Death Sutra

Chapter 830: Threat

Molin felt that he was very redundant in the army. He spent the rest of his life revening for the old Khan, but the Dragon King did not allow him to go to Yuyucheng to find Xiaoyuetang.

As a wing guard, Moline has a very high prestige among the soldiers in the North Court. No matter what he has seen, as long as he mentions the old name of "Silver Carving", he will still get a lot of respect. He is like the old Khan Wang. In a worldly relic, the old is shrouded in a sacred radiance.

This is why the Dragon King left him.

Moline liked this young man a bit and voluntarily tied his revenge career to the Dragon King, but he was a little impatient and hoped to get back on track as soon as possible.

Perhaps, this is anxious to attract a lobbyist.

After layering persuasion and guarantee, Moline agreed to walk into the ordinary tent and accidentally discovered that the lobbyist was the Prince of Dothan himself.

"His Royal Highness." Moline nodded slightly. He had already filled the identity of the wing guard, still retaining his former habits and would not bow to the Prince of Khan.

Doddon decided to go out in person and smiled and said: "I didn't expect it to be me?"

"His Highness looked at me." Moline did not expect that he thought the guest would be a general, such as Azhaba.

"Oh, I would rather lose an army in order to get you."

Moline did not answer, Khan Wang Yiwei can not accept any royal family's pleasing and flattering, this is their obligation and the bottom line, the old Khan Wang has ascended to heaven, but the impact has not weakened.

Doddon puts a smile on him. He always wants to forget the old king. The result is the shadow of the skinny old man. "I hope you can come back and be a wing guard."

"Only the King of Khan can set the wing guard." Moline reminded. "I am here to show respect, it does not mean that I have any ideas."

Dodun took a shot in the air. It made a crisp sound. "This is the wing guard. Yes, only the King of Khan can set up the wing guard. I represent the future and I will invite you."

Moline didn't move. "I only serve one master. He is dead. I don't have a master. Now, there will be no future."

“What is the Dragon King?” Duo Dun asked faintly.

"Allies." Moline saw very clearly about his position. "We have a common enemy. After revenge, we will part ways."

"Dragon King does not seem to think so." Dothan is not angry, he has been prepared for Moline's various reactions, can overcome such a difficult, will be a remarkable victory. "He has always used your control of the North Court army."

"I am willing to pay a little price."

"Oh, what will Dragon King pay for?"

"He will help me find Xiaoyuetang."

"Do you need the help of a Westerner in the first wing of the North Court?"

"I have no other choice." Moline calmly responded. "The Dragon King is one of the few people who are incompatible with Xiaoyuetang. Although the North Court is strong, it is busy fighting for bigger things. You can't see one of the feet." dust."

Duo Dun looked solemn. "I saw, in fact, I kept in touch with Xiaoyuetang." Dothan Dunton found that Moline did not respond. I have to continue to say, "The group of women are crazy. But I have a way to destroy them, one is not left."

Moline sighed. "The time is almost over. I have to say goodbye. Please rest assured that I will not tell anyone, including the Dragon King."

Hard work for a long time, nothing to gain, Mo Lin is like a bronze statue, can not understand the human language.

Doddon also sighed and disappointed with the principle of the other party. "Slightly wait."

Moline stopped.

Duoton suddenly seemed to be tweaking. "This sentence is really hard to export. Really, I always hope that I can not use this trick."

Moline understood something, his right hand and five fingers moved.

Dodon feels dangerous, but his eyes are gradually indifferent and arrogant. "Women are passers-by, come and go, there are always better waiting for you, but your own children, they are your continuation, irreplaceable, even old sweat king……"

Moline took a step and looked gloomy, like a volcano that was about to erupt. "The old king of sweat never wants to do this shameless thing."

On the night of the assassination of the old Khan, Molin sent his wife and children, and that was the only person he cares about.

"You don't know the style of the old Khan when he was young." Dodun's heart trembled a little, but he held it up and concealed it very well. "I know that the old king of Khan often tells me those stories, of which you can't imagine. Shameless, he often said a word, for the sake of the king of Khan, you can pay a price, you can do everything, because you are not yourself, but the entire grassland."

Moline believes that this is the words of the old Khan, but the anger in his heart has not been reduced. "Where are they?"

Dothan felt that he had seized the tail of victory. The object he was arrested was certainly not happy, but he had nowhere to escape. "They went to Tongtianguan with a group of refugees. They lived in peace under my care and always thought that you were Do things for me."

Moline calmed down. Duoton had already controlled his family, but he had been forbearing. He couldn’t be too hasty. "I have no use for my Highness. You are a prince. Supporters are enough."

"No, supporters will never be enough." Dothan also took a step forward, mixing eagerness and greed in his eyes. "And your role does not stop there."

"Dragon King." Moline finally understood the purpose of Duo Dun to coerce himself.

"I know you, it won't make you do something difficult." Doddon looked up slightly, as if he was talking to his partner. "You just do - do nothing, you don't have to start with the Dragon King, just watch." It is."

"Assassination of the Dragon King is a stupid idea."

"Then you don't have to worry about it, seeing that I made a mistake." Dodon was in a good mood. This is the first step in conquering the bulldog. The restraint should be tightened slowly. Then he remembers it unpleasantly. The old king taught him the trick.

Moline returned to the dragon king's tent, just in time to catch up with him.

Gu Shen took a look at Mo Lin and continued to explain to Tu Yu. "This is the Bei Ting army. It is impossible to rescue the Central Plains. Go back and tell the Emperor. When he starts the war, he can venture out and keep going. East, the opportunity is only once."

Tu Yu seems to want to argue, Fan Yuda has already said first: "Thank you Dragon King, Uncle will remember your kindness, I and Shibo..."

Tu Yu looked at his eyes and Fan hurriedly shut up. The old lady took a cane and thought for a while. "This is the way it is. We are here, we are going to swear... I owe the Dragon King a favor."

Gu Shen nodded for the cold, and in front of Tu Yu, he never showed a slight weakness.

Moline bowed his head and was a little uncomfortable. Long Wang believed him, even when he was discussing confidentiality.

Tu Yu and Fan used a big remark, Gu Shen asked Tie Lingling to be responsible for protecting Du Gu.

Tie Lingling is not very satisfied with this decision. "I am the personal guard of the Dragon King. Why should I protect others?"

"Because the solitary general is in danger, it needs more protection than I do."

"The Dragon King is in charge. He is commanding at the rear, but it is even more dangerous?" Tie Linglong felt that the Dragon King was looking for an excuse to prevent himself from going to the battlefield.

Moline turned to quit, Gu Shen stopped to stop, and continued to Tieling said: "The rear is not necessarily safe, you have to believe my judgment."

Tie Lingling understands a bit. "The Dragon King is worried... well, there is me, I will never let the one or so generals have one less...and one less hair."

"I can rest assured that."

Tie Ling’s fighting spirit walked out of the tent.

"Nie Zeng." Gu Shen called another guard. "From now on, you have to stay away from Shulitu."

"Yes." Nie Zeng did not ask a word, this is his duty.

Wu Zongheng led the most right-wing 10,000 dragon army. Long Tuanyun led the guards to follow the dragon king. The people who got the missions quit one by one, and only Molin was left.

Moline has been curiously observing the behavior of the Dragon King and found that the faceless dragon king is not static. His attitude has changed slightly in the face of different people. He is chilly to the slaughter, gentle to the iron, and not cold to Nie Zeng. The heat is full of majesty to Wu Zongheng, and the dragon is overwhelmed by the dragon. Molin is looking forward to the performance of the Dragon King.

This is an interesting game that is often done when he serves the old King of Khan, adding a touch of ups and downs to the boring **** duties.

Gu Shenwei turned to Mo Lin, and the look is still as gloomy as ever. It seems that he always thinks about his own thoughts, or he is hiding behind the mask to peep at others' minds. This is not the temperament of the king. Molin is slightly sorry. .

"I need you to help me."

The Dragon King spoke up, and was as cold and hot as Nie Zeng, keeping the proper distance, but with a little more meaning of the request, to show that he understood a bottom line: Moline was not his subordinate, and whether he obeyed the order was voluntary.

"Dragon King please say." Moline was surprised that the Dragon King and the old Khan had only one side, and the external style was very different. Such two people were strikingly similar in many aspects.

Doddon, on the other hand, looks like the second old king, but in fact it is a very different type of person.

"The coach needs a guard, I think only you are suitable."

Moline gave a slight glimpse, but he did not expect that the Dragon King would send himself to the ink. As a result, the threat of Doton was superfluous. "Yes, can I ask the reason?"

Moline will not ask the old Khan Wang, but the Dragon King has not yet reached the step of the old Khan.

"I have a hunch, just a hunch. There seems to be any conspiracy in the military camp. I need to ink out, so that the army will not split."

Moline almost blurted out the plot of the confession, but he said only: "I understand that I will protect the safety of the coach."

The Dragon King is not the old Khan King. Moline reminds himself that the Dragon King is not as important as his family.

Gu Shen was the only one to keep the tent. A little bit of nostalgia was only a few days away. The party’s premonition was extremely strong, but there was no one to talk to.

Midnight has passed, and there is a gust of wind outside. Gu Shen quietly walked out of the tent and sneaked into the camp of the country of Xiangji.

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