Death Sutra

Chapter 825: Coach

Xiaowanguo 20,000 dragons started the night and caught up with the already-launched Shulitu main force at noon the next day. At this time, the cavalry of Tongtianguan had no shadows.

The Western Region’s people’s high morale and lack of fatigue are very different from the past impressions of the North Court soldiers.

I was alone earlier, except for the **** Tie Lingling, who did not even bring along the dress, wearing a Beiting-style short coat, a beard and a messy eyes, no difference from ordinary refugees, so almost no one noticed the dust at first. The one-armed general of the servant.

The army continued to advance, and the solitary squad quickly washed his face and shaved his face, and replaced him with the official costume. He has been with the Dragon King since then, and he and the military and other people walked and talked.

From this moment on, the solitary singer attracted attention and rumors spread. When the army was camped in the evening, his name was already known to many soldiers. The soldiers were more accustomed to calling him a "one-armed man."

"Is there a glimpse of the attitude of the Dragon King when he spoke to him? I have never seen anyone who is so polite to the Dragon King."

"Have you seen the Dragon King several times?"

"I have seen the Dragon King killing."

"His Royal Highness seems to recognize this one-armed man, talk to him and laugh."

"Well, it is said that he used to be the general of the North Tingjun. Later he went to the Dragon King and played a lot of battles."

The battle of the Happy Sea shocked the Western Regions. The general Beiting soldiers knew little about this. At this time, they were turned over again. The female soldiers of the Xiangjiang Kingdom, which was descended by the gods, gradually faded, and the monopoly of the commanding army quickly appeared.

Gu Shen really hoped that she would bring Du Guzhen to the army earlier. A day is too short. There is no way for the general to become famous. The soldiers’ discussion of Du Guzhen is nothing more than that. Everyone regards him as a dragon. General, not the commander of the entire army.

Some veterans in the Northern Court did remember the independence, and one of them even went to the Wanfu. When the old robes were highly evaluated, Shulitu tentatively suggested that when he was the commander of the singularity, Wan Fu shook his head directly. "A foreigner? Impossible, the officers will not accept the order."

This is the situation before the election of the commander that night. Shulitu is helpless. "No way, the Dragon King has created a miracle, but it has to go through a long time. The solitary general... Can we delay for a while?"

Gu Shenwei shook his head, and the war was just around the corner.

On the second day of the night, the 60,000 cavalry of Tongtianguan also rushed to the camp. The old man and Azhaba rushed to the Xiaowang military camp. The first thing was to meet Prince Dudun.

There are less than 180,000 troops in the whole army, and the Sullivan Army is nearly 90,000. The largest number is the most mixed, including the soldiers brought by the near-service troops and the kings.

The 20,000-strong dragon army is mostly Shule nationals. Not much combat experience.

Xiao Yu’s army is 10,000, and it’s the superior treatment, not the combat power.

The 60,000 Dudun army was originally dominated by veterans. Sweeping the Shule country has never encountered an adversary.

In the meeting that elected the coach that night, the ones who had the right to speak were Shu Litu, Long Wang, Xiao Yu and Duo Duo, and Fang Wen was, Du Gu, Li, Man, Mo, and other more than 30 senior generals, when they were named. Only then can you express your opinion.

Shulitu is the owner. Therefore, he was the first to speak, "I recommend General Li Shun."

A black-faced veteran general nodded silently to the crowd.

"General Li Shun followed my grandfather to the north to fight the north. The merits were outstanding. The old king of Khan once praised him as a 'grass eagle' and was fully qualified to serve as the commander of the whole army."

There is no objection to the introduction of Shulitu. Li Shun is indeed an excellent general as he said.

The second one was Xiao Xiaoshi. She recommended Azhiba. "The most famous marksman in the North Court, young and promising, won the soldiers, we need such a courageous commander."

Azhiba is a captain, and is not even qualified to attend the meeting. Xiaoxun has no generals. Her recommendation is more like a strategy, so no one has objected.

The remaining two have been accommodating each other for a few times, and Duoton accepted the right to speak first, "from Man."

From Man, he looked serious and nodded to everyone.

Duo Dun waited for a while before continuing: "There are countless wars that Man has participated in. When he was a child, he had already followed his father and the king to fight around. Some people might say that he did not have a commanding experience, but I think this is not The problem is that the so-called tiger father has no dogs. Where can the son of the old generals go? The Hang Hang is an ally of our army. If the old general is here, he will certainly support him."

The Northern Court is heavily pedigree, and these words of Duo Dun are very effective for the generals. Even Li Shun, recommended by Shuli Tu, nodded and agreed. He is a smart person and knows that he is the same as Azheba.

The last speaker was the Dragon King. Everyone looked at him and wanted to know how he introduced the solitary singer. A foreigner who suddenly emerged had only one arm.

The right General Shang Liao stayed in Xiaowan State. Du Guzhen participated in the meeting as the commander of the 20,000 Dragon Army. But he was accompanied by the Dragon King on this day, and even the officers who had left his arm were not recognized.

Gu Shen stood up and did not directly name the person. "Ruo Luo is an experienced general who wants to compete with him. Our military commander has to go through a hundred battles."

This is a matter of course, the public will agree, but there is no one who said that no matter how many battles, they will pass the approval of the North Court.

Duo Dun has already prepared a set of rhetoric. He will point out that the two sides of the Xiaoyao War are not real professional troops. Du Guzhen won the victory, but in the eyes of the North Court, the war was not worth mentioning.

Gu Shenwei continued to say, "The new coach will command a number of troops, so there can be no selfishness."

Duodong smiled and said: "The Dragon King is more concerned. The North Court people may have their own personal interests, but when they fight, they have always worked together. We know that cooperation can win the victory from a young age. Each war will only reveal flaws to the enemy."

With a mouthful, Duo Dun has limited the coach's choice to the scope of the North Court.

Gu Shen is undecided, looking at his face, as if to be desperate, but also ready to admit defeat.

"Ink, I recommend ink out of the general."

The orderly account of the main account was a mess, and the generals who were not qualified to speak were all open.

"Ink out? How can it be ink?"

"Ink is not the subordinate of the Dragon King."

"This is not reasonable..."

But in the end, where is unreasonable, no one can say it for a while.

Dudun stood up and looked red, and seemed to be attacking immediately. Xiao Yan, who was next to him, was also taken aback. But he was more calm, and he used his eyes to signal him to sit down.

Shulitu and Fang Wen are informed in advance and therefore remain silent.

The most surprised person is the ink-producing person. He is completely involved in the meeting with his own attitude. His eyes are blurred, he is about to enter the state of snoring, he suddenly hears his name, and he is speaking from the mouth of the dragon king. A jump. Raised his head violently and looked around as if he had just woken up from a nightmare.

Soon, the generals found their own gaffe, and all closed their mouths. Xiao Yu’s face is smiling. “Ink is the old general. Dragon King recommends you to be the whole army coach.”

"What?" The ink seems to be unclear. "I... I can't, I am too old..."

"So more than Luo Luo's experience." Gu Shen said.

"But I have been a minister over the years..."

"Experience is not lost. The most important thing is that Lao Khan gave me the command of 70,000 cavalry in the Western Regions. I trust the old Khan, so I trust you."

The old king of Khan handed over 70,000 Bei Tingjun to the ink. In fact, his fancy was his chance to give the son Adolf the opportunity to seize power. But the old Khan Wang did not say to outsiders, Duo Dun and Xiao Yu's vaguely guessed, but could not be made public.

Until many years later, the words "Old Khan" still have magical influence on the grassland. Not to mention that now, the generals who are listening to it suddenly feel that the Dragon King's recommendation is somewhat reasonable. Will the old Khan Wang’s fancy people still have a mistake?

Doddon's face was red, once again, he was ready, set a trap, and the Dragon King went around.

Xiao Yu had to secretly pull his clothes to stop the prince from being angry in public.

"Haha, I am really a little blushing. The Dragon King dug out the glittering jewels among the people in the North Court. I turned a blind eye to the old general. I hope you don't want to be surprised." Xiao Xiao's smile is full.

The ink was stunned. "This... I really have limited energy..."

"Oh." Xiao Xiaoshi did not agree. "At the moment, the situation is in crisis. Please ask the old generals to be awkward. I support the ink as the coach, Prince Dothan. What is your opinion?"

Dothan feels that there is still a chance to leave Man. The ink is a traitor, and he colluds with the One Step King. He should be beheaded to show the public. How can he be the coach? The suggestion of Xiao Xiao's is already very obvious. He has to squeeze out a smile. "I don't know if there is a tree under the tree. The old general is the commander of our army. It is also my teacher. I didn't think of him early. It was my mistake. I Agree to be the coach."

"I have no opinion." Shulitu immediately said, "It is really best for the old general to be inked."

The formerly surprised generals immediately changed their attitudes, and the speed would leave the flames far behind.

I still want to refuse, but I have no chance to speak. The people who are anxious have even ran out of the tent to announce the result.

The determination of the coach's choice was so smooth, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the officers. Many people were relieved. "It seems that this alliance is really moving."

The deliberation in the account is not over. With the coach, there must be a sergeant. It is very simple. Each of the four armies has one person. Li Shun, Azhba, and Man Shun Li have entered the handsome account. Long Jun Zuo will naturally be alone. Without any controversy, he also rose to the same level as Azhba.

Part of Gu Shen’s purpose was achieved, giving the opponent an accidental blow.

Back to the residence, Xiao Yan’s cold face taught Duo Dun: “You’ve just done too much, and Shulitu is calmer than you.”

"He and the Dragon King are a group... Well, I made a mistake, but I still don't understand. Why do you let the ink out as the coach, you and I can join hands to completely prevent the Dragon King's recommendation."

"Because the ink is on the surface of your people." Xiao Yu is more severe. "Even if it is against success, it will leave the impression that Duo Dunjun is unstable. Is this what you want?"

Doddon does not say anything.

Xiao Xiaoshi sighed. "Next, you have to fight with the Dragon King for control of the ink. Don't make mistakes. We used to have an advantage. Now we have become evenly matched."

Gu Shenwei is ready.

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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