Death Sutra

Chapter 971: Use

Luo Ning tea is still waiting for the "reward". He is very dissatisfied with the departure of the Dragon King. One person loses his temper in the guest room and throws everything that can fall. Unfortunately, the military army is too shabby to provide a few.

Be careful, as the name suggests, standing carefully at the door, narrowing the body as much as possible, praying that the young lady should not notice himself, but also squatting on the ground from time to time, sweeping the pieces with both hands, so as not to step on the lady.

"Don't think that I have a good deal." Luo Ning tea whispered, walking around, did not notice the busy ring under his feet, "Don't think I'm good to deal with." She repeated it again, the Dragon King came in.

"You and Xiao Wang's good deeds, I know best. It is not good for everyone to go out." Luo Ning tea slammed a fire and screamed as soon as he met.

"I have a good deed with Xiao Wang?" Gu Shenwei's tone can not be without a trace of sarcasm.

Luo Ning tea blushes once and rarely returns to normal. "Unscrupulous, everyone is almost the same, no one is going to laugh at anyone. Have you ever tried hard to please ten sons? If she said, 'Hua Nuo goes to bed with me' You will disagree? That is your enemies' daughter! No, you go to bed, not with her, but with... go out."

The latter sentence is said to the ring, be careful to wait for this order, turned and slipped out of the narrow door, agile like a mouse hunt by a cat.

The dragon king did not bring the entourage this time. The fire of Luo Ning tea disappeared a little, feeling tired, sat down in the chair and said in the most sincere tone she could make: "I do all this, not for...we both Personal and child, why are you jealous? You have your tricks, I have my recruits, and I can work together to be unfavorable. I don’t think you are like this now. I am pleased with Xiao Wang. There are only benefits, no harm, right? So, you should thank me. A little city owner is nothing to you, why can’t you give it to you?”

"Don't you want him to inherit the title of the one-step king?" Gu Shen knows this woman. So I don't want to argue. She can't understand that there are normal men in this world who don't like her. I can't understand that other people have their own selfishness besides her interests.

"This is no conflict. I thought about it. The one-step king is actually a short title. All the sites are just a Jinpeng Fort. The city owner listened to the short one, but actually owned the Yucheng City. Both of them must... It’s good to give it to a child.

Dragon King’s eyes are a bit strange. He hasn’t stared at himself for a long time. Luo Ning tea is a little nervous and a little happy. His face is habitually showing an angry look. “What are you doing?” Men can’t think of it. Is it serious?"

The mind of Gu Shenwei is not similar to the hunch of Luo Ning tea. "My real name is Gu Shenwei, are you not surprised at all?"

Luo Ning tea stunned. "What's the surprise? You have to make a new name in two days. In my eyes, you are the Dragon King. I used to be a slave, my son's father."

Gu Shenwei followed his own thoughts. "My father's name is Gu Lun. Once upon a time, he was a general of the Central Plains. After moving to the West, he moved to the Western Regions with his family. As a result, he was killed by Jin Peng's killer. I survived a series of accidents. , bought by the big head God. Follow you to Jinpeng Fort."

These are actually facts that can be speculated. Luo Ning tea never thought about it. At this time, it is inevitable that there is a feeling of sudden realization. "Oh, killing your whole family is Shangguan’s anger. He lost a palm. It turned out to be your fault. I am married to a disabled person." I remembered the past, Luo Ning tea was full of grievances, and finally resisted. "Right, Shangguan angered people? Beiting saw him once, and since then, there is no shadow, you did not let him go. What?"

"he died."

Shangguan’s anger died in the night of Long Ting’s chaos. It’s not a secret. Luo Ning tea just never cared about it and nodded. “Alright, such waste, living is superfluous, hey, he still wants to move me thick, no Self-reliant guy."

Gu Shen continued: "Jinpeng Fort provides a killer, and the employer has another person. I have checked it for a long time and can confirm that the real evil behind the scenes comes from the Central Plains."

"This is also used to check? I guess, your father has offended people in the Central Plains, so he was chased by others. When I say hello to Xiao Wang, let him avenge you. It's simple."

"That must also know who is the specific."

"Who is it?" Luo Ning tea is a little impatient, she is not interested in the life of the Dragon King, especially this matter has nothing to do with it.

"I haven't decided yet, but I found out a person's name - the sound of the tube."

"Gunson? The strange name, the one born in the tube? Or the animal?"

"The sound of the voice, this is the word, he has his real name."

"Hey, the Central Plains people are really troublesome. What is the name of this name? Xiao Wang will definitely know it when he checks it."

"I don't know the real name. This person is not a big official in the Central Plains. Xiao Wang probably doesn't know. I only know that he is hiding in the four sangha blue." Gu Shen has concealed the name of "Li Shuzhu".

"Four Sangha Blue." Luo Ning tea thought for a while, and there was a blank in his mind. "Oh, let me just say it, tell me what the story is like. What do you want to fool me into a big thing?"

"Help me find out who this is."

"You can't even find out, what can I do?"

"You can leak this news."

Luo Ning tea felt that he understood something, and even changed a few thoughts, but he couldn’t grasp it. "You can't finish the words at once?"

"Pang Jing wants to buy you, you will sell him some news."

Luo Ning tea thought for a while. "You suspected him, um, let me think about it, let me think about it..." She squinted and said: "You are really bad, let me be fooled." Let's talk about it, how do you talk about your business? Chenger? You don't care about him at all?"

"Don't worry, the city owner has already signed up and can't change it. But the Central Plains has a power in his hand - whether he recognizes the one-step king as the real king."

"I know that Xiao Wang promised... Are you saying that Pang Jing also gives a promise? Well, this is a bit necessary. The Central Plains is too complicated. It is always good to have one person to help. Can Pang Jing not be your enemy? ?"

"This is just a guess, not to mention the enemy, it does not affect the use of him."

Luo Ning tea showed a happy smile. "Dragon King, I like you a little, no matter when, you must first use and kill again. Well, I have to study hard, what other tricks you have to teach me."

The use of Luoning tea is very simple, but there is also a huge risk, no one can set a bond for her, she can not comply even if accepted.

"If you want to gain the trust of the other party, you can't hide it. So, Pang Jing wants to know what you want to tell him. Just use the name of the tube as one of the messages."

"What tells him? You know, there are a lot of secrets hidden in my heart." Luo Ning tea said proudly.

"It doesn't matter, but don't take the initiative to wait until he speaks."

"This trick I understand, the information that is actively spoken is not worth it, um..." There are still many interests in the exchange of Pang Jing's hands. Luo Ning tea is a little excited, even if the dragon king changes his mouth, it will not block. Live her determination.

"You can definitely inherit the king, you can not lie to me, let me live a busy life."

"As long as you are obedient."

"I am obedient." Luo Ning tea showed a shy expression, this is the trick of Xu Yanwei, she often practiced, but this time did not achieve the desired effect.

Gu Shen said coldly: "Don't come to me again in the future, I will send someone to look for you, there is something to tell him."

Luo Ning tea did not object, saying in the mysterious tone of God: "I know why you are assured that I will do this."

Gu Shenwei was a little surprised, "Oh?"

"Because Pang Jing is not a man, you are very relieved."

Gu Shenwei stared at her for a while, turned and left, Luo Ning tea felt that she was right.

Li Juanzhu, Gu Shen thought about the name in his heart, this person is hidden deep, so he must let himself out.

There was a loud noise in the front yard, and Gu Shen walked over to see that three guards were fighting with a man.

The man was tall and strong, and was pressed by three big snowy mountain swordsmen. He was still struggling, and almost broke off several times. A guard squatted twice in his head and finally made a fortune.

Gao Yangqi was on the ground, trying to look up and see the dragon king's figure, shouting: "Dragon King, I want to fight with you, do not have more people with the ability."

Gu Shenwei told the guards to let go, Gao Yang was only like the beast that had loosened the rope, and jumped up, staring at the Dragon King with anger, and his eyes became more and more fierce.

A guard said: "Dragon King, we caught him."

Gao Yang was not convinced and said: "I walked in."

"Are you coming in with something?"

"I... I am looking for someone, little bald girl? You are here, I will be handed over."

"What is he who you are?"

"He is my brother, we...worried, anyway, first pay people, don't give people, I will come back tomorrow." Gao Yang is not stupid, said a few words, and turned away.

More than a dozen guards were at the gate, and their hands were on the hilt.

Gao Yang activities activities and bones, said loudly: "According to the rules, one by one, my knife? Come back."

Gu Shenwei looked at the people around him and said, "Tie Lingling, you go to fight, don't use a knife."

Tie Lingling should be, to solve the narrow knife, deliberately do not look at the near south screen, hand it to a guard to keep, go to Gao Yang, "I am the first to compare with you."

Gao Yang looked at the little girl with green eyes and laughed. "Stand here, let you hit three punches first, even if you hurt, even if I lose... Ah!"

When the voice just fell, Gao Yang called out, and the seemingly delicate little girl shot quickly and slyly, and a boxing mid-lower, almost interrupted the intestines.

"There are still two punches." Tie Ling said.

Gao Yang rubbed his stomach and hurriedly reached out to stop. "Wait, let me be lucky. Hey, look at the face of the Dragon King, this is your win. Dragon King, you are looking for me, and if you have something, you can't make it." ”

Tie Ling snorted and returned to its original position.

Gu Shenwei said: "I intend to invite you to join the Dragon Army."

Gao Yang opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer it.

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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