Death Sutra

Chapter 805: Enemy

Dudun's face suddenly changed, making a look, the partners around him rushed over, randomly selected boxes to open, even in spite of blocking the overturning of a few boxes belonging to the Dragon King, which are iron ingots, weapons, cotton coats, etc. Something, there is no gold or silver. [This article comes from]

Dothan stared at the Dragon King. "Are you rushing for these things?"

Gu Shenwei was a little surprised. "These are important supplies for military supplies. What does the Prince want to get?"

For the first time, Dudun was angry with the Dragon King. He almost wanted to go to war in disregard of all the circumstances, but he resisted. The Dragon King was within ten steps. No one could intercept it. "There will be a period later."

"The prince is slow to go." Gu Shen said politely.

Duo Dun turned to the horse's head, and an officer should never ask a question, "His Royal Highness, these goods..."

Doddon raised his whip and smacked his face. "Stupid, take away."

The officer squinted and sent orders. Duoton’s anger was lowered. He turned and smiled and said to the Dragon King: “A few days, Xiao Wang Shuli Tu will lead some troops to the Western Region for the winter, and the Dragon King will review it with me. Will you be a soldier?"

"of course."

Nodded from the solemn position of Man Xianglong Wang, he sighed without a reason and patted the horse to follow Duo Dun.

The North Tingjun dispersed the goods on the car to the horses and quickly retreated. The National Army took all the animals and vehicles, preferring to slow down and not leaving them to Mengjia and Jinpengbao.

One hundred Jinpengjun were taken to the front of the Dragon King. Their weapons were confiscated. All of them were nervous and uneasy. Some people wanted to kneel down and knees bent twice, forcibly resisting.

"Your mission is over." Gu Shenwei said, "Look back to Yucheng."

The Dragon King was easily released, and Jin Pengjun soldiers were all surprised. For a long time no one moved, the old man came over and waved his long sword. "I don't want to let go! Waiting for the Dragon King to kick your ass?"

At the same time, Jin Pengjun turned and fled to the east. Even the mounts were not needed. After a few miles, they would regret this decision.

Shangguanfei almost ran from the end of the team with his mouth open, and kept shaking his head. He saw the dragon king put on a charming smile. "The Dragon King has known for a long time... No, this is simply the Dragon King's trick, haha, but you have even smashed us, tell me what expressions are there? I heard that he is a mother."

Wood old man thinks a little further. Pointing at Duan Zihua not far away, "Do you need to destroy the mouth?"

Duan Zihua was shocked and hurried over. "Dragon King, I am..."

Gu Shen raised his hand to stop him from saying, "You are very safe, follow me from now on. You don't have to go back to Yucheng."

Duan Zihua gave a secret, "Yes." He did not recognize the dragon king in front of him as a stranger who asked him in the night house.

The dog has not yet understood what is happening in front of him. He asked: "What is going on here? Gold and silver jewelry? Isn’t it true that more than half of the property of the Meng family is in the car?"

The old man turned proudly, as if he was an insider from beginning to end. "Stupid, Long Wang knew that such a big thing couldn't hold it. Just come and count it, and draw everyone's attention to the team. In fact, Meng's gold and silver jewelry was sneaked away by other methods."

"If it is as much as the legend, how can it be shipped?"

The dog slaughtered the roots. The old man can't answer it. "The dog's head can't think of an idea. Can't the Dragon King think of it?"

The slaughter dog just smiled. He was used to the broken mouth of the Dragon King and didn't care much.

The remaining half of the goods were distributed to each car and headed west along the road. Since Duoton participated in the "dividing", the Fuguo Army did not have to take the wilderness path.

The heads of the four or five small camel teams came over to the Dragon King, and they were still attached to the end of the team. However, they all made up their minds. After the goods were returned, they advised the owner to suspend the business. There is no safe road in the Western Region.

Three days later, the Resurrection Army returned to the military camp, and no obstacles were encountered. The North Court military checkpoint was released in a respectful manner.

The highest general of the Dragon King directly under the army is a deputy millennium. He is a native of Hai'an, named Wu Zongheng, and stayed in the military camp. When Wang Yonggang came back, he came to see him.

"As the Dragon King expected." Wu Zongheng said that he was serious. He had participated in the leaking operation of the Queen Mother of Angola and was forgiven by the Dragon King. Therefore, he was exceptionally loyal. "People have already caught it."

Gu Shen nodded and did not ask who was arrested. "Take me to see him."

Prince Shule was nervously pacing back and forth in the tent. When he saw the Dragon King coming in, he almost fell to the ground and forced himself to calm down. He said, "Dragon King, I have to give me an explanation. What is this? I am the National Army." One of the commanders, even the right to ride out of the horse is not there? Wu Qianxi actually imprisoned me and said that it is your order."

"It's my order." Gu Shen said coldly, deliberately not looking at the Prince, Wu Zongheng came over a chair, Gu Shen was sitting on it, and then said in a commanding tone: "Sit down."

Prince Shule’s knees were already soft, and immediately sat on the couch. “Misunder, there must be a misunderstanding inside, Dragon King, you listen to me...”

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "You know that I won't kill you. First, you are the Prince of Shule, and you still have a call in the country. Second, you have helped me before, we have had a good time. Cooperation; Third, you are the eldest brother of Tie Ling, looking at her face, I will also leave you a life."

Shule Prince is cold and sweaty, can't tell whether it is relaxation or grievances, "Dragon King, you... I don't understand what you mean."

"Do you have to say it out? Don't you understand that I am the only one who can protect you."

When Mrs. Shule stood up, he seemed to want to resist the end. Nothing would be like a deflated ball shrinking back. After thinking for a while, he whispered, "I want to talk to the Dragon King alone."

Wu Zongheng got a gesture from the Dragon King and left the tent.

Prince Shule seems to have calmed down. "I am not a greedy person who is afraid of death, nor a person who is ungrateful. What I do is to rebuild the Shule country."

"I believe."

"The people in the North Court are too strong. All the countries in the Western Region are not opponents. It is impossible to take them away by relying on war."

"But you still borrowed money from me."

"At that time, war was the only choice. I knew that it was impossible to do it. But now it is different. The North Court is divided. The Prince of Dothan wants to compete for the sweat. Compared with this ambition, Shule is not worth mentioning, so I I wonder if it is possible to send the North Court people by peaceful means."

"Do you think, or Dodon wants you to think?"

Mrs. Shule’s face was red. “It’s not important. The key is that this means is feasible. Prince Dudun promised me that next spring and summer. He will lead the soldiers back to the grassland and fight with Luo Luo. When...” The prince hesitated for a moment and continued to say, "When he will allow Shule to resurrect the country, he will also hand over the Tongtian to the Shule State guard. I just need to provide him with the necessary supplies."

Gu Shenwei did not speak, Dodun did provide an attractive exchange plan, just like the change plan he proposed to Dragon King, almost no one can refuse, unless it is determined from the beginning that it will never be realized.

Prince Shule is eager to defend himself. "This is a cost-effective transaction. It is one of the most important reasons. There is no natural danger in the east. Once you get the pass, it is not easy for the North Court people to come in again." It is."

"So you have to sell me to the North Court."

"No, no." Dothan’s sweat on his face was even more, even during exile. He has never been so embarrassed. "Doddon asked me to report the movement of the Dragon King. I never said... He didn't attack the Dragon King, right? Because I told him, I don't want to kill the Dragon King. The Dragon King is the check and balance of Jinpeng Fort. And the important power of the Central Plains."

Gu Shenwei did not point out the many loopholes in these sentences. "But you let Dodon down."

Prince Shule lowered his head in frustration. "I was not self-sufficient, even playing tricks in front of the Dragon King. Dodun Prince did not grab the money of the Meng family, and did not expect the Dragon King to bring the army of 10,000 people, thinking that I intend to provide false information, let me go immediately meet him."

"So you want to run away."

"He will kill me!" Prince Shule inexplicably raised his voice. "Dothan... Prince Dudun never forgives others' mistakes."

Gu Shenwei stood up, this is enough, he is a little regret, he took the bait, thinking that the fishing will be the right general Shang Liao, the result is the Prince.

But this is also reasonable. Shang Liao is half-hearted about the Dragon King, but he is smart enough to see the hypocrisy of Duo Dun. He is certainly more willing to maintain a balance between the two forces rather than throwing it to a certain faction.

"You said that you won't kill me." Prince Shule said immediately, raising his arm and leaning back, as if a knife was being cut across.

"I won't kill you, but you have to hand over everything, the city, the grain, the soldiers, and the rich merchants of the Shule country. You know where they are hiding. I want to send people to talk to them."

If the face of Shule is too gray, "Is that nothing, then I have nothing?"

"Well, nothing, but I will pay you a Shule country. When I occupy Yucheng City and attack Jinpeng Fort, you are the Shule King."

"But the Prince of Dothan and the North Court..."

"They are my problem, not yours, stay in the military camp, don't try to escape again. This is the premise that I will not kill you."

Prince Shule looked at the Dragon King with a weird look, as if he saw him for the first time. "Yes, I hand over everything."

Gu Shen returned to her tent and took a short break. She suddenly said, "You have recently become unspoken."

Tie Linglong came out and his tone was a bit cold. "Because there is nothing to say."

Gu Shenwei looked at her. "Don't learn to lie, you are not good at this."

Tie Lingling blushes, she has a bunch of words to say to the Dragon King, I hope to get answers from him, but I am ashamed to speak, so I transferred the topic, "Which prince, why not kill him directly?"

"Because the relationship between him is not broken, I can't move him for the time being."

Tie Lingling heard that "killing people must first break the relationship", but they have not understood it very much. "Let's come slowly."

Gu Shenwei feels that Tie Ling is a little weird, but this is not the first time, so I don't particularly care. "How am I doing things for you?"

"You mean to find a traitor?"

"I hope that you take it seriously, because among you a few, you are the only person I trust."

Tie Ling’s face was redder and he hurriedly said, “I’m going to be a thing, really, but there aren’t many clues. Shangguan Fei has talked with Mrs. Meng several times, and every time he talks, he is very happy. The dog is the most honest, never I have never seen a stranger, but the old man is not the same, and often disappears. No one knows where he went, and he does not say anything. Han Wuxian, there is no way to see the figure, she seems to find something. Nie Zeng... Nie There were two nights to monitor the Central Plains. God is mysterious and surely hides something."

There are not many clues, but it is enough for Gu Shen to draw a preliminary conclusion.

(Seeking for collection)

The ps:qq group has been created for a few days, and I haven't talked with you. I will be online after 7:00 on Sunday (September 22). Welcome to the free readers to come and see.

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