Death Sutra

Chapter 952: Hand palm

Pang Jing gently throws gold nuggets up and down, and looks at it every two or three times. It is not too tired, not like watching the clues above, it seems that the profiteers are calculating the color. Literature Museum

Meng Mingshu sat diagonally opposite, with his eyes on the same as the gold nuggets, as if he was hypnotized, his expression was sluggish, and he forgot to ask his own questions.

The two have seen each other several times. In Pang Jing’s mind, this is probably a process from strange to intimate, so it is more informal, with one foot on the ground and the other on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair and suddenly catching Living in the gold nugget, turned and smiled: "Old Meng, you have not told me, is this gold your home?"

The name "Old Meng" reminds Meng Mingshu of his father and hurriedly replied: "Forgiveness and forgiveness, I am distracted, hey, it seems that this is indeed a Meng family, but..."

"What is it?"

"Don't be an adult..."

"Hey, why are you so polite? There are no outsiders in front of you. It doesn't matter if you call me "Little Pang" or "Pang Laodi"."

Meng Mingshu showed a flattered smile, but he called "Pang Brother". This name is more general. "I don’t know what Pang brother said. In the past two years, Meng’s internal troubles have been constantly plagued, and there is a family thief. Therefore, this gold is my home. I am not robbed, I am not sure."

On this perfunctory answer, Pang Jing was not angry. Instead, he went to Meng Mingshu and took two shots on his shoulder. "In any case, this is an important clue. I have sent people to check. You have to know, It’s not easy to get this piece of gold. Tianshan Zong and the guardian army are all looking at it. Fortunately, I went faster, grabbed it, and the heads of both of them were not there. No one dared to stop me. Haha.”

"Pang brother took the opportunity to stand up, Meng Mou admire."

"Actually, I admire you more, Lao Meng, you have no family at all, still not so anxious, not as good as my outsider, this calm, really makes me jealous."

Meng Mingshu felt a shock in his heart and realized that he had played too much. He stood up and slammed his right fist on the left palm. "Hey, Pang brother, you don't know. I am not in a hurry? I really have suicidal hearts, but I can go to the ground and see my father and my ancestors." The face is now just a smile, where is the 'staying'?"

Pang Jing was slightly shocked. "Meng's family was robbed. Meng brother is a victim. Even if he doesn't look around, he doesn't need to smile. How can he be afraid of offending people?"

"This... I saw it with Pang brother, and Pang brother is a nobleman of the Central Plains. I will tell you directly. This Yucheng City is very deep in water. The rule is to eat big fish, and Meng is at best a fish." The nature that dares to grab the Meng family is a big fish. I have no way of thinking, I am afraid to accidentally offend the big fish. Being swallowed by others, I can't keep my life."

"Oh, a bunch of fish, tell me, who is the big fish in Saitama?"

"You don't have to say that Pang brother should know."

"The one-step king and the dragon king?"


"Which Meng brother doubts which one?"

Meng Mingshu expected that there would be a day in the morning and evening, but his heart was solid, and his face was so desperate that he could not help but whispered: "The one-step king."

"Jinpeng Fort and Meng's friendship for many years, is also an in-law, how can Meng brother doubt the one-step king?"

"In the past, Jinpengbao was a killer. Some things were inconvenient to openly, and they were handed over to our Meng family. The cooperation was fairly smooth. The two sides had nothing to do with each other. They could only be the real king, and they would cut down on the killer and then use nothing. Things are hiding in the dark, naturally the Meng family is redundant. My father... In fact, more than a year ago, he died under the killer knife. Jinpengbao also sent a fake person to hide his eyes and ears. The Meng family said that it was robbed overnight, actually I Suspicion has long been transferred by Jinpengbao, so it kills the counterfeiters and creates the illusion of robbery."

In this passage, Meng Mingshu said that he had swayed and swayed, there was reasonable and reasonable speculation, and there was deep indignation, and even he believed in it.

Pang Jing obviously believes, can't stop nodding. "It makes sense. I said, with the relationship between Mengjia and Jinpengbao, even if Meng brother does not speak, the one-step king should take the initiative to preside over justice for the Meng family. But it’s silent, as if I haven’t heard about robbery.”

Meng Mingshu sighed and sighed. "I also talked privately with Pang Xiong. I don't dare to ask for money. I will be satisfied if I can save my life."

"Ha ha." Pang Jing smiled twice, his right hand pressed on Meng Mingshu's shoulder, looking for a moment, "Why don't you find the Dragon King to help? He is a deadly enemy with the One Step King."

"Which dare?" Meng Mingshu was astonished to hear the news that the sky was falling. "I live in the North City, just like living in the hands of the One Step King. Every move is in the eyes of Jinpengbao."

"Well, I understand your worries. If, I mean, if I can let the Dragon King come forward and help you to return or grab back the wealth of Mengjia, what do you think?"

"Jinpeng Fort..."

"What are you afraid of? If the Dragon King is the city owner, the North City will not be in the hands of the One Step King."

"Can the Dragon King be a city owner?"

"So if it is."

"That... of course it's best."

"But I think the Dragon King is good, someone is worth it. As a city owner, I will definitely not help. The Central Plains can exert some pressure. Is Mengxiong willing to pay a price?"

Meng Mingshu suddenly woke up, Pang Jing said that he was actually asking for his own, Meng Mingshu bite his teeth, "recovered, like Godsend, I have no price to pay? I would like to donate half of the property to help people."

Leaving the official residence of the governor, Meng Mingshu had a cold sweat, and flew back to Bodhi Garden. The more he thought about it, the more he felt afraid. Pang Jing was deeply distressed, and he was pretending to be confused from beginning to end.

He eagerly wanted to see the Dragon King, but he did not dare to act rashly. He could only write a letter to Xiao Fengxi, concealing his intentions.

The letter has not been written yet, and the servant came in to inform Lu Qiying to see him.

Meng Mingshu thought for a while before remembering the name Lu Qiying, knowing that he was a businessman working for the Dragon King, could not help but be surprised and happy, hurriedly invited into the study.

Lu Qiying is not the same as before. At the beginning, he was the treasurer of the South Wall Tavern. Don’t say that he met with the parents of Meng’s parents in the study room of Bodhi Garden. He did not even have the qualification to enter the gate. Now he has the largest caravan of Saitama City. Close to gold. Behind the dragon king, the Meng family has fallen into ruin.

Lu Qiying stood in the middle of the study, carrying both hands, looking left and right, a feeling of sorrow, seeing Meng Mingshu's first sentence is: "This Bodhi Garden is not as good as the original, you need to rectify."

Meng Mingshu has a glimpse of it. I don’t understand what this strange language means. “What is the teaching of Lu’s treasurer?”

Lu Qiying brows slightly wrinkled. Few people now call him "the treasurer". They usually call him "Lu Lao". "I heard that there is a big hole under the Bodhi Garden. How did the Meng family handle it?"

Lu Qiying is so proud, Meng Mingshu is a glimpse. "The four sides are blocked, and a few holes are cut in the middle. Just wait for the river to freeze, and the flood is over. Hey, what the **** are you doing?"

"Come to buy Bodhi Garden."

Meng Mingshu did not respond for a moment, his brain turned a few turns, suddenly furious. "Who sent you? Just because of you, you are not qualified to live in Bodhi Garden. Get out now!"

Meng Mingshu became angry for the first time after becoming a parent, and suddenly broke the embankment like a flood. Leaving it out, leaving behind the fear of months.

After being shackled for almost a quarter of an hour, Lu Qiying actually looked untouched, but smiled. "Okay, the servants outside should hear the same. Meng Ergongzi, let's say something serious."

Meng Mingshu’s anger stopped abruptly. “You, you are... sent by the Dragon King?”

Lu Qiying shook her head. "I came from the life of Mrs. Xiao."

"Feng 钗?" Meng Mingshu vaguely still has the impression that Xiao Fengqi seems to be inconsistent with Lu Qiying, how can he be entrusted to see him? In the tone of change, "that woman, we broke up..."

"Oh, Meng Ergong is really cautious, but fortunately I have a token."

Lu Qiying took out a jade, and Meng Mingshu recognized it as a gift he gave to Xiao Fengqi. "You really... Feng Yan let you come to something?"

"There is something, big things."

Meng Mingshu still had anger in his heart, his face was bright, and he went to the door and looked out through the door for a while. When he turned around, his look returned to normal. "Say."

"Meng Ergongzi saw the gold nugget in the official city of Duke?"


“Is it really Meng’s?”


"Has Meng Ergong had thought about how the gold nuggets flowed out?"

"I don't know, it is reasonable to say... What did the Dragon King think?"

"I said it, it wasn't the Dragon King who sent me."

Meng Mingshu heard a word, immediately alerted him, regretted his own words, should not take the initiative to mention the Dragon King, "Don't just ask me, let me talk about what you mean."

Lu Qiying smiled slightly. "I mean... Mrs. Xiao means that the case of robbery has been calm. The appearance of the gold nugget is not an accident, but someone has deliberately arranged it. I want this thing to re-emerge. ""

"What mystery?" Meng Mingshu always believed Xiao Fengxi's judgment, but Lu Qiying did not have a good impression, and the voice seemed very cold.

Lu Qiying did not want to discuss Meng Er’s likes at all. Instead, she held up and walked back and forth in the study for a few laps. She suddenly stopped and said, "We all know that robbery is a fake, a scene, I’m afraid someone wants it. Let the fake play become true."

Meng Mingshu felt that his mind was used up in the governor's government. He was puzzled by Lu Qiying's suggestion. After a while, he woke up and couldn't help but be shocked. He also had a cold sweat. "You, you... Feng Wei, who are you for?" work?"

"Money, I am doing things for money. Mrs. Xiao is doing things for you. She regards you as the destination of the future. I don't want you to be unclear."

Meng Mingshu sat in a chair and muttered to himself: "Dragon King wants to do fake drama, is it necessary to get rid of me?"

"Not just you, we are afraid that these insiders can't run, Meng Ergong, have to prepare early, Mrs. Xiao can still count on you."

"What can I do? Ask for help from the One Step King? He won't let me go."

"Hey, Meng Ergong is clever and confused. Madame Xiao asked me to tell you that the jade city is about to undergo a drastic change. It is not important to be a city owner. There is only one person in power."

"Zhongyuan people, Pang Jing." Meng Mingshu then realized that he was in the palm of his hand this day.

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