Death Sutra

Chapter 97: street fighting

The mentor and the teacher broke up on the edge of the South City. Tie Hanfeng took two horses to the South Wall Tavern, and Gu Shen personally rushed the carriage back to the hidden point of the apprentices.

Shangguan rain was waiting for him with anger.

According to the plan, the assassination team should return to Jinpeng Fort at this time, but it took more than half a day to wait for a slave.

"I thought you were running away. It really wants to be, and it saves a lot of trouble." Shangguan rain chilled the road, pointing to the body in the center of the hall. "No one is testifying for you, the old leader is dead. It’s a coincidence."

The fatal wound of the corpse is on the chest and the head is also there. It is obviously not the style of Jinpengbao murder.

"It doesn't matter, I found another insider." Gu Shen looked back and looked at the carriage parked in the courtyard. "He wants to run and I am caught back."

"He confessed?"

"He wants to resist, I have to stun him."

From the time of Shangguan Yu, a person turned out, the anger in his eyes was more flaming than the murderer. He was a flowing flower, holding a short bow in his left hand and pressing his right hand on the quiver at the waist. He was extremely vocal about the word "stun". sensitive.

"Bring him out, wake up, I have to personally interrogate." Shangguan Yu ordered, she also wants to know who the traitor is, this person even Yugongzi wants to count, the courage is not small.

"I think it is better to take him up the mountain to the heart-washing hospital immediately, so as not to have a long night dream." Gu Shen advised, looked up and took a look at it, he did not die last night, the only reason is Dongbao's "ban" make".

Shangguan Yu did not want to listen to any suggestion of Huannu, but this time it was different, she knew very well that if the traitor is an important person in the fort, her own interrogation will provoke the upper body, and it seems to be the best choice for the hospital. .

"Start now, no, wait for the dark to start again." Shangguan rained a look outside, immediately changed his mind, more than 20 killer apprentices walked down the street during the day, contrary to the image of the killer, and from the sky It didn't take long for black.

This is in line with Gu Shenwei’s plan. “You have to protect the people in the car. The old leader is ruined. This exposed traitor will naturally not be let go.”

When Shangguan Yu, he arranged the apprentices to stay in the carriage. He took a look at the curtain and immediately put it down again. He looked back at the slave.

Gu Shenwei has been following Yu Gongzi, and he has whispered, "There will be someone coming, it is best to catch it."

When Shangguan rained, the body leaned back slightly, and stayed away from Huannu in disgust. He understood the trick of this slave. "Is the news spread?"

"The entire southern city has already heard of it."

Gu Shenwei believes that Master's ability to spread "rumors", Tie Hanfeng is estimated to be using the vague language in the pub, "inadvertently" leaking news.

"I hope that you will not be too smart again this time."

"To kill the Lord, this traitor wants to get rid of it, not just me."

When Shangguan Yu snorted, she said that her mind was in the words of the slave. As she became more and more close to the Shangguan, she felt the cruelty of the battle in the fortress. By contrast, the threat of this slave is not worth one. mention.

When Shangguan Yu re-released the order, five apprentices were kept around the carriage. Other apprentices ambushed in different positions in the courtyard, deliberately leaving a few loopholes, so that the killer came in.

A group of killer apprentices, laying down the net, waiting to catch another killer.

The sky is completely dark, and there are still no attackers. Waiting for it will only be suspicious. When the Shangguan rains, he orders to return to the stone fort on the mountain, and arranges the marching team in detail. She and the four apprentices guard the carriage before and after, ten Six apprentices were on the perimeter, and the slaves continued to act as drivers.

The streets of Nancheng are rugged and frozen in the cold. The snow in the day has frozen like a hard rock. The carriage is very slow. The apprentices hold the handles and move forward cautiously.

In the evening, it was the moment when the popularity of Nancheng was multiplied. The harsh weather could not stop the guests who came out from all directions. This group of teenagers looked quite different. Some people were hiding and others were not afraid. Instead, Close to Guanlan.

A drunken smoked man suddenly rushed out of a house without lights, grabbed the car and screamed, and the apprentice of the car was too late to prevent him. He did not stop him.

When Shangguan Yu did not say anything, the knife was cut to the drunk man, Yu Gongzi was not bad, the man would have martial arts, and he was quite agile, his body was short, he got under the car, and his mouth was not cursing. .

The apprentices nearby pulled out their swords and sneaked into the car. The man was hiding, not only was not injured, but also found the opportunity to suddenly jump over to the seat, opened the curtain and glanced inside, then shouted "Good. Knife", jumped to the nearby roof.

Gu Shenwei's narrow knife was pressed under his leg. When the drunkard appeared, he was ready. Almost as the drunkard turned over, he also pulled out the knife.

The drunkard martial arts was strong, but he underestimated the skill of the young boy. He only had a quick glance at the car and his left arm was already in the knife.

On the roof, there is also an apprentice who is responsible for the external warning. Once the drunkard loses the opportunity, he immediately steps forward passively. The "good knife" is exported, and two "good knives" are quietly attacked.

The drunkard didn't say anything, and he stepped back and forth, waving his hands in circles, as if he was stepping on the ice, and then fell heavily. Some apprentices ran over and glanced. When they rushed to the official rain, they nodded, and the drunken drunkard died.

The drunkard took a bad luck and one of the two apprentices who met after the roof was the best wild horse of martial arts.

Gu Shen was a little disappointed when he couldn't catch this person, but the drunk is obviously a spy, and there must be more powerful people to kill him.

The apprentices’ spirit has increased dramatically, and it is much more stimulating to fight against unknown enemies than to kill an insignificant gang.

The attack took place in the lane.

It is the only place to return to the North City, and it is also the most intensive place for passengers. There are not many guests who really have money to enter the building. Most people just pass by, licking their necks, hoping to see A figure of a famous person.

The carriage fell into the crowd, and then wanted to prevent pedestrians from getting closer and more difficult. Gu Shen was just driving the horse, no matter how no one was in front of him, it caused a lot of buzzing, slowly, and more and more buzzing. Like someone organized, Gu Shen grabbed the reins and the whip at the same time with his left hand, and grasped the handle with his right hand, knowing that the last moment is coming.

A window on the small building on both sides was pushed open. Many people came out to see the excitement. Among them, there were quite a long-standing prostitute, so the street was even more chaotic.

A wife shouted in a hoarse voice. "Hey, the girl who is dressed as a man, come to us. I will teach you a few tricks to ensure that men love you!"

When Shangguan rained, his face was blue and green, and his hand flew out a hidden weapon. The wife on the upper floor had long been prepared, and his shoulder was still scratched, so he retracted his head, and his mouth was not idle. He killed the pig and screamed, "killing! Killing people. La!"

This call is like a secret sign. The busy people on both sides of the six or seven small buildings are all gone, and more than a dozen arrows are shot at the same time. The target is all the carriage.

This year's killer apprentices are notorious in Jinpengbao. In Shaoyu City, few people know that most people will inevitably despise the more than 20 teenagers.

The attackers also had more than 20 people, only shooting 14 arrows. The rest of the people were killed by the apprentices on the house as soon as they took the shot. After a round of arrows, the body of the ** fell from the upstairs to the street.

The niece in the building immediately cried and shouted. This time, she was really afraid, not bluffing.

The pedestrians on the street did not understand the truth of the incident for a while, thinking that it was the pattern of the people who stayed in the lanes, and even some people shouted loudly, until a few pedestrians who were accidentally injured by arrows screamed for help, and the street was in chaos.

The four arrows that were shot down had four shots, and the unlucky pedestrians were injured. Seven other apprentices who were guarded by the car were opened. There were still three broken windows entering the car.

Gu Shen took the reins, pulled the knife and turned, opened an arrow and opened the curtain to see.

One arrow was nailed to the car, and the other two arrows hit the real driver. The Xu family and brothers shivered under the driver.

"You come!" Gu Shenwei snorted and grabbed Xu Xiaoyi. He slammed it out and put the reins and the whip into his hand. "Stay steady, don't let the horse run." Then, jump to the top of the car. on.

Xu Xiaoyi was so scared that he did not even have the strength to refuse. He shrank into a group and clung to the reins, as if he was holding his life at risk.

There are battles in all directions. In the building, on the roof, on the street, the weapons collide with each other, and the young apprentices are silent. The attackers scream and scream, the momentum is quite full, and the voice is getting less and less.

The imperfect assassination last night has pushed the youngsters’ long-awaited killings to the highest point. They urgently need a vent, and the attackers who hit the knife edge are like sheep. The blood of the flesh splashed.

Gu Shen was kneeling on the roof of the car, nervously looking around, suddenly found that the four apprentices guarding the vehicle and Shangguan rain were gone, they could not withstand the temptation of blood, they rushed upstairs to kill the last few attacks By.

The compact formation disintegrated in an instant, and the battle spread out to other streets, leaving no one to stay in the lane, leaving only the lonely carriage and the only guard.

A group of people ran from the streets, and every time they passed a small building, they broke the lanterns, like a black cloud that was flying, and they would cover the entire street.

"Run!" Gu Shen ordered, the carriage was still motionless, Xu Xiaoyi was completely scared, the body stiffened like a wooden knife, grabbing the reins is not letting go.

Gu Shenwei took a picture on Xu Xiaoyi's head with a knife back. Xu Xiaoyi screamed and fainted backwards.

The two horses pulling the cart were caught for too long. Once they dislocated, they immediately ran away and almost turned down Gu Shen on the roof.

Gu Shenwei clung to the top of the car, and Xu Xiaoyi was useless.

The carriage ran for dozens of steps without control. Suddenly, it stabilized. Gu Shen looked at the probe. It was Xu Yanwei who came out of the car and grabbed the reins. She looked like a feminine and weak, and when it came to the head, it was better than The younger brother is much stronger.

"Don't be too fast."

Gu Shenwei called, the apprentices stunned their eyes, barely staying alive, so he had to arrest himself.

The group of people chased faster and faster, Gu Shenwei has been able to distinguish the figure, a total of eleven people, all with long knives commonly used by gangs, no masking.

"It's him!" someone in the chase shouted.

Gu Shen’s heart is shocked. This “he” obviously refers to himself. Their main goal should be the “informed person” in the car. Why did they become themselves?

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