Death Sutra

Chapter 960: Overturn

Lu Qiying had baggage ready to flee, but when she thought about everything she had and her dark future, she regretted that her intestines were green. I really didn’t understand why she was so convinced that she was involved in the conspiracy to frame the Dragon King.

Things should not be like this. According to the plan, the Dragon King will surrender the property of the Meng family. He and Xiao Fengxi, together with countless gold and silver, went to Loulan State under the protection of the army and watched the situation in the Yuyu City in the eastern part of the Western Region. .

The result trap was dug at his own feet.

Ten boxes, compared to the caravan owned by Lucy Ying, are simply a slap in the face, but for a fugitive, it seems too much. He is worried, losing more than half, leaving only four, surrounded by four camels. The speed can be faster.

Lu Qiying prepared three horses for himself. In the future, it is estimated that he has to spend on horseback. Even then, he needs some luck.

The only trusted buddy sneaked in and nodded to the owner, saying that he could go.

A small team consisting of seven animals enters the dark street from the back door. The owner of the largest caravan in Saitama City hands-on the camel. If someone sees this scene, they will be shocked.

Lu Qiying looked back and sighed in the heart. This is the North City. I have lived in it for many years. I spent a lot of money on this house. I have to give up if I have not enjoyed much benefit.

The north city is not the south city. The pedestrians on the street are scarce in the dark. After leaving the three streets, Lu Qiying feels relieved. No one is blocking. Maybe the dragon king has not found his betrayal, which gives him a chance to save his life.

The guardian leader of Dongchengmen silently took the small skin bag handed by the buddy, and smashed it, two hundred and two, indicating that the other party was a ruler who knew the rules, so he waved the command to open the door. Let this small team go out.

From here to the agreed place, probably the most dangerous part of the journey, Lu Qiying rode on horses, constantly urging folks and camels, and even want to throw away two boxes, but he can not go to Loulan country empty-handed. There must be silver everywhere.

Jinshan’s Jinshan, Lu Qiying, though full of fear, couldn’t help but imagine the illusory wealth. Unlike ordinary residents, he had enough reason to suspect that the secret of the old house in Mengfu is still fake. The Dragon King is a smart person. And will never give up the benefits for no reason.

When she thought of the cold-looking young man, Lu Qiying trembled in her heart and looked around. I feel that every room may have a killer sent by the Dragon King.

The house was getting thinner and the clouds were scattered, revealing the stars and moons behind. Lu Qiying was surprised to find that the night was so bright. When he was still the pub shopkeeper, he operated almost all night, but he rarely went out after dark.

The guy who led the way back whispered, "Come on, the front is."

The rouge forest is like a giant beast crouching in front. Unreasonable, Lu Qiying was struggling with fear. He would rather walk in the wilderness than to enter the black woodland. "You used to see if they arrived."

"They" are Xiao Fengqi and the Central Plains. Although Pang Jing did not follow the plan, Lu Qiying had no choice but to rely on his protection.

The man patted the horse to the rouge forest. The hoof is so fast that it is shocking. Several camels are not in a hurry. I am very happy to stop and rest for a while, and quietly chew.

After a quarter of an hour. The man returned by horseback. "All arrived, I will wait for you."

Lu Qiying’s trust has been exhausted, saying: “You don’t have to wait, let them out, let’s go, Loulan is in the east, not in the woods.”

"Hey, Mrs. Xiao asked the host to go in and say that it is time to discuss it."

"So far, what is negotiable?" Lu Qiying looked at her buddy. It was a young face. He still remembered the face in front of him. He was mean, but if he was not taking care of him, he was already there. The ditch in Nancheng is rotten.

"This is the meaning of Mrs. Xiao, the master is still in the past, I will look after the animals." The voice of the man is as calm as usual, as if he did not realize the master's doubt.

"Hey, I am not thin to you." Lu Qiying said that in an instant, the stars and moons have become dull.

The buddy squatted for a while. "The dragon king is not thin to you." He said that he rushed to the woodland and shouted: "Lv Qiying wants to escape, Lu Qiying wants to escape!"

Lu Qiying sighed again, but he wanted to escape, but where can he escape? The Central Plains people only used him to persuade Meng Mingshu, and now he is worthless.

Such an obvious fact, Lu Qiying wondered how he had not thought of it.

There was a hoof behind him, and Lu Qiying turned around and saw a small team of people. It stopped far and seemed to be watching the situation here.

Lu Qiying’s heart was moving. These talents were Central Plains soldiers. He had not been completely abandoned by Pang Jing. “I am...” He shouted and was immediately interrupted.

A low horn sounded for a short period of time. Even people who were sleeping in the distance would think that they would have tinnitus even if they heard it. For the Central Plains soldiers, it has a clear meaning. They immediately turned the horse head, Shunyuan Road. go away.

Lu Qiying was impulsive and wanted to catch up with the horse. But the limbs were like a spell. How could it not move until the Central Plains soldier disappeared? He finally accepted his life.

Another small team came from the rouge forest, and the team leader was a young swordsman.

Lu Qiying recognized Chu Nanping, "Xiao Fengyi sells me?"

There is no opening in the south screen.

Lu Qiying looked at her four boxes and suddenly felt that she was really stupid and ridiculous. "Xiaochu, telling the dragon king for me, Xiao Fengxi is the mastermind, I... I am sorry for him."

"You go and say it yourself." The answer from Chu Nanping gave Lu Qiying a glimmer of hope.

Xiao Fengqi, who should have appeared in the Rouge Forest, still stayed at the home of Beicheng. When Mengzi’s old family member, Duan Zihua, accused the owner of the news, she knew that she had been deceived and immediately gave up the escape plan and waited for the arrival of the Dragon King.

When she was a rare plaything, she regarded the man as a ladder, stepped on it, never looked back, but she did not expect to be deceived by a man.

When Pang Jing frequently met with various people in Saitama City, he did not ignore Xiao Fengqi, and he personally came to the door. His praises were more straightforward than those of the Western Region thieves who came here, but the words were more refined.

Xiao Fengyi was used to the praise of a man. Of course, it would not be floated by a nobleman of the Central Plains. She politely received the guests and then reported the whole process to the Dragon King.

Then the guest came to the door, knocking on the side, trying to use the love of the guardian adults and the powerful of the Central Plains to persuade the dragon king to manage the money to arrange a retreat, Xiao Fengqi is still polite, but his heart has not wavered.

The lobbyist probably also saw this, so he made a handful of bricks from the Meng family. "The Dragon King has been lying to you and everyone. He has never grabbed the property of Mengjia. All the gold and silver are now. In the hands of the Central Plains, consider it. Once the news comes out, the people who want the debt will flock to it. The Dragon King can repay the account, but you will be discredited. The most important thing is that there is nothing in Meng Eryi, and you have nothing."

Xiao Fengqi follows one of the simplest principles. Whoever is loyal to whom the money is in her hands, so she is tempted. The process of persuasion is still reported to the Dragon King, but there is no mention of the BRIC.

Pang Jing once again went to the door and performed like most men. He remembered the most famous woman in the lane, and used his position to cover it. Xiao Fengyi reported this to the Dragon King. In fact, the meeting was not a matter of time. It is a negotiation that is straightforward.

Xiao Feng asked for 20% of Meng’s wealth. The conditions were the same as what she had mentioned to Long Wang. Pang Jing agreed and gave her a task to persuade Meng Mingshu to accuse the Dragon King.

Xiao Fengyi transferred this tricky task to Lu Qiying, concealing the important fact of who the property is in, and compiled a set of rhetoric, which is easy for her.

Lu Qiying has long been fascinated by Xiao Fengxi. He has always regretted that when he was developed, the most famous prostitute in Saitama City washed his hands in the golden basin. In the face of temptation, he fell at the speed of young people.

"That's it." She said, her expression is calm and there is no concealment. "I am too confident, thinking that there is no man in the world who can't control it. As a result, the Central Plains people lost their foreheads."

Xu Xiaoyi swallowed his throat. When he was a child, Xiao Fengqi became famous. After so many years, she still had no charm. "Dragon King, Dragon King has not been confused by you." He said, to cover up the stirring in his heart.

"Dragon King is not a man." Xiao Fengxi said that his expression was a bit stunned and seemed to fall into memory.

Xu Xiaoyi thinks that it is a veteran of the wind, and suddenly understands the attraction of Xiao Fengqi, not beautiful, not fame, but the attitude that is not far from near, so that men feel that she is high, but at your fingertips. He has this feeling: as long as you pay a little price, you can get this seemingly impossible woman.

But he finally stayed awake, knowing that the so-called "a little price" is not small, which means betraying the Dragon King.

I thought that I was being tempted by Xiao Fengzhen as a man. Xu Xiaoyi couldn't help but be somewhat proud. His eyes were sluggish and he didn't know what to say.

Shangguanfei felt that he was sent for this reason. If he was not supervised by him, the Dragon King’s intelligence chief would have jumped like a dog.

The woman is really a disaster. Shangguanfei is proud of his preference for the first time. The disaster is not effective for him.

"Dragon King is not a man?" Shangguan Feiyu is ridiculous. Some facts he can see clearly. The so-called wise man has a black eye. "Mr. Xiao, your vision is too bad. Pang Jing is not a man, no, He is a man, a real man, but he is with me all the way, and he likes a man. Dragon King, hey, he just looks too high and can't see you."

Xu Xiaoyi was engaged in a fierce struggle in his heart. He turned a deaf ear to Shangguanfei’s words. Xiao Fengqi was shocked and instantly understood everything. He was not only fooled, but also turned over in the gutter. "I want to see the Dragon King. Some words I only told him." "She is going to catch a straw."

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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