Death Sutra

Chapter 812: woman

Xiao Yu's sucking into the cool air of late autumn, closing his eyes and enjoying it, seems to use this way to remove all the dirt in the body. At the same time, he still sits firmly on the horse and is not affected by the bumpy road.

She likes to ride horses.

"The flames are a rare horse. The eyes of the old king can't be wrong. If you are, you will never lend it to anyone, that is, you will not do it."

Xiao Yu has mentioned this topic several times. Shangguan shrugs his shoulders and gives a similar answer every time. "We are also walking slowly, and there is not much chance for the flames to gallop. It is better to lend to those who need it more."

Xiao Yan looked back at the long queue. "It’s really troublesome to be a woman. Why can't we be like a man, just bring hundreds of gentle rides, all the way to the whip, start early in the morning, arrive in the evening, have to walk for two days like this. ?"

"Because you are Xiao Yu's." Shangguan said with a smile, the long series of vehicles behind him have nothing to do with her. "Like the old Khan, the higher the status, the less free action, presumably he took the whole dragon court. When you are migrating, you can't just whip up."

"Haha, that old guy." Xiao Yanshi did not depress the voice, the old Khan who was regarded as the **** in the grassland, and in her mind was always a skinny ghost. "Trust me, he sometimes will." "Hurry up and whip", he can't run on the grassland, he regards the woman's body as a conquest of territory."

Shangguan is blushing, and Xiaoyan’s mouth is unobstructed. The old Khan may feel novel, others can’t accept it. Shangguan thinks of his father. The one-step king was once addicted to female color, but he took a road opposite to the old Khan: give up women. Change to the pursuit of real land and power.

A man is like a unique creature, unpredictable, but the Dragon King is different. The more his mind is thinking, the farther he is, the more his face is getting redder.

Xiao Yu’s staring at her, “Do you think of the Dragon King? Look at your face. If the Dragon King sees you now, he will immediately abolish the Queen of the Western Regions.

Shangguan used a laugh to cover up the real emotions and slightly retracted the reins. "Let's play, knock off the tail behind, and see who first arrived at the Xiaowang military camp."

Xiao Yu looked at her in surprise. "How can this be? You are really..." Halfway through the words, she has already urged Ma to take a step. In the blink of an eye, leading a horse.

Shangguan is close behind, although there is no flame, he is still full of confidence.

The followers suddenly panicked and stunned for a while before they split a small group of people to catch up with the two masters.

Xiao Yu’s whistling like a man, as if he was a teenager. At that time, Duo Dun was only a half-child who lost his mother. He followed her like a puppy. The old Khan did not fall into the trap of longevity. She often wandered around with her and even went to a remote place. battlefield.

Shangguan’s riding is not as good as Xiao’s. But she is more light and quicker. As the horses undulating up and down, they did not limit the speed at all, and gradually caught up.

Xiao Yu’s and Xiang Guo’s female teachers headed straight to the military camp, becoming the most watched event of the day, and the subsequent influence exceeded the imagination of the two.

The banquet in the Naihang camp was interrupted. All the guests rushed to the Xiaowang military camp. The new day was excited and danced by the king. Through the spirit of the wine, they kept showing off to the people around them. "Xiao's family is a native of Hangzhou. Do you know that she is my aunt, or my sister."

Everyone flattered, only two people did not join the ranks of praise, Gu Shen has always been ignorant, only communicated with the eyes of the military division, do not understand what Shangguan is doing here, another face is gloomy is Dodun, wary not to let the topic Lead to yourself.

The white face of the new day is not willing to let him go, leaning on the horse's back, a big hand pressed on the shoulder of Duo Dun. "You are a small one, but it is also a half-Hang, Can't forget our kindness."

Doddon snorted indifferently. "The old Khan is dead. She is not a young man now."

The speed is followed, and the voice is raised. "The old Khan is the same size as the Hang people. This will become the tradition of the North Court. No matter which Khan prince and grandson inherit the sweat, they must abide by it." Then turn Shulitu, "Xiao Wang, if it is you, which one will you choose?"

"Ah? I, I am only twelve years old, and the size of my family is my great-grandmother."

"The grassland people don't pay attention to this. If you feel that your younger generation is low, then you should simply withdraw from the sweaty situation and be honest and filial." Choose one who is a big man, then we will be young and beautiful from the Naihang people. Find one for you as a small scorpion."

Shu Litu slammed to Fang Wen and asked for help from Dragon King.

The speed of the people and the new day are eligible for arrogance. They have just demonstrated the strong strength of the Naihang people, ten tens of thousands of troops, a lot, although not enough to compete for the grassland, it can greatly affect the situation, once with Nai Hang When the family is in a bad relationship, Shulitu and Dudun will face the dilemma of being attacked by the enemy.

Fang Wen was slightly nodding. Shulitu stood up and said, "Of course, if possible, I will choose Xiao Xiaoshi, no one is more qualified than her to be the new King of the King."

The speed of the people and the new day are laughing in unison with the king. The Hangzu people are shouting and cheering, as if this matter has become a conclusion.

A bang was heard, and the whip in Duo Dun’s hand was broken by him. Immediately, a partner handed over his whip, but he could not escape the eyes of everyone.

The new day is more joyful to the king, and he said with a bigger voice: "Duo Dun is awkward, haha, we are different from the women of the Hang nationality."

Duo Dun’s face changed several times, but in the end it was a smile. “If the Naihang people send a hundred women, I will accept it as a single one. I am afraid I have no chance.”

"King prince and grandson have a chance." The sergeant is as serious as the priest is announcing the decree. "There is no chance, we are the Hangzhou people will give him a chance."

A partner of Dudun got the suggestion from the owner, and screamed at everyone for a moment of silence. He said loudly: "The Naihang people are married to the Khan and the King of Khan. This is the real alliance. Should the Dragon King learn from it?"

Gu Shenwei did not speak, and Fang Wen was speaking for him. "Oh, good idea. I am afraid that no grassland noble woman will marry the Western Region."

"Women, like grass, where do you grow where you are, what are you willing to do?" The new day is a bit overdone and looks very enthusiastic. "I have a sister, fifteen. Look, I will know, if the Dragon King likes it, I will give it to you."

"The Dragon King already has a queen, but I dare not grieve the prince's sister, let alone..."

Fang Wen is pondering how to re-direct the topic to Duo Dun and Xiao Yu's body. Duo Dun has said coldly: "Who said that the North Court has to marry a woman? Want to marry and consolidate the alliance, the Dragon King can marry a woman." ""

"Good idea!" New Day is the first to approve. "Dragon King, what women are there in your family?"

"The Dragon King has only one queen, neither a sister nor aunt." Fang Wen is doing everything possible to prevent the Dragon King from falling into this boring topic. "Little Xiaoshi..."

Fang Wen is self-proclaimed and eloquent, but among a group of ruthless Northern aristocrats. There is not much room for development. A partner of Duo Dun has already rushed to say: "The queen of the country of Xiangji, like the brothers and sisters of the Dragon King, can she marry her?"

This proposal got a scream of good voice and two hatreds, one from the Dragon King. The proponent has long been prepared and does not agree. The other one came from Duo Dun, and the partner’s heart trembled. I remembered that the prince had been marrying like Shangguan for many times. His suggestion was a big mistake. He hurriedly bowed his head and slowly fell behind the team. The rest of the journey has been lingering. disturbed.

The new day and the king feel that this idea is good. "The queen of the country of Xiangji is said to be like a flower. It seems that the women in the entire grassland are not as good as her. I am a little curious. The old general, can I marry her?"

The quick color said: "While the king wants to marry anyone, even if it is the biological daughter of Khan, marry you without losing identity."

Dodun struggled for a while and smiled and said: "I am afraid that the Dragon King will not agree."

"Why does the Dragon King disagree? He doesn't want to form an alliance with us, but is he still thinking?" The new day was hoisted by the king.

Gu Shenwei can no longer be silent. "The Shangguanjiao is not the queen of the country of Xiangxiang. She is not my subordinate. I can't decide who she is married to."

"That's even simpler." The new day did not hear the dragon king's anger, and turned to the speed. "She is not a queen, is she still useful?"

The quick look of the Dragon King, "useful, at least can be used to have a son."

Gu Shenwei almost wanted to pull the knife. Fang Wen was laughing loudly and pressing everyone's voice. I thought that I had to know this day, and I should learn from the Dragon King. "The Nai Hang people really like to make jokes. ”

"Who is joking?" The new day and the king felt that the laughter of this person was very harsh. "Who is this white fat man? Unlike the North Court."

"I am the sergeant of His Royal Highness and Dragon King."

"What is the military sergeant? You said that it is what the Hang people love to make jokes. Is it because I can't ask the coach?"

"Wang Ye forgives sin, you say that women are like playthings, but Xiao Xiao's is also a Hang people, and there are quite a man's wind in the grassland. It seems that he will not listen to other people's orders casually, so I think you are joke."

The new day was furious and waved with a whip. He shouted: "Do you dare to say that the Hang Hang people can't control the women in the family?"

Fang Wen is silent, and it is enough to provoke this level. The new day and the king are quick and stunned, so that they can be involved in the complicated relationship between Xiao Yu and Duo Dun, and the strategy is half successful.

Xiao Wang’s barracks arrived, Xiao Xiao’s and Shangguan’s laughter before the main account, and the two arrived almost at the same time, but then they caught up with the female soldiers of Xiangji’s country, followed by some of the followers of Xiao’s, and finally the slow The team.

The new day was smothered by the king. The horse came to the front of the two women and swept a few eyes. It was determined that the older woman should be Xiao Yu’s, and sighed: "Xiao Yushi, the Hang people want you to remarriage, From or not?"

"Who are you?"

"I am the king of the day?"

"Who do you want me to marry?"

"Not necessarily, whoever inherits the sweat, who you marry, in general, I decide, you say you still can't."

Xiao Yan’s anger is raging, and a whip is pumping over. “Let your mother’s shit!”

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