Death Sutra

Chapter 966: Figure

The general, Nago, is often ashamed to say his name. He used to be called the "big head", or simply called his real name. He was very kind and casual. He was especially happy when he was drinking with his brothers. Do not raise yourself to a few levels, from the Tieshan big head to the Tieshan general.

Every time a guest visits, the lady will always proudly declare that "the original generals, Tieshan also have, swearing at him, the prestige is not?"

At this time, Nago had to be like a peacock who was called, and walked two steps in front of the guest, showing his exaggerated gold-plated armor. The long feathers on the helmet often affected him in and out of the tent.

The brothers laughed at him, but they also had the titles of "general" and "school", and they were half-pounded. Nagor was most afraid of receiving the Central Plains. These guys always laughed and never judged, but let He blushes.

Pang Jing, the guardian of the Western Regions, was an exception. When he entered the military camp and saw Nago coming to the front, he stopped and drank a sigh of relief. "A good general of Tieshan, don't be too close to me, compare with you, I It’s self-defeating.”

When Nago is about 50 years old, the biggest feature is that he is tall. When the big head **** was still alive, this is not outstanding. Now, wherever he goes, he seems to stand out. In fact, he was appointed by both father and daughter. As a deputy, it is one of the important reasons for the deputy. For Luoning tea, it is even more important.

The tall Nago has a kind face, and both eyes are always bent. When they get older, the more they bend, the more they look, the look of a smile.

He is also a good talker. When he robs, he always gives the other party a bit of a slap in the face. Sometimes he will continue to exhort: "Don't go this way, it's not safe. It's better to go around. Safety is at home." important."

If you encounter resistance, his principle is to kill, don't be embarrassed, don't torture.

The biggest hobby of Nago is to drink with the brothers and make fun of it without any respect, so he immediately made a good impression on Pang Jing. It is not because of the praise of the Central Plains, but the casual attitude of the other side, which is against his temper.

He has seen the Dragon King. Every time he feels taut and uneasy, he will be glad that he has not joined the Dragon Army. He will be able to stand up with the face of the frosty master every day. I heard that the Dragon King rarely drinks alcohol, and it is even more unbearable. .

Naghaha laughed. The towering feathers fell backwards. "The shape of the skull is not shaped. You must laugh at me in your heart."

Pang Jing walked over, stood next to Nago, looked up at his head, and covered his right hand in his eyebrows. He said in an exaggerated tone: "My joke must be as light as feathers before it can float into your ears. Hey, general. Do your brothers know what you look like?"

Nago smiled more happily. Although he was tall, he didn't have to look up at any time, but he just liked this kind of joke. He took a shot on Pang Jing's shoulder and found that the original official had stood up. Very stable. Thumbs out and praised: "Do you also practice martial arts? It is rare."

The Tieshan soldiers were affected and relaxed. They greeted the entourage brought by Pang Jing, and the neat team instantly showed their original shape. Nago had to push his arms. Keep the guests straight to the main account.

Luo Ning tea heard the noise outside, and wondered. When the generals sneaked back with the guests and swayed in like a drinker, she was even more upset, but she still thought about giving Pang Jing a A good impression, so I was sitting in danger, my body was slightly sideways, and I didn’t open it immediately.

When Nago saw the figure of the lady on the screen, he immediately converges, and let go of Pang Jing. He coughed twice. He said: "Mrs., the Western Regions are the guardians, and the generals of General Pingyi are here."

Mr. Tieshan said that he was called a lady in Luo Ning tea, and he was called a wife. Nago was also mistaken for many times.

"The generals came from afar, and they couldn't kiss each other, but they also looked at Haihan." The sound behind the screen was light and gentle, like a widowed lady, and a little ashamed of a young girl. Nago’s heart secretly praised her own hostess. Really not an ordinary person.

Pang Jing seems to be fascinated by the graceful figure on the screen and the sound of this fairy. He looked at it for a while, and there was no meaning in the tone. "Please ask Mrs. Luo for forgiveness."

"What is the general's sin?" Luo Ning tea asked differently.

"I have gone far from the original to the Yuyu City. I have seen a lot of people, but I have missed the most people I should see. It is like entering a treasure house. I only turn around the gold and silver. I even ignore the rare treasures inside. It is really blind. Vulgar is impatient, this is my sin, and sin is inviolable."

When I met for the first time, I dared to make such a laugh. The rings all felt that this Central Plains was so courageous that Luo Ning Tea naturally knew how to deal with all kinds of praises, so he didn’t immediately open his mouth, leaving a meaningful silence, like Anger, it is like accepting.

Like other men, Pang Jing showed panic and uneasiness, and said, "Please excuse me to forgive me for a moment of misconduct and nonsense. It is... oh, I lost."

"What is the general's intention?"

"I met Xiao Wang on the way. He told me that there is a unique pearl in the world. In the first sight, if anyone enters the fairyland, anyone will lose his sense of proportion. I was laughing at him at the time, even saying three impossible, my So I have never come to see my wife. Actually, I don’t want to let Xiao Wang be proud. I thought that the preparation for more than a month is enough.

"The generals praised, and they did not dare to behave. What's more, you didn't even see what I saw." The tone of Luo Ning tea did not change much, but it was equivalent to encouragement without being angry.

Pang Jingchang made a glimpse of it. "The fragrance of famous flowers is long and there are traces in the past. How can the beauty of the lady be masked by a screen? I have to ask my wife to forgive my sins. I hope to remove the screen and give me a glimpse. Fang Rong, there is no other demand."

"The general said this, not like the friend of His Royal Highness."

"Xiao Wang intends to provoke me, so that I have to wait for more than a month before I come to see my wife. This kind of friend is not worth mentioning, let alone his position in the Central Plains is precarious..."

"What?" Luo Ning tea screamed, this time the voice is not pretending, still beautiful.

Pang Jing hurriedly covered his mouth. "Oh, what am I doing today, the lady does not have to worry. It’s all my nonsense."

Luo Ning tea coughed, and several of them couldn't immediately retreat. They all had a sore back and pain, and they really didn't want to move the screen.

Nago was a little hesitant, and he seemed redundant, but he didn't want the lady to get along with the Central Plains for the first time. Luo Ning tea also seems to have its own considerations, saying: "The general left, he is the cornerstone of Tieshan, and also the person I trust the most."

Nago immediately stood up and thought how good it would be if the young lady would always talk like this.

Luo Ning tea got up and walked out from behind the screen, but only showed half of his body and his eyes were low, like the deer who left his birth place for the first time.

Pang Jing looked at the most famous beauty in Daiyu City. His face became pale like a dragon king, and he was speechless.

Luo Ning tea was very satisfied and returned to the back of the screen. He said: "Being a weak woman, relying on the father's grace, can inherit this iron mountain army. It is not easy to shake the world. If the general knows some inside story, he still hopes to tell the truth. I am not caught off guard."

Pang Jing bite his teeth. Like a great determination, "Mrs. I open my mouth, how can I bear to refuse? In fact, the wife does not have to worry too much for Xiao Wang. His Highness is the uncle of the emperor today. He has always been extremely trusted and is very likely to be in danger."

"I am prepared. Besides, I also want to know if I can do something for Xiao Wang."

"This... well, actually, I shouldn’t disclose it..."

"The general, you plug your ears." Luo Ning tea ordered.

When Nago got a glimpse, he just thought that the young lady would talk. I didn't expect to receive such an embarrassing request. He would rather withdraw from the tent than be willing to plug his ears like a slave.

"The lady misunderstood, and the generals looked at the people who were strict."

Luo Ning tea has made up his mind and said it again, "plug your ears."

Nago couldn't, and there was no such thing as a towel. He had to tear a corner from the robes and split it into two pieces. He stuffed it into his ear and found two sounds. He found it soundproof and nodded.

"Pang General can safely say this time." Luo Ning tea refused to act, restored the original voice, with a bit of savage and tyrannical.

Pang Jing did not seem to notice that his expression was slightly dignified. "It is still because of the battle of thousands of rides."

"What happened to the war?"

"There was a rumor that Xiao Wang took the lead in military service. The Central Plains army that he led at that time was defeated. It was the Dragon King who defeated the Beiting people and gave credit to Xiao Wang."

"The defeat of the Central Plains Army was planned by Xiao Wang and Long Wang in advance, and there is nothing to doubt."

"The wife is right, but the Central Plains has a faction. The enemy of Xiao Wang always looks for loopholes at all costs."

"Xiao Wang is deeply trusted by the emperor, what are you afraid of?"

"I am afraid that the dragon king is not strict with the wind here. The emperor is trusting Xiao Wang. Once he learns that he is taking the military power, he will be even more angry."

"Haha, no one can open the mouth of the Dragon King." Luo Ning tea is very positive about this.

"The Dragon King is of course no problem, but can the Dragon King's men? Is it a strict mouth? The Central Plains sent the investigation of the military and military deputy envoys successively, which will inevitably cause the court's suspicion, and there is the accusation of the North Court Xiaoxie, then only need to With a little bit of evidence, you can get into the danger of Xiao Wang."

Luo Ning tea was silent for a while. "What about you, is it a friend or an enemy of Xiao Wang?"

"I am neither a friend of Xiao Wang nor an enemy. I will not make up without evidence. If there is evidence, I will not hide it. Mrs. Luo wants to do something for Xiao Wang, then remind me. The Dragon King is careful to guard against his men. The enemy of Xiao Wang will make great benefits. It is not easy to be free from temptation."

Luo Ning tea has not found that he has said that he has leaked his mouth, and he has been silent for a while and asked: "What benefits?"

"The strategy of the Central Plains against the Western Regions is unchanged. It is necessary to support several Westerners to stand side by side. Xiao Wang is in power and naturally supports the people he likes. So is the enemy of Xiao Wang."

The heart of Luo Ning tea began to move. She knew everything, but unfortunately there was no clear evidence in her hand. Suddenly, she produced instinctive doubts and did not see Pang Jing, who was obsessed with her own faintness. How did it suddenly become so calm?

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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