Death Sutra

Chapter 765: Persuade pro

Azhba consciously had a clear conscience. He never sworn allegiance to the Dragon King, and he clearly stated his attitude: his master will always be the Prince of Dothan.

But when he got out of the tent, he still couldn’t help himself.

Doddon did not make a decision in front of everyone. He only said that he had to meet with the Dragon King personally. If it was the former Azhiba, he would treat the prince’s words with true feelings. He now involuntarily thinks about one more layer. He vaguely sees that the prince has a strong hostility towards the Dragon King, and his suggestion is likely to give this hostility a finale.

Standing in an objective position, Azhba feels that his suggestion is not at fault. For a person like the Dragon King, he can only choose between confrontation and attachment. Any swing will be seen by the Dragon King.

Xiao Wang Shu Litu chose to rely on, but Duo Dun tends to confront, do not know why, Azhba feels that Xiao Wang is correct.

He suppressed this rebellious idea. After a short break, he went to see Shangguan as a friend and executed a task that was unwilling to do so.

Duo Dun outside and fine, Azheba and Shangguanru nodded to each other, he looked in his eyes and asked afterwards: "Do you know the woman of the country of Xiangji?"

"Yes." Azheba roughly said that Shangguan’s acquaintance with himself in the old Khan’s prison caused a series of smashing of his friends, which also made Doton more interested.

"I am proposing to her and wanting her to be a big man. What do you think?"

"No woman is more suitable than her, but she is not a North Court."

"It doesn't matter. This was a problem in the past. Now it is still difficult for the three great descendants to protect themselves. They have no ability to interfere with who I am. The trouble is that she disagrees, since you are friends. Go and be a lobbyist."

Azhiba was impulsive and almost said that Shangguan’s relationship with the Dragon King was beyond the ordinary, but he resisted it because he had never seen it thoroughly, and he could not understand it, especially because he was familiar with Duoton’s character. That will only make the prince's heart and mind to compete, and it is necessary to put the Shangguan as if it is impossible.

Shangguan has already prepared the dishes. "I thought you forgot your friends? There is no wine, no stomach, no stomach, no wine, no friends. What else is there?"

"There is no wine, no drink, no wine, no dance." This is a few words that Azhba and others often say when drinking. I didn't expect Shangguan to remember.

Azhiba’s interest is rising. The only regret is that this banquet is accompanied by people. Xu Xiaoyi and the two most drinkable men are prepared to fight with the guests of the grassland.

Xu Xiaoyi has a little sister's talent. Knowing which man is he should be guarded against the Dragon King, but he will not stay in the scene as Xu Yanwei suddenly, but do it naturally, as if it is really just for drinking.

Azhaba saw the enthusiasm of the Western Regions, the dishes? A wide variety, more than half can not name; friends? Three cups of belly, Xu Xiaoyi and the two men have already pushed their hearts with the guests; The Westerners’ bragging skills are not worse than those of the North Court. Azheba feels that he is drinking with three big men who can decide the situation in the world; dance? Xu Xiaoyi and others are far from far away. But not at all shy, clumsily jumping. I am so funny that I am laughing.

After nearly two hours, Azha Bagan went down the wind, and the case could not afford it. Xu Xiaoyi was not so deceived, but he had already overdrafted the amount of alcohol, and his heart was not enough. Unconsciously slipped under the table, his two men, already holding their legs and screaming.

Shangguan, on the other hand, is the least drinker among the people, but he is also a little drunk, holding a wine bowl and looking around. "Where are people going?"

Azheba sat up and kept his hands on the table to maintain balance. If he had no heavy responsibility, he would have slept before. "Oh, the reputation of the North Court people to drink well is probably corrupted by me."

Shangguan looked down for a moment, "Haha, or you won, and the three of them sleep under the table."

Azheba looked at Shangguanru. He thought that some words would be easier to say after getting drunk, but it turned out to be more difficult because it was not what he really wanted to say. "I came to ask for the Prince of Dudun."

"He still doesn't give up?" Shangguan said as he drank it, and he looked at it for a while. "I always forget to have something, actually I am married."

"What?" Azheba took the case and slipped. He almost fell. In order to cover up the embarrassment, he hurriedly grabbed a wine bowl and sat down. "How come... When?"

"Well, two years ago, he is Meng Mingshu."

Azheba is completely new to this name. ""

Shangguan tried to think for a while and smiled and said: "It was killed by the Dragon King."

Azheba was stunned, and the relationship between the Dragon King and Shangguanru was complicated in his view. Now it is a cloud cover. "Dragon King Kill... How... You... This..."

This is not the most intense time for Shangguan, but she especially wants to talk. "Would you like to ask the Dragon King why didn't you marry me?"

Shangguanru’s boldness still surprised Azheba. “Yes, since... the Dragon King is willing to kill you.”

"Because my father ordered the slaughter of the Dragon King family, because I killed his best friend, he did not dare to marry me, afraid that it would destroy the hatred in his heart." Shangguan said calmly, suddenly felt a little comfortable. .

Azhaba experienced the bitterness and sorrow in this sentence, and there was a heroic spirit in his heart. "Let me go to the Dragon King and say, don't lose love because of hate, it will lose the bow and arrow after losing the BMW. Do not avoid the daughter of the enemy."

"You forgot your own task." Shangguan said with a smile, the entanglement between her and the Dragon King is not one or two sentences can be said, not even one or two sentences can be persuaded.

Azhba sighed. "Can I persuade you as a friend?"

"of course."

"Emotions are temporary, power is one, and it doesn't matter who you like. I believe that Dragon King can marry anyone for power. You... should marry Prince Doddon, and later become Daxie, you can have your own army. Will not be subject to people, not even..."

"Drink the bar." Shangguan interrupted Azhiba. "Power is not for everyone. Today, I am marrying for power. I have to kill it tomorrow, and then I will continue to betray and betray. I know this is one. Ability. Everyone is looking forward to it, but I can't do it. It's neither soft nor kind, just... lack of ability, it's a kind of laziness."

Azhba is heartbroken. I almost want to tell the truth, but he still resisted. "I understand, what needs me to help?"

"Forget what I said before, it's all drunk after drinking, when it's not true. If you have to help, let Dudun die, and have spare time, help me find Shaomin. She is my niece, I promise I have to take her to the country of Xiangji."

Azhba solemnly nodded and respected her when she left.

Duoton’s exception was summoned to Azhiba, and no other partners were present. “We have to tell some secrets.” The partners who heard this talked and squinted at each other.

“She still refused?” asked Duddon.

"Yes, she said..."

"It doesn't matter, I will continue to work hard, she can't run. You don't have to care, I don't want to talk to you about her."

Azheba looked at the prince in surprise. I understand that this is a blinding method. In this way, Duo Dun can talk to him privately without causing embarrassment from other partners.

"Yes, please say your Highness."

"Yeah." Doddon indulged for a moment, "I have always trusted you more than others, which is why I left you in Longting. A thousand miles away, I must appoint a close confidant."

Azheba turned red. "I let the temple down, I am..."

"No, you don't. The situation at the moment is actually very good. Half of the Western Region belongs to me. The child that Long Wang has planted is fighting with Luo Luo. No matter who wins or loses, it is good for me. Even the Dragon King only has 10,000 cavalry. Western Region, it is also a good thing to think carefully. At least I can freely choose the means to deal with it."

"In these things, I have no credit."

"Oh, you are too modest. If it weren't for your efforts, Dragon King would not only take 10,000 people with confidence."

Azhba boldly asked, "The rumor says that His Royal Highness has formed an alliance with Jinpengbao and the remnants of the Japanese dynasty. Thousands of days before the king, the cavalry has once encircled the Dragon King."

"There is nothing wrong with rumors." Doton will not lie to the "most trusted person". "But for a while, the Dragon King has already drawn to the army of more than 100,000. In contrast, there is not much left in the remnant of the Japanese army." The killer of Jinpengbao can only be used occasionally. It does not help much for the grassland. I have written to explain the qingchu to the Dragon King. I believe he will understand."

"His Royal Highness is going to form an alliance with the Dragon King?" Azheba was surprised, and this was completely different from the impression he got in the last meeting.

"I saw Xiao's letter and had some new ideas. It costs a lot to form an alliance with the Dragon King. You know, I don't want to bow to anyone, even if it's temporary, but Xiao Xiao's vowed to me. To ensure that the Dragon King did not annex the ambition of the North Court, he said that the Dragon King is very qingchu grassland people's heart to the back, will never take their own shame."

"From the attitude of the Dragon King to Xiao Wang Shu Li Tu, he is indeed very important in the bloodline of the Qingwang Khan."

"Shulytu, is it my grandson by generation?"


"This child is the key to all problems."

Azhiba stunned, did not expect the prince to pay so much attention to that little sister.

"The weak way is to strengthen the weak and fight against the power. The dragon king also uses this trick. He wants to form an alliance with me, but he also keeps his back."

"Sulitu has great potential, but... Dragon King should be very qingchu, Shulitu can't be the opponent of Prince Luo Luo. If Longwang wants to get the full support of Beiting, the only choice is His Royal Highness. Only His Royal Highness can compete with Luo Luo. ""

Duo Dun smiled. "Everyone thinks so, but have you ever thought that the Dragon King does not need the support of the entire North Court? If his goal is only the Western Region, half a North Court will suffice."


"Well, let the North Court split, Luo Luozhan Dong, Shu Litu in the West, half of the North Court can easily sweep the Western Region, and easy to control, this is the Dragon King's plan."

Azhba thought for a while. "Yes, my Highness is right. I am stupid, but I didn't see it."

"You are not stupid, but the angle of the station is different, but these words should not be said. I have a plan to test the truth."

Azhaba knew that Doton had to assign tasks to himself and listened to him.

"Looking for an opportunity to make my suggestion to the Dragon King: I am willing to exchange the 150,000 cavalry of the Western Region for the 150,000 troops of the Dragon Court. The only condition is that he has to give me the head of Shulitu."

"Let's change more, this..." Azharba will definitely not agree.

"What is the original alliance condition? By borrowing 100,000 troops, I am not borrowing, but giving, and will also ceduce a large piece of land west of Tongtianguan to him, so that he has a place to release horses. Is this not generous? ?"

"In this case, the Dragon King should be heartbroken."

"If the Dragon King still refuses..."

Azhba squatted on one leg. "That means that the Dragon King has another plot for His Royal Highness. Please rest assured that my Highness will be strong."

"Don't worry, wait for me to order, I still hope that Dragon King's ambition can be smaller, accept my suggestion." Doddon raised Azheb, knowing that he has regained the heart of love, "say that woman, let's play A gamble, see who can get her first, fair competition, I will not press you as a prince."

Dothan blinked his eyes, and Azhba’s heart was shocked and he went down.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued...)

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