Death Sutra

Chapter 895: Mother and child

Gu Shenwei has been observing the small half hour, Shangguanfei has to have a dim sum, he really wants to tell the Dragon King, there is nothing to worry about, Mengfu old house is not Jinpengbao, there are not so many killer guards around the mother. Literature Museum

Mrs. Meng lived in an independent small courtyard in a corner of the garden. All the guards, the knives of Mengjia and the few killers of Jinpengbao, were patrolling the outside. It looked normal and moderate, not like a hidden trap.

Gu Shen did not go in immediately because of the habit. After another **** passed, he finally nodded.

Shangguan Fei just got up and was caught by the Dragon King. He immediately understood the meaning. The Dragon King wanted to go in with him. Shangguanfei had some doubts about it. It was Mrs. Meng, his mother, he didn’t care if he went in the middle of the night, but the Dragon King was The man who has no family, he remembers the lessons of Shang Guanhong.

However, Shangguanfei only hesitated for a while, and his heart was relieved. This is the Dragon King. Although the relationship with his sister can't be understood, it is never a ghost.

There are only three rooms in the small courtyard, two empty and in the middle. For various reasons, Mrs. Meng’s ranking here is far less than that of Jinpengbao.

Shangguan Fei was sentimental and came to the door and knocked it regularly. This is the secret code when he met his mother in Nancheng. It is estimated that she can prepare her in advance.

The Dragon King is very close to him. Less than three steps away, Shangguanfei was slightly surprised. This is neither the usual practice of the Dragon King nor the rules of the killer cooperation.

"Who?" After a while, a woman’s voice came out of the house.

"Oh, it is me." Shangguan Fei whispered.

Sakamoto is Mrs. Meng’s close-knit ring, serving her for many years, but because of the favor of the one-step king, she was sold to the Nancheng as a prostitute by the hostess, and Shangguanfei first returned to Yucheng. It was through her secret connection with her mother, because of this credit, she returned to Mrs. Meng.

The door opened a slit and was not released immediately. "Who is this person?"

"The Dragon King... the messenger sent to see the mother."

"Noisy." His voice was very dissatisfied. "In the middle of the night, you are dangerous enough to come to the North City. You still have a strange man. How come out?"

"No, everyone's mouth is strict, how can it spread out?" Shangguanfei is a little anxious. The longer he waits outside, the more likely he is exposed.

"You are advanced. Let him wait outside for a little while, my wife is dressing, and I can't see outsiders now."

"Yeah." Shangguanfei's right foot has left the ground, turned his head and looked at the Dragon King, and stopped again. The Dragon King's look is very determined, and he is never allowed to leave within three steps. "Hey, let me wait for the Dragon King."

The door was open, and Gu Shen was hesitant to see a pair of eyes that looked old even in the night.

There was a soft cough inside the house.佟姨Close the door.

Shangguan Feidi smiled at the Dragon King.

The two retreated to the shadow of the corner, and the Dragon King made another exception. He did not open the distance and guarded each other, but stayed together.

Dragon King does not believe in Mrs. Meng. Shangguan Fei’s heart was a little bit angry and a little angry. He has been relying on the Dragon King for so long, and his mother has clearly expressed his support, but he still has no trust.

The dragon king is suspicious, even if the sister personally leads the way, probably the same, Shangguanfei can only use this idea to comfort himself.

The door opened again, and he walked out and glanced at the "Dragon King Messenger" and went to another room.

There was a dim light in the room, and a thick blanket on the window blocked the light leaking. Mrs. Meng sat at the table and placed an arm on the table. "It really is the Dragon King." Can greet and forgive sins."

What surprised Gu Shenwei was that after so many things, Mrs. Meng’s appearance and character did not change much with a few years ago, even if she faced the protector of her son, she would not make a humble expression.

Shangguanfei was trembling and uneasy. The Dragon King and his mother were both respectful and fearful. They didn't know which side to stand on. "The situation is chaotic at the moment. The Dragon King has to be careful and stay up late, hope that the mother can understand."

Shangguan Fei decided to stand on the side of the Dragon King. It is always easier to ask for the mother's forgiveness afterwards.

"It is precisely this, people who have come out of the stone fort, have prepared for this kind of thing." Mrs. Meng smiled and nodded slightly to the Dragon King. "The Dragon King sheltered my children. I am very happy to thank you today. Great grace."

"Dragon King is very good to me, but also teaches me martial arts..." Shangguanfei felt that his mother was not very enthusiastic, and he regretted it when he exported. The martial arts taught by the Dragon King can be uncomfortable, and the Dragon King is not talking about his mother, so he closes. Mouth, silently retreating to one side, not too far from the Dragon King.

"That's not a big virtue. I protect Shangguanfei because he is useful to me."

The Dragon King’s answer broke the fixed routine, and the Shangguan became more and more worried. He understood the character of the Dragon King, but in front of his mother, he always hoped that the atmosphere would be harmonious.

Mrs. Meng’s reaction with her son was different. She stood up. “The Dragon King said it well. This is what the people of Jinpengbao should say. We don’t learn the true hypocrisy of the Central Plains and the fake pride of the Beiting people. I’m also early. I want to see the Dragon King, I hope to ask oneself, how does the Dragon King plan to deal with the Shangguan family?"

Gu Shenwei is often asked about this matter. He already has a standard answer. "Shunchang is in ruin. If you don't follow Shangguan and the Dragon Army as an enemy, you will get my forgiveness."

"Those who helped the Dragon King beat the One Step King to win the Jinpeng Fort?"

"On the merits and rewards, and all the soldiers of the Dragon Army will be treated equally."

"Well, what kind of credit do I have to make to inherit the king?"

Shangguanfei blushes, and the one-step king is the name he wants and fears. "Mother, the Dragon King has agreed..."

"No, I have to listen to him."

Gu Shen was indulging for a moment. "In the year, the employer of Gu's family was assassinated. I want his name and related records. With this, I can change to the title of the one-step king, but as I told Shangguanfei before, you can't get it. Jinpeng Fort."

"I am not interested in Shibao." Mrs. Meng looks very satisfied. "The Dragon King can occupy Jinpeng Fort. The new one will continue to accept the refuge and take responsibility."


Although it was only confirmed by the existing agreement, Shangguanfei was very excited. It seems that there is another layer of guarantee. "Mother, you can get the record, isn't it?"

"Ongoing." Mrs. Meng would not say things too easily. "The One Step King is very concerned about protecting the employer's information. It is more important than the Book of Nothing. My people have to act on the plane and hope that the Dragon King will not worry."

"will not."

"Well, please ask the Dragon King to forgive the woman's jealousy. Is there anything else you need to come to me?"

Shangguan Fei pays attention to listening, because even he does not know the purpose of the Dragon King's trip.

"I want to know if the Assassin who assassinated the Central Plains Envoy is yours?"

Shangguan Fei was shocked. He just wanted to open his mouth and shut up under the strict watchful eyes of his mother.

“Shangguan tells the Dragon King?” Mrs. Meng did not immediately answer the question of the Dragon King. “I heard that the Dragon King had just visited the Society during the day.”

"No, she didn't know about it."

"Oh, my baby girl is very smart, she told Dragon King that I received some killer apprentices, right?"

Mrs. Meng was also very clever, and she immediately guessed the truth. Gu Shenwei could only nod.

"In order to compete for these dozens of apprentices, I can spend a lot of work." Mrs. Meng still did not answer the question directly, but launched a feeling, "The only competitor is my biological daughter. The one-step king did not forgive our mother and son. , but forgive the youngest daughter, and more love than ever."

Mrs. Meng looked at her son with a red face in her face. The tone was full of sourness. "If Shangguan does not need to return to Jinpengbao, even in front of the One Step King, he claims that the Shibao crime is too much, and he should have paid a torch, and then she and the monks are allied. Reconstructed Yushe, and made clear all the boundaries with Shibao. Even so, the one-step king still spoiled her and asked what to give. Most of the hundreds of killer apprentices have not completed the training of the carving wood, which is such a group of waste. There are not many slaves, and the daughter has to fight with her mother. She succeeded. Most of the apprentices belonged to her. I only got more than 30 people."

This is the accusation from the mother, Gu Shen for the heart automatically for the Shangguan, such as the rebuttal reason: she is saving the life of these apprentices, let them out of the path of the killer, but Mrs. Meng will force them to continue to go until they are killed.

But he did not speak. The purpose of his coming to see Mrs. Meng was very clear and he did not want to gossip.

Shangguanfei thinks that his sister is not that kind of person, but he will never offend his mother because of his sister, so he bows his head.

Mrs. Meng made a complaint and sighed and said: "The assassin is an apprentice under my command."

Shangguan Fei raised his head in horror. "How is it possible? Mother... Dragon King, I don't know anything."

"Because your mouth is not strict, I have never told you anything." Mrs. Meng said sternly, then turned to the Dragon King. "The Western Regions are harassing and competing. As multiple guarantees, I have a strong relationship with the Dragon Force." Dragon King should not mind? Of course, this kind of travel will never affect the interests of the Dragon King."

“This is normal, who is the person who hired the assassin?”

"The Western Regions are guarding the official."

Shangguanfei was scared by his mother. "Wu, Wei Wei? He is a Central Plains person. Why do you want to kill the Central Plains envoy? How can the mother..."

"The Central Plains talents must kill the Central Plains, so that the defending power can monopolize the Western Regions and request the Central Plains to send troops into the Western Regions. I found him because he never trusted Jinpengbao, so he turned to Mengjia for help."

"But you didn't keep him secret." Gu Shen was suspicious of the answers that were easily obtained.

"I have said that cooperation with others cannot affect the interests of the Dragon King. Whether it is the Central Plains or the Beiting, it is always coming and going, and the Dragon King will stay in the Western Region forever. This is my opinion."

Regardless of whether she believes or not, Mrs. Meng has already put a thought into the head of the Dragon King. She believes that the Dragon King will use it sooner or later to get into the trap.

The Dragon King took Shangguan as a hostage, and the best time to assassinate him has passed. It is the second plan to play.

(Seeking recommendation)

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