Death Sutra

Chapter 922: Fruit picking

Sun Shen doctor heard the snoring outside, unpleasantly dressed and walked out of the tent, and together with the dragon army officers, looked to the northwest side. In the faint morning light, Jinpengbao was burning like a twinkling star, just Slightly larger.

"Dragon King, it must be the fire of the Dragon King." Tie Ling exclaimed excitedly. She had not seen the Dragon King for several days. She was as burning as everyone else.

Sun Shen doctor covered his mouth and yawned. "Why do you want to burn Jinpeng Fort and keep the Dragon King's palace better?"

"The important thing is not Jinpeng Fort and the palace. It is the Dragon King who still lives very well." Tie Ling's hands clasped her hands and silently prayed.

Sun Shen doctor looked at the south screen of not far away, read a little strange from the face of that handsome face, smiled and shook his head, and fell asleep. "Dragon King, is this to win the Jinpeng Fort in advance? That is too good. Now, I have long wanted to go back to the North City. This old bone is quickly being thrown away by the military camp, hehe."

Sun Shen doctor issued the same sigh as Luo Ning tea. It was only a half-day away from his warm and comfortable home, but he could not get closer to it, which made him feel sad.

Jinpengbao and Xiaoyuetang, as long as the two still exist, Sun God never dared to leave the Dragon Camp half-step.

Like him, Han Wuxian, who was sheltered in the military camp, came out and looked at the faint fire in the distance. The smile seemed to be a bit stiff. "This is the fire of Xiaoyuetang."

"You can see this? Is there anything special about Xiaoyuetang's fire?" Tie Ling is not very convinced.

"The fire is the same, but the Dragon King wins the voucher, what is the significance of putting this fire?" Han Wuxian turned to Sun Shenji. "This is all your credit."

Sun Shen doctor was shocked. "What is the relationship with me?"

"It is with your help that the Dutch woman understands the secrets of the son-in-law, and thus absorbs the power of Han Yu, who thinks she can compare with the one-step king. So she dares to burn Jinpeng Fort."

Sun Shen doctor waved his head and waved his hand. "Han Tang is too tall to see me. How can I be so powerful? When they were in Xiaoyuetang, they forced them to make a few pills. The two sons-in-law just sent me and fled. I haven't had time to study it yet. Ten sons... Shangguan can prove."

Sun Shen’s heart is awkward. He really did not want to run away for Xiaoyuetang’s son-in-law. However, some progress has been made before that, and it may be of great help to Xiaoyuetang.

Han Wuxian smiled more and more tender and sweet, "The lotus girl will personally thank you. Your old bones are not small."

Sun Shen’s doctor was stunned and whispered for a while: “What have I done...”

The lotus girl knows what Sun Shen doctor has done.

As Han Wuxian expected, Sun Shen’s use exceeded his own imagination. Before he fled, he had accumulated enough information for Xiaoyuetang. Under the efforts of the Dutch women and several disciples, they finally figured out the general principle of the son-in-law: continue to poison the parties, while at the same time using special drugs to prevent the onset of toxicity, like a dam, keeps storing Water, constantly increasing the dam.

As for what kind of water to store, there are a variety of options. Shangguan Shaomin's body has become a murderous weapon. Han Yu's savings are a lot of internal forces. The latter is more difficult and takes longer than the former.

For everyone, practicing internal strength is a difficult retrograde approach. It is often ten steps forward and nine steps back. Like Gu’s harmony, there are more steps to retreat. They are afraid that the body can’t stand it. Leading to a fire.

There is no such worry in cultivating internal strength with other people's bodies. Han Hao has worked hard for many years. Never become a master, because her meridians are mostly closed, the infuriating growth is not controlled, but I can't use it.

This use of Nüwa is a pioneering work of Han Wuxian. It is very proud of it. It took a lot of time to find a suitable baby. It took dozens of times to get Han Han, and it was afraid of causing doubts from the disciples in the church. To the far west of the Western Region, send the most trusted people to teach martial arts every year.

Han Yu does not know how to cultivate internal strength, there is no retreat, the speed of real gas savings is more than ten times that of ordinary people.

Han Wuxian has been taking drugs for the past few years to strengthen his own meridians, waiting for the fruitful results from the son-in-law to one day, and the internal power surged overnight.

The truth was found on Sun’s medical foundation, but the specific production process and the final method of extraction were not clear.

The Dutch woman consulted a large number of Xiaoyuetang cheats and finally found the means to pick the fruit, but she did not have time to take medicine to strengthen the meridians like Han Wuxian, so she took a different approach, not once but from the body of Han Han.

This is a dangerous road. Every inhalation is a violent torture for the Dutch woman. It usually takes dozens of times to relieve the infuriating instinct.

Han Hao feels relaxed and relaxed, so she is very grateful to the woman, thinking that she is "very good" to herself.

The method of the female woman's slow inhalation did save her life. If she fell into the hands of Han Wuxian, she would not be able to absorb the light when she couldn't use her time. The meridians would immediately collapse and the people would not survive.

Xiaoyuetang's internal strength is the same as that of Jinpengbao. There is not much conflict with the heroic woman's insignificant power. She draws every six or seven days, and her internal strength increases rapidly, finally reaching the stage of dispersal.

Nothing is effective, but it is also like the internal strength of other sects. It needs to solve the threat of ignorance. It does not take a safe and steady approach, but the dangers in the cultivation process are combined. When the skill is strong to a certain extent. , remove it by means of loose work.

After taking away the sixty-seven percent of the infuriating spirit from Han Yu’s body, the innocent magical powers of the lotus woman have accumulated too much danger of getting into the fire, and they must immediately disperse their efforts.

The Dutch woman in the period of the smashing of the work is no different from the ordinary person. Any knifeman can easily kill her. The Xiaoyuetang sergeant does not believe anyone, so he takes extreme measures to hide his eyes and ears: Hanfen, the confidant, is "sent" To the Dragon King, Han Wei, who still has a small amount of infuriating, let Han Wuxian take it away, creating the illusion that he is not afraid of sneak attack.

In addition to the enemy, the Dutch girl is also wary of her own people, especially the wild horses that are allied with Xiaoyuetang.

She had to do something important for the sharp-eyed one-armed killer, so she would pass the dead to him.

Shangguanhong also benefited from it, and he took away a few medicinal herbs from the lotus woman every once in a while. He never knew that the Dutch woman was just a disciple of Xiaoyuetang.

The disciples of Xiaoyuetang and Deyilou concentrate on the magical swordsmanship of the imperial concubine, and in order to improve their skill, they open a killing in the city of Saitama, naturally ignoring the movement of the woman.

The Dutch woman is not worried about having a disciple who is stronger than herself. She only teaches the dead man who she believes to be correct, and conceals the most important part of the comment. She believes that by the end of the martial arts, she has a new martial art and a complete death. She is still the strongest, even stronger than the cold and proud dragon king.

It is him who has to find out the lotus girl, and the result is that Han Wuxian discovers the truth of the work in advance.

The Dutch woman used a trick that the single-handed king used in the past. Han Fen claimed that he would only see the Dragon King a month later. In fact, she only had less than ten days left.

This is the most difficult ten days. The Dutch women are moving two or three times a day, avoiding the eyes and ears of Jinpengbao, and also avoiding wild horses and other people. Han Han, who was brought back by Han Fen, became the only protector around her.

Han Wei knows nothing about the son-in-law. She only knows one thing: the lotus girl is a good person, helping her to alleviate the pain, and is the good friend Han Fei is the owner of allegiance.

The lotus girl re-experienced the life of ordinary people. Once upon a time, like the jade city of her own courtyard, now it is a jungle full of thorns. The low walls and houses have become an insurmountable obstacle. Walking in the messy alleys, she For the first time, I found myself not familiar with Nancheng.

There is also a sword in the hand. It used to be like a part of the body. It is as flexible as a finger. Suddenly, the original shape is revealed. The weight of the two kilograms is so heavy. The woman has to hand it over to Han Han.

She finally understood what the old man called "freedom" means. The old devil's martial arts is completely free from restraint. Once the skill is lost, he can only bow in front of the dragon king, accept the harsh protection of the condition, and suddenly from the vast boundless The world retreats into a small "prison."

She also understood the meaning of the stone monument in front of the Temple of Jinpengbao. "The six rounds of reincarnation are inexhaustible." Those who ordered these eight characters were sighed with limited life and martial arts.

The woman who lost all her skills for the time being began to become like a philosopher. Looking back on her half-life experience, she calmly saw the great influence of martial arts on herself. The sharp-faced teenager called the distant slave became a vague and ridiculous memory.

Such a strange and selfish person turned out to be an insurmountable obstacle between her and the Dragon King. The Dutch woman knew that this was the effect of the dead. As an ordinary person, she still felt incredible.

Several times, she wanted to go directly to the Dragon King and tell him: "You are the only person I trust, protect me."

But she couldn't do it. Between her and the Dragon King, the slaves disappeared, but there were more hordes of killers and swordsmen. These people were sniffing like a hound, and a little bit of Xiaoyuetang breath would also kill. The disaster.

On the night when the work was about to end, the Dutch woman sat in a cold room and found sadly that she would regain "freedom." At the same time, a piece of returning to her heart was a slave, incarnation. The little devil continues to marry her to hate the Dragon King.

Before the death of the sharp-faced boy, he said to Huannu: "You can't escape, I am waiting for you in hell."

If the Dutch girl knows this curse, she may have a stronger sense of fate.

Han Yushou sizzled in the spartan stove, and from time to time he went to the door and looked out. The face after the tolerance was even rougher.

The lotus girl looked at her, and the first gas suddenly recovered.

The lotus girl feels that she is born again. She still remembers every thought and thought in these days, but like a strict teacher, she regards them as a poor chapter handed over by the students and puts them into the stove without mercy.

In order to commemorate this "rebirth", she has to do something completely inconsistent with the style of Xiaoyuetang: publicly retaliate against Jinpengbao and directly challenge the one-step king.

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