Death Sutra

Chapter 979: Minqing

Princess Huaping was just sixteen or seven years old when she was in the palace. She had already been with Pang Jing, perhaps she was dissatisfied with this marriage, or she wanted to enjoy the last free time before marriage. In short, she chose the most outrageous way to vent excess. Energy.

There is not much detail in the law. He only knows that Princess Huaping has stolen a lot of things in the palace, but there are not so many folklore, and there is no such thing as stealing the imperial edict.

She just played, and the gold and silver jewels stolen were thrown away by hand. Indeed, several residents of the capital were lucky to pick them up. When they looked at the imperial seal of the above, they were scared to turn in immediately, but they caused a lot of rumors.

The reputation of the "red bat woman" is getting bigger and bigger, and the princess is getting more and more unable to close.

The emperor finally became angry. He still didn't know that the perpetrator was his favorite sister. Therefore, the first batch of pursuers blindly searched for clues outside the palace. Naturally, there was no clue. Princess Huaping regarded this as himself. Superb means.

When Gu Lun accepted the responsibility of pursuing the arrest, he recognized the inside of the palace from the very beginning, so he publicly searched and arrested in a large-scale manner. When he investigated in the palace, he quickly locked the Princess Huaping.

The following things can only be guessed, which involves the secret between the emperor and Gu Lun: the imperial dignity of the emperor, the palace thief must be on the law, at the same time, the reputation of Princess Huaping must also be preserved, so Gu Lun A large-scale round-up was planned, forcing the red bat woman to "suicide", calming down the crisis, but forming a hate.

After listening to the narration of the law, Gu Shen’s mind is not the princess of the Central Plains, but the Shangguan of the boyhood.

As for the princess Huaping, who should be grateful, why did he hate the generals and the law did not even guess? "This is the case. General Gu revealed to me in a few words. After that, I reminded me that I must keep it secret. Now the emperor has died, and the general is killed. The Dragon King was eager to take revenge. I only violated the oath and confessed to the accident in the middle. It was not what I could understand."

There must be a lot of real content in the story of Fafeng, but Gu Shenwei noticed that the abbot of Sijilan Blue skillfully played a trick of suppressing and then swaying, and unconsciously, he was in the event of Gu’s death. The role is nothing, as if he is just a pure observer and insider.

Gu Shenwei did not break this point and said: "Pangjia people hired a killer, then? Why didn't I die?"

Gu Shenwei’s head was cut twice, all impersonators. The first time I was recognized, the second time I was recognized. This has always been his doubts.

Fahu put down his right leg, sitting cross-legged, his waist bent, and he looked old and old. He was neither a famous man nor a Buddhist monk. "Pangjia people don't know how to find me, saying that since everyone's tasks are the same. Why don't you cooperate..."

"Pang family invited the killer, what needs your help?"

"He needs someone who is familiar with the family."

Gu Shenwei slightly raised his head, the right hand habitually wanted to touch the handle, and immediately remembered that the weapons were left outside the temple.

The original monk was the corpse of the year. The head of the old friend’s family was in front of him. What would he feel when he believed in Dharma? Gu Shenwei really wants to dig his head and take a closer look.

But France is only willing to talk about the facts. I don't want to touch my own heart. "When the wood has become a boat, I can't save the generals of General Gu, and there is strict pressure on the body, so I agree to cooperate with Pang. Gu's general, Gu's wife, Shener, Shenbi, Cuilan's head, I have seen."

The names of parents and brothers suddenly popped up. Gu Shen’s heart was like being stabbed five times. Everyone was bloody, and the looks of their loved ones were getting blurred, but the feeling they left was never weakened, just the name was Foreigners mentioned that it will also have a strong impact.

Fahan bowed his head and seemed to be watching the cold tea, but he paid attention to the Dragon King's every move. He could feel the high anger and the looming murder. The Dragon King's martial arts are indeed different, even if they are killing. When the heart is the most blazing, it is not as obvious as an ordinary robber.

"There is also the head of the Dragon King. I didn't expect Jinpengbao to kill the wrong person, so I pointed it out directly. The one-step king was furious and cut off the palm of the eight masters in front of me. I remember clearly the scene at the time. Chu, I ask myself, Gu’s family is killed. I have the right to sit and watch, but the killer is not my request, but my sentence is 'the head is wrong', but it kills one more person. This is my sin. I will get rid of it anyway. The sin of falling."

Fafeng still grabbed the teacup and sent it to his mouth but did not drink it and put it back in place.

"So when the second head was sent, you said that it was me."

"Well, the eight less masters probably have nowhere to go. I don't know where to find an innocent teenager like the Dragon King. After killing, I cut off my head. I lied to the One Step King. It is a rescue of the Dragon King. But this boy is still because of me. And die."

Both of them are quiet, they are thinking about their own thoughts, and the way they are stunned is really like repentance.

Gu Shenwei regained control of his inner anger and murder. He is not coming to kill today. "How can you recognize me and my sister? I don't remember seeing you before."

"We have seen each other, but the Dragon King does not remember. On the day when Gu Jiayuan moved, I used to go off the line and saw everyone. The Dragon King was only ten years old. He saluted me, called my uncle, and then ran to the horse. I accidentally fell off the horse, the whole family was very panicked, but you smiled and said nothing."

Gu Shenwei warned that he should firmly control his emotions. The memory of the law can still make his heart surge. Yes, he remembers that he fell off the horse. The smile at that time was just to cover up the embarrassment.

This is the case, Fafang not only took himself out of the door, but also gave the Dragon King a new clue and a life-saving grace.

Faith did not end there, and continued: "I have to tell the Dragon King that there is something."


"To confirm that the second head belongs to the Dragon King, it is not just my decision. It is very clever. When I am regretting the mouthful, the Central Plains sent an urgent letter with only one sentence saying "have passed and passed."

The law took out a letter from his arms and placed it on the board and pushed it to the Dragon King.

Gu Shen took the letter and took out the old yellow paper. The words on it were already faint and still visible. The private seal was covered in the lower left corner. It was a simple "沁" word, which Gu Shen could barely recognize.

"Strictly, don't want to kill Gu?"

"Yes, I don't know why, but with these four words, I am more confident in recognizing the second head."

Gu Shenwei suddenly stood up. He didn't want to listen any more. He asked the last question: "The abbot of the Four Sangha Blue, who is this reward for you?"

A monk who has just arrived, wants to be a abbot of the famous temple, of course, needs a strong background.

"Yan and Pang have both a little strength, mainly strict." Fafang did not deny this.

When Gu Shen left the Zen Room, he still had a lot of doubts in his heart. He couldn't ask any more. Law Feng was subtly instilling the "truth" and even wanted the Dragon King to change his revenge goal. Gu Shenwei can resist this power, but it also needs Time to digest.

In the courtyard, two young monks are sweeping the ground and seeing the Dragon King.

Gu Shenwei came out early, and the Queen did not worship the whole statue. He waited in the room and tried not to want anything.

Shi Qingjue tried not to want anything as far as possible through a courtyard.

Fa Chong is his uncle's ancestor. His position in the temple is lofty. The monks of the literary generation are rarely seen. Shi Qingjue has been in the family for nearly 20 years. He actually had the opportunity to get a separate summon after he returned to the customs.

He kneels on the ground and still deeply feels the influence of the four sangha blues on himself. The saga of the saga is probably only a symbol of status for outsiders, but in his eyes it is no different from living bodhisattva.

"The disciple is aware of the teacher's uncle."

"The worship of the monks, but also the worship of the laity?"

Shi Qingjue thinks that he is no longer a monk. He suddenly feels ashamed. He seems to have done a great mistake and has to beg the victim for forgiveness. "It is also a custom of Shi Qingjue."

"It is already customary, and no more disciples can be performed." Fa Chong changed his posture from the futon, and his limbs landed on the ground, and he returned to Shi Qingjue.

Shi Qingjue was shocked and hurriedly got up and let him go. He had already heard that the law and the ruling were unhindered but serious and serious. Today is the coach.

"The donor please sit down." The law was retired, and he sat back again, his face was still, and he looked serious like a statue.

"The Dragon King sent me to..."

"But you didn't hold the door to officially go to the door, but to find another way to secretly ask for it, and also made a fight in the middle, making this ‘sneak’ become well known.”

Shi Qingjue was speechless for a moment, and thought that he was impeccable, and now he is ridiculously childish.

This is the first step in the provocation. When the Dragon King talks with the abbot, Shi Qingjue will use the rumors to create some rumors, which will lead to the suspicion of the law. But this trick is seen by the law.

"Teacher's ancestors... The Zen master's eyes are like a torch, and I have nothing to hide." Shi Qingjue simply said in a negotiating tone. "The Dragon King and the abbot have some personal grievances. I hope that you will not intervene."

"There are all the grievances of the monks, why should the Dragon King chase after him?"

"The abbot is a monk, but the dragon king did not become a monk, but the dragon king said that the grievance is only on one person, and has nothing to do with the four sangha. He respects the sorghums, especially the sorcerer, so he sent me to inform in advance."


Shi Qingjue thought that Fa Chong would continue to talk about it, and the result waited for a while, and the old monk did not speak a word. It seems that he is going to end the meeting.

In any case, the first step of the divergence was reached. The law was broken and the plan was still the same. He was an excellent sign. Shi Qingjue took the opportunity to sneak out of the room and hurriedly left under the eyes of several monks. Four 谛 蓝 blue.

Going to the mountain gate, Shi Qingjue just saw a knight rushing in, screaming loudly to let the pilgrims make way.

The Cavaliers are advancing at full speed, but they still haven’t rumored. He just passed, Shi Qingjue heard the discussion of the pedestrians, knowing that after three days, the first candidate of the city’s contest has been confirmed: the first South screen against the party.

Rotational thinking, comparison and revenge, do not know what the Dragon King is more concerned about?

(Seeking for a recommendation) (To be continued.)

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