Death Sutra

Chapter 930: Practice sword

Du Yang’s gaze was finally attracted by two big birds. First of all, he was puzzled. Then he was very surprised. “Isn’t this the Jinpeng bird? It’s not burned. After hearing this news, the king must be very happy.”

Han Fen turned and said, "I am more happy."

Du gradually snorted, did not answer, Han Fen was once hard to see through the other party's mind, "I announced that these two birds belong to me, I want to give it to whom, I will certainly not be the one-step king. ”

"Are you owned?" Du gradually disdain, "Why?"

Han Fen's eyes widened. "Because I saw them at first sight, first come first served, you don't understand such rules?"

"Jinpeng bird has been in the stone for more than ten years and was stolen by Xiaoyuetang. Where is the ‘first come, first served'?”

"Seven years." Gu Shenwei said.

"What seven years?" Du gradually snorted, he remembered that there is a Dapeng bird around the Dragon King.

"The two birds were killed in Jinpeng Fort seven years ago. They are free, not belonging to anyone, not to be a one-step king."

Han Fen was a little disappointed. "Is it not for me? I treat them as babies, and the little dolls always boast about his family. I can..."

Du Yangyin laughed, the underground labyrinth was dangerous. He had already had enough. He knew that the Jinpeng bird’s whereabouts was enough to explain to the one-step king. He didn’t have to take any more risks. After he showed his guarding the temple, he turned and walked to the corridor outside the hall. "Hey, whoever Jinpeng Bird belongs to, I can't do it, and everything has to be said by the Lord..."

Han Fen picked up his body and screamed when the wild cat was angry. "No, everything is ruthless."

Du gradually did not want to argue, speed up the pace, and the guards pulled out the knife. Standing in the same place, staring at the Dragon King with vigilance, whether it is an opponent or not, his duty does not allow him to turn and flee.

The Dragon King did not move. Instead, the eccentric Xiaoyuetang disciple was eager to try. The guard calculated the speed of the lord Du, and felt almost the same, and began to retreat outside the hall.

"Ah..." there was a scream in the corridor.

The guard turned and stared at the dark passage.

Du gradually came back. Hands stretched out in front of the groping, bleeding in the eyelids, stained the entire face.

"Save me." He said, it seems that he is ordering to the guard.

"Help me," he said, as if he was begging the Dragon King.

The killer can make a difference. The guards were indifferent to the command and the pleading, quietly letting go, letting the blind Lord pass, and the eyes continued to stare at the dark corridor.

A young woman walked into the hall where the torch was shining, silently, holding a long sword in her hand and turning a blind eye to others. Concentrate on Du Yang, observe his every move.

"Save me..." Du is still groping for progress, getting closer and closer to Dragon King and Han Fen.

The guards have stepped back two steps. Du is only the nominal sovereign of the Tianshan sect. I can't get my allegiance to allegiance.

"Han Ling?" Han Fen whispered, his face showing a pleasant, retreating behind the Dragon King.

The young woman named Han Ling turned a deaf ear to the call and was getting closer and closer to Du.

"Who?" Du gradually finally felt the danger behind him. Suddenly turned and pulled out the knife. The bright red eyes appear to be doubled.

Han Ling's sword stabbed, soft as the leaves landed, swiftly like the shuttle, and stabbed on the bleeding eyes.

Du gradually used to be a good killer. The last execution of the assassination was two years ago. The dragon king who faced the exorcism of the game was still defeated. Since then, he has been trying to get rid of the identity of the killer, hoping to be more A higher level of security gains more, but the result is the loss of the alert and self-protection ability of the killer.

The two identical swords, Du gradually still can not resist, even did not make a counterattack posture, the only difference is that the two swords are fatal.

At the moment when Du gradually fell, the guard of the corner was slightly moved. This was the best time to shoot, but he immediately stabilized his body shape. The Dragon King did not move, and he did not want to move.

"Your name is Han Ling?" Gu Shen asked, Han Fen nodded behind him, but did not dare to speak out. She recognized this Xiaoyuetang disciple, but she felt very strange.

Han Ling bent over and carefully observed the body. After a while, he raised his head and said, "There is too much blood flow, indicating that I have not yet controlled the murderousness of my heart. The sword must be attacked and defended, and the heart must be attacked and defended. It is too difficult. It’s too difficult for Xiaoyue’s swordsmanship.”

Han Fen’s courage was a little bigger, and the probe said: “If you are too difficult, don’t practice, why bother?”

"You are always so sloppy." Han Ling is not confused, she still remembers Han Fen, "If you don't have a sergeant, you will die."

Han Fen smiled. "I am the little 佞 佞 ’ 御." This is the new word she learned in the North Court, and she has always been a derogatory.

Han Ling shook his head. "No, it will be a little worse. I have to work harder." She looked at the Dragon King. "I heard that you will also know the Moon Sword, and it is only a little worse than the Royal Master?"

"The dead are slashed by the sword." Gu Shen corrected, "Your sect is learned from me."

"It doesn't matter who learns with whom. If you practice swordsmanship, you must look at savvy. After school, you may not be able to progress. If you kill enough people, I will be invincible."

The dead man must be promoted in actual combat, especially in the early days of learning the sword. Everyone who kills a person has a lot of benefits, but let their own people kill each other. Gu Shen does not understand how the wild horse thinks, but does not understand why the lotus girl will Indulge regardless.

"You have been wrong." He said that he felt like a younger child to talk about the classics. "It is a suicide way to kill people too quickly."

"What about that?" Han Ling’s eyes flashed with madness. "The sorrow of the living, the peace of the dead, isn’t the best way to die? Instantly invincible, instantly destroyed..."

Han Ling seems to be awkward, and he looks at the sword in his hand, suddenly flashing his body and stabbing the guard standing against the wall.

The guards have always been on alert, but this sword suddenly came out, he still felt that he couldn’t help, and he simply did not avoid it. He slashed his sword and used the same tricks.

The dead have been attacked and defended by the sword, so that the sword must believe that their sword will be a little faster than the enemy. Without such a paranoid belief, even the threshold of the dead can not be achieved.

Han Ling has already passed the threshold. For Xiaoyuetang disciples, it is easier to ignore their own life and death than ordinary people.

With a knife and a sword, it is necessary to stab the target, and the third weapon is added.

In the eyes of Gu Shenwei. Han Ling's sword method only trained to the entry stage. Since watching the graphics in the Jinpengbao stone room, Gu Shen made a more accurate judgment on the sword of the dead man. Han Ling just got his mind and he has already acted.

The narrow knife and the long sword broke at the same time, leaving only the five-peak knife in the middle.

The guards immediately pulled aside and kept a distance of more than ten steps from everyone.

This is a major blow to Han Ling. She has gone far enough on the sword, but she still has no experience and skill in how to resolve the power of resurgence.

She took the broken sword and continued to take a step. It seems that the offensive should be turned to the Dragon King, and the right foot will fall, but the person will spit out a large mouth of blood, and can no longer hold the sword and hold the wall to crumbling.

Han Fen came to help her. "Don't worry about vomiting blood, Dragon King is so powerful, but he is not a shame."

Gu Shen knows the problem and puts his hand on Han Ling’s heart and enters a pure mustard.

After a while, Han Ling could stand up and stop vomiting blood. His face was white like paper, but his eyes were normal. "I... I failed. I will never practice Xiaoyue Jianfa?"

"Well. I can never practice." Gu Shen knows that she must never give her illusory hopes. "The swordsmanship you learned is incomplete, and there are problems with practicing the law. It has already gone astray. How can it be practiced as a sword?"

"But this is the royal master..."

"She personally passed your sword?"

"No, it is a wild horse."

"The wild horse is a bad guy." Han Fen said with a grin. "Fake the slogan's will."

"There is no denial of the clerk." Han Ling's thinking is getting clearer and clearer.

"She may have her embarrassment, tell me what everyone is doing? Where is the prince?"

Han Ling looked at the Dragon King and did not speak. Han Fen urged: "Let's talk about it, the Dragon King is here to help the squad, let's eliminate the wild horse."

"Everyone is practicing the sword. The priests don't know where they are, and the people who pass the customs can see her."

"Let's practice the sword? Do you practice this sword?" Han Fen asked strangely.

"Well, the order of the imperial guards... No, it is the wild horse, his order, he said that everyone's swordsmanship has made a difference. It is useless to kill the swordsmen of Yucheng City. They can only verify each other and improve each other. From yesterday or the day before yesterday, we have been fighting each other, I killed eleven. Ah... I did everything, and three of the eleven were Xiaoyuetang disciples."

"Do you listen to this kind of order?" Han Fen was not only surprised, but also very angry.

"Everyone thought that this was the command of the imperial division, and... and once the Xiaoyue swordsmanship was practiced, it would be difficult to stop. When one thought of killing one person, the sword would be improved..."

Gu Shen can understand Han Ling's feelings. He had similar experiences with the Dutch women. The fear and vigilance against the ignorance made the two people not get deeper and deeper. "No one tells you the consequences of practicing the sword quickly?" ”

"No, the Mustang seems to have mentioned the counter-attack, but there is not much explanation. I always think that it is a beautiful way to die."

"Is it better than a corpse?" Han Fen asked in dissatisfaction.

Xiaoyuetang’s disciples’ attitude towards death is different from that of normal people. Gu Shen is unintentionally entangled in this. “Where is the wild horse? Where is he?”

"The last time I saw him was in the heart of the lake, he killed the most, everyone killed, everyone was hiding from him."

"take me to."

Han Ling nodded and saw Han Fen going to get the torch on the wall and hurriedly said, "Don't have light, it will attract countless sneak attacks."

Han Ling took the lead, and the three walked toward the dark corridor. The surviving guards threw away half of the knife and followed it up. They still kept the proper distance. No one asked him why, and no one drove him.

After falling into the dark again, he stepped up and shortened the distance from the people in front. With years of training, he could feel the partner in front.

Han Ling is obviously very familiar with the underground palace. He walks very fast and turns around. He has no hesitation. She also knows where the swordsmen may be hidden and avoids them as early as possible.

The road was surprisingly smooth until they saw the lonely lamp and understood the reason.

The light is like a fat bait, attracting swordsmen from all directions.

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