Death Sutra

Chapter 882: hunting

Saitama City belongs to the night. At this point, the killers in the rocky fortress on the mountain and the revelers in the south of the mountain have the same idea. The north city that is in the middle of normal work is a freak.

Standing on the towering wall of the north and south city, he looked at the north city, his heart full of contempt, the wealthy weak people huddled here, sitting on the mountain, when they had nothing, they would be thrown into the south city, by a group of fangs The beast swallows.

Competition is always cruel, and it is better to risk your life to participate early, and don’t be fooled into hiding.

He looked at Nancheng again and silently experienced the pleasure of condescending and mortal beings. For him, the dotted casinos, brothels and pubs were just rich baits, which attracted the beautiful prey from all over the world.

Nancheng is a hunting ground. The most exciting thing is that he is not the only hunter.

Killing and being killed, there is no more beautiful lover than this. He is excited when he thinks that there may be some eyes in the darkness staring at himself.

For ignorant prey, killing is unordered, as if it is burnt, and inexplicably landed on someone.

In the eyes of hunters who are always alert, on the contrary, the chaotic Nancheng is well-ordered, with different regions and different routes adapting to different hunters.

The first-timers will choose the streets where the pubs are concentrated. The knives and knives who come out from there will be paralyzed and unclear. They are not rushing to the casino to seek good luck again. They are rushing to the gentle caves with open mouths. They are the most The prey that is easy to get is enough to satisfy the person who took the sword for the first time.

He completed this stage early.

The advanced guards are in the vicinity of the Remaining Lane and the Grand Casino. In this city of the jungle, the best people are usually the easiest to get rich overnight. They can't wait to throw a lot of money, sleep the most expensive woman, and bet the biggest bet. There is always a group of gigglees with twinkling eyes. Waiting for the remaining points.

It is difficult to assassinate such a person. If you are not careful, you will lose your hand and become a stepping stone for a well-known knife. If you succeed, you will get more satisfaction.

He completed this stage a month ago.

In this process, the clever assassin will exercise the ghost-like eyesight and lose interest in the precautionary prey, so he will move to the knife-cage village on the edge of the city.

Knife Village is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, packed with failed, mediocre, ignorant, new swordsmen. Occasionally, there will be a real knife in the middle. The knife still maintains self-control and vigilance. The wine does not drink much. The woman only draws his attention when it is needed, whenever and wherever. There is always one hand ready to pull the knife.

Such a knife is a transition between prey and hunter. Just thinking about it, you may change your identity and assassinate them, not just a success, but also glory.

Standing on the wall, he just finished this stage and defied some competitors. These cowardly ghosts entered the Knife Village, but only dared to assassinate the drunkards who vomited the wall, greatly reducing the level of the hunter.

Tonight, he changed places again, preparing to hunt hunters like himself.

The ordinary prey has not exciteed his excitement.

This is a brand new stage, just stay here, he can feel the tension and excitement of the first hunting.

It was too early, he waited patiently. Waiting for other hunters to pass through here after they have been covered with blood, and allow themselves to be slightly divided into gods, imagining the final stage of the assassination.

There is a group of rude gods in the hunting ground. They make rules and fidelity. All beings are like lambs. They are eagle on the cliff, while hunters are a group of snakes crawling up and down. The ultimate goal is to devour the gods.

The sword, the wall, the bodyguard, the stone fort, the army, is a taller cliff than a tall one. They end in the end, and the snake that has climbed to half will never stop. In its belly, the flesh of the mortal is digesting, and no longer can satisfy the growing appetite.

It wants to swallow, it has to be a god.

He slowly squatted down the wall, and before he became a god, the viper had to remain hidden in the darkness.

A carriage drove out of the messy streets of Nancheng and headed straight to the north city. The sound of the horseshoes was drowned in the indulgence of the snoring, but he was clearly heard on the wall.

The only passage between the North and the South has long been closed. It can enter the North City at this time. It is a big man close to the "God" level and an excellent bait that can attract hunters.

The snake that climbed up is not only one, but other hunters are gradually improving. This is the real reason for the assassination to slowly decrease, and has nothing to do with the troops stationed outside the city.

For this moment, he has been observing a few nights. It is very certain that a skilled colleague will start at the handover of the North and South City. He has never seen this colleague, but he has never seen the blurred figure swept away, but He is very infinite to confirm the existence of this person.

The carriage drove up to the boundary bridge, and the speed did not slow down. The guards of the city gate obviously knew that such a guest had entered the city in the middle of the night, so they opened the door and respectfully guarded the two sides. They never dared to look at the passenger's credentials.

How insignificant the assassination is compared with the war. There are no vigorous golden drums and shouts, no smoke and no cheap blood, and no more from the morning to the night. The assassination is only a moment. Don't prepare for the parties, and don't leave an impression on the audience. It will leave all the brilliance behind.

But the great assassination can still have a great influence. He thinks with the last bit of idle thinking on the wall, and then conceals all emotions, leaving only the cold will to kill and useless. This principle applies to any business. .

The carriage continued on, and the twelve low-brows guards thought that the night was coming to an end, and the rest of the time would be spent in sleep. When they found out that they were wrong, everything was already late.

The carriage passed through the gate, but dropped something from behind the car. It didn't run far and fell.

"The body!" A guard screamed, slashing out with his companions, chasing the driver who was still ignorant.

The assassination that took place in Nancheng affected the North City.

Its influence is still in the process of fermentation, there is no way to spread quickly, the shouts of the twelve guards can not destroy the quiet North City, and even more disturb the noise of the South City.

Only on the wall he saw the assassin, an admirable hunter.

The assassin has been hiding under the bridge. It seems to have been hidden for a long time. The moment the carriage passed, it jumped out, passed through the carriage, and returned to the bridge. The whole process only took eight horseshoe landing time.

The assassin deliberately let the body land at the gate, attracting the attention of the guards, and then pulled out from under the bridge again, crawling toward the boundary wall, like a huge black gecko.

His position was not particularly ideal, and he was a dozen steps away from the assassin, which made him lose the chance of a sneak attack.

What about this? He has never been a pure killer. He has the opportunity to start with it. Without chance, he is only a challenge.

The weapon has already been squirted and pushed by his entire body, as a snake letter.

The assassin found the danger and returned to the weapon to block.

The guards in the city gate had just stopped the carriage, and no one turned back, so no one looked at the scene on the wall. In the after-the-scenes talks, there would be no mention of this scene: the two snakes are the simplest and most primitive. Quickly **** each other, one or two, and end the battle in the third.

Both figures were fixed on the wall.

The groom was screaming at the screaming horror. The guards finally came back. Several people controlled the groom. Several people went to the boss to inform the news. Several people ran to the gate. They had already predicted that the assassination took place on the bridge.

It was these guards who saw the strange scene with their own eyes: the third body fell from the wall like a brick, as if it were a harbinger of the collapse of the wall.

He succeeded, he disappeared, he killed a hunter, and took a big step forward on the swallowing cliff, in the upper reaches of the hunting chain.

Excitement burns like a fire. He is not a pure killer, so he doesn't care, and even hopes to burn more vigorously. Those who have abused, despised, and bullied him will be ashes in this raging fire.

Yes, he wants revenge, and he retaliates, but he will not kill the enemy in one stroke. He will stand at the highest point and let the enemy experience all the sorrows he has experienced in the tremor.

Who knows if I am a man or a woman? Who cares if I use a knife with a sword? All sentient beings only need to know that I am killing, and I am the **** of swallowing.

Soon, he will lay down the humble skin, revealing the noble face.

He was too happy to ignore other snakes.

This sudden attack came as he was walking in the winding alleys of the south city. This area is a place where small traders live. It is a group of brave people who collect scattered gold and silver in the killing place. It is also a group of silence. People who earn enough to go away will never talk to the city.

The hunters can't find a prey worth killing here, but he is attacked here.

He pulled out his weapon, but the action on his hand was still a step slower than the alertness in his heart.

He felt the sharpness of the fangs and understood that he was not the most powerful hunter. What kind of blow was made by the enemy, as if it came from the void, as if there was no swordman, it appeared in his body so suddenly. .

He held the weapon tightly, gave up the counterattack at the last moment, didn't even look for the enemy's trace, snorted, tried his best to escape, and the feeling of being killed was filled with the heart, which was very different from his initial expectations. Bring any excitement, just the most common fear and self-pity, he is eager to find a quiet place to lick the wound.

The ambition of swallowing and revenge suddenly vanished, and I don’t know how long it will take to re-agglomerate.

There are no followers behind, and the sneak attacker seems to get used to only one trick.

The darkness of the night, the sleeping people and the carnival people have no way of knowing the hunter's mind, and they don't know the death of a big man, which will affect their lives tomorrow morning.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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