Death Sutra

Chapter 8: Camp

Twenty boys and girls were wrapped up in five or sixty gangsters, and they quickly returned to the camp that night.

The camp of Tieshan gangs did not hide in the old forests of the mountains. It was built outside a big city. Thousands of people were noisy, weapons were standing, and the flags fluttered. It looked like an army preparing to attack the city.

"Let's go outside the city of Saitama."

After the sharp-faced teenager dismounted, he guessed with trepidation, and one hand still held the corner of Gu Shenwei’s vestige.

He guessed it right. The people in Tieshan’s gangs are complicated, and there are people who speak a lot of words, but the words “Yuyucheng” come out constantly, and everyone who mentions the city is full of joy. , tapping each other, tacitly ignoring each other.

Gu Shenwei is very puzzled. He remembers that the Tieshan Great God always appeared in the desert Gobi. Now he even ran outside of Yuyu City, and it seems that it is not like looting.

The teenagers were driven away. The camp was almost all men. They were also very curious about these children. Afterwards, they pointed and gave rude laughter, which added the fear of the little slaves.

The tents in the camp were densely packed, and the one in the middle was the tallest, apparently the head of the big-headed god.

The big-headed **** went straight into the tent, and ten pairs of boys and girls were brought in.

The account has a large area and can accommodate more than 100 people. The ground is covered with thick blankets. The newly bought small slaves are scared and stand near the door, waiting for the unknown fate.

Helping dozens of big and small leaders follow the leader, the big-headed **** has not yet settled, first waved with a big hand, and loudly told:

"The meat comes."

The little slaves were shocked, fainted two girls, scared and cried two boys, and the younger face was soft, leaning on Gu Shenwei’s back and talking to himself with a cry:

"I just talk about playing, I won't really eat people."

A group of small scorpions sneaked in, and the rich flavours of the wine, the small slaves who were shrunk in the corners, and some people sent food.

The meat and meat were piled on the carpet, and everyone sat on the ground, not paying attention to etiquette, and opened their mouths to eat and drink.

The smallest piece of meat also has five or six pounds. It is cooked half-baked, biting and blood flowing out.

"This, what is this meat?"

The sharp-faced teenager whispered, and several children who had just grabbed the meat wanted to eat it and let go.

Gu Shen has not been eating for a few days, and she is hungry and hungry. He does not put the words of the sharp-faced teenager on his heart. He grabs a piece of meat and bites it. Although it is hard and awkward, it is very hungry. And it is not like the legendary human flesh.

Someone started, everyone also ate, but my heart was wondering, the big head God bought twenty children, not to eat meat.

Looking at these people in the tent, the big-headed gods don't have to say it. The heads of his men are also fierce. The most normal people are also wearing a shirt with scars and tattoos. Some people drink up and even get rid of it.

This is a group of men full of energy, no matter how much wine and meat they fill in, they can't squeeze a little, so they can only rely on fights to vent. The banquet starts less than a quarter of an hour, and there have been four or five fights sporadically, bystanders. Not only did not discourage, but the wine was booming, cheering loudly, and the cup was thrown everywhere.

After eating half a piece of meat, Gu Shenwei was already full. Looking at the group of gangsters, especially the tall and mighty big-headed god, I suddenly had an idea: If I could find the help of Tieshan, it would be fine.

However, the two kings of the one-step king and the big-headed **** are friends, and Gu Shenwei can only think about it.

After half a tour of the wine, the interest of the people did not decrease, but it was even higher. They began to toast to the big-headed gods. The big-headed gods did not refuse. The large bowl of wine in the hands of ordinary people was a small cup in his hand.

A small leader is probably really drinking too much, staggering to get up, the voice over the full account, said:

"A few days later, on the big day of Miss Tieshan, I bought these ten pairs of boys and girls, even if the dowry is ready, I wish the young lady a good morning, and the big head God will hold the grandson early!"

Tieshan gangs don't talk about the number of rituals, but they also call the nickname to the leader. The big-headed **** does not care, smiles, and kills a bowl of wine on the neck. Obviously, he is very satisfied with this message.

The little slaves all breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a dowry for the young lady. It seems that they will not stay with the big-headed **** in the future.

The sharp-faced teenager gave a sigh of relief and then whispered nervously:

"Miss's wife's family will not be a robber?"

His question was unanswered and no one was concerned, because the little leader was proud of saying a word.

"Big head God, our lady is famous, no one in the world knows it, this time I have to marry it, and let us look at these uncles."

This proposal has been endorsed by many people, but the sound of the attachment has just risen and fallen, because everyone has seen the face of the big-headed **** changed.

"You want to see my daughter?"

"No, no," the little boss immediately knew that he had made a mistake, his face changed, he became green, and his bowl fell to the ground. "I don't want to, I, I..."

The big-headed **** stood up and picked up a gun from the side.

The iron gun was thick and long. Compared with one, the old servant Yang Lan’s rifle was the same as the child’s toy.

The little leader understood that he had caused a big disaster, and Cangjie stepped back, his face trying to squeeze out a smile, but it was more rigid and distorted.

The big-headed **** shouted like a blue sky, then jumped forward, and with his huge and scary body, he was surprisingly agile, flying over the head of more than ten people, and when he landed, he shot through the small head. chest.

The big-headed **** picked the dying little head in the air, and the small head held the handle with both hands, and looked at the leader with horror. He used the last sigh of strength to say: "Excuse... forgiveness."

"The daughter of the big-headed god, except my niece, there is no second man in the world to see her face. My niece is the son of the one-step king, not your bastard."

Big head **** and single step king are relatives!

Gu Shen’s heart sinks, and there is no possibility of revenge with the big head god.

Then there is another joy in his heart. He will follow the daughter of the Big Head God to enter Jinpeng Fort. He will reappear after a few days of abandoning him.

The mind settled down and stood in front of him, showing a clear path: mixed into Jinpengbao, looking for the whereabouts of his sister, assassination of the enemy, at least one.

The death of the small head did not disturb the atmosphere of the banquet. The body was quickly carried out and everyone continued to eat and drink.

After the feast, the ten girls were sent to the lady’s tent to listen to them. The boys were sent to the small tent next to them. The daily work was to wipe the utensils endlessly and clean up the dowry.

When her sister Gu Cuilan was preparing to marry, Gu Shenwei was only a young man who had no worries about life. She had more opportunities to move her mouth and less time to do it. At this time, she had to work for a robber daughter who had never seen her. The heart was really like a knife.

The thin and thin woman who chose the slave for the big-headed **** is the close servant of the young lady. These young slaves are naturally under her control.

The thin woman ordered them to call it "Snow Lady", and the original words in the first sentence that the Hurens would say were these two words.

The appearance of Xue Niang is not related to snow. The face is yellowish, and there are no meats. It looks like a bamboo pole. I know that most of these teenagers don’t speak the Central Plains, so there are few words on the weekdays. .

Her fingers are slender and hard, like ten thin iron bars. Whoever can't understand her immediately, will be poked by a thin iron rod, which often leaves two or three days of bruises.

All ten teenagers have more or less licked, and even the sharp-faced teenager who claims to be the best host will be no exception. Every time I see Snow Maiden coming in, the youngster will immediately grab the life that belongs to me. Dry up.

Gu Shenwei had a few iron fingers on his chest. He didn’t have any protective power at the end of the game. He felt that Xue Niang’s skill must be very good.

The big-headed **** often leads people out of the camp, sometimes returning empty-handed, sometimes with many items, and it is hard to say what kind of "buy and sell" he is doing.

The exact date of marriage has not been fixed, only to say that it is the same day, and there is a rumor that if the marriage is not done well, it will be extravagant.

Gu Shen started to live in the camp for a long time.

The sharp-faced teenager brought back rumors, and did not forget to remind the listener: "If the lady can't get married, we have to follow the bad luck. Here is the gang. Today is here. Where are you going tomorrow? Will the big gods bring a group of children? You see that there are children in this camp, except for us? I see, the big-headed gods won’t sell them, he will pierce them all in one shot, and they will be in a string.

The sharp-faced teenager imitated the big-headed **** with a gun-picking frame. Three children scared the bronzes in their hands and fell to the ground.

On the fifth day of entering the camp, Datou Shen led his men to the camp and did not return at night.

Gu Shen was lying on the grass mat after a hard day, and couldn't sleep.

He used to sleep in a soft bed. The grass mat was no different for him. The ten people shared a tent and made him very uncomfortable. In the past, only the little book boy musk slept with him in the same room, Musk from Do not snoring, and do not grind your teeth frequently.

Gu Shenwei has accepted the fact that his family has been ruined, and the will to revenge has become increasingly firm. The details in life have not been easily adapted.

Someone in the tent was walking, there was a gap in the top of the canopy, and a moonlight rushed into the air. Gu Shen saw that the two teenagers were crept to the door.

It was the two teenagers who were chased by the Snow Mountain Swordsman.

Gu Shenwei once rushed to speak for them, but they did not seem to appreciate it. Of course, they would not speak the Central Plains, but they never said thank you.

Gu Shenwei didn't care, he had too many things to think about himself.

The two teenagers look very much like each other. They are obviously a pair of brothers. They walked east and west, and soon, their brother’s eyes and Gu Shen were right.

At this time, Gu Shenwei suddenly understood that the two brothers wanted to escape.

My brother squatted for a while, pointing to the outside and making a few simple gestures. His eyes were deeper than the night, shining like a vigilant cat.

The other children were asleep, Gu Shen was up, staring at the eyes that were close at hand, and understood what the other party meant: the brothers invited him to run away.

This is indeed a good time to escape. The big-headed **** took away a lot of his men, and the rest was not a martial arts martial work. The monks never arranged a special guard for the ten teenagers. It was just a few miles away from the camp. It was the escaping hunt. Great place.

Gu Shen slowly shook his head, but waved his hand and wished him all the best.

He can't waste this great opportunity to enter Jinpengbao, unless he is married to the younger grandmother who is getting started, he is a savvy teenager, and it is difficult to get close to Jinpengbao.

There is the whereabouts of my sister and the existence of an enemy.

The other party was a little surprised, but did not continue to persuade, but also waved his hand, turned and took the brother's hand, and carefully walked out of the account.

Gu Shenwei lay down again. This pair of brothers must have an unusual experience like him, but the two sides cannot communicate.

"Someone wants to run away! Come on!"

The two brothers just picked up the corner of the tabernacle, and the voice of the sharp-faced teenager suddenly rang. No one knows when he woke up.

The brothers were taken aback, hesitated a little, and turned and rushed to the sharp-faced teenager who slept in the innermost.

But when the two took a step, they were picked up by one hand.

It was Xue Niang, who wore daytime clothes and was incredibly quick, as if she was outside the tent.

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