Death Sutra

Chapter 888: sound

Gu Shenwei always warned himself in his heart. There were two people standing opposite, except for the wild horses, and there was a disciple who didn't know where to hide. This is a simple matter, but it is difficult to do it.

In addition to not opening his mouth, the wild horse's movements and expressions are all in harmony with what he is saying. He is like a legendary confessor. He does not need the help of others. Most people will not help themselves after listening to a few sentences. Affected, knowing that the wild horse is dumb, will think that it is a person.

Shangguanhong did not keep calm and stared at the wild horse, as if he was observing whether the other party had secretly opened his mouth.

"Beat him, you can enter the third level, compare with me." The voice said.

Gu Shen snorted and took the Wufeng knife into the sheath. "I'm sorry, I thought the third level would be more challenging. I didn't expect it to be my defeat, and I lost more than once."

The Mustang is no longer the killer of Gu Shen’s leadership in memory. Now he is more and more like a proud disciple, with a stiff face and no reaction to anger and anger. “You defeated the wild horse, and I am Peng Xianren. ""

"Another Peng Xianren, I have never heard of the separation of the tongue from the body after the ghost reincarnation." Gu Shen said in a more disdainful tone, "To tell the truth, killing a Peng Xianren every once in a while, I really have a bit I’m tired, why don’t you both change your name?”

Shangguanhong is nodding and nodding to the Dragon King. He doesn't like wild horses or Peng Xianren. Xiaoyuetang disciples are just a little mad. The basic thinking is not much different from normal people. The proud disciple is like a demon in the mountains. The appearance of the face makes people feel creepy, and the weird relationship with the behavioral language is not big.

"You should call the wild species." Shangguan Hong is as thin as an ignorant boy, ignoring the acquiescence of an adult. He did not notice that he was so enjoying the protection of the Dragon King. "Jinpeng Fort, Mu Laotou, Xiaoyuetang, Deyilou, how many masters have you changed? Have you forgotten your own name? Yes, you never know yourself. What is the surname, you don’t even know what you look like."

"My name is Peng Xianren." The dull voice said that the satire of Shangguanhong did not produce any effect.

Gu Shenwei still shakes his head, and his hands don't even hold a knife. "What is your name is not important, the wild horse is good. Peng Xianren is not worthy of being the third level. You want to compare with me, you must first prove strength."

The voice was silent, and it seemed that the Dragon King’s request was reasonable.

Shangguan Hong is uneasy. He would rather compete with the Dragon King, and he wouldn't want to be like a wild horse like a zombie, but his mind has always been a little flash of light, only silently praying for bad luck not to fall on himself.

"Do you want to see my sword?" With this question, the wild horse raised the sword in his hand.

"You have changed your weapons." Gu Shen said.

"No, this has always been the weapon of Peng Xianren."

The most obvious lie is said to have a hypnotic effect, which is indeed the consistent "arms" of Peng Xianren. Gu Shenwei was once lost in the fog of the mystery, but now I only feel ridiculous. "If this has always been your weapon, you will not ask me if I want to see your sword." Once again, your swordsmanship, you forgot, let's fight, and your mind is separated from your body."

The voice is silent again. The wild horse's face flashed a trace of confusion, for the first time showed an inconsistency with the speaker. He has never seen the scene of the Dragon King killing the gnome Peng Xianren, and he can't communicate with the disciple of the singer.

"Come out." The voice said that the look of the wild horses returned to normal.

Another person walked from the back of the tree to the moonlight and crept, as if he was afraid of disturbing the sleeping people, but his face was embarrassed with a smile, as if he had just done a mischievous thing, he had to go to his parents. Dragon King, how are you?"

Han Fen also holds a sword in her hand. It was only two months ago that she was not used to using a sword.

"I am very good." Gu Shenwei's tone became easygoing. "Do you pass my words to the imperial division?"

"Of course, I have already said it." Han Fen said quickly, eager to clear his responsibility, "but... but..."

"But what?"

"But the princes are very busy, this... Peng Xianren can... replace her, and the Dragon King has something to say to Peng Xianren."

Lying on Han Fen is a very difficult and annoying thing. The frowning face, even the three-year-old child can't lie, the voice is very satisfied. "Yu Zhongshi and Peng Xianren think the same way, the dragon king has to pass three levels. ""

Gu Shenwei also silenced for a while, and Han Fen, who was opposite, seemed to want to say something. Compared with the lie, her expression was too rich. Gu Shen did not understand it at all, so she said: "Han Wei lived. In my military camp, she likes Han Wuxian very much."

Han Fen did not show any excitement about the whereabouts of a good friend. "Hey, the lord hasn't killed her yet? I thought... oh, she doesn't use anything anyway, even the squad is not interested in her... ”

"Peng Xianren told you to come out is not a chat." The voice said.

Han Fen immediately shut up, and his face was squeezed out with a few expressions. Then he lowered his head and stroked the sword on the ground with his long sword in his hand, as if it were a branch that was not very easy.

"Through the second pass, Peng Xianren will compete with her to prove strength." The voice continued.

Han Fen’s head hangs even lower, not saying a word.

Gu Shen is silent again.

Shangguanhong is more and more sure of the conjecture in his heart, and he is closer to the Dragon King. He said loudly: "Han Fen, the wild horse betrayed the princes, isn't it? You say, Dragon King... The Dragon King will save people."

"Answer him." The voice ordered, Han Fen hurriedly looked up and said: "No, no... Peng Xianren is not betrayed, the squad is really - very busy." Han Fen dragged his voice and tried to express that she did not dare Export information.

Gu Shen is more puzzling, and the Dutch woman does not seem to be in danger. Otherwise, Han Fen Ning can not be guaranteed, and she will openly ask for help from the Dragon King. However, the information she hides is too vague and unseen.

And the lotus girl likes Han Fen very much, how can she throw her to the Bronco? That is a dead end.

"Ha, wild horse, you can leak the stuffing, Han Fen Ming Ming was you..." Shang Guanhong’s words were only half, and the Dragon King started.

Gu Shenwei has been meditating and meditation. Shangguan Hong does not say that there is no defense. Even if the whole **** is alert, it is not expected that the dragon king will say that he will shoot.

As soon as Shangguanhong screamed, the whole man flew out and slammed into an old tree, fell in a thick pile of snow, and fell a piece of snow on his head, almost burying him.

"I won, the second level is over." Gu Shen ended the debate in this way.

Shangguanhong was buried in the snow. I don’t know why Han Fen felt that Coke was extremely good. He laughed, and the more he laughed, the more he couldn’t stop, licking his stomach. “Hey, hey, Dragon King... You can... too bad. Haha, hey, is he dead?"

Shangguan Hongjun’s screaming out of the snow pile, holding a straight soft sword, glaring at the Dragon King.

Han Fen laughed out of breath. "You still don't admit defeat? Dragon King, come a bigger snowman."

Han Fen did not have any superfluous meaning in this sentence. Shang Guanhong suddenly woke up and immediately dropped the sword in his hand. "Trust, I admit defeat, no need, the Dragon King passed the second pass."

It was the turn of the silence behind the wild horse. He wanted to see the dragon king’s dead man’s sword, but he could not do so.

Gu Shenwei sighed secretly. If the person who was held on the opposite side was a Dutch woman, even Nie Zeng or Tie Ling, they would understand the hint of the Dragon King. When he shot the attack on the wild horse, Gu Shenwei had already made a good fight. The preparation, the result of Han Fen is just a laugh, all forget the next step is his own competition with "Peng Xianren".

The wild horse raised his long sword. He practiced the knife for many years, and the sword was not obvious. It was like an old swordsman who had been immersed in this long-time.

Han Fen turned and looked at the sword in his hand. "I also admit defeat, can't I?"

The voice did not answer. Han Fen knew that this was the meaning of refusal. He said with sorrow: "I knew that I had to make a move first."

The Mustang is indeed waiting for her first move, he has given up the habit of killing the pre-emptive.

Han Fen waved the sword a few times in a decent manner. "First, let me know, when I am dead, you have to give the body to the imperial division as soon as possible. She knows how to deal with it. You don't understand."

That voice still doesn't talk.

"I can't do it. I can do it for the Dragon King. He will not be as perfect as the Royal Master, but it will always be better than the whole body."

Shangguanhong does not need to compete with the Dragon King, and his mood is also relaxed. He thought that Xiaoyuetang really was a place where madmen gathered. He even thought that the whole body was a bad thing.

"Tricks." The voice ordered, apparently tired of Han Fei's embarrassment.

Han Fen took the sword and did not enter, Gu Shen noticed that her left hand was in the sleeve, and she understood that she would eventually fight with the more famous Xiaoyuetang secret.

For a moment, Gu Shen wants to stand up and compare the sword with the wild horse. He can quickly abandon this idea. He is not a knight or a master of Han Fen. He is neither qualified nor necessary to publicly save her. He The only acceptable way to help is to attack, and Han Fen has wasted it.

Can not be soft, Gu Shen to remind myself.

A piece of snow on the tree fell to the ground, and the Dragon King and the wild horse turned at the same time and looked in the same direction.

Shangguan Hong was puzzled. Han Fen felt that this was his only chance. He slammed out and stabbed the wild horse with a sword. At the same time, his left hand waved.

There are two or three feet away from the tip of the sword and the wild horse. Han Fen has already turned from the attack, and then jumped a dozen steps in succession, pointing to the wild horse proudly saying: "Not falling yet!"

The wild horse did not fall, still staring at the depths of the darkness.

A slight footstep sounded, and a teenager slowly approached. He was one of the swordsmen who had just cut off his thumb with the Dragon King. At this time, he was covered in blood, staggering and his eyes were empty.

In front of the four people in front, he didn't seem to see anything, just dragging it step by step without meaning, and then fell to the ground with a splash.

The back is also full of blood.

Han Fen screamed, she was not afraid of death, not afraid of blood, but she was afraid of making this body.

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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