Death Sutra

Chapter 877: envoy

The Central Plains envoy's surname Ma, named Ma Lian, was in his forties, and served as a cadre of the Guanglu doctor in the Central Plains. He asked him to come to the Western Region to investigate military merits. Some of them are unreasonable. The defending interpretation is: "Xiao Wang and Da The generals were slightly different, so it was the trust of Xiao Wang to send the civil servants to the army."

The referee's introduction is very brief. It is not much different from Xiao Wang's previous statement. Then he puzzled and asked: "The Dragon King suspects Ma Lian, is this unlikely? In my impression, he has no grudges with Gu Daren. There are very few contacts."

"I have a guess." Gu Shen pays attention to observing every expression of defending, but there is no income. The old fox is very appropriate, and there is no flaw. "The person who hired Jinpeng killer to kill my family must be the privilege of the Central Plains. Falsely, the son of Yang Lan revenge for the family, and the news should be passed to the Central Plains. The behind-the-scenes ambassador will not be indifferent, and he will send someone to come and check it. Who else is more suitable for the task than the envoy? Wei said, It is somewhat unreasonable for Ma Lian to be appointed. Even if the court trusts Xiao Wang, he should send a high-ranking civil servant to the Western Region."

The defending champion frowned slightly and contemplatively weighed. "The Dragon King said that it is not unreasonable, but... all speculation, lack of corroboration, I suggest that the Dragon King should not act rashly. The situation is very good, the court will soon officially seal the Dragon King, and then the Dragon King Indicating identity, screaming to the emperor, I would like to guarantee the Dragon King by my life, and Tianwei will drop and find out that behind the scenes is really easy."

"I only have this method when I want to come. After all, my hand does not reach the Central Plains."

"Haha, the Dragon King will use the power of his own to stir up the North Court. The behind-the-scenes murderer is the best, and he will be scared."

When the two broke up, the atmosphere was quite harmonious. The defending team even shed two tears. "The blessings and the disasters depend on each other. The dragon king can have today's achievements, and he can comfort the adults in the spirit of heaven."

Returning to the Dragon Army camp, sitting alone in the tent, Gu Shenwei's revenge thoughts sprang up and had to work hard to control the assassination of the defending.

The guards outside said: "The squad is here."

Gu Shen immediately got up, his posture returned to calm, and he was in the right place. He urgently needed a staff and military division.

Zhong Heng knows the true identity of the Dragon King, and the defending is also an enemy. Of course, unconditionally support the revenge of the Dragon King.

"Yuyu City, Xiaoyaohai, defending the two escaped, I can no longer let him slip away from my hand." The two did not say a few words, Gu Shen said immediately.

Zhong Heng rushed to the dust, and his face was not exhausted. I have come up with a plan on the road. "There is a good opportunity at the moment."


"The Central Plains envoy Ma Lian, I am not very familiar with this person, but based on my understanding of the Central Plains Temple, although Dr. Guanglu is idle, he directly obeys the will of the emperor, and thus the people who have received the official are not in the minority. In accordance with the practice, the person must first give this person a credit before the award of the official, Ma Lian this trip, presumably is a precursor to the Canadian official.

Gu Shenwei began to understand the intention of Zhong Heng. "Ma Lian’s contribution to the Western Regions is greater, and the number of officials who return to the Central Plains is greater."


"But he is just a labor force. By the way, it is not a great credit to verify military strength."

"Well. The embassy is going to visit, as long as everything goes well, it will be credited. But the Dragon King is right. This is not a big deal. If Ma Lian is ambitious, he is definitely not satisfied."

"As long as the opportunity is in front of us, everyone has ambition. Is it a great achievement to verify Xiao Wang's fake military skills?"

"Of course, I suspect that Ma Lian did not dare to do this. Xiao Wang is quite trustworthy by the emperor. It is not easy to defeat Xiao Wang. It may also provoke the wrath, so he can be encouraged to take another person with lower status."

Zhong Heng is a native of Central China. He is still full of respect when he mentions the emperor.

Gu Shenwei felt that she was right. "Ma Lian, Ma Lian, which one does he belong to?"

"Don't Xiao Wang say anything?"

"Xiao Wang said that Ma Lian has always been detached from the party struggle and has little interaction with the various forces, but I suspect that things are not so simple, and - I still suspect that he knows my true identity."

Zhong Heng understood the fear of the Dragon King and thought for a while. He said: "I am afraid that I need to test the Dragon King. If I can determine the position of Ma Lian, it will be much easier to separate him from the defending."

Gu Shen was deeply impressed and found that Zhong Heng was inexplicably smiling on the ground. He was a little surprised. "How?"

"The conversation with the Dragon King reminds me of the iron scorpion." Zhong Heng knew that Tie Hanfeng died under the Dragon King knife, so he did not show respect to him.

"Before killing, you must first cut off the relationship." Gu Shen has always remembered this sentence and even integrated it into the strategy of hegemony.

"The biggest backing of the defending is the Central Plains. The direct relationship is the general Pang Ning. As long as these two articles are removed, the other minor details are not important." Zhong Heng paused. "First assume that Ma Lian is indeed a transcendental person. Willing to arrest the traitors who collude with the foreign enemies. The Dragon King can let the military division write a few letters to the defending champion in the name of King Khan. With these evidences, the matter is much simpler."

Things are simple to say, but they are actually very complicated. Why do defendings collude with the divided North Court? Why is there only a letter written by King Khan, but no reply from the defending? Many details need to be reasonably explained. If both Ma Lian and Wei Wei are the infectors and participants who killed Gu's in the past, it will become more troublesome, but the plan has a prototype, and Gu Shen nodded and said: If I do this, tomorrow I will fight with the Central Plains envoy to comfort the thousands of riders, I will try to find out his position, and I will go with me."

"Yes. There is still a problem. We want to kill the defending, and the defending will inevitably want to report the killing of the enemy..."

Recalling the scenes and every sentence when talking with the defending champion, Gu Shenwei said: "Yes, there are plans for defending, and there is confidence in it."

"If you can see the plan of defending in advance, you may not use the letter of King Khan."

Gu Shenwei said as if he said to himself: "The defending champion will not use the Central Plains army, just as I will not use the Dragon Army. If he participated in the conspiracy of the year, he would definitely ask for help again."

Zhong Heng thinks that the Dragon King’s speculation is very reasonable. “Jinpeng Fort has not tried to assassinate the Dragon King for a long time?”

"Well, I am worried that this is a slow plan, I want to let me relax."

Zhong Heng also began to worry. The Dragon Army was founded more than a year ago. It is far from the deep foundation of the Central Plains and the North Court. It is even less stable than the small country in the Western Region. When the Dragon King died, no one can take over this complicated army. He This 丞 phase also lost its meaning. "Fortunately, the Dragon King is familiar with the means of Jin Peng's killer, knowing oneself and knowing oneself."

Gu Shenwei did not break the fact that there is still an elite force in Jinpengbao that he knows very little.

Ma Lian always remembers his identity as the envoy of the Central Plains. The next morning, he did not humble the dragon king in the tent. When he went outside, in the face of the soldiers, he was very proud, and he personally held the scepter. Integrate with it.

The first stop of the itinerary was the Longjun camp. The dragon king directly belonged to the army. It was a participant in the battle of Qianqiguan. The casualties were huge and just added. Ma Lian announced that the Emperor of the Central Plains’s military sects were extremely literary, and even Gu Shenwei did not hear much. Understand, let alone ordinary soldiers, in contrast, the subsequent gold and silver cloth is still quite real.

Ma Lian kissed more than a dozen soldiers to ask about the details of the battlefield. The record was recorded by the book, and the silent Snowy Mountain Swordsman did not leave much impression on him.

Next, under the **** of the direct army and another thousand Central Plains soldiers, Ma Lian and the Dragon King crossed the North City, the East Gate entered, and the West Gate went out to the Shule Camp.

A total of two thousand soldiers, the number is not too much, this walk has caused a sensation throughout the city of Saitama, for the first time in decades, this is the first regular army to enter the North City.

Gu Shenwei was fortunate enough to witness the enthusiasm of the residents of Saitama City.

The last time the big head gods entered the city, the residents were shocked by the first public appearance of Luo Ning tea. The crowd was crowded and once blocked the road, forgetting the terrible god.

Last time, Luo Ning tea was married. The marriage between the king of the killer and the king of the robbers was blessed by all the people. The flowers scattered everywhere, and the crowd continued from the west gate to the stone bridge in front of Jinpengbao.

This time, there were more people onlookers. A large number of residents of Nancheng City poured into the North City when they were just dawning. They had been waiting for nearly two hours. At the beginning, the scene was quiet. Most people quickly looked up and looked at the Dragon King and the Central Plains envoy, and immediately lowered their heads. Not long after, I don’t know where someone shouted “God of Heaven” and suddenly lit the excitement of the onlookers.

"The God of Heaven" is the message of the Da Xueshan swordsman to the Dragon King. At this time, it became the mantra of tens of thousands of people. Many people did not expect to see the shadow of the Dragon King and screamed desperately.

Among the many "relationships" of the One-Step King, the hometown of Yuyucheng is the most easily cut off and the most worthless.

Gu Shen accepted the cheers as if he had become the master of Saitama City in advance.

Ma Lian, who first came to Saitama City, was impressed by this. After he left the city from Ximen, he was very polite to the Dragon King. He even used the word "His Royal Highness". Zhong Heng reminded him in good faith that the Dragon King never let People call it "His Royal Highness."

Ma Lian’s interest in the Dragon King is getting stronger and stronger from this moment.

There are 10,000 people in Shule**. More than half of them have participated in the battle of thousands of riders. Their time to follow Dragon King is very short, and their loyalty is higher than that of some soldiers in the Xiaoyao. Under their infection, the whole branch Shule ** is full of respect for the Dragon King, has long been arranged neatly, screaming "Dragon King" in a row, for a long time.

Prince Shule personally greeted him and was humbled by the generals in front of the Dragon King.

Ma Lian was not only interested, but began to show obvious surprises and surprises. He couldn’t think of it. The young Dragon King could get such wide support.

The army continued for a long time. Ma Lian stayed in the Shule camp for the rest of the night. He also asked the soldiers to ask questions. This time, he asked in more detail, but the answers were similar. "I just followed the dragon king's flag."

Zhong Heng is responsible for communicating with Ma Lian. The two have been close to each other as friends. Zhong Heng feels that things are going well. So he suggested to the Dragon King that he can test the attitude of the Central Plains envoy to defending.

(Seeking recommendation)

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