Death Sutra

Chapter 933: Seven kills

"The sword of killing is murderous. When the weapon penetrates into the enemy, it feels supreme. If you are ignorant, you only kill the heart when the enemy appears in front of you. It is the sword of killing, stand here. 【

Gu Shenwei pointed to the right hand of the woman, and everyone in the hall meditated. After a while, some people went from right to left, and more people went from left to right.

These people's swords are all derived from the lotus girl. The Dutch woman only teaches what she thinks is correct, that is, the practice of killing her cultivation. Therefore, most people stay in this range, and the people on both sides become extremely Balanced, there are more than one hundred and twenty people in the right hand of the female, and there are fewer than thirty people in the opposite.

There are some people on both sides who are not sure about their practice, waiting to hear the Dragon King continue to speak.

"Sword of the sword, murderous, often imagining that he is the sword in his hand. When the move is made, the sword is one. Others usually straighten their arms, but your arms are bent. I hope the body and the sword are closer together, and the strength is stronger. Some, please stand here."

The old man of the wood is guarded by the Dragon King. Although he will not be able to play the sword, he will be more serious than everyone else. "This kind of practice is also ‘killing enough’?”

"Well, every practice I want to talk about next is based on murder."

This is Gu Shenwei's guess. Since the Dutch woman only teaches killing and practicing, the sword learners can't have a completely different practice no matter how they break through. He has visited all the seven sword stone chambers in Jinpengbao and carefully read them. In the three, the difference between the various methods of practice is becoming more and more clear in his eyes, and there are exactly seven kinds of exercises based on murder.

The four swordsmen on the left and the swordsman on the right came out and stood by the entrance wall. They looked at each other, and they both had the feeling of sympathy and the feeling of not wearing the sky.

"Not only murderous, but also often hateful in the heart. Even when the other party is a stranger, it is treated as an enemy. The sword is fierce and often passes through. This is the sword of hate killing."

Unexpectedly, I realized that there are quite a lot of people practicing this kind of practice. There are eleven people on the left and six people on the right. Standing in front of the swordsman, no one is jealous of each other, all of them bow their heads. Suddenly, everyone can feel the hatred of these people.

Seventeen people. Without exception, Xiaoyuetang female disciples, from childhood to hate training, blossomed on them.

"Like hate killing, with anger, even if there are no one around, there is often no anger to the sky. Every time at this time, I feel the strongest force. The sword is also the most convenient. The sword of hate killing is in people, insulting The sword is in the body, standing here."

Seven men and one woman came out and their eyes swept over the crowd. After the Dragon King, he did not back down.

"To kill people, even if the other party does not martial arts, they must kill them with all their strength. If they do not kill one day, they will feel distressed. I call it the sword of madness."

No one stood up, so I heard a voice saying, "He is dead."

One person has realized this practice. Shortly after the killing, he was attacked by many swordsmen and killed without being promoted.

Gu Shen nodded and continued: "The sword of survival, this is not intended to kill people. Every time you are in life and death, you can stimulate your potential, and you can use the swordsmanship that you can't display at all.

The old man frowned. "This kind of practice is not very good. You have to wait for someone to kill you. You just want to live." This is not the same as giving up the initiative. It is okay once and for all. Who is so stupid to practice this sword?"

Shangguanhong had been standing in the crowd on the right side. He had just walked a few steps and couldn’t help but face it. It’s too late to retreat. The only thing that comforts him is that two people are on the opposite side. Like him, he seems to be tweaking. It seems that my practice is inferior.

There is no difference between the dead and the various methods of practice. Gu Shenwei said: "Survival is only the mentality when applying swordsmanship. The sword-makers do not have to wait for the other party to make a move. As long as they feel dangerous, the idea of ​​survival will be Rise, the stronger the thought, the more fierce the sword, and even the courage of the strong man to break his wrist, to spare no expense for survival."

"It turns out that it seems that people who practice this kind of sword are usually not cowardly or too suspicious." Wood old man came to a conclusion.

The faces of Shangguanhong and other three people are not so red. The practice of the sword of survival is affirmed by the Dragon King, and the influence of the old man is more affected.

"There is also a kind of sword-killing method based on murderousness. The wild horse calls it the sword of extinction. Those who practice this method regard the sentient beings as hyenas, and regard killing as ordinary, not happy, not angry, not angry, killing. In the meantime, there is no difference between being close to each other and being equal."

The wild horse began to look up, the dragon king described it right, but he was extremely disdainful. He believed that he was the only one. He realized that the sword method is unprecedented. Even one of the exercises prescribed by the predecessors is higher than other exercises. Above the law.

Gu Shen is watching the wild horse.

Most people's eyes fell on these two people, so the left one took a few steps to be noticed.

The old man’s eyes were bright, and he laughed happily: “The little wild horse, you have a companion, or a beautiful woman.”

The person who came out was a disciple of Ming Xiaoyue, who called it a beautiful name, but she was not ugly. She was about 30 years old, and her expression was cold and firm. It was similar to the wild horse.

"The sword of extinction is the strongest practice." The woman came to the front of the dragon king, said coldly, the tone is as firm as the look, no doubt.

"What is your name?" Gu Shen asked.

The woman did not answer, staring at the Dragon King, waiting for him to show his attitude.

"Han Qin, her name is Han Qin." Han Fen, who is next to the lotus girl, called.

"People are divided into strong and weak, and the practice is not divided." Gu Shen speaks to everyone and speaks to himself. Many of his insights and conjectures are clear until then. "There are still a few people, your practice. law……"

There are still eight people on the left. There is no certain practice. Although there are twenty-nine kinds of methods for the dead, but the seven categories are based on murderousness, Gu Shenwei thinks that it is impossible for someone to break through the setting of the lotus girl. A wide range of.

Half of his words, Han Qin interjected: "Wait, the understanding of the sword is the least, isn't it the deepest?"

The old man replied replied: "No, the savage sword has the least number of people to comprehend. There is only one, and it has been killed. So you and the little wild horse have no great swordsmanship, one of them."

Han Qin slightly narrowed her eyes, she listened enough, to prove the power of the practice method with a long sword.

Gu Shen is ready to kill, and it is hard to eliminate it. He does not want to kill more, but he has no obligation to give up.

The hall was quiet, and the old man stepped back to the venue a few steps. He was excited to wait for the dragon king to display the sword. As a result, the dragon king retreated like him.

The wild horse came out, holding the sword of the sheath in his hand, staring at Han Qin.

Han Qin turned around, a little surprised, and soon understood that the wild horse did not allow others to comprehend the same practice as himself.

She is the same.

All sentient beings can't be killed, and the wild horses are no exception. Han Fen pulls out the sword, and his feelings are determined to be somewhat reluctant, but his heart is slightly embarrassed. This is a wild horse. He gets swords earlier than her and kills more than her. If the dragon king That's right, the practice is equal to the strength of the people, the wild horse is obviously the stronger one.

Fear is lighter than sigh, and Han Qin has a sword.

In the eyes of most people, the swords of Mustang and Han Qin are disappointing. The two are like the scorpions who are bullying the honest people. They are not holding long swords but daggers, stabbing straight against the lower abdomen. Not fast or move, as if the other party is honest and will not evade.

The two really didn't hide, but the wild horse's sword was a little faster.

A sword and two swords, the wild horse stabbed in the belly of Han Qin and turned a blind eye to the sword in her hand.

At the same time that Han Qin fell, the wild horse turned and scanned the crowd.

Everyone feels the pressure from the face, and they can't help but bow down. The wild horse's swordsmanship may not be surprising. His momentum is less powerful.

Gu Shen, who is closest to him, is quiet and does not seem to think that the victory of the Mustang is great.

The old man is not moving. His current martial arts are a little worse than many people here. The knowledge is still the first-rate. "I understand, I also feel that the seven methods are based on murderousness, no matter what the surface difference is. In fact, the difference is the same, the stronger the murderous power, the more powerful, why? The enemy is murderous, the speed will weaken, so ah, let the enemy be slower than yourself is also a way to get faster, Han Qin has not shot yet It’s just that I don’t know it. The murder of the little wild horse is so crowded, so he is also the best, right?”

"It's almost what it means." Gu Shenwei asked the old man of the wood, as if the killing that just happened was just a simple show.

Han Fen is not convinced. "The ancestors trained the sword first, and the murderous is also the strongest, stronger than the wild horse."

"Oh, maybe you are right. You a few, sure that there is no practice, or do you have another new practice?" Mu Laotou did not want to entangle with Han Fen and asked the last eight people.

Eight people have already thought about it. The seven people went to the right and joined the queue of the sword of killing. One person stood with the companion of the sword of hate.

The old man of the wood rushed to the wild horse and said with a smile: "Well, little wild horse, you have proved that you are the strongest person in the sword, you can retire."

The wild horse did not move, and the old man screamed at the big eyes: "The Dragon King has no new moves and there is no explanation. Do you want to see it? Go back!"

The wild horse returned to the woman, and everyone in the hall admired the courage of the old man, but they felt that he probably could not walk out of the underground palace.

"The strongest murderousness can even catch people's minds, and many new moves are born." Gu Shenwei said, the backhand pulls the knife and lifts it high. The blade is slanting downwards and slowly stabbing as if standing in front of him. Enemy that has been scared.

This move is too simple, and there are loopholes everywhere, even the old man can't see the mystery. "Hey, the strong murder is not so powerful, the small wild horse top makes the opponent a little slower, the dragon king this trick Is it equal to asking the enemy to give up resistance, is it too exaggerated?"

The old man said the idea of ​​everyone.

"It's not an exaggeration." The Dutch girl suddenly spoke. She had been sitting in a chair and staring at it, as if she had never paid attention to what happened inside the hall.

"Can you do it?" Wood old man did not believe it.

The lotus girl stood up and walked slowly to the front of the old man, and slammed him down. "I can."

(Seeking for a recommendation)

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