Death Sutra

Chapter 939: Leverage

The knife and the sword are tightly attached together, and for a moment, no one can advance forward, like being melted into one by the fire. Literature wxba

"Hands!" Wood old man cried, Dragon King and Mustang are competing for internal strength, this is the best and only opportunity to kill the enemy. Of course, the person who shot is not his, he does not have the ability and courage.

The lotus woman holds the sword in her hand and keeps an eye on the two people standing still, and turns a deaf ear to the reminder of the old man.

Han Fen didn't realize the danger. He stepped forward and tried to make a move, but he was stunned back by the sergeant.

"Lotus, you..." Wood old man cried in surprise, feeling that things were not right.

The sword resumed moving. Specifically, it was the sword of the Mustang that was sticking to the Dragon King's knife. It started to be a bit slow, and soon it was like a broken bamboo. The sword intersected and made a harsh rubbing sound.

Gu Shen sighed and screamed, slashed and leaped, and spit out a blood after landing, and a sword in the chest, but only a little blood.

For the first time since the casting, the Wufeng knife fell from the owner's hand to the ground.

The old man of the wood is stunned. The sword of the wild horse is not fatal. The dragon vomiting blood is obviously suffering from internal injuries. The dragon king is also a godless and mustard. The internal strength should be stronger than the wild horse. Why is it defeated? Is it true that the dead are not only the swordsmanship, but also the internal strength?

Many doubts were just flashing past. Among them, the old man of the woods first recovered from the shock, and snorted and disappeared behind a dozen legs.

Shangguanfei was even more shocked. He grabbed the Tianshan **** around him. " have to protect me, my mother will give you..."

"The Dragon King is still not dead." The guard said coldly.

Shangguan Fei fixed his eyes and looked at it. Sure enough, although the Dragon King vomited blood, his face had a little more blush, but he was more spirited than usual, and he stood very stable. Then I walked to the wild horse.

The wild horse that won a trick was very ugly, as if it was greatly deceived, and there was no such thing as "killing".

The old man headed out from Han Fen and looked at his head. He looked at his eyes and suddenly laughed. The whole person came out and said loudly: "The dragon king is really wonderful. Little wild horse, you can really be convinced this time."

Han Fen scratched his forehead. "What is the trick of the Dragon King? The knife is lost, and people are also vomiting blood."

The old man looked at the dragon king and knew that he could explain. "The dragon king spit blood, and there is a turbidity in his body. It often leads to ignorance. He can't remove it by himself. With external force, few people have it. So powerful skills, I did not expect the wild horse to help a lot today, haha, Dragon King. I am right?"

"Almost." Gu Shenwei said, standing barefoot opposite the wild horse, his knife fell to the foot of the wild horse. "I feel much better now."

The dead have a hidden effect. If he failed to kill his opponent at the time, he might temporarily lose his skill. When the Mustang was the result, he had to accept the forgiveness of Shangguan. Wandering into the grasslands.

Gu Shen was not aware of it earlier, and only discovered it after a long time. However, in recent years, he rarely used purely dead swords, and naturally he never touched such a thing. Today, he tried it on himself.

After the death is finally a set of swordsmanship, it is impossible to enhance internal forces. It only uses internal forces and stimulates potential. The general martial function makes the internal strength of 70% or 80% even if it ends. The so-called "full force" is just a description, but the dead man Can force the master to play the true ten success, and even more.

Therefore, the skill of the wild horse is not as good as that of the Dragon King. In actual combat, it is weak and strong. Gu Shen constantly encourages the wild horse to “help” him to improve the sword faster. What is necessary is the powerful internal force.

The wild horse did it. He touched the doorway and saw the new realm. The infuriating moment of the sword was several times the strength of his own body. So he smashed all the way and broke through all the resistance of the dragon king. He only made a blow. What the Dragon King used to greet was the cold ice.

If the ice can think hard, it can't think of the owner who often uses himself as an attacking means, and suddenly uses it to initiate a suicide resistance.

The wild horses have defeated the cold ice. As the old man guessed, Gu Shenwei finally spit out the turbidity that has accumulated for many years. This is a trick to take care of the dangers. He is still not sure that the hidden dangers of the fire have been completely eliminated, but he is now The feeling - very good.

Even if she lost the Wufeng knife, spit out a blood, and suffered some internal injuries, Gu Shenwei still felt a relaxed, how many years, the cold ice is like a wolf sleeping next to the lamb, waking up from time to time to play with food. Occasionally it helps the lamb to block other beasts, but it will eventually swallow the lamb as it grows up.

Gu Shen was accustomed to the existence of this wolf, but the pressure in her heart never decreased. Until today, it was expelled by a more violent force.

The only thing he worried about was that the effect of the dead man's elimination of skill was only temporary, and the ice might not be able to make a comeback.

Gu Shen has run the Zhou dynasty for the yin and yang in the body. It is smooth and unobstructed. There is no stagnation, and the ice is so violent that there is no trace left.

The Mustang was not injured, and the chill was not able to fight back in the face of too powerful power. It did not enter the enemy and dissipated.

But he was exploited, and the slaves were the same as before, with a set of mouths and a set behind them, and the wild horses could no longer contain the anger in their hearts.

He has learned to bring luck to the slaves, to understand more thoroughly, to improve more quickly, and there is no power in the world to stop him from killing the enemy.

The life of the slave is still different from that of ordinary people. The slave is an enemy. Killing him always brings great joy. This is something that no other person, including a woman, can do.

The wild horse can kill the lotus girl without hesitation, but does not hate her. He hates only the slaves. The dead have pushed this hatred to the extreme.

He made another move.

Between him and the Dragon King is the Dutch woman.

No one knows more about the Dragon King than she knows. The old man can guess some truth afterwards. She understands the Dragon King's intention from the beginning, especially the coldness of the ice is what she "plants".

The wild horse is a little hesitant. The Dutch woman has a permanent antidote to the coagulation brain. The killing of her is equal to breaking a road. The influence of the dead man has already entered the bone marrow. The wild horse is hesitating, but there is no pause in his hand.

First kill and say, the wild horse believes that if you do not vent the murderous smolder in your heart, it is him who dies.

The murderousness of the two is quite similar. Whoever can’t stand the other side can only rely on the actual swordsmanship.

The wild horse had not made any moves, and the old man started his action. He jumped over and flew over the head of Han Fen, knocking down a torch on the wall and creating a darkness around him.

The Dragon King has been using the strange trick to face the wild horse, but the dumb sword is getting stronger and stronger. This is not a long-term solution. The old man should arrange a retreat for himself.

The two swords had just touched, and the torches in the hall were extinguished one by one.

Shangguanfei is a follower and imitator of the old man. The old man just jumped up. Shangguanfei immediately turned around and knocked off the torch on his head. His feet were extinguished and the speed was faster.

The Xiaoyuetang and the Deyilou disciples in the hall are in a state of utter disappointment. Any hint of it can cause repercussions. Many people standing by the wall simply don’t understand the meaning of extinguishing the fire, so they follow suit.

"Hey, why? Don't turn off the fire... keep one... I can't see anything... the princes..." With the exclaim of Han Fen, the whole hall fell into the dark.

Seeing is believing, but it is also easier to be imaginary. Once the wild horse and the lotus girl disappeared in sight, even the murderousness of the two men weakened a lot, and the invisible line bound by many disciples suddenly broke. Understand the intention of playing a fire extinguisher - you can run away.

No matter what the training method they originally chose, there is only one kind of idea--survival, which is different from Shangguanhong’s will to transform into power. They simply want to live, and all the power is used to escape. on.

The Dragon King told them that the end of the Xiaoyue swordsmanship was death, but the wild horse was the real hero who broke more than one hundred and fifty dreams. His murderous and increasingly strong swordsmanship did not arouse the enthusiasm of the disciples, but instead let They are discouraged, and the wild horses represent areas that they will never reach.

In the dark hall, there was chaos, and everyone rushed to the narrow exit and huddled together. When they found that there was no road in front, many people waved their swords.

"Be careful, don't kill." Someone shouted, they still remember the words of the woman, afraid to accidentally kill the person who knows the antidote formula.

This reminder only lasts for a very short period of time. The screams of several swordsmen dispel it. Compared with the threats in front of you, the antidote seems too far away.

The screams soon rang, but few people ran out of the hall.

"Stupid people, don't run around, all stand on the wall, go out one by one." The voice of the old man was overwhelmed by the screams. He was very good at work and flexible, but he still couldn't escape from the crowd. The most important thing to go out is that he wants to know the result of the duel and is reluctant to run away.

"Post wall, wall." More and more people shouted, I think this is a good idea, the screams have finally decreased, and occasionally it is also to fight for a foothold.

Surprisingly quiet, I can only hear the intense breathing of one after another. Han Fen’s voice first sounded. "Yu Master, are you alive? Dragon King, are you alive?"

The duel seems to be over, or else both sides can't find the target, and they are holding their breath and waiting for the other side to show their feet.

"Stupid Han Fen, do you want the lotus girl and the Dragon King to be exposed?" The old man yelled, erecting his ears and listening more seriously than anyone else.

"Yeah, that... wild horse, are you alive? You can't talk, you can do it."

Wood old man just wanted to say "stupid", a sound he is familiar with.

"Turn on the torch." Gu Shen ordered.

The old man was overjoyed, but there was no ignition in his body. "Quickly, the Dragon King won, and the Mustang must have died."

In the end, a disciple from the prestigious floor grabbed the torch first, and the light flashed and was immediately extinguished by him.

At that moment, everyone could see clearly, the wild horse did not die, still standing in the middle of the hall with the sword, five steps away from the Dragon King and the Dutch woman.

(The network is ventilated, it only takes a long time to come up and let everyone wait.)

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