Death Sutra

Chapter 808: Boundary

In the first day of the contest, the Dragon King wants to compete with the Duo Duo prince who is more competitive, who is more popular with the soldiers.

Shulitu brought a total of more than 90,000 cavalry, and another 50,000 of the nearest service troops stayed at the site of Longting, guarding the tomb of the old Khan to the next summer.

In the choice of the location of the military camp, Shu Litu is quite frustrating, just located in the middle of the Tongtianguan and Xiaowanguo metropolitan city, nearly 100 miles north, and the distance between the two allies is a fast journey.

The two competitors showed different styles from the beginning. Gu Shenwei only led 200 soldiers, and Duo Dun brought 3,000 the most powerful cavalry. When the two sides met outside the military camp, they were high in the field. Under the judgment.

Dodun greeted the Dragon King with enthusiasm. The two men asked each other for help. In the eyes of those who did not know the details, they were the best friends and the alliance was unbreakable.

"That is Xiao Wang Shu Li Tu?" Duo Dun curiously pointed to the thin figure at the gate of the military camp. Shu Litu is his grandson, and the two have never seen each other.

"Yes." Gu Shen jumped off the horse and handed the reins to the dragon.

Dodun was a bit hesitant. According to the tradition of the North Court, riding a horse was not rude. In the end, he jumped off the horse, took a few steps, stepped on the yellow grass and walked side by side with the Dragon King to the military camp that was destined to belong to him.

Shulitu wore a full armor that didn't fit well, and looked at the two people who would decide their own destiny. I thought they were really tall, and even the familiar Dragon King seemed to grow taller.

The two adults are getting closer and closer, a frosty frost, a enthusiasm like a fire, Shulitu subconsciously wants to retreat, but he tries to control the body, revealing a smile, and the words that have been said have gone through the mind again, the dragon king and more Prince of Dun. Which one is not suitable first, is it called "two of your Highness" or "two kings"?

Things are not quite the same as Shulitu’s imagination. Before he even opened his mouth, Duoton has already picked him up and said with a loud voice: “The winners of the disputes of the kings, the new king rising in the battle of Long Ting Haha, it is the great grandson of the old Khan."

Shulitu is a little confused. Struggling for a few times did not get rid of, the whole body armor made him feel overwhelmed, but in the arms of Duo Dun but nothing, "Da Dun, His Excellency, please..."

Dothan turned around. The three thousand cavalry that faced him, commanded with a higher voice: "Celebrate to the new king!"

The whistling of the whispers, the humming of the horses, the whips of the whip, like a sudden torrential rain on the grassland, this is a familiar voice to all the cavalry inside and outside the military camp, so the same response, "storm" is even more fierce.

Dodon put down Shulitu. Raising his left hand, like holding a pony, went into the military camp together and accepted the cheers of the soldiers.

Shuli Tuo follows. The other hand held the helmet, and the confidence that was built up was gone. He seemed to have returned to the past: Grandpa Shadow King threw him on horseback and forced him to learn to ride horses. To prove that you are the true Khan prince grandson.

The Dragon King was completely ignored, and he walked like a ghost in the crowd. Countless eyes passed through him, eagerly looking for the Prince of Dothan.

From the first step of entering the camp, Duo Dun has already taken the lead, and Gu Shenwei can still hear the cheers from time to time until he enters his tent.

The military division is waiting for him in the tent.

Fang Wen seems to be gaining weight in an unstoppable trend. Gu Shenwei hardly remembers what the thin scholars looked like when they first met.

"Listen, Duo Dun really has a hand." I haven't seen each other for nearly two months. Fang Wen is not a singer of words, and immediately enters the theme.

"He is good at this."

"Let me guess, the soldiers of the kings cheer more, and the nearest ranks are less."

"You should go out and see."

Fang Wen shook his head. "I don't need it. I have seen enough. I have trained a lot of supporters from Man and Azhe Battido. After these two people left, they still continue to work hard. A considerable number of soldiers will already have more. Dun looked at the new King of Khan, and only the eyes of the near-serving army were still so high. It was only after observation that the decision was made."

“It seems that Doddon has an advantage.”

"Not necessarily." Fang Wen is very happy to have the opportunity to refute the Dragon King. "From Man and Azhba, I have helped the Dragon King in a big way."


"These two people are relatively simple. They believe in the alliance between Dragon King and Doddon. They also said this when they cultivate their supporters. So, part of the cheers outside are given to the Dragon King."

"I didn't hear it."

"Oh, the soldiers privately called you 'no face", 'Ice King', who dares to be too warm in front of you? Some support is not visible on the surface, I can guarantee that if Dodon walks alone Entering the camp, the cheers will not be so high."

"It seems that I have to be **** with Doddon."

"How does the Dragon King look at this person?"

"He will preemptively."

Fang Wen understands the meaning of this sentence. In fact, he has always followed this premise to think about strategy. "The near-service army is the hurdle that can't be circumvented. The soldiers' hands are covered with the blood of the Khan family, for any prince. They have doubts and fear of retaliation. Doton’s supporters cannot change this. He has to rely on himself."

"What are our plans?"


"Just wait?"

"Doddon likes to preempt, so let him take a few steps first. If he can leap on the cliff, that's best, the alliance can continue, the dragon king gets the Western Region, and Duo Dun gets the North Court. If he is obsessed, he will be careful." Cross the line, then we can make a move."

"Does this line refer to the nearest ranks?"

Fang Wen is a smile. For a long time, in the face of endless plots, the dragon king ran ahead. He chased after him, and the dignity of the counselor was so deeply attacked. Finally, he had the opportunity to take the first step. The military division was very proud. There are only two nearby soldiers. The first line is the King of the Holy Day. One of the remaining two survivors among the ten old kings. Nowadays, the prisoners, the nearest servicemen hate him for vigilance, and the king soldiers sympathize with him. The second line is Shulitu, who led the near-service army to 'discover' the tomb of the old Khan, so it is widely respected, but it is one of the biggest obstacles for Dothan to be the king of Khan."

Gu Shen thought for a long time and agreed with the strategy of the military division. "Doddon will cross the border. He will not share power with anyone, but he has to prevent him from starting before crossing the border."

“Dragon King rest assured that your loyal supporters are just a few, just staying nearby, they will protect your safety.”

The dragon turned over the clouds and the dinner was about to begin.

Like the tradition of the Beiting people, the dinner was grand, with as many as 234 participants, packed with the entire account, and the servants could only walk sideways.

Shulitu sat in the main position, the left hand dragon king, the right hand Duo Dun.

Not long after, Xiao Wang lost control. Duo Dun was older than him. His seniority was higher than him. He was very handsome and knew all the rules of the Beiting people's wine table. At first, he only stopped the wine for Shulitu. Fast, he became the only focus in the account, the generals took turns to toast, and some young officers even went down to give a big gift.

Gu Shen is not good at drinking, and like Sulliant, she became a banquet.

Shulitu leaned over and said to the Dragon King: "I am really worried that if there is no wine any day, the soldiers will not be willing to fight."

"There are customs, Westerners love money, and Central Plains people are afraid of officials."

"Oh, it seems that I should be satisfied, and no one has asked me for money yet."

There has been a change in Sullito, which is more calm and more accommodating than before. If the image of Dodun is too eye-catching, this 12-year-old child will be more like the king.

After three rounds of wine, Duoton decided to step on the first line, which is expected to be earlier than Gu Shenwei and Fang Wen.

The king of the Holy Day is sitting in the corner. He is still one of the kings, but he has not been killed by a soldier. He was captured by his grandchildren, and his face was swept away. During the banquet, no one toasted him. He never started. Body, eyes are even more indifferent than the Dragon King.

Dodun went to the king of the Holy Day. When the people found out who his goal was, one by one quieted. Not long after, the noisy tent became silent.

"His Royal Highness, I will honor you with a glass of wine."

King of the Holy Day looked up at the strange brother in surprise. In addition to his childhood, Duo Dun did not leave any impression in his mind. "Do you call Dudun?"

If the sound is not trembled, the irony of the words of the Holy King will be better.

Duo Dun smiled and nodded. "I am also the son of the old Khan, your brother."

King of the Holy Day stood up with a wine bowl and stood up. "The old Khan Wang Sa is a lot of species. Many people call you "His Royal Highness." When did you call the King?"

King of the Holy Day showed a rare courage, many people admire and worry.

"The moment when the old Khan Wang ascended to heaven." Dudun responded calmly. "When the old king of Khan was undying, I started to be a melee. I became the king like all the Princes of Khan."

"Hey, so there are many kings on the grassland, big and small, old and young, more than my birds."

"Haha." Dodon laughed. "This is the advantage of the Khan family. It is also the tradition of the North Court. The more people who call the king, the better they become the Khan."

"Do you want to be King of Khan?"

"I am willing to be the stepping stone of the new King of Khan. As long as the North Court can produce a great ruler, I am dead without regret."

"Hey, the few princes who died in Longting are all stepping stones."

"Exactly, they have made their due contribution to the grassland. Any Khan prince and grandson will inherit the sweat and will not forget them. That is why I come to honor you."

The Holy King’s face was red and red, and for a moment, he wanted to smash the wine bowl to his self-sufficient younger brother, and even screamed in public.

Kudoton said a few words in his ear. The face of the Holy Day changed again. He drank the wine in the bowl, did not say a word, sat down again, and lost his soul in the subsequent banquet.

Gu Shenwei and Fang Wei, who are not far away, look at each other and think of the same place: Duo Dun safely stepped on the line of the Holy King and has a skillful wrist.

On the night of the same day, the King of the Holy Day was self-proclaimed in the tent. Gu Shen was very keen to know what Dudun had said to him.

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