Death Sutra

Chapter 823: situation

Fang Wen was the first to appreciate the Bei Ting-style debate and found himself not an opponent.

The words of a group of people in Dodun are not wonderful. Fang Wen is confident that he can refute the other person's body, but every time he opens his mouth, the sound is drowned in the scream of the rough.

A general who supported Doton stood in front of him and shook his tall body. He moved two steps from time to time. The party smelled though he was a lot fatter, and his strength was almost the same as before. He couldn’t move away and was gradually forced. corner.

"Listen to me..." Fang Wen is a little anxious. The generals are unwilling to fight, and the refuge that Dodun promised has great temptation.

"You guys are stupid..." Fang Wen was so snoring that he couldn't hear it, and he was almost knocked down by the obstacles in front.

Dodun’s instigation of the grassland men’s sorrows, refuge and persistence as tactics and courage. “What if there are millions of troops in Luo Luo? Can’t break the wall of Tianguanguan, but the winter snow, how come he came, Let's let him go back!"

"Yes, Luo Luo thought that the fights were a surprise, let's not fight with him."

"We are the North Court cavalry, not the old-fashioned army of the Central Plains. If the advance is in, the retreat will be retreat. It is the old Khan Wang. It has also retreated in the past, as long as it can win."


More officers are unsolicited. Although they are not qualified to speak, they will agree with each other if they support the views of the Dorton side.

Fang Wen had to ask for help from the only ally and kept swinging his arms to Shulitu.

Shulitu saw the white fat hand, deep inside, he also felt that retreat is the only choice, but he believes that the dragon king's judgment, several times want to express opinions, the result is even weaker than the square.

Long Tuanyun and Moline squeezed in from the account. Straight into the Shulitu, the tent is getting more and more chaotic, both of them are not at ease.

Seeing that the two men came in, Azhaba, who had been in the vicinity of Shulitu, returned to Dothan. He was one of the few people who remained silent.

Shulitu took a breath.

The dragon turned over and Molin announced: "No sound! No sound!"

Their voices overwhelmed everyone, and Dothan’s partners fought for a while. Also lost.

Sound is bright at this time than any words.

"Please speak to His Royal Highness," Moline said, his eyes sternly glanced and won several majestys for Schulitu.

Shulitu gratefully glanced at the two people and said to the public: "The Dragon King said when he left. He advocated fighting, even if he wants to retreat, he will go to Xiaowan."

A generalist immediately said: "You don't have to violate the meaning of the Dragon King. He will come back soon. Let's discuss it. When you ask him for permission, if the Dragon King must fight, we will not object. What?"

There was a voice of approval inside and outside the tent.

Shulitu is very clear, even though the decision of the generals will directly affect the thinking of the soldiers of the whole army, even the Dragon King can not be reversed.

"Can we retreat, what should we do with the 50,000 soldiers and horses staying in Longting? They are surrounded. Perhaps they are looking forward to saving the troops."

This is a difficult problem. The 50,000 people in Longting are near the ranks. Fighting power is strong, losing them will be no small loss.

A partner from Dudun crowded the crowd and came to Shulitu. "I am a guest of His Royal Highness. I don't know if I can say a few words?"

Fang Wen is fighting silently with the tall generals who are blocking the road. Without any hints, Shulitu has nodded his consent. "of course can."

The partner said aloud: "I don't think the 50,000 people in Long Ting need to worry about it. They guard the mausoleum of the old Khan, and Luo Luo has a little rationality. He does not dare to do anything there, and Luo Luo's goal is here. It is the main force of the Xiaowang army and the Western Region where the Duoton prince is stationed. There are not many troops to attack the Dragon Court."

His views were immediately answered, and one general said: "Yes, as long as the two hundred thousand troops of the two sire are standing still, they can involve most of the Luo Luo's strength, but they are helping the brothers of Long Ting. ”

Shulitu had to find another reason. "Even if you want to retire, you should go to Xiaowanguo. The Dragon King has already had good food there."

Duo Dun personally went out, first laughed and laughed at the attention of everyone, and then walked to Shulitu, one hand naturally placed on his shoulder. "Dragon King hopes that the army will go to Xiaowan, of course, a good intention, Xiao Wang I want to go, I can understand, but you have never been to Xiaowanguo. I have been there. It is a small city. There are only tens of thousands of residents in the city. There is no place to accommodate 100,000 troops. The Dragon King actually wants to be outside the city. Combat."

"Tongtianguan is even smaller than Xiaowanguoducheng." Fang Wen finally slammed his mouth and snatched a sentence, half of his arms shaking on the heads of everyone.

Duo Dun did not look for the speaker and directly answered this question. "There is a half-walled western domain behind Tongtianguan. The vast territory and Xiaowanguo rely on the valley, it is truly nowhere to go."

The generals and the officers nodded, and the more they thought, the more they believed.

"Wait, I still have something to say." Fang Wen shouted and screamed, giving birth to a force, hitting the opponent with a fat body, crowding the crowd, rushing to the Duo before.

Doddon proudly looked up, one of his partners blocked Fang Wen, "Are you a Beijinger? Is it a horse-riding archery? Have you ever been to the battlefield?"

This series of questions is a standard for judging the heights of the prairie men. The party is naturally not up to the standard, but he is not convinced at all. "Are you a general of the Royal Highness? Will you make a plan? Have you read the book ?"

A glimpse of the partner, Fang Wen is a pursuit of victory, "As for the battlefield, you should first ask your own master."

This is the disadvantage of Doddon. He won the military power with the support of a group of young officers. He has no decent war experience.

Duo Dun smiled and pushed the partner away, and Fang Wen was face to face. "You are the common military division of Xiao Wang and Dragon King?"

Fang Wen nodded. "I am qualified to speak?"

"In this tent, Xiao Wang is the one who decides everything."

Shulito is in need of assistance and is busy saying: "The military division is of course qualified to speak. He means what I mean."

Fang Wen is actually a mess in his head. The fight with the tall general has consumed most of his energy. Even his mind is not as fast as usual. "Hey. I am qualified to speak."

He can only delay as much as possible, looking for every reason for rebuttal, in short, can not live up to the trust of the Dragon King and let Dodon take the army away.

A partner in Dudun said impatiently: "Then let's talk."

"Hey?" Fang Wen is pretending to be a horror. "Hid Royal Highness said that His Royal Highness is the person who decides everything. Do you have any qualifications to decide whether I am qualified? Is this anti-customer?"

The partner is full of anger, "I don't have..."

Doddon stopped the partners in time to continue. Looking at Fang Wen, I smiled.

The generals of the surrounding generals began to whisper, and Fang Wen knew that he would not say anything, and the scene would fall into chaos. "Jinpeng Fort!" He called.

"What is Guan Jinpeng Fort?" asked a general frown.

Fang Wen is a flash of light in his mind. Many things that Long Wang told him come together to form a vaguely arguable line. In normal times, he will seek more evidence. At this moment, in an unquestionable tone, "Can't go to the sky, there is a trap!"

The people on the Duodu side were all discolored, and the prince’s own smile disappeared. He sighed: "Do you dare to filthy me?"

Fang Wen shook his head again and again, and his confidence came back all of a sudden. "No, no, no. Mystery misunderstood. I said that Tongtianguan is a trap. In fact, His Highness is also a victim."

This time, even Shulitu was confused. "What does the military teacher mean? Is it a trap set by Luo Luo?"

Fang Wen is still shaking his head. It’s a habit to not deny this. “I have the exact news. There is a counselor in Jinpengbao who is assisting Luo Luo. I have more accurate news. The Tongtianguan and the One-Step King’s Dark Pass are hooks. The meaning of Luo Luo’s army is tight. The purpose is to lure our army into Tongtianguan, and then Jinpengbao opens the Qianjiaguan in the east, and the west gate opens, and the enemy passes through the heavens. Who has escaped?”

Fang Wen is a burning eye. Except for a few facts, everything is his guess, but he never gives a chance to question.

His strategy worked, and when they thought about the situation of the enemy, they would rather rely on the valley of Xiaowan.

"How do you know Jinpeng Fort..." asked Doddon's partner.

"I know." Fang Wen said solemnly, "The Dragon King and the One-Step King have been fighting for many years. I have a set of intelligence sources. I can't say it too clearly in front of everyone, but I know that Jinpengbao has already invested in Luo Luo. This is OK. Undoubted."

Fang Wen is the heart of the heart.

"What is the matter, do you have to send troops to grab thousands of rides?"

"It’s late, I can guarantee that Qianqianguan has already fallen into the hands of Luo Luo. Why did he attack the Central Plains army in the Western Region first? Because the army is very close to the thousand riders, he is afraid of being robbed."

"You said that there is a traitor in the army of Dodge, who is it?"

"In order to avoid stunned snakes, I will only say this privately with my Highness."

Fang Wen feels that the situation has been reversed. Although there are many supporters in Dodun, they are all military personnel. The first thing that comes to mind is the righteousness and harmony.

"When the Dragon King returns, he will probably have a better idea." One person said, and immediately got a lot of approval.

Duo Dunqiang was calm and calm. "It seems that I have to ask the one-step Wang Xingshi for sin. He actually set a set behind me."

"The one-step king certainly does not admit it." Fang Wen is leaving a backhand. "I will tell you who the priest is in the audience, you will understand it when you check it out."

"Hey, I know who the traitor is." Dodon didn't want to be ignorant. He guessed that the party was alleged to be out of the air. "You are worried that the thousand riders will fall into the enemy. It is better to do so, temporarily do not move, ten days. Inside, I personally led the army to win the thousand rides and invited you to enter the Western Region."

"If the Dragon King is to recover the Naihang, and fight with Luo Luo, the Royal Highness of Dothan will still be in a position with the Chinese army." Fang Wen was insatiable and began to march in the army of Duodun.

"Wait for the Dragon King to come back and say it." Duo Dun was faint. He, like most people, felt that the Dragon King would not succeed.

Gu Shen was trapped in the encirclement of layers of cavalry at this time, and there was no sign of softening on the opposite side.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued...)

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