Death Sutra

Chapter 853: transaction

The day was still not bright, and some soldiers were already busy. They launched the simple siege ladder to the camp. Under the **** of the first 10,000-strong army, they went to Qianqiuan.

Luo Ning tea is here at this time. Looking at the huge military camp and the soldiers who are passing through, I am very excited. I wonder how I used to disappoint too many people in the past. When she found out that the dragon king’s tent and ordinary generals had nothing. The difference is not too disappointing.

Gu Shenwei was wearing a leather armor and received a notice saying that it was "Mrs. Luo" to ask for it. After thinking for a while, she understood the identity of the person and allowed her to enter the camp.

The followers of Luo Ning tea were left outside, so she thought that this would be a private meeting. I saw two teenager guards standing with a knife and immediately frowned. "The two children will cause trouble, Dragon King. Why are you still leaving them?"

Tie Linglong once entered the Jinpeng Fort with Chuan Nan Ping, and escaped with the help of Luo Ning Tea. She understood what was going on, and Nie Zeng was inexplicable.

Luo Ning tea root did not recognize who is who, but vaguely felt that the teenager did not look as good as before, she did not care, went straight to the Dragon King, took off the hood, "I want to talk to you alone."

"You are talking to me alone now." Gu Shen is cold.

Luo Ning tea shook his head stubbornly. "No, it matters. I don't believe these two children."

"waiting at the door." Gu Shenwei waited for a while before saying.

Nie Zeng and Tie Ling’s obedience left, and the impression of Luo Ning tea was very poor.

"Let's say, is that Xiao Wang sent you?"

Luo Ning tea nodded and looked serious. "I knew that the ugly old woman couldn't do anything, so I took the initiative to ask you, but it didn't matter. I was still on the road, I heard that her mission failed."

"One quarter of an hour."


"I said you have a quarter of an hour, you see, I am very busy."

"Haha, I know that you are very busy, can you be busy and can't see me? You rescued Xiao Wang and the Central Plains soldiers for me. How can I not know? But I have a man now, there is no way to repay you, but I will give you other benefits..."

Still that Luoning tea. No change at all, Gu Shen could not help but think, what kind of person would trust such a woman and send her to negotiate with the Dragon King? The value of the Central Plains Xiao Wang was greatly reduced in his mind.

"Congratulations, finally get rid of Jinpeng Fort."

"I can't talk about getting rid of it. A little success." Luo Ning tea is very proud. "Han slave... Dragon King, I remember every word you said, and there are still many understandings. I now understand myself. It used to be too simple. Fortunately, I didn’t pay anything in Longting. The real master of the Western Region is the Central Plains..."

"What do you want to say when Xiao Wang sent you to the end?" Gu Shen stopped her in time.

Luo Ning tea slightly frowned. It is both irritated by the interruption of talks, and the real purpose of thinking about this trip. Finally, the latter has the upper hand. This is change. She thought that she could control her emotions. "For this war, the Central Plains began to prepare from the previous generation of emperors. After spending more than ten years, the military capital piled up into mountains. The horses were 300,000 horses and the soldiers were 600,000 people. In the world, all the power of the grassland can not stop such a thunder, not to mention the little Khan after the split?"

These words are obviously familiar to the Luoning tea, and even the tone has changed, and the swaying of the stagnation is a bit of a slogan.

"If the Central Plains is prepared so hard, it will have to be a hit." Gu Shen does not believe in the threat of the slaughter. Naturally, she will not believe in Luo Ning tea. What is the "300,000 warriors of 600,000 soldiers" is obviously in Boast.

There are several sets of Luo Ning tea back-to-back, and the order is fixed. Therefore, regardless of how the Dragon King responded, she continued to say, "This war was originally intended to be played at the northern border. It suddenly moved to the Western Region. The army was inconvenient, so Xiao Wang has an idea."

"Yeah." Xiao Wang admits that the Central Plains is inferior, which makes Gu Shen suddenly interested.

"The Beiting people attacked the Central Plains army of Loulan. This must not be reported. Otherwise, the emperor's majesty is gone, but the Dragon King has already avenged the Central Plains. The next war is completely redundant. Why don't the two sides take a step back? Retiring troops, the Central Plains people reported their results, they are all happy, why not?"

Gu Shenwei suddenly realized that Luo Ning tea was vague, because Xiao Wang did not want to directly clarify, "Xiao Wang wants to attribute the credit of defeating Luo Luo army to himself?"

In Gu Shenwei's view, the Xiao Wang's whimsical energy is very compatible with Luo Ning tea.

"No, it belongs to Xiao Wang and Dragon King." Luo Ning tea thought that the Dragon King was moving, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm. "Two thousand Central Plains soldiers, plus the Dragon King 100,000 army, according to the guardian thousand ride off, broke the North Court II Hundreds of thousands of cavalry, forced to take the king of Luo Luo, to weak and strong, to win less, more than a thousand words, just in this campaign."

Gu Shen faintly appeared in front of a flamboyant Central Plains emperor, "Xiao Wang really will compose a story."

"Without my help, he can't edit it." Luo Ning tea restored some of the accents.

"In this way, Xiao Wang will make great achievements."


"The Central Plains strikes the troops, and the North Court looks far and wide, and each takes what it needs."


"In addition to a fake name, the Dragon Army did not receive any benefit."

"Yes... No, the Dragon King is of course good. You listen to me." Luo Ning tea has a strong tone. "The advantage of the Dragon King is that Yu Yucheng belongs to you. The only condition is that you have to maintain good relations with the Central Plains. ”

"The main city of Saitama."

"This is the case." The more the eyes of Luo Ning tea are brighter, "Do you understand? If you don't spend a single paw, the Dragon King will be the owner of the Yuyu City. Of course, the title of the Dragon King will also be recognized by the Central Plains. Half of the Western Regions, Jinpeng Fort is even more important, and later you pass on to our son..."

"I have no son with you." Gu Shen was hurriedly interrupted.

"You haven't asked Shangguan as you?" Luo Ning tea was shocked.

Gu Shenwei does not believe this woman's rhetoric. Her affirmation of her son's biological father is closely related to the strength and strength of the Dragon King. It is not mentioned in the mouth that it is frequently implied, and then it is precisely the strength of the Dragon King. Tiny to completely over the process of Jinpeng Fort.

"This matter has nothing to do with her." Gu Shen said coldly, "Is the Saitama Lord, Xiao Wang going to say a few more words?"

"The ugly old woman said nothing to the Dragon King. Because Xiao Wanggen does not trust her." Luo Ning tea has completely immersed in the joy of his own creation, automatically ignore the look of the Dragon King, "Xiao Wang wants to organize a contest, the winner becomes The owner of the city of Saitama has never had the practice of being a city official.

A quarter of an hour is about to pass, and Gu Xian’s clues that have been sorted out have become chaotic. This Xiao Wang is like a child who has just grown up. Every idea is unconstrained and seems to be smart. It’s also stupid. “Compared? Xiao Wang wants to organize a competition?”

"Yeah, your martial arts is so high, you can definitely win. This is the so-called no need for a soldier. You have a Yucheng city on your own."

"You and Xiao Wang are both looking at me. I am not the opponent of the One Step King."

"how do you know……"

"I tried."

Luo Ning tea nodded if he realized it. "It doesn't matter. This time the contest is open. Anyone can participate. Xiao Wang will find a master from the Central Plains and defeat the one-step king for you. Then... do you understand?"

Gu Shenwei shook his head.

"Are you teasing me?" Luo Ning tea was slightly dissatisfied. "Xiao Wang said that you have saved his life, and the kindness must be reported. Therefore, when the Central Plains master faces the Dragon King, he will be willing to go down the wind. Will never make full effort."

"Oh." If you don't know that Luo Ning tea's mind is simple, Gu Shen will now challenge him. "You tell Xiao Wang that it will not last for half a month. The Central Plains army is still on the road, I can break through my own strength." Saitama City. Without his help, what is the competition and the owner of the city, I am not interested."

Luo Ning tea was not angry. She obviously expected the Dragon King's answer. It should be said that Xiao Wang had expected it, so she borrowed her mouth and said: "The Dragon King still doesn't know. The one-step king has already dedicated Qianqianguan to the Central Plains. As long as you are mobilizing today, you are declaring war on the Central Plains. You can win the siege. You can also call yourself the king. The Central Plains army has no time to interfere, but on the day when you arrive, the North Cavalry can run into the uninhabited grassland and continue. Let's put the sheep on the horse, what should the Dragon King plan to do? Run away like the North Court people, give up the Yuyu City that is in the hand? Still kill the checkpoint and the lonely city like the One Step King?"

For the first time since his life, Luo Ning tea has issued such a powerful threat. Even he has been shocked. For a while, he will not talk again, and he will feel the thrill of it.

Gu Shenwei also kept silent. It is exactly the opposite of Luo Ning tea's understanding. There is neither fear nor heart. The Xiao Wang behind the exaggeration may be a smart person, but he does not understand the true thoughts of the Dragon King.

"I am looking forward to a battle with the Central Plains army." Gu Shen said plainly, although he did not believe in the story told by Xiao Xiao, but he was very sure in his heart that the people who hire Jinpeng killer to kill the family must come from the Central Plains, perhaps Really related to the life of a person in the family, no matter what, hatred will not end after the death of the single king, but will continue to point to more powerful enemies.

The scene in Luo Ning tea's anticipation did not happen, which made her suddenly messed up. Xiao Wang taught her all the words. She couldn't think of any countermeasures. The only reaction was to be angry and angry. " Is it so confused? Such a good deal will allow you to get Saitama City and become a real dragon king recognized by the Central Plains. If you don’t think for yourself, think about me and my son. It’s your kind, if someone else is the owner of Yuyu City. He can have nothing. You have to accept it, you must accept it."

"You can go now, you can stay, see how I attacked thousands of riders today, and "declared war" to the Central Plains."

"I don't go!" Ronin's carefully maintained calm is gone. "Stupid, do you have to let me go to bed with you to be smarter? Well, as long as you agree to keep it secret, I can accept it once."

Gu Shen went out of the account.

"Twice... three times, with your heart, Dragon King..."

Luo Ning tea was so angry that he wanted to throw things. But the arrangement in the Dragon King’s account was too small. Only a few cups were used for her venting. She fell on the felt and made a muffled sound, but it was not broken.

She and the Dragon King did not expect that this day, destined to attack thousands of rides.

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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