Death Sutra

Chapter 817: accident

Xiao Yu is not as confident and arrogant as usual, staring at the Dragon King for a while, his face suddenly revealing a surprised expression, as if he recognized who he is.

"Sorry, I am distracted."

"It doesn't matter." Gu Shenwei had to admit that she didn't see anything. Xiaolan's is indeed a woman trapped by her feelings. With her unyielding personality, it is possible to take extreme measures to save everything.

"Shangguan has told you about it?"

"Not saying much."

"Sometimes I am very curious, what hatred can be so big, let you give up the beloved? The old Khan is not the same, he likes to play the enemy tribe's woman, saying that it is the fun of double conquest."

Gu Shenwei had heard similar words from the old Khan Wang. He could not accept it at the time or now. "I am not discussing this matter."

"Oh, I have more mouths, who makes me a woman? I hope Dragon King won't mind. What do I ask you to do? Oh, yes, Dothan, he is a very cute man, isn't he?"

Gu Shen nodded, then said coldly: "He can be cute when he is willing, unfortunately, I am not so lucky, I have never seen it."

"Haha." Xiao Xiao's laughter returned to the past. "Yes, this is how Duo Dun is like this. Who makes him the favorite son of Lao Khan? He has this talent since he was a child. In front of the king, all of them breathed a sigh of relief. When they yawned, they felt that they were disrespectful. However, he was free to take it easy, dare to talk back, and would spoil, crying when he wanted to cry, laughing when he wanted to laugh, but the result was the most favored."

"It seems that Xiao Yan's influence has a great influence on him."

Xiao Yan’s words are heard. “Yes, he did learn a lot from me. I am like... Am I too old?”

"To be honest, I am not guessing the age."

Xiao Xiaoshi first laughed and then issued a series of sighs. "This is the result of the split and decline of the North Court. The Dragon King has begun to tell me the truth, if the old Khan is still alive. You will definitely come up with a good lie. ""

Gu Shen looked up for a while. "Yes, but please forgive Xiaoxun. The weaker flattery of the strong is false. The old Khan is dead, the strong ones stand side by side, and the people who need flattery are more than before. But my energy is very limited."

"The truth is not only harsh, but also scary."

"So I hope that Xiao Xiao will also fight back to me in the truth."

Xiao Yu’s fierce expression in the blink of an eye. "Women never take the truth as weapons, we have other means."

The two men silently confronted each other. Gu Shen wanted to force Xiao Xiao to express her true feelings for Duo Dun. The first attempt failed.

"I am waiting for Xiaoxie to open the conditions." Gu Shen abandoned the previous defeat and reopened the battlefield.

Xiao Xiao’s smile, “I have a lot of conditions.”

"You can say one by one."

"No matter who is the King of Khan, I am a singer. This is my bottom line. The ‘de factus’ before the Dragon King is a reminder. I must not lose my status.”

"I don't have this skill. I came to the North Court to seek assistance. It is not to dominate everything."

"Of course, you are not the master, but you can influence the great grandson of Shulitu. The child is a little doorway. Maybe he can be a king of sweat. I want him to make a promise."

"I can try."

"Then wait for the Dragon King to try and then say the next condition."

Xiao Yu’s step is not allowed.

"Good." Gu Shen made a repeated measure. This is a straightforward negotiation. He wants to show any embarrassment to any condition. "I will let the stupa make a promise."

"in public?"

"in public."

Xiao Yu feels that he has won a victory and smiled happily. "Tell Shulitu. Don't be afraid, he doesn't have to touch me in his life. I don't want to touch him. I won't even live in Longting after becoming a new man. He can arbitrarily marry the woman he likes. I only need to be a member. I don't want him to ask questions about Doton."

"I think Shulitu is not worried about the age of these things."

"Haha, innocent age, let him participate in the sweat dispute, a bit cruel. The second condition, I want a piece of her own grazing land, north of Tianshan, south of Hanghang, I like to take 'family', also Willing to be a neighbor with the Dragon King."

This request is a bit unusual. Gu Shen is vigilant. "What is the difference between this and the split North Court?"

"The big difference is that I am Khan Wang. After I have been a hundred years old, Shulitu can recover the pasture. Oh, my ambition is only in this world. I think Xiao Wang can afford it?"

"The conditions of Xiao Xiao's are more difficult than one."

"I have already reminded you."

"But I haven't heard what you want to exchange, and help Sulliant beat Doddon's competition? He hasn't reached the point of defeat, and he doesn't have to make such a big sacrifice in advance."

Xiao Yu is staring at the Dragon King. "I am negotiating with you." She especially emphasized the word "you" and even raised her hand to point to the Dragon King.

"I don't want to say if I have the ability to meet the conditions of Xiao Yu's. I think the situation of the Dragon Army is better than that of Shulitu, and there is no need to make sacrifices."

"Oh, if the dragon king's ambitions only stop in the Western Region, then we don't have to talk about anything. I help Duo Dun, you help Shu Litu, let's fight a battle, I want to find another way to keep my man."

Gu Shen is a bit confused. I can't figure out whether Xiao Xiao's is in the dark, or what is really in control. "Of my ambitions are of course only in the Western Regions, and the North Court will not accept foreigners. This is clear to everyone."

Xiao Yu’s laughter, “When the Dragon King is so confused, the North Court certainly does not accept foreigners. It’s not the North Court that needs to change. It’s you, Dragon King, I can make you...not a foreigner.”

Gu Shen said to her cold face: "I will not admit that my father has had an affair in the North Court."

"You don't rush to oppose it." Xiao Xiao's smile said, "The innocence of General Gu Gu is of course important. What's more, the old Khan gave him a female slave. How much help can the Dragon King? I am talking about another. One possibility is that the Dragon King is not only a 'self-person' in the North Court, but also a famous name for the Central Plains. Jinpengbao is only a killer, and the Dragon King wants to take revenge. In the morning and evening, he will ask the Central Plains to ask the sin, right?"

Gu Shenwei remembered the rumor that the Emperor of the Central Plains killed the son of the king after drinking. It was also the fiancé of Xiao Xiao’s youth. Many people therefore believed that the emperor and Xiao Yu had had an affair.

Xiao Yu's bamboo is in the chest, and the body is straight. "Dragon King understands? By me as your mother, can the Dragon King accept it?"

Gu Shenwei shook his head. "This is a lie. How many people can't be cheated."

"Of course it is a lie, but I promise that it can deceive a lot of people. The Dragon King should understand what the people mean. Everyone thinks that the old Khan is a god, not a mad woman. You are even blurry." The corpses are displayed in public, and everyone still does not change their beliefs. Similarly, things about me and the prince are widely spread, and there are still people who believe in it. Some people even say that the little emperor of the Central Plains was born to me. How big."

This idea is too ridiculous, Gu Shenwei still shakes his head. "You are talking about ordinary people. The powerful people of the North Court, especially the descendants of King Khan, will not be deceived."

"As long as 200,000 Beiting cavalry believe that as long as Shu Li Tuken accepts, what is the Dragon King still worried about? Other princes and grandsons are all enemies, and defeating them to kill them will be fine." Xiao Yu's cold and old sweat brought out by the mouth Wang is similar. "Of course, the Dragon King can't be a King of Khan. But you can just stay in the North Court, just set aside, and pour the power of the whole country to the Central Plains. Can you do this only by the Western Region?"

Xiao’s suggestion is completely beyond the expectation of Gu Shenwei. With his consistently suspicious personality, there is no way to give an immediate answer.

Xiao Yan’s hands were shot. "First come here, I will not say the rest of the conditions. In short, it is a small sacrifice compared to what the Dragon King can get. It is also a ‘Mother’ should get it.”

The negotiations were suspended.

Gu Shenwei wants to find a military division to discuss. But as soon as he returned to the tent, Nie Zeng came to report that Tie Ling woke up and wanted to see the Dragon King immediately.

Nie Zeng obtained the consent of Shu Litu and has been guarding the day and night outside Tie Ling’s account.

Tie Lingling is still a bit wilting, as if the hangover is not awake, and when he sees the Dragon King, he stands up. "If my sister... No, Shangguan has something to do with the Dragon King."

"I know."

"Do you know?" Tie Ling is not surprised.

"Well, but she doesn't want to tell the truth for the time being."

Tie Linglong was even more surprised. In her impression, Dragon King was never a credulous person. "Does the Dragon King know that the person is a Jinpeng killer?"

"How do you know that it is a person from Jinpengbao? You are in Xiaoyuetang."

Tie Lingling snorted a little and felt very unconvinced about the move. "I have been in Xiaoyuetang for a year, of course, I know their drug, the woman wants to use this trick to confuse me, but her body Absolutely the style of Jinpengbao, no one will be in Xiaoyuetang."

A Jinpeng killer used the Xiaoyuetang drug, Gu Shenwei regretted not forcing Shangguan to tell the truth.

"The Dutch woman is relying on Jinpeng Fort." Tie Linglong made some speculations himself. "So the killer who is sent by the one-step king to contact the Shangguan will have a drug."

Shangguan Ru Ming said that it has nothing to do with Xiaoyuetang and Jinpengbao.

"Have a good rest." Gu Shenwei said, "Don't tell others, I will check it out."

Tie Ling nodded.

Gu Shen turned around and felt that it was necessary to say a few more words. "You are not allowed to do private investigations and stay in the tent honestly."

Tie Ling snorted and quickly nodded.

Gu Shenwei walked out of the tent and ordered Nie Zeng to continue to guard. There was a Jinpeng killer in the military camp. Moline had not found out, and caution was always necessary.

Going back to my tent, Fang Wen is already waiting there. "How? What did Xiao Xiao’s say?"

"You absolutely can't think of it."

Fang Wen did not agree. "It is nothing more than that. The only thing she can do is to make Dodon lose face and provide some help. What does Dragon King not promise her?"

“No.” Gu Shenwei has been considering Xiao’s suggestion. In front of him, a portal suddenly opened up, revealing a vast new field. The more he wants to think, the more he needs to accept it. “Forget it, Xiaoyan’s whimsical Let's not say her, what about the Hangs?"

The Dragon King wants to stop and speak, Fang Wen is a bit surprised, and replies: "Hey, there will be results tomorrow."

Gu Shenwei did not want to marry the military division, but he wanted to determine how big the success might be.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued...)

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