Death Sutra

Chapter 73: Night kill

Gu Shenwei didn't expect Master to kill the horse face man. He couldn't hear a murder in the words of the two, but he didn't expect him to let the apprentice start.

“Why?” Gu Shen asked, and Tie Hanfeng stared at him severely. He knew that he had said something stupid.

"I didn't bring a knife." When the words were exported, he knew that he had made another mistake.

No one likes a killer with a lot of tongues, no one will hire a killer who can't kill from a knife. Gu Shen is ashamed of his low-level mistakes, so he hurriedly stood up and grabbed a chopstick on the table. In the sleeves, he walked over from the drunken drinker and followed the horse-faced man who had left the pub.

There will be no more guests coming. The two fat people at the door are putting bundles of weapons into a large wooden box. When more than half of the guests leave from here, they are already unconscious. They have forgotten the stored swords and will not take them any later.

Gu Shenwei wanted a knife, but immediately gave up the idea and decided to use chopsticks to complete the murder mission.

The cool air outside the house hits people, the air is filled with the taste of wine and stolen goods. Gu Shen is a footstep and almost falls. He has never drunk so much wine. The strange thing is that although his hands and feet are out of control, he does not I feel that I am drunk and my mind is still awake.

Standing in front of the door, he just looked at the back of the horse face man.

The horse-faced man entered the city from the gap of the city wall and went deep into the chaotic buildings in the city along the winding streets.

Gu Shen was quick to follow, and when he walked to the corner of the street, he held the wall and spit out the wine in his stomach. This feeling is much better, and his hands and feet are obedient.

Although the "Assassination" accompanying the Shangguan is only a game, Gu Shenwei has learned a lot from it, such as tracking, lighting, and when the street is relatively straight, it is farther away. When the front is dark or there is a junction. , just chasing closer.

After about a quarter of an hour, the light that leaked out of the room was getting less and less, and Gu Shen felt that it was time to start.

The horse face man was so drunk that he couldn’t seem to find someone behind him. He was marching in the labyrinth of the laneway, and from time to time, he was still awkward.

There is a turn in front, Gu Shen is speeding up the pace, and at the same time break the chopsticks a little bit to make it sharper.

Gu Shen accelerates the heartbeat. The real assassination is very different from the monthly test in the fire-fighting yard. An apprentice who volunteers as a killer has prepared for death from the beginning, killing them seems to be reasonable, and the horse face Man, Gu Shenwei saw him drinking and talking, talking about lost friends, crying like a child, the whole person is so real, seems to have an inexplicable power, let his killer apprentice feel soft hands and feet .

Turning around the corner, the front is dark, it is a good place to kill, but the goal is gone.

The whole alley was quiet, no one, no footsteps.

Some things can never be learned. No one has ever taught Gu Shen how to find intuition and use intuition. At this moment, intuition tells him that the enemy is on the side.

The dagger was stabbing silently, and the horse-faced man did not forget the weapons that were stored at the door.

Gu Shen was able to escape from the attack, and the steel blade passed over the right cheek. He could even feel the coolness of the metal.

One old, one young and two men are entangled, no one is backing down, and no one is calling for help. Here is the South City of Saitama. Death is the only way to solve the problem.

The horse face man has martial arts in general, but his experience is extremely rich. The dagger is used to draw the enthusiasm. Gu Shen has suffered three dangerous situations and wasted two chances. Finally, he mastered the rhythm in the fifteenth move and inserted the chopsticks deeply into the shoulders of the other side.

The two men made quick moves and the fighting time was very short. Gu Shen took a three-step retreat and felt extremely tired. She suddenly missed the wine of the South Wall Tavern and could not help but dry her mouth.

The horse face man was fatally wounded and still had a strong will to survive. He threw the dagger and slammed his shoulders in one hand and stumbled into the depths of the alley. The other hand stretched straight forward, as if there was a life-saving front. Immortal.

Gu Shen silently counted the pace of the horse face man. When he reached the ninth step, he couldn't stand it anymore. He picked up the dagger from the ground and chased it up.

The man’s vitality is unexpectedly tenacious.

Gu Shen grabbed the man's hair from behind and forced him to raise his head, then cut his throat with a dagger.

I couldn’t beat a “chopstick”. If the management of the fire-fighting institute is here, I will be sentenced to fail.

The body weight fell heavily, Gu Shen was suddenly flustered, and he did not like this man, but his feelings were like when he was a child when he was doing bad things, afraid of his father’s scolding, holding a weapon in his hand, throwing it is not staying, hesitating Again and again, throw it to the side of the road.

Then he finally saw the black eyes, shining like a cat in the dark.

The boy sat on a low wall and held half of the melons in his hands. He saw the whole process of murder. His heart was both nervous and excited, like a demon, and he did not escape.

It seems that it is only eleven or two years old, but the eyes are mature as adults, and people can't guess his age.

Gu Shenwei's mind was all placed on the horse face man, and he did not find this witness for a long time.

What should I do with witnesses? Do you ignore him or kill him? Gu Shenwei is a bit undecided, and these knowledge carvings must have been taught. Only one of the hundreds of killer apprentices he hesitated.

The boy swallowed a half-day melon in his mouth and said carefully: "I came out to eat melon."

This is the middle of the night, even the drunkards who are seeking hangovers go home to sleep, and a little devil ran out to eat melons, which is strange regardless of how they look.

In just one step, you can jump to the wall and kneel down the boy. Gu Shenwei has no murderous ** and will, so he takes a step back and prepares to leave.

The boy apparently misunderstood the action of the young killer and immediately said, "I will help you throw the body. Do you know where to throw it?"

Gu Shen did not know that he had never thought about dealing with the body. He listened to the boy and said that he immediately felt it necessary.

"Let's go back to the body."

Gu Shen ordered the way, try to make the voice cold and sturdy.

The boy moved quickly, threw away the melon on his hand, jumped to the ground, ran to the side of the body, struggling to pick up the body, staggering out two steps and falling forward heavily.

"I don't lie to you, but it's too heavy."

The boy struggled to poke his head out of the body, looking innocent, but not afraid.

Gu Shenwei suspected that the boy was pretending to be pretending, but still grabbed the body against his shoulder. This is his skilled work.

"I will lead you." The boy said in his mouth, running fast under his feet.

Gu Shenwei followed closely and found that the boy would not be martial.

The boy took a shortcut and soon reached the edge of the city. There were fewer and fewer houses on both sides, and there was endless darkness in the distance. Like numerous huge black yarns wrapped around the city.

"The front is the wilderness, everyone kills and throws there."

The boy's tone is like he is an expert hand. When he is finished, when the young killer looks up and looks up, he squats into the hutong next to him and escapes. He doesn't want to go to the place to be ruined, even throwing a body. The strength is saved.

Gu Shenwei did not catch up with the boy. It was enough to kill one person this night. He took another step forward, threw the body in a bush, stood up straight, stared at the dark night, and listened to the ethereal wolf. I thought the boy was right. This place must have consumed a lot of bodies for Saitama City.

He spent a long time looking for the way back, almost lost in the alleys of the seven-turned, waiting for him to enter the South Wall pub, the sky is almost bright.

There are only a few people left in the pub, not lying on the ground, just lying on the table, screaming and sleeping, the treasurers of the treasurer, the buddy, and the janitor are gone.

Iron Han Feng sat in a chair, looked up at his head, opened his mouth, and slept like usual.

Gu Shen was sitting opposite Master, and there was still some remaining alcohol on the table, but he didn't want to drink any more.

Iron cold front suddenly shuddered and woke up, screaming, coldly watching the apprentice, which shows that he has been awake from drunkenness.

"Master, I am done."

"What about people?"

"...I threw the body into the wild."

"The nature is hard to move. There are bodies in the city that let you back. Maybe you can make a fortune by this. Idiot, bring the head back later, and the rest feed the dog."

"Yes, Master."

The end of a murder, in addition to adding a little practical experience to a killer apprentice, did not cause the slightest wave in the city of Saitama.

This trip to the mountain has had a great impact on Tiehan Feng. He abandoned the familiar life and endured three months of hardship. In order to cultivate a killer who will never attack behind, the one who relives in the south wall. A good wine, let him know what is more important, and then let the apprentice leave.

"You have no rivals in the fire-fighting court within one year. This is enough. Who can think of the future?"

After saying this, Tie Hanfeng left the apprentice to go to his "business" and went down the mountain for three days, often not returning all night.

As for the conspiracy against Huanu, Tie Hanfeng felt that the problem had been completely solved. The horse face man was his "business" partner. In order to force the iron scorpion to accept harsh sub-accounting conditions, he bought the people in the castle and wanted to kill him. The apprentice made him lose the name of the killer Master.

This name is very important to Tiehanfeng. Without it, Tiehanfeng is the old semi-retired killer of Jinpengbao. It is very difficult to find a low-paying **** job in the city.

Now that the horse face man is dead, the apprentice is naturally safe. Tie Hanfeng thinks so, but Gu Shenwei is still suspicious.

The first thing he suspected was Miss Ronin Tea, who soon ruled her out. It was a stupid woman with no one's fate. It would be difficult to buy a killer apprentice.

The second suspected object was Shangguan Yu, the girl never really put down the guardianship of the slaves, and it was in her interest to let the slaves die in the fire-fighting court.

There are still more than ten days from the fourth monthly test. Gu Shenwei finds that every time someone throws a corpse, it seems that everyone is tracking himself. He dare not go to Jushi Cliff again, and honestly throws the body down the cliff.

Instead of telling Master about this, he decided to investigate himself.

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