Death Sutra

Chapter 802: Shipping

The South City ended the night of the night, the North City has not yet begun to be busy, the moon in the autumn is high in the air, it seems that even if the sun rises, it will not fall easily

Shangguan Fei looked back at the dark city before dawn and gave a prophetic feeling. "Today, the entire Yuyu City will fall into madness."

The old man raised his long sword and made a hit on Shangguanfei’s head. "You are so attached to the mouse? If you are so unlucky, would you like to let Yuyucheng return to Xiaoyuetang? You are not allowed to mention it later." Mad word

Shangguanfei lived with his mother for a few days. He just recovered a little old feeling and glared at the old man. Then he was so exhausted. He rubbed his forehead and smiled and said: "I mean the news that Meng’s family was stolen. Spreading through... I can guarantee that even if Jinpengbao is down today, it will not receive more attention. People in Saitama City are always more interested in money."

"It is not auspicious. If the news spreads today, we will be unlucky. Meng Er has to insist on five or six days."

"Yes, I said wrong." Shangguan Fei was lost, and he wanted to wait for me to be the one-step king... But he immediately remembered that the future of the one-step king had only one empty shell, and he might never recover the old glory. So it became languid. "Without five or six days, four days will suffice. When the Dragon King will take over,"

A long team of cars came out from the west gate of Saitama City. It was not when the city gate was open, but the Meng family’s team had the privilege.

In addition to the large scale, the entire team looks very normal. The old governor of the Meng family, Duan Zihua personally led the team, bodyguards and chores are all available, and even the front of the Jinpeng flag opens.

There are also a few small camel teams from Nancheng. They pay a small amount of money and can follow the Meng family. They enjoy the highest level of security. This money is usually owned by the team. Duan Zihua refused this time. "This is not the case. There is no safe place in the Western Region. I have just been robbed a few days ago. You want to talk to the team. I don't object, but I don't collect money, and I don't guarantee security."

If even Meng's goods can't guarantee safety, the small-capped camels are even more incapable of self-protection, so they still voluntarily attached. "The war is about to begin. It is a glimpse to run one more." This is the saying of many business owners.

Mu Laotou and others are the "bodyguards" hired by one of the camel teams. What they really want to protect is actually the Mengjia Racing Team.

The slaughter dog clung to the old man's head. After using the knife, he threw the crutches in Nancheng. The excitement brought by the task last night was still lingering and lingering. "You said we are not? It’s too early to start? When they are bright, they will find the body. When will it be chased out?”

"How many times have you told me, don't always say anything about the fart, be careful, there are ears in the wall." The old man was impatiently teaching, "I will say that this move is called the East, and Jinpengbao is busy investigating the cause of death and pays attention to other things. "

“Will it work?”

"Why, don't you believe me? Dragon King lets you listen to me and I feel that I am smarter than you..."

The slaughter dog whispered, "The Dragon King said that you are not allowed to kill, but did not say let me listen to you."

The old man heard the ear. "Hah, it seems that you are not convinced. Who made the whole plan before an hour? Who is demonstrating with the old dog to enter the Bodhi Garden? Who is comforting, fart? Old idiot?"

"You didn't comfort me if you beat me, hit me three times, and I didn't have any jealousy.

The two people are arguing over this matter. Shangguanfei hides far away. The characteristics of these two people are too obvious and can not be concealed, or pretend not to know well. He himself did not pretend to be a woman this time, but he painted black. Ugly, don’t leave a trace of the original

Tie Linglong rode through the middle of the two old men, without saying a word

"What does she mean?"

"No rude..."

Tie Linglong went straight to Shangguanfei and whispered, "Are you sure that those people are Jinpeng killers?"

"Can't be wrong" Shangguan Fei replied with a lower voice. "I still know one of them. My mother has inquired that they are half-way killers, many of whom just exited from Shibao at the beginning of this year."

In Jinpengbao, once the killer has passed the peak period, no matter the age is the "old killer", there are only three ways to go: stay in the fort to mix a position, such as the killer master; receive a meager reward and wait for death, live in On the mountain, it is called "the half-mountain killer"; withdraw from the stone fortune to join the road, join the team of wandering swordsmen and robbers

“At the beginning of the year?” Tie Ling frowned. “It’s just a coincidence, it’s not related to us?”

"Coincident, it must be a coincidence."

Tie Linglong hopes that she can have the dragon king's ability, and she can see through the fog at a glance, but she can't figure it out, so she has to let go of it for a while.

Nie Zeng disappeared, and only among them was the best.

It was dawn, and Yuyucheng gradually shrank in sight. The old man looked at it again and sighed. "Oh, my wife is still in Yuyucheng, I hope she will not die too badly."

The butcher dog did not hear the expectation of it. He thought that the old man was worried. "I don't think it will be. Han Tang is very smart. Without the help of the Dragon King, she will not act without authorization."

"The idea of ​​a madman, you will never understand it."

The speed of the team is not too fast. The dog has been waiting for the news in the city to catch up. When there is a horseshoe behind him, he looks back nervously, but he is quiet all day, even the autumn wind with chill seems to be stopped

When I was resting in the tent at night, the old man suddenly said, "I have a sense of ominousness."

"What?" The dog didn't think there would be a good thing, but he couldn't help but ask.

"The ghost of the fake Meng Yuzun may come to you tonight."

The old man slumbered and slept, and the remaining dog slaughtered for half a night, until he had to sleep for a while, just closed his eyes and dreamed of the big fat man. This is not the first time the slaughter dog murders, but it is the first time. Assassination of people who have no defense or even martial arts. In the dream, fake Meng Yuzun opens his eyes and fights tirelessly with him.

The slaughter dog was tangled in his dreams, suddenly felt a sense of alert, sat up in the ground and pulled the knife out halfway.

The old man jumped out a few steps and held a long sword in his hand. "It’s not too stupid enough to get up and go to the rivers and lakes.

At noon that day, the news that the dog was worried and hoped finally came.

One hundred Jinpengjun rushed from the direction of Yuyucheng, stopped the team, and asked everyone to immediately turn around and return to the city. The news of Meng Yuzun’s illness spread throughout the entire team.

The slaughter dog is puzzled. "Is it sick? What is going on?"

"Death is also a disease," said the old man, and then changed back to the normal tone. "Stupid, the one-step king is calming the hearts of the people, and then secretly looking for the real murderer is you, only one hundred soldiers, this shows that my strategy has succeeded. Jinpengbao has not found the importance of this team"

"Can Jinpengjun want us to turn around?"

"Don't worry, look at the ability of Duan Zihua"

Duan Zihua cried, and squatted on the spot, rushing to the direction of Daiyu City, and even the leader of the Jinpeng army came up to help, but when it came back to the city, Duan Zihua refused to resign, "This is the Meng family." If the goods are out of town, you can’t go back to the old man’s illness if you don’t go to the destination. I’ll come back again, not to fill the Meng family.”

The two sides were deadlocked, and the old man was so annoyed that he even proposed to kill the ring, but others did not agree that it was not necessary.

After an hour, the Meng family arrived, and the new parent Meng Mingshu’s order came. “The family has changed dramatically, and the business is a heavy order for Duan Zihua’s rapid delivery, and he will return to the city immediately.”

Jin Pengjun also seemed to have got some orders, no longer insisted on turning around, but they stayed. After camping in the evening, they began to ask about the origins of everyone in the team.

The old man’s short and irony green eyes can’t be concealed, so he is most questioned.

Tie Linglong proudly refused to answer all questions, but she could not compare with the old man in the aspect of "high on the top".

The old man sits cross-legged on the saddle, holding an unsleeveed sword in his hand and making a half-circle in front of him. "I declare that the inside of the sword is the land of the North Court, and the stalker kills."

"You are a North Court person?"

"Authentic North Court people, the master of your family"

Jin Pengjun soldiers were angryly surrounded, but no one entered a sword. "I recognize you, you are the old man, the dragon king's subordinate"

"What about that? The one-step king and the dragon king didn't say that they wanted to go to war. Do you want to start with it?"

Jinpengbao and Longjun are currently in a state of vagueness, war and undecided, ordinary soldiers are at a loss

The head of the camel team came up and took out the voucher, claiming that the old man and others were all working for the Tongtianguan North Tingjun, which resolved a small storm, but after that, several of the Dragon King’s men were under surveillance, only Nie Zeng avoided Concerned, mixed in the ordinary knife customer is not conspicuous

For Shangguanfei, the next journey is the most difficult. I am afraid that I will accidentally reveal my feet. I will be recognized by my true identity. My eyes will be swept away among the Jinpeng soldiers. I feel that everyone is like a killer.

On the third day of leaving Yuyucheng, the team was in great trouble. A thousand troops went from Tongtianguan and claimed to be escorted to the team.

Shangguan Fei was frightened, and he couldn’t take it to avoid the suspicion. He called the old man, the slaughter dog and the iron linger into his tent. “Well, there is still one day to arrive at the appointed place. The North Tingjun will catch up. Hundreds of Jinpengjun are insignificant, this is more than a thousand cavalry."

"There are only a thousand cavalrymen in the district. The dragon king screams and can call the army that has been called several times. If you are afraid of anything, you will sharpen the weapon and you will be able to open it tomorrow." The old man is excited, "Our mission Just staring at a few key figures in the Jinpeng army, don’t let them run."

Both the dog and the iron exquisite agreed with the old man's point of view. Shangguanfei felt a little relieved, but he made up his mind. When the two armies fought tomorrow, the first priority was to save their lives. He did enough for the dragon king. Don't take it anymore

On the fourth day of the city, Shangguanfei spent a whole day thinking about it. He stared at Jinpengjun and the Beiting cavalry for a while, and looked at the wilderness in the south. Several other people, including the slaughtering dog, were all ready to fight for a jiliè.

As a result, the Dragon King’s army did not appear on time.

(Seeking for a subscription) (To be continued...)

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