changed his mouth. “Well, it’s difficult, let me teach him two tricks. Is it necessary to kill if you create panic?”

"You don't need to kill people, burn off the grass, let go of the animals, and remember to leave the mark of the nearest army."

"No problem." Although the old man's heart is not so refreshing, he should still accept it.

"The sect was originally to create panic in Long Ting, and I am willing." The slaughter dog has no opinion.

"I still need a few people to find the whereabouts of Xiaoyuetang. Han Tangzhu, Yun Wang, Nie Zeng, can you do it?"

Nie Zeng returned a "compliance", Shangguan Yun did not care nod. "This is the purpose of our alliance."

Han Wuxian’s charming eyes fell on Shangguanyun. “It’s really impossible to cooperate with Jinpengbao. When we meet with our swordsmen, we will have both grievances and hatreds.”

The old man felt that he was fooled. Compared with the slaughter dog, the handsome and handsome Shangguan Yun is obviously more threatening, but he can't change his mind. He can only whisper: "Resentment is good, what kind of affection?"

There are still two people in the Shangguan and Moline, Gu Shenwei said: "I want to dig a secret, I hope that both of you are willing to go with me."

Mo Lin is a native of the North Court. As a king of the Khan, he is deeply admired by ordinary soldiers. If the Shangguan is like a person, he is the most needed helper.

The secret is hidden in the hearts of the people. For Gu Shenwei, the more important helper is the sword at the waist.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better to update faster!)

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