Death Sutra

Chapter 871: Tieshan

Luo Ning tea felt that he was not satisfied. He couldn’t say what was wrong for a while. He stood in the snow for a long time and asked: "How many people do we have?"

"Tieshan soldiers have more than 2,400 people." The big head replied that he was the old man of the big-headed god. Luo Ning tea had heard the sound from small to big. This is the first time I saw myself, and my heart secretly praised it. I feel that the big-headed **** did not brag in the same year.

"Why... look at it so little, no momentum?" Luo Ning tea frowned. "You look at the North Court, and you can see the army that can fight."

The big head smiled twice. "Miss, we can't compare with the two big countries, the North Court and the Central Plains. There are also many 2,400 people. It is a force that cannot be ignored in any country in the Western Region, and one thousand of them. Many people are the old people of Tieshan, picking up the knife to each one with an enemy ten."

Luo Ning tea counted for a while, a thousand people are more than one enemy ten, but it is equivalent to ten thousand people. In her eyes that have seen the world, it is really not much. "The dragon king often carries thousands of people. Even a few hundred people ran around and looked very aggressive. Why is the Tieshan army not working? Is it because you don’t work hard, or is it that I don’t have enough silver?”

The heads of the public are all ignorant. Since the death of the big head, they have not mixed very well. Tieshan reunited more than a year ago. I thought it would be possible to make a comeback. The result was a vassal of Jinpengbao. It was hard because of the Central Plains. Interfering and returning to the hands of the big-headed **** daughter, I did not expect to hear such chilling words on the first day.

The big boss is familiar with the young lady after all, knowing that she has never spoken in the past, so she laughed loudly and hoped to cover up the past. "Silver is of course important, but the brothers are gathered under this iron gun. Not just for silver..."

Luo Ning tea did not notice the reaction of the people around him. Pointing at the big flag with the gun head embroidered, he suddenly realized: "It is not high enough and not big enough. You have to change it for me, you must be full of prestige, It's best to find a way to let it float, like this dejected, look no spirit."

"Yes. I am changing a flag." The big boss reluctantly accepted it.

"Three days, this is a military order." Luo Ning tea is still not satisfied. "Change the armor and weapons to the same thing, and you are still the leader of the army. Dressed like a beggar, how can there be momentum?" Isn't that making me lose face? It's all new."

The heads of the leaders are lower. They used to be robbers. After the death of the big head, they are still in this line. Naturally, what is the use of what to grab, and what is the uniform style?

The big head is red and red, "Miss. This is not easy, more than two thousand people, where to find the same armor and weapons? And..."

Luo Ning tea has a look. "Are you afraid that I can't do it? Give me a list. I will give you a go."

"Yes, the list can be done today." The big head was happy at once. "Miss has the ability, or we will not go to you."

Luo Ning tea enjoys this not too good flattery. I feel that I’m more vocal than the minions’ swearing. “Yes. I still remember that the titles of big and small heads are not good, but they have to be changed. Marshals and generals are very good. It’s really not a long-term leader. Yes, it’s easy to remember, it’s quite awesome, you will discuss it and change it tomorrow.”

"Yes." The big boss thought it was easy.

"And...and...forget it, think about my headache. Anyway, you can find a way to make the Tieshan army prevail. Now, how can I lead you into Yucheng?"

As soon as I heard the words "Jinyu Yucheng", the leaders raised their heads and smiled.

A maid flew on the horse and whispered a few words in the ear of the lady. Luo Ning tea raised her arm and walked to the carriage with the help of the personal maid. One foot stepped on the stool and said, "Yes, you. What is your name?"

The big head was full of faces, and I met several times. The lady still didn’t remember her name. “My name is...”

"Forget it, write it on the list, and their names, all of them are written down. I have to reward the position, from the general to the soldier."

"Congratulations to Miss!"

"Tieshan is invincible!"

When Luo Ning tea left the camp, the scene was still very warm. She was satisfied with herself, and Enwei and Shi Shi did it. Even if it was a slave, it would not be a problem.

The Tieshan camp and the Central Plains military camp were almost next to each other. The carriage of Luo Ning tea stopped in front of the main account. After she got off the bus, she glanced at the guard of the Dragon King, thinking that she should also choose one hundred guards from the soldiers. Like the Daxueshan swordsman, they must be tall and strong, and the weapons in their hands are different.

She put this in her mind and said to the maid around her, "Go to the announcement and say that I am coming."

Long Wang came to negotiate with Xiao Wang. She had to be present. She now has an army, not just a man’s vassal.

Xiao Wang is not the kind of person who is anxious to talk about business. So when Luo Ning came in, he was commenting on the long story with the Dragon King. "The Dragon King is also a Central Plains person. He has never seen such a big snow in his hometown. Snow, desert, and light are enough to stop most foreign enemies. Some people in the Central Plains thought that it would be a breeze to open a hundred thousand troops to the Western Regions. Hey, talk about the wrong country... When will the beauty come back?"

Luo Ningcha grabbed the money in front of the maid and raised his heart. He smiled and said: "There are tents, big winters, and no walls. Are you used to living in the Central Plains?"

Xiao Wang is already very familiar with the character of Luo Ning tea. He laughed happily: "The Central Plains have a fixed house, but the soldiers still have to live in tents. They are not used to getting used to it. You are jealous of me. I have been in the army for a long time. I like the tent very much."

Luo Ning tea nodded solemnly, as if the other party explained a very important thing. He looked at the dragon king and said to Xiao Wang: "All said that the winter can't be beaten. Why don't you take this opportunity to compare it earlier? The dragons have no heads and need a city owner. What are we waiting for?"

Xiao Wang also looked at the Dragon King and found that the words "There is no leader in the group" had no effect on him. He patiently said to the beauty: "This is an urgent matter. I am waiting for the Central Plains Emperor to make a decision. When will you give me full responsibility? , the competition can be carried out."

"Let's hurry, are you the emperor's uncle? He dare not listen to you?"

Xiao Wang smiled happily, here is the Western Region. Luo Ning tea is the kind of woman who is more stupid and more beautiful. Don't worry that the little cockroaches will pass to the palace. "The emperor will of course listen to me, but the surface must be done, I want to have two or three months. In the spring of next year, Dragon King will become the owner of the city of Saitama."

Luo Ning tea stared deeply at the Dragon King, suggesting that his title of "Independence King" had to be left to her son, "two or three months. So long?"

"It is already very fast, the beauty, from Saitama City to the Central Plains Beijing, but across thousands of miles, even if it is fast, it will take two months to go back and forth."

Luo Ning tea frowned. She went to Long Ting and felt disgusted at the thought of running around. "Okay. What are you talking about? I will help you with the staff."

Xiao Wang laughed and said nothing, turned and looked at the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei said: "The Tieshan army has come to Saitama City."

"Well, I arrived yesterday, I just came back from the military camp. They all miss my father. I respect him very much. With a little training, I promise that they will be a strong army. I have to recruit again. At least Like Xiao Xiaoshi, I have reached 10,000. Xiao Wang, my soldiers lack uniform armor and weapons. Can you help me? I boast of Haikou. Put your hopes on you."

"It can be." Xiao Wang boldly raised his chest, "The beauty opens. How much is there, not enough here, I sent people from behind."

Luo Ning tea smiled like a flower, suddenly remembered that the Dragon King is still there, "You are here for this matter? Tieshan is mine, and has nothing to do with you."

"That is of course, I just want to remind Mrs. Luo that among the more than 2,000 soldiers in Tieshan, there are more than a thousand people whose origins are unknown. There are many killers of Jinpengbao hidden. For the sake of safety, I hope that Mrs. Luo will stop going. In the Tieshan camp, don't let the Iron Mountain soldiers enter the Central Plains military camp at will."

Luo Ning tea, the Tieshan army was once controlled by Jinpengbao, how can it be pure in her hands? She thought for a while, turned and left.

Xiao Wang was full of horror, and when the beauty disappeared, he smiled and shook his head. "The Western Region and the Central Plains are really different. You can't find such a stunner in the Central Plains. What does the Dragon King say?"

Xiao Wang reveals a tacit expression. He always hopes to regard Luo Ning tea as his "small secret" with the Dragon King. He has hinted that he has not received a response many times. This time, the same result.

"The matter of recommending the city owner has been leaked." Gu Shen took the Luoning tea, but not to continue chatting with Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang had to give up trying again. "No way, there are more and more people who know this. It is impossible to think of it. But I heard that the residents of Saitama City are still in the dark. Everyone says the city. The four other troops outside are going to start a decisive battle, haha."

"No." Gu Shenwei shook her head. "Before Xiao Wang made a suggestion to me, the one-step king would know."

“How is it possible?” Xiao Wang was amazed. “At that time, the whole plan was still in my stomach. What evidence does the Dragon King have?”

"About a year ago, Jinpengbao began to abolish the killers and sent them all to the Tianshan sect. The Tianshan sect originally had little to do with Jinpengbao, and now it is completely controlled by the one-step king."

"I know that this thing, the one-step king showed it to the Central Plains. I hope that the Central Plains will recognize his king. The court thinks that the killer is too dangerous and difficult to control. Therefore, he asked the one-step king to disband all the killers first..."

"At the beginning, I thought so too, but one of my men was bought by the One Step King and told me that the one-step king asked her to rebuild a sect that had been destroyed for many years, and said that it would soon be of great use. I think Ask Xiao Wang, in your plan submitted to the emperor, is it only allowed the martial art to participate in the contest?"

Xiao Wang was so stunned that he would open his mouth for a while. "Yes, actually... Actually, I suggest that only the 'Western Powers' can be allowed, including the various sects. How can the king know how to know? This is a secret, except the emperor who can't see it. To."

"The One Step King has something to do with someone close to the emperor."

Gu Shen’s heart is bright, and she is even more convinced that the ambassador who hired Jinpengbao to assassinate Gu’s family must be the Central Plains.

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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