Death Sutra

Chapter 771: Confuse

"I know you." Lu Qiying said with amazement, full of red, full of alcohol, he just talked about a few big business, the camel team will not back empty when returning to Shule, "You are... I hired The nursing home."

"My name is Gu Shenwei, and the Dragon King has sent me to talk about things." Gu Shen made a real lie for calmly.

Lu Qiying stared at the 30-year-old zuoyou man, slowly awake, raised his hand and wiped a face on his face, "I heard that the Dragon King is retreating?"

"Yes, one month."

Lv Qiying feels a little heart-hearted and says in a serious and false tone that is unique to the businessman: "Well, first of all, I would like to thank the Dragon King for his enthusiasm, let me take the money back from the robbers, but I have to admit that I have no idea." Now the Dragon King is strong and strong, but it is the first powerful force in the Western Region. I am just a camel. I am a small and thin, and I barely know how to do it.

"The Dragon King has had an agreement with you."

"Yes, let me help him transfer gold and silver in Shule. I am unfortunate. My heel has not yet stabilized. Shule has already died. The Dragon King was still missing. The business did not have to be done. I hope that my money is now on the camel, and even if I want to help, I have more than enough energy."

Lu Qiying shimmered his words, and he felt that the signs of shirking were too obvious. Adding, "I have more than a hundred camels. If the Dragon King wants to transport something..."

"This is this." Gu Shenwei said.

Lu Qiying trembled in his heart and found himself in the set. "Ah? I am a camel... It’s a coincidence. I just took a few business trips. I have no free camels... Hey, but the Dragon King speaks, how can I refuse? Arrange it. It’s not a problem to even out ten or twenty."

"You have a total of 185 camels, and the Dragon King will use them."

Lu Qiying glanced at the fact that the "Gu Shenwei" in front of her eyes was flat and the momentum was not strong. The words she said were very blunt. Lu Qiying, who had been in the business field for many years, was very dissatisfied. His face was a little heavy. "This can be difficult. Wait until I send the goods back to Shule, and the camels will be free."

Gu Shen took a step back and showed a disappointing expression. Because the face was covered with a layer of paint, the look was not particularly obvious. "The dragon king told me that the treasurer is the old one. Everything is good. It seems that he is wrong, it doesn't matter, the camel team. There is more than one, we will try to find other people. There are also some of the Dragon King’s men. Thank you, Lu’s treasurer, to bring them into the city of Saitama. They will move away tomorrow morning and begin to perform the task.”

"What mission?" Lu Qiying knows whether to ask, or can not help but speak.

"Some ordinary tasks. There are a lot of enemies in the Dragon King, but you can't be as stable as the Luggager. You can rest assured that the Dragon King will draw a line with you, and never let people think that you are doing things for him."

Lu Qiying's brain has a layer of fine sweat, completely awake from the drunkenness, "Gu Shenwei" is clearly carried out wēixié, the dragon king's several subordinates a strange shape. The insulted robbers will soon be able to find out the details. Once they hear that they have "dead", they will immediately rush to tear themselves into pieces. At the same time, Jinpengbao will not believe it.

"Oh. No wonder the Dragon King sent you, Gu brother is very talkative about business, but it is too anxious, but I have to push it twice according to my habits. You actually take it seriously. Ok, I don't come to that one, straightforward. Say, the dragon king wants to use the camel, take it all, not enough, I personally resist the dragon king!"

"Lv shopkeepers provide the help, the Dragon King will remember it in his heart, please rest assured that this is not a loss of business, nor is it a business of "this small profit."

Things have become simpler. Gu Shenwei’s idea is not limited to this. He asked Lu Qiying to buy other camel teams, then purchase grain in the entire Western Region and transport it to the small capital city and several places he designated as soon as possible.

This is an overly ambitious plan. Lu Qiying even thinks that it is impossible to achieve. "This...this can take a lot of money. I mean very, very much money. When the news spreads, the price of grain will rise. So many kings and sites in the Dragon King can't be levied?"

"The Western Region is not stable. It has experienced many levies since last year. Once again, it will provoke public grievances. In short, Dragon King has his own considerations. Money is not a problem. You go to Tongtianguan to find Xu Xiaoyi, and he will provide all funding."

"Money is not a problem." When these words are exported, Lu Qiying’s eyes are bright. What Jinpengbao, the killer, and the robbers are all out of the question, “Don’t ask the price? Don’t ask the quantity?”

“More is better.”

"Well, I will kill the Dragon King once again. Hey, the Dragon King's master is like a cloud. Can you... send two to me? After all, Jinpengbao is not a good one."

"Xu Xiaoyi will also be arranged properly."

Lu Qiying was so excited that he was so excited that he asked: "I will contact Xu Xiaoyi in the future?"

"Well, but you have to stay in Saitama City for half a month, buy this house, build a fixed warehouse, and continue to operate for a long time."

"Can you protect my safety?" Lu Qiying has lived in Nancheng for many years. The fear of Jinpengbao is deeply rooted, and he is openly opposed to Jinpengbao here. His heart is not practical.

"Absolutely safe."

Lu Qiying asked a lot of details, and finally satisfied with the retreat, began to ponder how to get rid of the business already in hand, how to buy other camel teams at low prices.

Nie Zeng stayed in the house all the time. After listening to the conversation, he was puzzled, but did not ask. He was very qingchu's own identity should not be over-the-mouth.

"There is any idea, you can say it." Gu Shen is encouraging the teenager.

Nie Zeng was a little embarrassed, and later he was embarrassed by this "sorry" and said abruptly: "I think the Dragon King is wasting money."

"Oh? Let's listen."

"Lv shopkeeper... Lu Qiying said very clearly that the news of the acquisition of grain will spread, and the price will rise sharply. Many people may still hoard, and the food is less."

"You are right." Gu Shen showed a strange smile on her face. "I also asked, who is the largest in the Western Region?"

Nie Zengyiyi, I don’t understand how the problem will be transferred here. I thought for a while and said: “The countries in the eastern part of the Western Region have all invested in the Central Plains, and the Central Plains has the largest territory.”


"Dodun and Jinpeng Fort jointly occupy the Shule Kingdom, plus Saitama City, the second largest site."

"And me?"

"Dragon King owns the Five Kingdoms of the Sea and the Country of Xiangji. The site is also very large, but the Dragon King is far from the distant sea and does not dominate."

"You are right, so if the price of grain in the Western Region soars, who will lose more?"

Nie Zeng is a glimpse. "The original Dragon King didn't really want to collect grain."

"No, I urgently need food and grass, but I can also go to war with the enemy. This is what the military teacher taught me. He said that it is a part of the plan."

Nie Zeng feels that his mind is suddenly open, but there are still many doubts. "Central Plains and Jinpeng Fort can completely levy grain and ignore the price of the Dragon King."

"They may. But this will produce two results that they don't want to see: the first is to lose people's hearts faster, and the second, even if they don't care about people's hearts, it will be more difficult to levy than before. You said, many people will It’s hoarding. It’s important to know that the Western Region is different from the Central Plains and the North Court, and it’s a multi-country country. It’s impossible to make every order obey.

Nie Zeng admires it. Suddenly I found out that this was the most talked about with the Dragon King. He bowed his head and said, "Dragon King doesn't really care about my thoughts."

"It doesn't matter, I will allow you to ask questions at random for the next two months. This is also a kind of training."


"Well, my expectations for you are not just a killer."

Nie Zeng doubts more. "Hu teacher said that if you want to be a killer, you have to be single-minded and unwilling to distract."

"Do you have any distractions?"

"Yes." Nie Zeng suddenly grew up. "My distracting thoughts are one day more powerful than the Dragon King, and then revenge for the uncle's family."

"Then you should learn something other than martial arts. You must know that when you are faster than me, you will probably never be able to approach me again." Gu Shen did not care about her mind, but Nie Zeng The hatred is different from him, not so strong, and it has not been cured by the dead.

Nie Zeng’s heart flashed a thought, and the Dragon King was playing tricks, but he couldn’t think of any loss he would suffer. He bit his lip and thought for a while. “In fact, I always wanted to ask the Dragon King. You have the strength to break Jinpeng Fort. Why? I am not willing to do it. If I don’t care about the disputes in the grasslands, I will take the troops with hundreds of thousands of troops and go all the way south. In less than two months, I will be able to capture the unique ones."

Gu Shenwei looked at this teenager who was quite similar to her former self. "I used to have a master..."

"I know, Tie Hanfeng, in fact, he is my biggest enemy, but unfortunately he is already dead." Nie Zeng heard a lot of content about the death of his uncle family.

"Well, you hate him, I hate him, so I kill him by myself, but he still teaches me a lot of useful things. He told me that killing is not just a knife cut, you have to cut off his first. relationship."

"Don't break the relationship?"

"Most people do not live independently, always live on a certain wèizhi, you kill him, this wèizhi will be temporarily vacant, the relevant people will be dissatisfied, will find you revenge, such as me and Tie Hanfeng Killing your uncle's family, you come to revenge, you are a kind of 'relationship'."

"You two have not interrupted me." Nie Zeng whispered, the heart is still pondering the truth in the Dragon King.

"Because we don't know your existence, Tie Hanfeng has already cut off your uncle's relationship in Saitama City, at least at that time no one took revenge for your uncle."

"Why are you killing my uncle, are you hired?"

This is a simple question. Giving an answer may also alleviate the hatred in the mind of the teenager. Gu Shenwei can't answer. Some killer principles still dominate him. "I can't say it."

Two years ago, Nie Zenghui thought that this was an insult. Now he understands it very well, so he re-directed his thoughts to Jinpengbao. "What did the Dragon King do to break the relationship between Jinpengbao?"

"Yes, I didn't have this strength before, I couldn't make it. Now just killing the One-Step King can't lift the hatred in my heart. I want him to be rebellious, not only to cut off his relationship with the powerful country, but also to cut him down." The relationship between Yucheng, Jinpengbao and his wife and children, this is my plan."

The dragon king’s tone was as if he was arranging an ordinary lunch, but Nie Zeng was shocked and even ashamed of the little hatred in his heart.

Nie Zeng has no problem for the time being, Gu Shenwei said: "Let's go, let's go and cut off a relationship with the one-step king, and get some money."

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued...)

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