Death Sutra

Chapter 958: Storeroom

Gao Yang was so excited that he danced and his chain was screaming. "Yes, you hired me to kill. This time you can find evidence. You are the dragon king's men, right?"

Duan Zihua shook his head indifferently, "No."

Meng Mingshu has not seen the ominous signs from this simple answer. He explained loudly to the old servant: "He is a man of my family. He was coerced by the Dragon King. He should be outside, stealing the property of Mengjia, and has been replacing it since then. Dragon King does things. Duan Zihua, tell everyone the truth."

Duan Zihua turned and squatted on the ground and bowed his head to the little master with respect and respect.

Meng Mingshu was confused. "Duan Zihua, get up and talk, are you not conscience to find that you are returning to the old master? Are you not worried that the Dragon King will kill you? There are Westerners who are guardians, no one dares to move you."

Pang Jingdong Zhang Xiwang, revealing a blank smile, like Meng Mingshu told a big joke, the whole house is not a good person who is not good at observing the words, then there is a hunch, knowing which one will be unlucky.

Meng Mingshu did not see the expression of the guardian adults, so he still urged the old family with confidence. "Duan Zihua, Meng Jia Zhongxing is up to you."

Duan Zihua got up again and stepped back two steps. His look was natural and his voice was loud. He left his responsibility for the Meng family in the previous two prayers. "Homeowners, I have old and small, I can’t help you to deceive. However, Dragon King did not grab the property of Mengjia, and no one had seized the property of Mengjia. Those gold and silver were hidden by you in the old house of Mengfu.

The lobby is silent, everyone understands that their own words at the moment, even a look, may bring unpredictable and serious consequences. Before the situation is clear, the best choice is to play silly.

"Haha." Gao Yang laughed. The man in the room is like a statue. It is really interesting. "Do not bullshit, everyone knows that the money of the Meng family is in the hands of the Dragon King. Isn’t Wu Xuan not getting the gold nugget from the Dragon King?"

Duan Zihua deliberately avoided the eyes of his family and said: "The gold nugget was put in the hands of Wu Xuan. The purpose is to draw everyone's attention, and then planted it to the Dragon King. This is the idea of ​​Meng Mingshu, I..."

His name was spoken from the servant's mouth. Meng Mingshu seemed to have punched a fist and finally woke up. He fell into a huge trap, but he did not know who set it. He took everything. But he lost a clean, violently pounced on Duan Zihua, "贱 slave, you count me! Dragon King, you and the Dragon King..."

Duan Zihua was prepared, stepped back, and said very quickly: "At that time, the old master was just dead, and you were afraid that your position would be unstable. You had to split the property with other ethnic groups, so you made the illusion of robbing money. Everyone It is said that the Dragon King snatched away, the Dragon King did not refute, and you are happy to bear the responsibility. But you can't stand the hardships, anyway, the family has already finished, you are anxious to take out the property, so once again blame the Dragon King. Good name is right ......"

For those who have a bright eye, the situation is clear enough, so four or five people came forward to pull Meng Mingshu, and on the surface, they were convinced, but they actually tied him. Even if he is not allowed to speak, Duan Zihua is unrestrained.

The old servant of the Meng family announced the "conspiracy truth," but everyone heard it, this passage is like a whitewash for the Dragon King.

Meng Mingshu listened more and more anger, and suddenly gave birth to a force, and even broke a few people's arms, "I killed you..." The waist suddenly suffered a real blow, Meng Mingshu fell to the ground with a head, mouth spit Foam, can't speak again.

There was chaos in the lobby. Pang Jing stood up and said loudly: "Quiet, quiet, listen to me, things have developed to this point... It is really unexpected. I believed in the Dragon King from the beginning, but what about this paragraph?" The words are really ridiculous and hard to believe."

"He doesn't mean that Meng's money is still in place? If you look at it, the truth is white." Someone shouted, believing that his advice would not be wrong.

Pang Jing didn't look at Long Wang very naturally. He asked Duan Zihua, "Is the Meng family's money intact?"


"This is not right. Although I came late, I heard that when Meng was separated, Meng Ergong got the Bodhi Garden, and the old house and the warehouse were left to the grandmother, didn't they?"

"The sneak peek, Meng Mingshu has quietly bought the old house with someone else's name."

"Go to Mengjia!"

"Go to the old house!"


Everyone has entered their role. The most important party, Dragon King, is indifferent. His role is the simplest. He is quietly accepting everything on the spot. As long as he does not deny it, he will cooperate with Pang Jing’s plan.

So far, Pang Jing is like a fair businessman, taking advantage of the Dragon King's reputation, but also giving him the corresponding compensation.

Duan Zihua’s rumors that the Dragon King had instigated the homeowner were indispensable. This is the price that the Dragon King has to pay. Anyway, he already has the reputation of robbing money. This rumor is insignificant.

However, Meng Mingshu’s bet failed to lose all the “home property” to the Dragon King, which is a gift from the guardian to the Dragon King.

Gu Shen knows that he will eventually give half of it to Pang Jing according to the agreement.

I don't know who is leading the head. Dozens of people have gone out, and even Meng Mingshu, who has fainted to the ground, has been dragged forward by several people.

When Zhang Yu passed the Gu Shenwei side, he said, "Good business, huh?"

If Shangguan didn't move, his eyes were astonished. It seemed that there was still a trace of blame. The Dutch woman did not move, and the look was as indifferent as ever.

Gu Shenwei followed the crowd and walked out of the house gate. The south screen was hurriedly left, and Xu Xiaoyi greeted him and took over the role of Dragon King's entourage. This small change did not attract anyone's attention.

Coupled with a large number of followers and guards waiting outside, the crowd immediately expanded to hundreds of people, flustered for a while before the order, the soldiers opened the way, Pang Jing and Dragon King lead, the team savagely killed to the old house of Meng.

The team only walked out of the two streets, and the news spread quickly. The crowds came in and were stopped by the soldiers. They could only see the tail of the team far away. This has provided enough talks and excited residents. Even if you discard the principle of caution, you will talk to people you know and don't know on the street. It seems that everything is what they see.

This is the extremely prosperous moment of the rise of rumors, and it is also the stage where the roots are unstable and easy to be manipulated. More than 50 “informed people” are evenly distributed in the north and south cities, and quickly gain a dominant position. Control the direction of most rumors.

This kind of thing is also not noticed.

The old house in Mengfu was indeed sold. The buyer was a mysterious foreigner. The price of the flower was not great. The Meng family’s grandmother felt that she still had many years to live, so she was eager to move away from the right and wrong. At this time the whole family is busy packing things.

Rumors are a step ahead of the team that is looking for evidence. The old lady who hasn’t walked for many years has heard the news and even stood up miraculously, trotting all the way, and the shackles behind them are panting and eager to keep up.

The warehouse was in the back garden, and the management was rushing to pick up the keys. The heart was full of doubts. "The ancestors, the inside is empty..."

The old lady squatted on the face. "You also lie to me if you don't filial piety?"

The three gates were opened one by one, and the warehouses made of huge stones were empty, and the afternoon sun did not reduce the gloom inside.

The old lady rushed in first, but also slammed her feet and knocked on the wall. She found a person alone and eagerly called: "Fast, look for the secret door together, Meng's property can't let the outsiders **** it! You. Have you, stop at the door. How long it will last."

The team of "outsiders" is unstoppable. Meng Mingshu, who has already been awake, has a role to play. He is surrounded by more than a hundred soldiers, breaking through the lines of defense of the old house and breaking into the back garden.

Pang Jing did not rush to the front, but took the Dragon King and stood outside. Together to appreciate the farce that he promoted: the old lady's crying, Meng Mingshu's nonsense, drowning in the accusations of many heads of the Yuyu City.

"Dragon King thinks a little bit?" Pang Jing whispered, he felt safe, and did not let Luo Qikang stay with him.

"Well, but I hope to know earlier."

"Oh. A little joke, anyway, it is harmless to the Dragon King, and the property of Mengjia will be returned to you..."

"Half of them belong to the guardian."

"Ah, I really like it here, I am free and free to talk, and I don't have to hide it. Yes, Xiaofeng is a good woman. Dragon King will not punish her because of me?" Pang Jing blinked his eyes, he The secondary expression will only make Xiao Fengyu more dangerous.

"Let me sell it, too." Gu Shen said.

Pang Jing haha ​​smiled, no longer pleaded for Xiao Fengqi, he was not in the mood to care about the life and death of a prostitute.

"Found it! Found it!" A series of cheers came from the storeroom. A business bank leader ran out in red light and reported the good news. "It was hidden underground. The gold nuggets have never been moved. Meng Mingshu Sure enough, it is a framed dragon king, this kid can be really big. Dragon King, these things are yours, and soon ordered to protect it, the old lady of Meng family to fight hard like a madman."

The Central Plains soldiers have already kept the warehouse, both hard and soft, and all the unrelated people have been smashed out. The old lady of Mengjia still does not give up, and squats on the ground and cries. Several times he wants to rush to the Western Regions, the guardian Pang Jing, who is blocked by the soldiers. Meng Mingshu is lost. Standing on the side, the people around him were against his anger, but he had lost his fighting spirit, his lips trembled a little, and he said nothing.

Gu Shenwei felt almost the same, and Xu Xiaoyi nodded.

Xu Xiaoyi announced loudly: "Quiet a quiet, Dragon King has something to say."

"The truth is white." Gu Shenwei said, the heart is thinking of Zhong Heng's famous saying "solving problems and discovering the truth are two different things." It is true that the relationship between the two is even thinner than that of Meng's family. At this point, I have no intention to pursue it. Since the money in the treasury is owned by me, I will arrange it: I will donate half of it to the Western Regions, because he is fair and impartial."

Pang Jing’s face changed. I didn’t expect Dragon King to give money to himself in public. Before he responded, he didn’t wait for everyone to help. Dragon King continued: “The rest of the time I want to leave to Meng’s family, even though he’s I want to plant it with me, but I forgive him, and tell me that I am not interested in the property of Meng family."

Gu Shen went out, the back was about to disappear, and the shackles of the people burst out. Pang Jing was stunned, and the ominous premonition became more and more intense.

A Central Plains officer rushed into the garden on horseback. When he saw the guards, he called out: "The North Court people...the city officials...the ink came back."

Except for Pang Jing, no one knows the true meaning of this news.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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